Simple Linear Neural Network Weights from Training are not compatible with training results - matlab

The weights that I get from training, when implied directly on input, return different results!
I'll show it on a very simple example
let's say we have an input vector x= 0:0.01:1;
and target vector t=x^2 (I know it better to use non linear network)
after training, 2 layer, linear network, with one neuron at each layer, we get:
sim(net,0.95) = 0.7850 (some error in training - that's ok and should be)
weights from net.IW,net.LW,net.b:
IW =
LW =
b =
0.3328 -1.0620
if I use the weights: Out = purelin(purelin(0.95*IW+b(1))*LW+b(2)) = 0.6200! , I get different result from the result of the sim!
how can it be? what's wrong?
the code:
close all
clear all
t1 = 0:0.01:1;
x = t1.^2;
hiddenSizes = 1;
net = feedforwardnet(hiddenSizes);
[Xs,Xi,Ai,Ts,EWs,shift] = preparets(net,con2seq(t1),con2seq(x));
net.layers{1,1}.transferFcn = 'purelin';
[net,tr,Y,E,Pf,Af] = train(net,Xs,Ts,Xi,Ai);
IW = cat(2,net.IW{1});
LW = cat(2,net.LW{2,1});
b = cat(2,[net.b{1,1},net.b{2,1}]);
%Result from Sim
Yk = sim(net,t2)
%Result from Weights
x1 = IW*t2'+b(1)
x1out = purelin(x1)
x2 = purelin(x1out*(LW)+b(2))

The neural network toolbox rescales inputs and outputs to the [-1,1] range. You must therefore rescale and unscale it so that your simulation output is the same sim()'s output:
%Result from Weights
x1 = 2*t2 - 1; # rescale
x1 = IW*x1+b(1);
x1out = purelin(x1);
x2 = purelin(x1out*(LW)+b(2));
x2 = (x2+1)/2 # unscale
>> x2 == Yk
ans =


MATLAB Backpropagation Algorithm not functioning as expected

I am attempting to write a Multi-Layer Perceptron Network inside MATLAB to help me better understand the calculus required for backpropagation.
The aim is so provide the network with XOR data (where upper-right and lower-left quadrant data is class 1 and the remaining quadrants class 0), train the network on this data, and then test it on new data.
My problem is that my loss curve looks very very strange:
It appears to bounce between very low error very high error and converge in the middle to a pretty poor error.
I was wondering if someone could check that I have correctly implemented the chain rule in MATLAB syntax.
The MLP network is structured as follows: Input-layer has 2 neurons, 1 hidden-layer with 2 neurons, and 1 output neuron.
Here is the MATLAB code:
%Create XOR Dataset
x1pos = rand(500,1);
x1neg = -rand(500,1);
x1 = [x1pos; x1neg];
p = randperm(length(x1));
x1 = x1(p);
x2pos = rand(500,1);
x2neg = -rand(500,1);
x2 = [x1pos; x1neg];
p = randperm(length(x2));
x2 = x2(p);
Data = [x1 x2];
TrainingData = Data(1:800,:);
TestData = Data(801:length(Data),:);
T = gt((Data(:,1).*Data(:,2)),0); %Create class label for data and assign to matrix T
%Neural Net
W1 = rand(2,2); %Initialize random weights
W2 = rand(1,2); %Initialize random weights
B1 = rand(2,1); %Initialize random biases
B2 = rand(1,1); %Initialize random biases
n = 0.05; %Set Learning Rate
for i = 1:800
%Fwd Pass
x1 = Data(i,1);
x2 = Data(i,2);
X = [x1; x2];
A1 = W1*X + B1;
H1 = sigmoid(A1);
A2 = W2*H1 + B2;
Y = sigmoid(A2);
Loss = (Y-T(i))*(Y-T(i));
scatter(i, Loss)
hold on;
dEdY = 2*(Y-T(i)); %The partial derivative of the loss with respect to the output
dYdA2 = Y*(1-Y); %The partial derivative of the output with respect to the hidden layer output
dA2dH1 = W2.'; %The partial derivative of the hidden layer output with respect to the first layer activations
dH1dA1 = H1.*(1-H1); %The partial derivative of the first layer activations with respect to the first layer output
%Chain Rule
dEdW2 = dEdY.*dYdA2.*W2.';
dEdW1 = dEdY.*dYdA2.*dA2dH1.*dH1dA1.*W1.';
dEdB2 = dEdY.*dYdA2;
dEdB1 = dEdY.*dYdA2.*dA2dH1.*dH1dA1;
%Update Weights
W2 = (W2.' - n.*dEdW2).';
W1 = (W1.' - n.*dEdW1).';
%Update Biases
B2 = B2 - n.*dEdB2;
B1 = B1 - n.*dEdB1;
%Next training loop
for i = 801:1000
x1 = Data(i,1);
x2 = Data(i,2);
X = [x1; x2];
A1 = W1*X + B1;
H1 = sigmoid(A1);
A2 = W2*H1 + B2;
Y = sigmoid(A2);
function o = sigmoid(input)
o = [];
for i = 1:length(input)
o = [o; 1/(1+exp(-input(i)))];

