TYPO3 footer menu - content-management-system

I wonder what is the best way to do this.
I have two menues on the template for the first two levels of the navigation. They are separate, because they are on slightly different locations on the page.
Now, I used to put all my special meta-nav and footer pages into a sysfolder. That actually works pretty fine with special.directory. So far all good.
But when I open a link from the footer, the footer menu's links are shown in the 2nd-level HMENU. It makes more or less sense as the pages are in a sub-folder and therefore 2nd-level. , but they are in a folder.. So I guessed it should work.
My solution is to hide all pages in the sys-folder and in the footer menu using includeNotInMenu. That works, but I wonder if there is a cleaner solution to avoid sys-folder's content to be treated as 2nd-level pages. I don't like the editor to have to remember to hide the pages to get the expected result.
Thank you

i guess you are asking for "hide in menus". Edit your page sitemap, go to tab "access" select "hide" below "In Menus". Sitemap will not be shown in your menu, as long as you do not set "includeNotInMenu" in your menu rendering.
# assume 12 is the uid of your folder
[PIDinRootline = 12]
# Delete the menu
lib.yourmenu >
# or overwrite it:
lib.yourmenu = TEXT
lib.yourmenu.value = there is nothing to see here
Using conditions is more difficult to debug. You need to select them in TypoScript Object-Browser, if you want to see the effect of an condition.

You can sent an entryLevel
Defines at which level in the rootLine, the menu should start. Default
is "0" which gives us a menu of the very first pages on the site.
If the value is < 0, entryLevel is chosen from "behind" in the
rootLine. Thus "-1" is a menu with items from the outermost level,
"-2" is the level before the outermost...
See http://wiki.typo3.org/TSref/HMENU

I'm not sure I understand.. Assume I have the following structure
-> meta-nav is a folder.
Now I have a HMENU for the 2nd level and it shows (depending on the selected page):
(subpage1 and subpage2) or (sitemap and impressum)
Now what I want to achieve is to open the sitemap or the impressum and not see those in the HMENU.
Sorry if that all sounds strange ;-)


How to set up a TypoScript Playground in Typo 3?

How can one play around with TypoScript code shown in documentations about TypoScript?
Tested with a local Typo3 test instance, Typo3 version 9.5.5, Official Introduction Package installed.
In the backend, create a new page in the tree. Rightclick -> enable it (the red overlay should disappear). Make sure it is selected in the tree.
Click on the blue Template button on the left. Usually it will show you the blue No Template message.
Make sure on the top Info/Modify is selected from the drop down.
Click the gray + (New record) button under the drop down.
On the bottom, click Edit the whole template record.
Optionally give it a speaking template and website title, like 'Playaround' and 'Play Around'.
Optionally, under tab Options -> Clear, select Constants and Setup - this will clear everything this Template has inherited from parent templates, but will also disable the debug infos at the bottom of the frontend for this page (if you have installed the Official Introduction Package).
Under the tab General -> text entry Setup, enter the following TypoScript:
page = PAGE
page.10 = TEXT
page.10.value = Hello World
press the Save and then the View button.
A new tab opens, showing you the frontend for your page, printing the text 'Hello World'.
Now you can play around with the code examples given in eg. the TypoScript Reference.
Funnily enough, I just found out that Typoscript is by definition not a programming language, but a configuration description. That's why Typo3 is needed as a substructure for this, I think. There seem to be online demos of Typo3 on the net, but I don't know whether they are up to date and whether you can test TypoScript there. Therefore access local containers / installations as suggested. Or if the possibility exists a dev subdomain.

