TRAC: how to add a component/milestone to a wiki page? - plugins

TRAC tends to separate wiki pages and tickets quite a lot, but there is definitely an argument for cross-reference.
I know that the TagsPlugin unifies both ticket "Keywords" and a new "Tag" list for wiki pages. I'm looking for a similar functionality for components and milestones. Is it possible with TRAC 0.11? If not, what about more recent versions?

Do I understand correctly, that you request/vote for tagging Trac resources milestone and component? This is reasonable, and could be done, because TagsPlugin is ready for tagging arbitrary Trac realms just by implementing the ITagProvider interface, i.e. by subclassing DefaultTagProvider, and you're up and running with the generic tag store in Trac db table tags as tag store.
Or is your request more about functionality like that provided by
ComponentsProcessorMacro - listing project components with descriptions
ListMilestonesMacro - shows a list of chosen Milestones
MilestoneCompactMacro - milestones displayed in compact table or list
MilestoneQueryMacro - displays a list of matching milestones
PlannedMilestonesMacro - lists milestones ordered by their due dates


Looking for an Extension of an extensive link list

For the construction of an extensive list of links, since the source page is a thematic portal, I am looking for a suitable EXT., Which also runs under TYPO3 7.6 LTS.
it if the list of links to a permits the use of categories and multiple categorization of links is possible would be nice. should Weiterrhin the links are described not only the destination address and an alias but here should still an outline of the target page (possibly with photo) be possible.
Additional functions such as proposing links by users, reporting broken links or even a User Voting would nice additional features.
There were times the Modern Linklist, but they were no longer being developed for TYPO3 <6.x.
Is there perhaps somewhere an alternative or as one might like to vorhnandenen solutions might realize? It would be nice of course, without any programming knowledge, since I'm not a programmer.
P.S .: It is not about building a spam list but high quality links with topics relating to the original page.
As this seems to be a straight forward usage you could try to build that extension by yourself with the ExtensionBuilder.
just build up the records neccessary for your data. and let the EB generate all usefull actions: list & show, even create, edit, delete in FE would be possible.
Afterwards you just need to edit the generated fluid templates.
these links may help:
EB manual
small remark: if you want the newest code state, use the EB from git instead of TER
I`m not aware of an existing extension for it but it could be a good project to learn extbase / fluid.
You should also take a look at
Fluid Content contains everything you need to create a list like that, you "just" have to combine the necessary bits and pieces.
You can do a lot with TYPO3 core functionality: there is a page type "external URL", pages can have categories by default, there are plenty of menu options (TypoScript HMENU, menu content elements, Fluid menu Viewhelpers). The Linkvalidator can periodically check all links and report broken links.
For suggestions you could add a form. Powermail for example can also store submitted info in database records, so your visitors could prepare page records (they are hidden until you make them visible).

How to add custom attributes in GitHub issues?

We are trying to use GitHub for issue tracking in one of our projects and while its very simply to use, we aren't sure its powerful enough at the same time to fulfil our needs to organize our issue management since we can't find a way to customize it.
Question: Is it possible to add custom attributes in GitHub for issue tracking, search/sort and export the list of issues with those attributes? For example, we'd like to add and use following attributes:
External Issue ID: There is an external list of issues/change requests maintained by a separate group that we need to associate
our issues with and need a field to specify the external issue ID.
Priority: so that we can easily discuss and prioritize what we want to tackle first
Severity: to identify impact on the system
Type of Issue: Bug, Change Request, New Requirement
Class: Performance, Security, Function, Compliance etc.
Source: to track whether issue was reported by a specific customer (which could be in hundreds), end user, internal team,
partner etc.
Date Opened: I think this is maintained internally by GitHub but not exposed anywhere in the UI
Date Closed
We understand some of these can be implemented with labels but there would be too many of them to assign and they do not allow exclusivity (for example you can only specify one priority - high, medium, or low assigning - to an issue)
Any ideas if and how this can be implemented in GitHub?
If not, any recommendations?
As you mentioned already, this so far is only done by using labels, for example the way i do priority is having multiple labels:
Priority: Blocker
Priority: High
Yes, unfortunately this feature is not intended to exclusively select one value per category as these are labels.
There is a github issue that proposes a new feature to GitHub so that we can have a Priority attribute in every GitHub issue right here
Not sure about all the other custom attributes, but maybe this would be a good start for your idea.
There does not seem to be a way to create custom parameters. You may be able to do this by storing the data inline in the text of the issue and then parsing that issue text programatically, but that's kind of a hack.
For instance, if you wanted to link a GitHub issue to an internal bug tracker like JIRA, just use the JIRA issue name in the text of the GitHub issue and then write a regular expression to parse it back out. This requires a little bit of extra plumbing on top of GitHub.
Date opened and closed are available in the API. See documentation.
(Incidentally, I'd note that the lack of customisation and complexity is a key feature of GitHub's issue tracking system: it is designed for developers, not project managers who want to tweak it into a confusing JIRA-like hellscape of misery.)
Update June 2021: you could use custom fields for those attributes!
New beta features within GitHub Issues, with better ways to plan, track, and manage projects.
Read more on the GitHub Issues page or in the FAQ.
✨ NEW – Project planning for developers
Available in limited public beta
Built like a spreadsheet, project tables give you a live canvas to filter, sort, and group issues and pull requests.
Tailor them to your needs with custom fields and saved views.
Sign up for the beta now.
That includes:
Extend issues with custom fields with support for text, number, date and single-select types
Change custom field values right from the issues sidebar
Filter, sort, and group by any field
Use tags
Most of the time you can put the kinds of things you want in the body of the issue as text or use a tag for things like priority. You only need to set priority if it's not the default one.