XOR with ReLU activation function

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
input = [[0,0,1],[0,1,1],[1,0,1],[1,1,1]]
output = [0,1,1,0]
N = np.size(input,0) # number of samples
Ni = np.size(input,1) # dimension of the samples of input
No = 1 # dimension of the sample of output
Nh = 10 # number of hidden units
Ws = 1/4*np.random.rand(Nh,Ni+1)
Wo = 1/4*np.random.rand(No,Nh)
alpha = 0.05 # Learning rate
t_ = []
loss_ = []
def ReLU(x):
return np.maximum(0,x)
def sigmoid(x):
return 1/(1+np.exp(-x))
## train the model ====================================================================
for epoch in range(0,3000):
loss = 0
for id_ in range(0,N):
dWs = 0*Ws
dWo = 0*Wo
x = np.append(input[id_],1)
Z_1 =,x)
Z_2 =,ReLU(Z_1))
y = sigmoid(Z_2)
d = output[id_]
for j in range(0,Nh):
for i in range(0,No):
if Z_1[j] >= 0:
dWo[i,j] = dWo[i,j] + (y[i]-d)*Z_1[j]
#dWo[i,j] = dWo[i,j] + sigmoid(Z_1[j])*(y[i]-d)
dWo[i,j] += 0
Wo = Wo - alpha*dWo
for k in range(0,Ni+1):
for j in range(0,Nh):
for i in range(0,No):
if Z_1[j] >= 0:
dWs[j,k] = dWs[j,k] + x[k]*Wo[i,j]*(y[i]-d)
#dWs[j,k] = dWs[j,k] + x[k]*Wo[i,j]*sigmoid(Z_1[j])*(1-sigmoid(Z_1[j]))*(y[i]-d)
dWs[j,k] += 0
Ws = Ws - alpha*dWs
loss = loss + 1/2*np.linalg.norm(y-d)
if np.mod(epoch,50) == 0:
print(epoch,"-th epoch trained")
t_ = np.append(t_,epoch)
loss_ = np.append(loss_,loss)
fig = plt.figure(num=0,figsize=[10,5])
plt.title('Loss decay')
## figure out the function shape the model==========================================
xn = np.linspace(0,1,20)
yn = np.linspace(0,1,20)
xm, ym = np.meshgrid(xn, yn)
xx = np.reshape(xm,np.size(xm,0)*np.size(xm,1))
yy = np.reshape(ym,np.size(xm,0)*np.size(xm,1))
Z = []
for id__ in range(0,np.size(xm)):
x = np.append([xx[id__],yy[id__]],[1,1])
Z_1 =,x)
y_ = sigmoid(,ReLU(Z_1)))
Z = np.append(Z,y_)
fig = plt.figure(num=1,figsize=[10,5])
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
surf = ax.plot_surface(xm,ym,np.reshape(Z,(np.size(xm,0),np.size(xm,1))),cmap='coolwarm',linewidth=0,antialiased=False)
## test the trained model ====================================================================
for id_ in range(0,N):
x = np.append(input[id_],1)
Z_1 =,x)
y = sigmoid(,ReLU(Z_1)))
If I try this with sigmoid function, it works fine but when the ReLU activation function is implemented, the the program doesn't learning anything.
The NN consist of 3 input, hidden, output layers and sigmoid activation fuction is implemented for output function. Hand calculation seems fine but can't find the flaw.
The code below with sigmoid activation function works just fine.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
input = [[0,0,1],[0,1,1],[1,0,1],[1,1,1]]
output = [0,1,1,0]
N = np.size(input,0) # number of samples
Ni = np.size(input,1) # dimension of the samples of input