How do I get an extra level in the bootstrap hamburger menu

I am looking for an opportunity to expand the hamburger menu that is standard in the TYPO33 bootstrap template with an extra level. I have already searched the internet but did not find a solution. I use the standard TYPO3 bootstrap template.
For a third menu you need to adjust three things:
Add a TypoScript line in your TS template (Module "Template"): page.10.dataProcessing.10.levels = 3
Set the path to the Fluid templates to a path under your control. The extension bootstrap_package is not under your control, on every update it will overwrite your changes in there! How to set the paths: https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/extensions/bootstrap_package/Configuration/TypoScript/Index.html#page-fluidtemplate
Copy the partial bootstrap_package/Resources/Private/Partials/Page/Navigation/Main.html to your location and add the third level like the second level is built. Maybe you can find here more information: https://github.com/benjaminkott/bootstrap_package/issues/320
What you need is a little knowledge of TypoScript (where to find and change) and Fluid (How to use ViewHelpers)

TYPO3 7.6 TCEFORM Custom Layouts doesn't work

I upgraded TYPO3 6 to 7.6.x and now I can't choose custom layouts in the backend for any content elements in the backend. I only see the default options like "layout 1, layout 2". The reason is obviously that my TCEFORM addings doesn't work..
The following typoscript won't have any effect in a ext-template of a page or in the root setup.ts:
TCEFORM.tt_content.layout.altLabels.2 = Test
TCEFORM.tt_content.layout.removeItems = 2,3
TCEFORM.tt_content.layout.addItems.5 = New Item
I know the problem description is a bit inaccurate. But I don't see the relevant infos which u need. Can u give me an advice what I have to check? Are there known conflicts with extension like fluidcontent, css_styled_content or so?
TypoScript configuring the back end is (though TypoScript by syntax) often called TSConfig and can be added either in page records or via user settings but never in extension templates or similar.
Configuring TCEFORM is usually done in page properties. To add, open page properties of your root page (or the topmost page of the subtree you want to configure) and add your code there.
As in front-end TypoScript you can swap your code to external files.
You need to add this typoscript on Root Page in Page TSconfig.
Edit root page properties and add your typoscript in Resources tab in Page TSConfig section like below image, so it's work fine.

Breadcrumb doesn't work on a component I created (Joomla!)

I'm learning how to use Joomla! 3.2
I created a new component, then I added it to my main menu,
Here are the only parameters I changed in the main menu:
But now when I go to my new component the breadcrumb doesn't work correctly, there's only the home button and when I click on it I'm redirected to the same page:
Did i missed something very important? How can I fix it? The breadcrumb works on every other pages.
Ok I found the problem, I forgot to add this
$pathway = $app->getPathway();
$breadcrumb = $pathway->setPathway(array());
$pathway->addItem( JText::_( 'COM_PARTISPOLITIQUES' ),JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_partispolitiques&view=partispolitique'));
$pathway->addItem( "Current page name",'');
In the file view.html.php located in my component folder...
I am going to assume you are using the Helix template as it seems to be a common oversight.
Make sure that Enable Page Title is enabled from your menu Helix Page Title tab.
If not, please advise as to what template.

Changing Title of home page in Joomla

I am totally new to Joomla. I am trying to help a friend whose ISP has stopped support (for some internal reasons). We need to change the title of the home page.
1) The first place i made a change was in the 'Front Page Manager'. I changed the 'Title' column. The 'Show Title' parameter on this page is set to 'Global'. Yet the new title does not appear.
2) I then downloaded the entire site , consisting of 10,000 files and searched for the old title in all the files. I found the old title in one file which seemed to be used for SEO pruposes , since it had a whole lot of companies and their titles. I uploaded this file. No effect.
3) I then browsed through the database (MySQL) and changed old titles found in MetaKey and MetaDescription columns to new title. I think i checked all tables (almost 100 odd tables). No effect.
4) I found the old title in the 'Top Menu' item and changed it too.
I know this is a bit ambiguous but how could i troubleshoot the source of this title which does not get changed ?
Titles in Joomla come from several places. As Legycsapo said, the first place you should look is the default menu item. In the Parameters (System) the Page Title should override any other setting unless you have an extension that sets the page title. The Show Page Title option determines if the title shows up in the content, it does not affect the page title.
Try to change it in the menu options. In the mainmenu, click on the "Home" link, or whatever you write for Frontpage, and there are options in the right. The last one is the parameters, system, there is a "Website title" input box. Try there !
You need to change the home page title in the Control Panel Configuration.
In the Site tab you have the Site Name which is what will be written in the page title.
Another solution is, if you have SEF urls enabled, joomla has a native plugin called SEOsimple. Look under Plugin Manager, click on it and change the title to either disable so that it takes the title by default from global configuration or your custom one.