Apply a filter algorithm for each frame of the camera - iphone

I am working on an Iphone application.
I need to do the following: when the user clicks on the "Camera Tab" the camera open inside the view with circle overlays.
I want to apply a filtering algorithm on the camera.
I am looking for the best way to do this. Is there a library that can help?
What I am doing currently:
I am using the OpenCV Library.
I define a timer.
For each timer tick I call cvCaptureFromCam() method from the OpenCV
framework (This will capture the picture with a camera and return
I apply the algorithm on the image captured.
i display the image in a UIImageView
The idea is that on each timer tick I get the image, filter it and put it in the UIImageView. If the timer tick is fast enough it will appear as continuous.
However the cvCaptureFromCam is a little slow and this whole process is taking too much memory.
Any suggestions of a better way is greatly appreciated. Thanks

Anything that's based on CPU-bound processing, such as OpenCV, is probably going to be too slow for live video filtering on current iOS devices. As I state in this answer, I highly recommend looking to OpenGL ES for this.
As mentioned by CSmith, I've written an open source framework called GPUImage for doing this style of GPU-based filtering without having to worry about the underlying OpenGL ES involved. Most of the filters in this framework can be applied to live video at 640x480 at well over the 30 FPS framerate of the iOS camera. I've been gradually adding filters with the goal of replacing all of those present in Core Image, as well as most of the image processing functions of OpenCV. If there's something I'm missing from OpenCV that you need, let me know on the issues page for the project.
Build and run the FilterShowcase example application to see a full listing of the available filters and how they perform on live video sources, and look at the SimplePhotoFilter example to see how you can apply those filters to preview video and photos taken by the camera.


Apply custom camera filters on live camera preview - Swift

I'm looking to make a native iPhone iOS application in Swift 3/4 which uses the live preview of the back facing camera and allows users to apply filters like in the built in Camera app. The idea was for me to create my own filters by adjusting Hue/ RGB/ Brightness levels etc. Eventually I want to create a HUE slider which allows users to filter for specific colours in the live preview.
All of the answers I came across for a similar problem were posted > 2 years ago and I'm not even sure if they provide me with the relevant, up-to-date solution I am looking for.
I'm not looking to take a photo and then apply a filter afterwards. I'm looking for the same functionality as the native Camera app. To apply the filter live as you are seeing the camera preview.
How can I create this functionality? Can this be achieved using AVFoundation? AVKit? Can this functionality be achieved with ARKit perhaps?
Yes, you can apply image filters to the camera feed by capturing video with the AVFoundation Capture system and using your own renderer to process and display video frames.
Apple has a sample code project called AVCamPhotoFilter that does just this, and shows multiple approaches to the process, using Metal or Core Image. The key points are to:
Use AVCaptureVideoDataOutput to get live video frames.
Use CVMetalTextureCache or CVPixelBufferPool to get the video pixel buffers accessible to your favorite rendering technology.
Draw the textures using Metal (or OpenGL or whatever) with a Metal shader or Core Image filter to do pixel processing on the CPU during your render pass.
BTW, ARKit is overkill if all you want to do is apply image processing to the camera feed. ARKit is for when you want to know about the camera’s relationship to real-world space, primarily for purposes like drawing 3D content that appears to inhabit the real world.

How to draw an image according to the pixels of another image?

HI all ,what i want is to map the images.Suppose i have two images of persons,one is of fat person and another is of weak person,Now i want to match their faces ,eyes.I want to increase or decrease the face size eye size of one image according to another.As you can see in adobe photoshop you can make the face fat,make it squueze.I want to do the image manuplation in this.These types of operations i want to implement.I don't know from where to start.
Pleas guide and help me.Can i perform all this with core graphics if so then how
Any reference,tutorial address ,sample code ........appreciated.
You are probably going to have to deal with some sort of edge detection and face recognition algorithms, at the very least, if this is to be accomplished automatically. Otherwise, if the user is going to be resizing one image to match the other, this will require simple resizing operations driven by perhaps user pinch & gestures.
For manual resizing:
Download the source code for the great book Cool iPhone Projects. One of the projects is called 'Touching'. This project contains code that accomplishes what you need: pinch and zoom functionality.

Detecting particular objects in the image i.e image segmentation with opencv

I have to select any particular object visible in my image on i-phone.
Basically my project is to segment image objects on the basis of my touch.
The method I am following is to first detect contours of the image and then select a particular sequence based on finger touch.
Is there any other method which would be more robust because I have to run it on video frames?
I am using OpenCV and iphone for the project.
PLease help if there is any other idea which has been implemented or is feasible to implement.
Have you looked at SIFT or SURF implementations? They both track object features and are resilient (to a certain degree) to rotation, translation and scale.
Also check out FAST which is a corner detection algorithm which might help you, they have an app on the app store showing how quick it is too.

approach for recording grayscale video on iphone?