No = 1 # dimension of the sample of output
Nh = 5 # number of hidden units
Ws = 1/4*np.random.rand(Nh,Ni+1)
Wo = 1/4*np.random.rand(No,Nh)
alpha = 0.1 # Learning rate
t_ = []
loss_ = []
def sigmoid(x):
return 1/(1+np.exp(-x))
## train the model ====================================================================
for epoch in range(0,5000):
loss = 0
for id_ in range(0,N):
dWs = 0*Ws
dWo = 0*Wo
x = np.append(input[id_],1)
Z_1 =,x)
A_1 = sigmoid(Z_1)
Z_2 =,A_1)
y = sigmoid(Z_2)
d = output[id_]
for j in range(0,Nh):
for i in range(0,No):
dWo[i,j] = dWo[i,j] + sigmoid(Z_1[j])*(y[i]-d)
Wo = Wo - alpha*dWo
for k in range(0,Ni+1):
for j in range(0,Nh):
for i in range(0,No):
dWs[j,k] = dWs[j,k] + x[k]*Wo[i,j]*sigmoid(Z_1[j])*(1-sigmoid(Z_1[j]))*(y[i]-d)
Ws = Ws - alpha*dWs
loss = loss + 1/2*np.linalg.norm(y-d)
if np.mod(epoch,50) == 0:
print(epoch,"-th epoch trained")
t_ = np.append(t_,epoch)
loss_ = np.append(loss_,loss)
fig = plt.figure(num=0,figsize=[10,5])
plt.title('Loss decay')
## figure out the function shape the model==========================================
xn = np.linspace(0,1,20)
yn = np.linspace(0,1,20)
xm, ym = np.meshgrid(xn, yn)
xx = np.reshape(xm,np.size(xm,0)*np.size(xm,1))
yy = np.reshape(ym,np.size(xm,0)*np.size(xm,1))
Z = []
for id__ in range(0,np.size(xm)):
x = np.append([xx[id__],yy[id__]],[1,1])
Z_1 =,x)
y_ = sigmoid(,sigmoid(Z_1)))
Z = np.append(Z,y_)
fig = plt.figure(num=1,figsize=[10,5])
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
surf = ax.plot_surface(xm,ym,np.reshape(Z,(np.size(xm,0),np.size(xm,1))),cmap='coolwarm',linewidth=0,antialiased=False)
## test the trained model ====================================================================
for id_ in range(0,N):
x = np.append(input[id_],1)
Z_1 =,x)
y = sigmoid(,sigmoid(Z_1)))
I found similar case in Quora.
And have tested it in my networks that involves modelling logics to resolve some noisy cost function.
I found that ReLu outputs are usually blasted all over, by the 3rd layer of MLP, the values before the output have accumulated to thousands if not millions.
And with that, I prefer sigmoid with MLPs. Don't forget, sigmoid limits output to 1, but ReLu does not.
The intuition behind ReLu is that it filters out unneeded info by means of MAX(0,X) function, before forwarded to the next layer of processing. For the same reason you see it being used in Convolution problems. Note: Normalization Layer is used in these cases so that the output values of the nodes will not blast all over.
But in the case of an MLP, you didn't implement any Norm Layer after ReLu, for that reason, it is difficult to model a simple function such as XOR. In short, without Norm Layer, I don't recommend the use of ReLu, although in some cases, it still can function properly.

