iphone cocos2d v2.0.0-rc0 - can't disable touch - iphone

I've been trying to resolve a problem for a long time, unfortunately i couldn't find a solution. I hope you can help me...
I'm trying to develop a turn based game. Player 1 is the user, player 2 is the iphone. I want to receive touches when it's the player1's turn.
-(BOOL) ccTouchBegan:(UITouch *)touch withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
if (self.playerNo==1) { //control player1
CGPoint touchLocation = [self convertTouchToNodeSpace:touch];
[self selectSpriteForTouch:touchLocation];
return YES;
//if it's not player1's turn, return NO
return NO;
When it's iphones turn, I want to disable touches during 5 seconds. I tried all the ways below, but no success.
[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:5];
//game logic...
During 5 seconds I touch screen several times. I realised that all the touches looks like stored and the app reacts to all of my touches when it's the player1's turn.
How can I completely disable touches?
Thanks for your help.

I don't know where is located your snippet of code but if it runs into the main thread you must NEVER block (pause) it!
Try to do something like that (it works with the final version of cocos2d 2.0):
- (void)iphonesTurn
[[[CCDirector sharedDirector] touchDispatcher] setDispatchEvents:NO];
[self scheduleOnce:#selector(enableTouch) delay:5.0f];
- (void)enableTouch
[[[CCDirector sharedDirector] touchDispatcher] setDispatchEvents:YES];


How to Implement Touch Up Inside in touchesBegan, touchesEnded

I'm wondering if someone knows how to implement the "touch up inside" response when a user pushes down then lifts their finger in the touchesBegan, touchesEnded methods. I know this can be done with UITapGestureRecognizer, but actually I'm trying to make it so that it only works on a quick tap (with UITapGestureRecognizer, if you hold your finger there for a long time, then lift, it still executes). Anyone know how to implement this?
Using the UILongPressGesturizer is actually a much better solution to mimic all of the functionality of a UIButton (touchUpInside, touchUpOutside, touchDown, etc.):
- (void) longPress:(UILongPressGestureRecognizer *)longPressGestureRecognizer
if (longPressGestureRecognizer.state == UIGestureRecognizerStateBegan || longPressGestureRecognizer.state == UIGestureRecognizerStateChanged)
CGPoint touchedPoint = [longPressGestureRecognizer locationInView: self];
if (CGRectContainsPoint(self.bounds, touchedPoint))
[self addHighlights];
[self removeHighlights];
else if (longPressGestureRecognizer.state == UIGestureRecognizerStateEnded)
if (self.highlightView.superview)
[self removeHighlights];
CGPoint touchedPoint = [longPressGestureRecognizer locationInView: self];
if (CGRectContainsPoint(self.bounds, touchedPoint))
if ([self.delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(buttonViewDidTouchUpInside:)])
[self.delegate buttonViewDidTouchUpInside:self];
I'm not sure when it was added, but the property isTouchInside is a life saver for any UIControl derived object (e.g. UIButton).
override func endTracking(_ touch: UITouch?, with event: UIEvent?) {
super.endTracking(touch, with: event)
if isTouchInside {
// Do the thing you want to do
Here's the Apple official docs
You can implement touchesBegan and touchesEnded by creating a UIView subclass and implementing it there.
However you can also use a UILongPressGestureRecognizer and achieve the same results.
I did this by putting a timer that gets triggered in touchesBegan. If this timer is still running when touchesEnded gets called, then execute whatever code you wanted to. This gives the effect of touchUpInside.
-(void) touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
NSTimer *tapTimer = [[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:.15 invocation:nil repeats:NO] retain];
self.tapTimer = tapTimer;
[tapTimer release];
-(void) touchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
if ([self.tapTimer isValid])
You can create some BOOL variable then in -touchesBegan check what view or whatever you need was touched and set this BOOL variable to YES. After that in -touchesEnded check if this variable is YES and your view or whatever you need was touched that will be your -touchUpInside. And of course set BOOL variable to NO after.
You can add a UTapGestureRecognizer and a UILongPressGestureRecognizer and add dependency using [tap requiresGestureRecognizerToFail:longPress]; (tap and long press being the objects of added recognizers).
This way, the tap will not be detected if long press is fired.

