clickonce application message about harming computer - deployment

I have deployed test app to my localhost.
Every time i try to install the app, the message appears: "this type of file could harm your computer"
Is there any way to get rid of this message? Because when user reads it, he might think he is downloading some virus :)
Thank you

I guess there is no way to do this like Woobie said.


Installing MongoDB. failed to start service

Cannot find much on the internet about this problem. I even reset my computer because other things were messing up and it was about time i reset everything anyway. How ever I am still getting this error when I try to install it. I saw another post about it but it seemed it only applied to Windows 7, and I use Windows 10. Any help would be appreciated.
EDIT - I have solved my problem. I downloaded Java and it didn't install so i checked for updates and i Updated my system and it worked.
You can look into this
To confirm, with the installer on the abort, retry, ignore, cancel dialog up... go into services.msc and set the username and password manually. If you get a message saying the user was granted logon as a service right, try hitting retry on the MSI dialog and see if it starts.
It could also be missing dependencies or exceptions being thrown in your code.
Error 1920 service failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services
Open command prompt in administrator mode(Windows) and navigate to the directory having the .msi file.
Now directly install it, by just writing the filename in the command line, itll be installed.

“Unknown Publisher” strange certificate issue

Ok, here is the strangest thing you will read. You definitely won't believe me but if you try it for yourself you will see it is true.
For some reason, and for NO reason we are getting an "Unknown Publisher" Windows warning message with one of our programs that we have had in distribution for years.
The exe is code signed just like our other exe's and the problem does not present in our other exe's....only on one program.
Here is where it gets weird:
When the program is downloaded from any website (like our website, dropbox, google drive, etc) and then double-clicked for installing, the Windows warning message appears with "Unknown Publisher" message. However, if I take the SAME file and copy it onto a USB thumb drive, then copy it back onto the computer so that the exe is no longer from the web, but instead from a USB drive, then the warning message doesn't appear and my company name appears instead of "Unknown Publisher".
Also, if I drag and drop from ftp directly to the downloads folder, no issue. If I download the SAME file from our website, issue!
There is no A/V software running. I have tried with spaces and underscores in the file name. Nothing makes a difference. I am out of things to try! :-(
Has anyone experienced this before? Is there some solution?
Here is a link to the program:
Your help will be greatly appreciated!!
Ok, the solution was that we are using SHA-1 certificates, which apparently as of Jan 1, 2016 Windows no longer honors. The solution was to replace our certificate with an SHA-2 / SHA-256 certificate.

MassTransit first run

I'm trying out MassTransit. I wrote a small console application as showed in documentation (
What I first ran the app, it opened another console windows, and did something that looked like an installation proccess, or some kind of file copy. I remember seeing something done in the windows directory, but it was too fast to read and understand what exactly it did.
I couldn't find any information about it. I tried starting a new .NET project and running the same code - it did not repeat.
Does MassTransit install something on the system at first run? does someone knows what exactly happens on first tun?
I've written a post explaining how to get a quick hello world Mass Transit application up and running.
It uses RabbitMQ, but the same principles apply to MSMQ.
If you included the call to the method VerifyMsmqConfiguration() as in the quick start, then MassTransit initates any required MSMQ component installation.
The required MSMQ components are Core, LocalStorage, and Multicast.