FastICA Implementation.. Matlab

I have been working on a FastICA algorithm implementation using MatLab. Currently the code does not separate the signals as good as id like. I was wondering if anyone here could give me some advice on what I could do to fix this problem?
disp('*****Importing Signals*****');
s = [1,30000];
[m1,Fs1] = audioread('OSR_us_000_0034_8k.wav', s);
[f1,Fs2] = audioread('OSR_us_000_0017_8k.wav', s);
ss = size(f1,1);
n = 2;
disp('*****Mixing Signals*****');
A = randn(n,n); %developing mixing matrix
x = A*[m1';f1']; %A*x
m_x = sum(x, n)/ss; %mean of x
xx = x - repmat(m_x, 1, ss); %centering the matrix
c = cov(x');
sq = inv(sqrtm(c)); %whitening the data
x = c*xx;
D = diff(tanh(x)); %setting up newtons method
SD = diff(D);
disp('*****Generating Weighted Matrix*****');
w = randn(n,1); %Random weight vector
w = w/norm(w,2); %unit vector
w0 = randn(n,1);
w0 = w0/norm(w0,2); %unit vector
disp('*****Unmixing Signals*****');
while abs(abs(w0'*w)-1) > size(w,1)
w0 = w;
w = x*D(w'*x) - sum(SD'*(w'*x))*w; %perform ICA
w = w/norm(w, 2);
disp('*****Output After ICA*****');
sound(w'*x); % Supposed to be one of the original signals
subplot(4,1,1);plot(m1); title('Original Male Voice');
subplot(4,1,2);plot(f1); title('Original Female Voice');
subplot(4,1,4);plot(w'*x); title('Post ICA: Estimated Signal');
%plot(z); title('Random Mixed Signal');
%plot(100*(w'*x)); title('Post ICA: Estimated Signal');
Your covariance matrix c is 2 by 2, you cannot work with that. You have to mix your signal multiple times with random numbers to get anywhere, because you must have some signal (m1) common to different channels. I was unable to follow through your code for fast-ICA but here is a PCA example:
url = {'';...
%fs = 8000;
m1 = webread(url{1});
m1 = m1(1:30000);
f1 = webread(url{2});
f1 = f1(1:30000);
ss = size(f1,1);
n = 2;
disp('*****Mixing Signals*****');
A = randn(50,n); %developing mixing matrix
x = A*[m1';f1']; %A*x
[www,comp] = pca(x');