I am building an iphone app that needs to record grayscale video and save it to the camera roll. I'm stumped at how best to approach this.
I am thinking along the following lines:
Use a shader and opengl to transform the video to grayscale
Use AVFoundation (AVAssetWriter with an AVAssetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptor) to write the video to the file.
My questions are:
Is this the right approach (simplest, best performance)?
If so, what would be the best way to go from opengl output to a CVPixelBufferRef input for the AVAssetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptor?
If not, what would be a better approach?
Any nudge in the right direction is much appreciated!
In general, I'd agree with this approach. Doing your processing in an OpenGL ES 2.0 shader should be the most performant way of doing video frame alteration like this, but it won't be very simple. Fortunately, you can start from a pre-existing template that already does this.
You can use the sample application I wrote here (and explained here) as a base. I use custom shaders in this example to track colors in an image, but you could easily alter this to convert the video frames to grayscale (I even saw someone do this once). The code for feeding camera video into a texture and processing it could be used verbatim from that sample.
In one of the display options within that application, I render the processed image first to a framebuffer object, then use glReadPixels() to pull the resulting image back into bytes that I can work with on the CPU. You could use this to get the raw image data back after the GPU has processed a frame, then feed those bytes into CVPixelBufferCreateWithBytes() to generate your CVPixelBufferRef for writing to disk.
(Edit: 2/29/2012) As an update to this, I just implemented this kind of video recording in my open source GPUImage framework, so I can comment on the specific performance for the encoding part of this. It turns out that you can capture video from the camera, perform live filtering on it, grab it from OpenGL ES using glReadPixels(), and write that out as live H.264 video in 640x480 frames on an iPhone 4 at 30 FPS (the maximum camera framerate).
There were a few things that I needed to do in order to get this recording speed. You need to make sure that you set your AVAssetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptor to use kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA as its color format for input pixel buffers. Then, you'll need to re-render your RGBA scene using a color-swizzling shader to provide BGRA output when using glReadPixels(). Without this color setting, your video recording framerates will drop to 5-8 FPS on an iPhone 4, where with it they are easily hitting 30 FPS. You can look at the GPUImageMovieWriter class source code to see more about how I did this.
Using the GPUImage framework, your above filtering and encoding task can be handled by simply creating a GPUImageVideoCamera, attaching a target of a GPUImageSaturationFilter with the saturation set to 0, and then attaching a GPUImageMovieWriter as a target of that. The framework will handle the OpenGL ES interactions for you. I've done this, and it works well on all iOS devices I've tested.

Overlay "Structured Glas" Effect on iPhone Camera Feed - General Directions

I'm currently trying to write an app, that would be able to show the effects of glas, as seen through the iPhone Camera.
I'm not talking about simple, uniform glas but glass like this:
Now I already broke this into two problems:
1) Apply some Image Filter to the 2D-frames presented by the iPhone Camera. This has been done and seems possible, e.g. in the app: faceman
2) I need to get the individual lighting properties of a sheet of glas that my client supplies me with. Now basicly, there must be a way to read the information about how the glas distorts ands skews the image. I think It might be somehow possible to make a high-res picture of the plate of glasplate, laid on a checkerboard-image and somehow analyze this.
Now, I'm mostly searching for literature, weblinks on how you guys think I could start at 2. It doesn't need to be exact, in the end I just need something that looks approximately like the sheet of glass I want to show. And I'm don't even know where to search, Physics, Image Filtering or Comupational Photography books.
EDIT: I'm currently thinking, that one easy solution could be bump-mapping the texture on top of the camera-feed, I asked another question on this here.
You need to start with OpenGL. You want to effectively have a texture - similar to the one you've got above - displace the texture below it (the live camera view) to give the impression of depth and distortion. This is a 'non-trivial' problem, in that whilst it's a fairly standard problem in its field if you're coming from a background with no graphics or OpenGL experience you can expect a very steep learning curve.
So in short, the only way you can achieve this realistically on iOS is to use OpenGL, and that should be your starting point. Apple have a few guides on the matter, but you'll be better off looking elsewhere. There are some useful books such as the OpenGL ES 2.0 Programming Guide that can get you off on the right track, but where you start would depend on how comfortable you are with 3D graphics and C.
Just wanted to add that I solved this old answer using the refraction example in the Khronos OpenGl ES SDK.
Wrote a blog-entry with pictures about it :
simulating windows with refraction