Trac - assign milestones to certain components

Is there a possibility to assign a number of milesstones to their respective components?
The idea is a following:
We've got components [A,B,C].
Component A has milestones [1,2,3]
Component B has milestones [4,5,6]
Component C has milestones [7,8,9]
On a "New ticket" page you can choose any milestone for any component.
The task is to have an opportunity to strictly assign milestones to components and view statistic based on this structure.
Any ideas?
To answer your question the task needs to be clarified and detailed a bit more.
Being able to assign only appropriate milestones, you'll have to enforce input order:
milestone (from filtered list)
So you'll need to conditionally hide the milestone input field, until a component has been selected.
After selecting the component you'll need to fetch an updated milestone list.
All that has to be done repeatedly, if you change the component before submitting the new ticket. And to not leave the /newticket page you'll even need to do page updates by back-ground requests (ajax style) that requires JavaScript.
You did not tell anything special about statistics, so I assume it could be done by a custom report the common way.
I know of a Trac plugin that is getting close: TracTicketChainedFieldsPlugin, but might still need some work to be done.
This sounds like a job for the Subcomponents Plugin. This will allow you to organize your components into a tiered structure, which makes it easy to do the sort of strict grouping that you are looking for. This doesn't have anything to do with milestones, though (it does everything using only components). If you strictly need to use a combination of milestones and components for some reason, then this might not work for you.
I think you want to use 'component' in the meaning of project, and you want to assign milestones for your certain projects.
You should rather install SimpleMultiProjectPlugin which is also able to map components, milestones and versions to certain projects.

Is there any plugin for MODX for managing the item tree in a wordpress style? with pagination and etc?

Some clients complain about how messy it is to manage a site with lots of blog posts thru the item tree
What you are looking for here is probably the Articles extra by Shaun McCormick.
It is meant to be a tool for easy blogging and brings a Custom Manager Page with an overview over all articles it manages while excluding them from the tree. It even comes with an option to import posts from Wordpress blogs or from existing resources. If you don't need the blogging features like comments etc., you can just unset them. You will need MODX version >= 2.2 to use it.

Attaching a tag

What is the actual procedure for attaching multiple tags to a particular content in a project development. What is this tagging all about???
I need to create a tag cloud for my project in .NET using c#. Help me out as a beginner for basic tagging concept.
Tags are key words add information about the item being tagged. Tags add semantic information about something in an effort to further it.
For instance, A picture of your father on his birthday could be tagged 'dad','family','event','birthday' etc...
By adding tags to the picture you add context and make the image more easily indexable, sortable and searchable.
Tags are purposely generic and flexible because different people can place different personal meaning to the same artifact, or the same person may apply different meaning in different contexts - like adding the same picture to a stock photography web site or checking it into a source code repository as part of a project.
Generally the procedure is to ask the owner of the item to add a list of tags in a text field. Some sites like stackoverflow constrain (most) users to use existing tags, others like delicious make the tags up to the user.
A tag in the software context typically means a meaningful name or attribute being assigned to that software. In version control scenarios a tag is a meaningful name given to a particular state of the files represented by that name. For example the tag 20090401 might be assigned to the source code as it looked on April 1, 2009. Tagging something can also mean describing it or categorizing it. For example software such as IE8, Chrome, or Firefox might all be tagged "Browsers" to categorize them on a download page. Allowing users to create tags and use existing tags is a powerful method to categorize content and help people zero in on items of interest. A tag is simply an extra tidbit of information a person can gain insight into data with.
Multiple tagging is useful for many reasons in software development. For example in my git repository I have a habit of creating tags based on date which can easily be ordered and parsed by a computer. I can also give changes a more human consumable name such as the tag "Deleted_Duplicates", or "RC1", or "V1_Delievered_To_Michigan". This allows for an understanding while also allowing for machine processing.