Neural Network Backpropagation Algorithm Implementation

I implemented a Neural Network Back propagation Algorithm in MATLAB, however is is not training correctly. The training data is a matrix X = [x1, x2], dimension 2 x 200 and I have a target matrix T = [target1, target2], dimension 2 x 200. The first 100 columns in T can be [1; -1] for class 1, and the second 100 columns in T can be [-1; 1] for class 2.
theta = 0.1; % criterion to stop
eta = 0.1; % step size
Nh = 10; % number of hidden nodes
For some reason the total training error is always 1.000, it never goes close to the theta, so it runs forever.
I used the following formulas:
The total training error:
The code is well documented below. I would appreciate any help.
close all;
%%('Generating dummy data')
d11 = [2;2]*ones(1,70)+2.*randn(2,70);
d12 = [-2;-2]*ones(1,30)+randn(2,30);
d1 = [d11,d12];
d21 = [3;-3]*ones(1,50)+randn([2,50]);
d22 = [-3;3]*ones(1,50)+randn([2,50]);
d2 = [d21,d22];
hw5_1 = d1;
hw5_2 = d2;
save hw5.mat hw5_1 hw5_2
x1 = hw5_1;
x2 = hw5_2;
% step 1: Construct training data matrix X=[x1,x2], dimension 2x200
training_data = [x1, x2];
% step 2: Construct target matrix T=[target1, target2], dimension 2x200
target1 = repmat([1; -1], 1, 100); % class 1
target2 = repmat([-1; 1], 1, 100); % class 2
T = [target1, target2];
% step 3: normalize training data
training_data = training_data - mean(training_data(:));
training_data = training_data / std(training_data(:));
% step 4: specify parameters
theta = 0.1; % criterion to stop
eta = 0.1; % step size
Nh = 10; % number of hidden nodes, actual hidden nodes should be 11 (including a biase)
Ni = 2; % dimension of input vector = number of input nodes, actual input nodes should be 3 (including a biase)
No = 2; % number of class = number of out nodes
% step 5: Initialize the weights
a = -1/sqrt(No);
b = +1/sqrt(No);
inputLayerToHiddenLayerWeight = (b-a).*rand(Ni, Nh) + a
hiddenLayerToOutputLayerWeight = (b-a).*rand(Nh, No) + a
J = inf;
p = 1;
% activation function
% f(net) = a*tanh(b*net),
% f'(net) = a*b*sech2(b*net)
a = 1.716;
b = 2/3;
while J > theta
% step 6: randomly choose one training sample vector from X,
% together with its target vector
k = randi([1, size(training_data, 2)]);
input_X = training_data(:,k);
input_T = T(:,k);
% step 7: Calculate net_j values for hidden nodes in layer 1
% hidden layer output before activation function applied
netj = inputLayerToHiddenLayerWeight' * input_X;
% step 8: Calculate hidden node output Y using activation function
% apply activation function to hidden layer neurons
Y = a*tanh(b*netj);
% step 9: Calculate net_k values for output nodes in layer 2
% output later output before activation function applied
netk = hiddenLayerToOutputLayerWeight' * Y;
% step 10: Calculate output node output Z using the activation function
% apply activation function to the output layer neurons
Z = a*tanh(b*netk);
% step 11: Calculate sensitivity delta_k = (target - Z) * f'(Z)
% find the error between the expected_output and the neuron output
% we got using the weights
% delta_k = (expected - output) * activation(output)
delta_k = [];
for i=1:size(Z)
yi = Z(i,:);
expected_output = input_T(i,:);
delta_k = [delta_k; (expected_output - yi) ...
* a*b*(sech(b*yi)).^2];
% step 12: Calculate sensitivity
% delta_j = Sum_k(delta_k * hidden-to-out weights) * f'(net_j)
% error = (weight_k * error_j) * activation(output)
delta_j = [];
for j=1:size(Y)
yi = Y(j,:);
error = 0;
for k=1:size(delta_k)
error = error + delta_k(k,:)*hiddenLayerToOutputLayerWeight(j, k);
delta_j = [delta_j; error * (a*b*(sech(b*yi)).^2)];
% step 13: update weights
inputLayerToHiddenLayerWeight = [];
for i=1:size(input_X)
xi = input_X(i,:);
wji = [];
for j=1:size(delta_j)
wji = [wji, eta * xi * delta_j(j,:)];
inputLayerToHiddenLayerWeight = [inputLayerToHiddenLayerWeight; wji];
hiddenLayerToOutputLayerWeight = [];
for j=1:size(Y)
yi = Y(j,:);
wjk = [];
for k=1:size(delta_k)
wjk = [wjk, eta * delta_k(k,:) * yi];
hiddenLayerToOutputLayerWeight = [hiddenLayerToOutputLayerWeight; wjk];
% Mean Square Error
J = 0;
for j=1:size(training_data, 2)
X = training_data(:,j);
t = T(:,j);
netj = inputLayerToHiddenLayerWeight' * X;
Y = a*tanh(b*netj);
netk = hiddenLayerToOutputLayerWeight' * Y;
Z = a*tanh(b*netk);
J = J + immse(t, Z);
J = J/size(training_data, 2)
p = p + 1;
if p == 4
% testing neural network using the inputs
test_data = [[2; -2], [-3; -3], [-2; 5], [3; -4]];
for i=1:size(test_data, 2)
Weight decay isn't essential for Neural Network training.
What I did notice was that your feature normalization wasn't correct.
The correct algorthim for scaling data to the range of 0 to 1 is
(max - x) / (max - min)
Note: you apply this for every element within the array (or vector). Data inputs for NN need to be within the range of [0,1]. (Technically they can be a little bit outside of that ~[-3,3] but values furthur from 0 make training difficult)
I am unaware of this activation function
a = 1.716;
b = 2/3;
% f(net) = a*tanh(b*net),
% f'(net) = a*b*sech2(b*net)
It sems like a variation on tanh.
Could you elaborate what it is?
If you're net still doesn't work give me an update and I'll look at your code more closely.

