Using users ringtones - iphone

I was looking for a way to use user's tones that were transfered manually from the Itunes.
I know that it's impossible to use Apple system tones but i want to use only users privet tones.

You can't access the users ringtones, not even the custom ringtones added via iTunes. There is no API that will allow this.


Assign ringtone to contact or group of contacts in iphone

I checked the documentation but could not find anywhere regarding assigning ringtone to a group of contacts programmatically. I was wondering is it even possible without using Private API and app store safe ?
My question is the duplicate of this and this but I checked this application, and it does what I was looking for so may be I am overlooking the documentation ?
Any insight on this would be great.
Its not possible to assign contact or group of contact pragmatically for App Store app but you can quietly do for jaibreak app.
Have a look on this.. Is it possible to set the ringtone file(name) for a phone number in a contact using codes?
Old post but still valid In short --
Apple will not allow any Application in app store which modifies user preferences..
Theoretically this is not allowed as per Apple guidelines because you are not allowed to change user preferences through a separate program. That's simply it is. This is specially true for groups since user doesn't have a way to revert the changes done through your program without his permission.
However, the program you have specified here might be using Address Book API methods to retrieve the group they want to change and modifying the ringtone information through a system command by allowing the current user to be root or admin. Just a thought if it can be done.

Is there a way/framework to track the SMS (Number/day) and Call data (Minutes/day) on a normal iPhone (Not Jailbroken)

I am a beginner iOS developer and I am trying to build an app which tracks the users SMS (Number) and Call data (Minutes/day) only but have no clue which framework to use. CoreTelephony is of no use as per my knowledge. Any help would be appreciated!
Call Statistics and SMS Statistics are handled by the cell carrier, but are also recorded by the phone and are visible in the settings application. However, there is no way for your app to access this information (as far as i know). It would be a privacy concern and probably won't ever be available. Im sure there is a way to do it on a jailbroken device, but it sounds like thats not what you want. What exactly does your app do?

Want to transfer data on iPhone to a program on a PC

I have an iPhone app that reads barcodes. I want to transfer that data to a program I have written on my PC. Is this possible?
The easiest way to do this is to have a web server which the app transfers the barcode to and the application on the computer grabs it from. You could probably have each user make an account which they log in to on both the phone and the computer.
EDIT: This document: describes various methods for transferring data between an iphone and a computer.
This is just a suggestion, haven't tried it myself: You can use the iTunes filesharing feature Apple introduced for iOS. This seems to be a good tutorial on how to use it in your App
The only thing is that it requires the user to import/export the files to share on their own via iTunes, if you're cool with that it sounds like a good strategy to use built-in features of iOS.

Store and manage files between two applications?

It is possible to store some application files and share it with another application?
Can application A remove files created in such shared space by application B?
In general, no. There are a few things you can consider.
All apps can read/write/share photos via the user's photos library.
Some apps have been known to share data via the address book. That is, they put data in a special address card which can be read by multiple apps.
If the apps have matching App ID bundle seeds, they can access the same keychain entries. I'm not sure how much data can be stored in the keychain, but it is possible to share data this way.
Apps can pass data to each other via a launch URL. That is, one app can ask iOS to open a URL that launches the next app, and that URL can have parameters that pass data.
No, each application has its own sandbox. Only way to communicate is to use custom URLs to call the other application or have a 'middle man' (eg a computer).
As an alternative to RupertP's answer, the only real work-around is to use a globally-accessible server. A lot of iOS devs use MobileMe's iDisk (not free) or DropBox (free for a limited account).

How to access all ringtones from iPhone and Populate in UIPickerview?

Is it possible to get accessing all the ring tones. I need to display the name of the ring tones in UIPickerview then user can select and set as ring tone. Any Ideas?
Apple currently doesn't allow you to play any alerts in the iPhone OS nor can you access the user's ringtones. You would have to provide your own ringtones for your application.
The system ringtones are not available in the current iOS SDK. If you want that functionality, you'll need to file an enhancement request for it.