Does anyone know the time that the app review process closes? [closed] - iphone

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I originally thought they review from 9-5pm, however my app was rejected at 7:51pm... Are they reviewing them 24/7 or do they close at a certain time. (I'm in the same time zone as cupertino)

24/7 Whenever they get around to checking yours out.
Normally it takes 10-15 days to get an app on the app store.


How long does it take for iPhone end-users to update apps? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Assuming that the app doesn't do anything special, like display a push notification telling the user that a new version is available, how long does it take for iPhone users to update an apps?
I find that most users seem to update in the first 2 days or so. A lot of users see the badge on the app store and go to their updates whenever they appear.

Why my iPhone app's downloads is high although I didn't publish anywhere? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I published an app but before I started to market it (no-one knows about it) I have 300 downloads in 2 months.
How come?
When you publish your application, your application automatically comes in New Release section of iTunes.
Also, you can anytime manage/block your application to be seen on iTunes and not to be downloaded. For that login to iTunesconnect
Hope this info helps you..

Discontinue sales on appstore and still offer updates [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I have an app on AppStore that I am about to pull. But I would like to offer updates to existing users. Is that possibe?
No, once it's deleted from the App Store, if they don't have a backup of that app locally, they won't even be able to install it back, so forget about providing updates to an app that isn't in the App Store anymore.
Interesting read:

Is there a Facebook deveploment email list [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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A mailing list for when Facebook deploys changes to their sharing buttons/features would be extremely useful. Sometimes the changes made by Facebook alters the performance of our site and I would like to run tests when changes are made. it isn't a mailing list per se, but there's a number of ways there for you to keep up to date on FB tech happenings.

When will our app appear in the search [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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We have submitted our app several times to search and it still doesn't appear in the search results.
The app is Rugby Coach with app id 142921735788293. It has been well over a week since submitting it to search.
Please let us know if there is anything we am missing here?
I had an application that took 2 weeks to process. Unfortunately, they get a lot of applications submitted to the search and need to make sure that each one is suitable.