Runtime Error in Visual Simulation Environment - Microsoft Robotics Studio

I am using Microsoft Robotics Studio for a school project and I am getting a strange error when I try to run the Visual Simulation Environment. It was working fine until yesterday and then suddenly it gave me a runtime error saying "Illegal command line arguments... do not use VPLHost directly, use dsshost instead to run a manifest" But I am only clicking on Run in VPL/DSS Manifest editor.
I am running MRDS as administrator and I even tried re-installing MRDS but it is still showing the same MS VPL Runtime error. I tried to search online, but cannot find any suitable solution.
I already tried running the existing samples, I.e. Urban Environment, Multiple Simulated Robots etc. but it still gives me the same error. The strange thing is that it was working perfectly one minute, and then started giving me this error message the next minute, when I had not changed anything in between. In fact, I had wanted to change something in my manifest, so I closed the running VPL application, closed VPL and opened DSS manifest editor, and ran my manifest and that is when I got this error.
What is going wrong? Is some MRDS script using vplhost32.exe instead of dsshost? If so, then where and how do I change it?
I tried running the urban envrionment manifest from the command prompt and Using DSSHost32 directly. This time, it didn't give me a runtime error but an intiialization error. I tried changing port numbers but it still doesn't work. I have deleted many files from my computer to free space (JIC) and it still doesn't work. The window just doesn't open even when I hover over it in Windows 7.
The error message looks like this: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted."
This was even after I checked netstat for free ports and tried but I get this error message. Its either this one or the "Don't use VPLHost directly" if I run it through VPL or DSS Manifest Editor.
Could it be that some external services are interfering with DSSHost/VPLHost? Are there any such services which I could try killing? ANY help/suggestion would help right now as my project is due Thursday and this is a really unfortunate time for it to be acting up like this.
Does the problem reproduce after logging off & logging back on? It's likely that you had a process hanging around that you weren't aware of. Logging off should shut down any processes you personally started.
I don't know the solution of your problem, but it would be better that you post your question on the link below:
[official forum for the book : Professional Microsoft Robotics Studio], i hope you will shortly get reply there,
The other option is to post your question on the msdn forum,
hope this would help....

Can't upload App - 'An error occurred uploading to the itunes store'

I'm trying to upload my app to the store. This isn't the first time so I'm familiar with the process.
I've tried both through the Organizer (preferred method) and the Application Loader, but both offer vague error messages.
I've recently updated to Xcode 4 in an attempt to fix it. My archived project validates fine and everything, but shortly after hitting submit, I get an error saying:
An error occurred uploading to the itunes store
But no other info. So I really don't know what could be wrong. I've appealed to Apple but nothing yet.
What could be wrong?
I should probably mention that my project has 2 targets, but I have provisioning profiles for both, both for development and distribution, so can't see why this would be a problem. It's the only unusual thing about the project as far as I can tell. Still no word from Apple either...
For those of you that are having this issue with Xcode 4.3.2 and Java SE 6 1.6, try this:
cd /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions
sudo ln -s CurrentJDK /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.5
sudo ln -s CurrentJDK /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.5.0
It worked for me.
A bit late, I know - but for anyone still having this problem - Look in your /var/log/system.log log file. In my case the problem was that the iTMSTransporter script (used by the Organizer when uploading the file) used 'awk', and I had to replace it with '/usr/bin/awk'.
Completely solved my problem.
You need to change your Build Configuration for your Archive Scheme to Distribution or smth. like this.
For this, go to Product > Edit Scheme and on the left side you'll find the Archive-Scheme.
Check if you've added everything to your project like Entitlements, and wether you've added this to your configuration. Check also the Base SDK and the code signing options of your configuration. If you've done this, it should really work.
I've had trouble before where I had a quote ' in my password. It would always fail to upload.
Well, if anyone is having a similar problem, I seem to have fixed it.
Not entirely sure how, but I completely deleted xcode (from the terminal), reinstalled it, restarted my computer, and by some sort of black magic, it just started uploading.
I have the same problem and the solution was to update to java 1.6
I see this when I was looking in the console log to understand why Application Loader doesn't work.
I restarted my computer and it worked. Very wear problem. The other thing that I did, was to submit directly after archiving, instead of validiting first.
In my case the proxy configured in Network Preferences was the reason. Without proxy it worked.
I spent all morning trying to figure this out, so I thought I'd post what fixed my issue with app loader. I just downloaded the latest App Loader (2.5.1) from iTunes connect. The link is in the footer.