Training neural network for image segmentation

I have one set of original image patches (101x101 matrices) and another corresponding set of image patches (same size 101x101) in binary which are the 'answer' for training the neural network. I wanted to train my neural network so that it can learn, recognize the shape that it's trained from the given image, and produce the image (in same matrix form 150x10201 maybe?) at the output matrix (as a result of segmentation).
Original image is on the left and the desired output is on the right.
So, as for pre-processing stage of the data, I reshaped the original image patches into vector matrices of 1x10201 for each image patch. Combining 150 of them i get a 150x10201 matrix as my input, and another 150x10201 matrix from the binary image patches. Then I provide these input data into the deep learning network. I used Deep Belief Network in this case.
My Matlab code for setup and train DBN as below:
%train a 4 layers 100 hidden unit DBN and use its weights to initialize a NN
%train dbn
dbn.sizes = [100 100 100 100];
opts.numepochs = 5;
opts.batchsize = 10;
opts.momentum = 0;
opts.alpha = 1;
dbn = dbnsetup(dbn, train_x, opts);
dbn = dbntrain(dbn, train_x, opts);
%unfold dbn to nn
nn = dbnunfoldtonn(dbn, 10201);
nn.activation_function = 'sigm';
%train nn
opts.numepochs = 1;
opts.batchsize = 10;
assert(isfloat(train_x), 'train_x must be a float');
assert(nargin == 4 || nargin == 6,'number ofinput arguments must be 4 or 6')
loss.train.e = [];
loss.train.e_frac = [];
loss.val.e = [];
loss.val.e_frac = [];
opts.validation = 0;
if nargin == 6
opts.validation = 1;
fhandle = [];
if isfield(opts,'plot') && opts.plot == 1
fhandle = figure();
m = size(train_x, 1);
batchsize = opts.batchsize;
numepochs = opts.numepochs;
numbatches = m / batchsize;
assert(rem(numbatches, 1) == 0, 'numbatches must be a integer');
L = zeros(numepochs*numbatches,1);
n = 1;
for i = 1 : numepochs
kk = randperm(m);
for l = 1 : numbatches
batch_x = train_x(kk((l - 1) * batchsize + 1 : l * batchsize), :);
%Add noise to input (for use in denoising autoencoder)
if(nn.inputZeroMaskedFraction ~= 0)
batch_x = batch_x.*(rand(size(batch_x))>nn.inputZeroMaskedFraction);
batch_y = train_y(kk((l - 1) * batchsize + 1 : l * batchsize), :);
nn = nnff(nn, batch_x, batch_y);
nn = nnbp(nn);
nn = nnapplygrads(nn);
L(n) = nn.L;
n = n + 1;
t = toc;
if opts.validation == 1
loss = nneval(nn, loss, train_x, train_y, val_x, val_y);
str_perf = sprintf('; Full-batch train mse = %f, val mse = %f',
loss.train.e(end), loss.val.e(end));
loss = nneval(nn, loss, train_x, train_y);
str_perf = sprintf('; Full-batch train err = %f', loss.train.e(end));
if ishandle(fhandle)
nnupdatefigures(nn, fhandle, loss, opts, i);
disp(['epoch ' num2str(i) '/' num2str(opts.numepochs) '. Took ' num2str(t) ' seconds' '. Mini-batch mean squared error on training set is ' num2str(mean(L((n-numbatches):(n-1)))) str_perf]);
nn.learningRate = nn.learningRate * nn.scaling_learningRate;
Can anyone let me know, is the training for the NN like this enable it to do the segmentation work? or how should I modify the code to train the NN so that it can generate the output/result as the image matrix in 150x10201 form?
Thank you so much..
Your inputs are TOO big. You should try to work with smaller patches from 19x19 to maximum 30x30 (which already represent 900 neurons into the input layer).
Then comes your main problem: you only have 150 images! And when you train a NN, you need at least three times more training instances than weights into your NN. So be very careful to the architecture you choose.
A CNN may be more adapted to your problem.