How to register touch event cocos3d

I have tried to find a way of registering a touch event in cocos3d such as TOUCHESBEGAN but that does not exist, only
-(void) touchEvent: (uint) touchType at: (CGPoint) touchPoint {
Bu that does not log "hello".
How can this be done?
Not sure if you are still interested with the answer, but here goes.
In order to use touchEvent in cocos3d, you need to enable touch in the CC3Layer (in the initializeControls method)
self.isTouchEnabled = YES;
Then you can use the touchEvent:(uint)touchType at:(CGPoint)touchPoint in the CC3Scene.
Is started to work for me when I have put this code in my CC3Layer subclass
-(void) initializeControls {
[self scheduleUpdate];
self.userInteractionEnabled = YES;
[self setTouchEnabled:YES];

iPhone count number of shakes

We want to count number of shakes done by user.
We tried motionBegan, motionEnded but its of no use.
Because they are fired only when user start a shake or ends a shake but i want to count shakes continuously.
May be something like this, when user moves iPhone to left one side and right one side, I count it as one shake.
Any help would be appreciated.
You could use the UIAccelerometer to achieve what you want.
You use motionBegin to detect a start :
- (void)motionBegan:(UIEventSubtype)motion withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
UIAccelerometer* acc = [UIAccelorometer sharedAccelerometer];
acc.delegate = self;
acc.updateInterval = /* whatever you feel like OK */ 0.1;
- (void)motionEnded:(UIEventSubtype)motion withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
UIAccelerometer* acc = [UIAccelorometer sharedAccelerometer];
acc.delegate = nil;
and in the delegate method :
- (void)accelerometer:(UIAccelerometer *)accelerometer didAccelerate:(UIAcceleration *)acceleration {
// You detect a full shake
Before implementing this, you should know that UIAccelerometer has been deprecated in iOS5. This means you will have to use what Apple recommands to use instead. I'm not updated yet on the topic.
Here is the documentation about it : link.

(cocos2d sneaky input) when setting joystick position with touchLocation, sprite won't move

i want to let user choose where the joystick should be. i.e., when user touch at one location, the joystick will appear there and ready to use and will remove when finger released.
-(void) ccTouchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
if ([self getChildByTag:kTagJoyStick] == nil) {
[self addJoystickWithPosition:[Helper locationFromTouches:touches]];
-(void) ccTouchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
if ([self getChildByTag:kTagJoyStick] != nil) {
[self removeChildByTag:kTagJoyStick cleanup:YES];
-(void) ccTouchesCancelled:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
[self ccTouchesEnded:touches withEvent:event];
(do nothing in ccTouchesMoved method)
the update methods for joystick is:
-(void) sneakyUpdate {
if ([self getChildByTag:kTagJoyStick] != nil) {
if (joystick.velocity.x < 0) {
[self controlLeft];
else if (joystick.velocity.x > 0) {
[self controlRight];
else {
[self controlStop];
else {
[self controlStop];
but the result is, the joystick will appear and auto remove. but my sprite won't move. ( i set the break point, the sneakyUpdate method did get called. but the joystick.velocity is always 0. (and the thumbSprite didn't follow our finger.
please help me.
and it turns out that i have to use 2 fingers (one for touch once and let the joystick show up, move my finger away, and then use another finger to control the joystick)
I'm not 100% sure, but I think you should use ccTouchBegan instead ccTouchesBegan, because sneakyJoystick classes use ccTouchBegan/Moved/Ended/Cancelled. Also, there are for a single touch, that is what you want.
I hope it works!
It looks like the problem is in your joystick class. Every joystick implementation I've seen uses the ccTouchesBegan method to activate the joystick, then in the ccTouchesMoved method, it makes sure its activated before using it. The problem I am seeing is that you create and add the joystick AFTER the touches began method, meaning your joystick never 'activates'. One way of bypassing this is to do all of the joystick's ccTouchesBegan functions in the method that creates the joystick, and 'activate' it from there by passing a reference to the touch that will be using it.

ccfollow actions in cocos2d

ccfollow actions is following my projectile correctly. when, double tap recognised.
see the below code. were am mistaken.
here is my code:-
- (void)update:(ccTime)dt {
if (numTaps==1 ) {
[self runAction:[CCFollow actionWithTarget:nextProjectile worldBoundary:CGRectMake(0,0,1050,350)]];
- (void)ccTouchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
numTaps = [[touches anyObject] tapCount];
printf("Tapcount : %d",numTaps);
if (numTaps ==1) {
nextProjectile = [[CCSprite spriteWithFile:#"Weapon.png"] retain];
nextProjectile.position = ccp(nextprojectile .contentSize.width/2+65, nextprojectile.contentSize.height/2+70);
[nextProjectile runAction:[CCSequence actions: [here's my nextprojectile actions],nil]];
after seen the above code. a question raised by you.
why am mentioning the ccfollow action in if condition.
answer is here,
ordinarily, am mention in update function it will not works, when i set this if condition it works after double tap recognised.
how to rectify this issue?
any help would be highly appreciated.
not in update, try this coding in
[self runAction:[CCFollow actionWithTarget:nextProjectile worldBoundary:CGRectMake(0,0,1050,350)]];
when adding your projectile. some thing like in your code [self addchild: nextprojectile];
What is the problem/issue - you mention double taps, but then code is "numTaps == 1".
Are you saying it only works for double taps, but you want it to work for single taps?
What is working? What is not working?
Have you tried the cocos2d forums?