UIView setHidden not working - iphone

I am writing an app for the iphone and am attempting to create a view controller with two different views. So I have a subview created on top of the initial view in storyboard. I have created an outlet in the .h for the new view. I want to display the resultsView after the button is pressed so I have the view set to hidden in properties.
#interface ViewController : UIViewController
UIView *resultsView;
#property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UIView *resultsView;
- (IBAction)buttonTapped:(id)sender;
In my .m I have the following code
#import "ViewController.h"
#interface ViewController ()
#implementation ViewController
#synthesize resultsView;
- (IBAction)scanButtonTapped:(id)sender
[resultsView setHidden = NO];
I have also tried
resultsView.hidden = NO;
Neither of these worked and I tried NSLog to retrieve the BOOL of resultsView.hidden and it was still YES.

If resultsView is NULL or nil, then you did not assign it properly in interface builder, or in code. Make sure you drag the outlet connection in your storyboard/xib file, or assign it in code somewhere like viewWillAppear
If the function isn't getting called, then the action is not linked up to the button in interface builder. To make sure it is connected properly, you can ctrl+click (or right click) and drag from the button to the view controller, and select scanButtonTapped from the "Sent actions" list that appears

Another option - check that you run your [? setHidden:] code in UIThread

The most likely explanation is that resultsView id nil when you try and set the hidden property.
Please, review your code to initialize resultsView and if you need more help, post some relevant part of it.

In the case where you are designing a #IBDesignable UIView and you are using swift, somehow view.hidden = isHidden just does not work.
The work around is the following.
view.setValue(isHidden, forKey: "hidden")
I hope this helps someone out there.


Remove subview from non present view

I have an scrollview in my app.
If I click on a Button on one Page, a Subview is added. I want to remove this subview when the user scrolls the view. This function is called:
-(void) DisableViews {
[Annimation removeFromSuperview];
I get the NSLog many times, but the view also is Subview when i come back to the page.
I think this will happen, because the view with the subview is not the present view at this time, so i can't remove the subview.
Is there any possibility to remove a subview from any view on the subview?
#interface ViewController : UIViewController {
UIView *Annimation;
#property (nonatomic,retain) UIView *Annimation;
#import "ViewController.h"
#import "AppDelegate.h"
#implementation ViewController
#synthesize Annimation;
- (void) Bild1ButtonKlickt{
Annimation = [[UIView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, 320.0, 480.0)];
Annimation.backgroundColor = [UIColor blackColor];
[self.view addSubview:Annimation];
Most likely "Annimation" (which I assume is an ivar) is nil at this point, and so nothing is happening when you try to remove it.
(As a note, don't access your ivars directly this way. Your property should be called animationView (to make it clear it's a view and not an NSAnimation, and you should access it via self.animationView. Also, methods should always have a leading lowercase. ObjC is very sensitive to method and property naming. Proper naming matters for the runtime; it's not just stylistic.)
As requested as answer: Is that the only subview in that scrollview? Anyway, one of the answers from how to remove subviews from scrollview? should work.
Now which answer from the above page did fix it?

Xcode - update ViewController label text from different view

I have two view Controllers in my project ViewController, SettingsView. Here I am trying to update the ViewController's label, when i click on the SettingsView's back button. NSLog is working fine, but the label is not updating...
Please help me....
-(IBAction)backToMain:(id) sender {
//calling update function from ViewController
ViewController * vc = [[ViewController alloc]init];
[vc updateLabel];
[vc release];
//close the SettingsView
[self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
- (void)updateLabel
NSLog(#"Iam inside updateLabel");
self.myLabel.text = #"test";
Could you please tell me whats wrong with my code? Thank you!
You have to implement protocols for that. Follow this:
1) In SettingView.h define protocol like this
#protocol ViewControllerDelegate
-(void) updateLabel;
2) Define property in .h class and synthesis in .m class..
#property (nonatomic, retain) id <ViewControllerDelegate> viewControllerDelegate;
3) In SettingsView.m IBAction
-(IBAction)backToMain:(id) sender
[viewControllerDelegate updateLabel];
4) In ViewController.h adopt protocol like this
#interface ViewController<ViewControllerDelegate>
5) In viewController.m include this line in viewDidLoad
Your label is not updating because , you are trying to call updateLabel method with a new instance.
You should call updateLabel of the original instance of viewcontroller from which you have presented your modal view.
you can use a delegate mechansim or NSNotification to do the same.
Delegate mechnaism would be clean. NSNotification is quick and dirty.
You are not exactly calling the correct vc. This is because you are creating a new instance of that class and calling the updateLabel of that instance.
You have a few options.
Either implement it as a delegate callBack (delegate messagePassing, or delegate notification - however you want to call it) to notify that class instance to call the updateLabel method.
Use the original instance VC as a dependency injection into the class that you are on right now, and use that instance to call the updateLabel
Use NSNotifications / NSUserDefaults to communicate between viewControllers and setup a notification system for your actions. This is quite easy, but not really great in the long run.
I would RECOMMEND option 1 (or) option 2.
Simply declare like this in SettingsView class:
UILabel *lblInSettings;// and synthesize it
Now assign like below when you presenting Settings viewController:
Then whatever you update in lblInSettings it will be present in MainView obviously....
no need for any delegate methods or updating methods.
Means if you assign at the time of dismissing like
lblInSettings.text=#"My new value";
then self.myLabel also will be updated.
Let me know if you have any queries?

UIButton in second View Controller - Touch Up Inside not working (Touch Down does)

I have created a new project in XCode and used the new Storyboard-feature to create two different View Controllers.
The first View Controller is attached to the main files (ViewController.h, Viewcontroller.m). The second View Controller is attached to it's own set of .h/.m files (NewUserController.m/.h)
Now for the problem which I havent been able to find a solution for in the last hours;
I have added a button the second view controller and attached the button to an IBAction (verifyNumber). When I attach the 'Touched Up Inside' event the IBAction is never fired. However, when I attach the 'Touch Down' everything works fine..
Both View Controller's have got the 'user interaction enabled' selected and apart from the button the second view controller doesn't contain any other elements. Also, my manual performSegueWithIdentifier is working (switch from view1 to view2).
Can anyone spot where it has gone wrong?
The code:
- (void)firstStartup {
// Future use for getting userID
// Switch to loginview
[self performSegueWithIdentifier:#"segueLogin" sender:self];
#pragma mark - View lifecycle
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
// Fire firstStartup
[self firstStartup];
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#interface NewUserController : UIViewController
#property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UITextField *inputNumber;
- (IBAction)backgroundTap;
//- (IBAction)verifyNumber;
- (IBAction)verifyNumber:(id)sender;
#import "NewUserController.h"
#implementation NewUserController
#synthesize inputNumber;
// Collect User data & Start Request
- (IBAction)verifyNumber:(id)sender; {
inputNumber.text = #"testing";
- (IBAction)backgroundTap {
[inputNumber resignFirstResponder];
Because of the response of NJones I have tested some more and deleted the gesturerecognizer I had present on the second view. After deleting this recognizer the UIButton works with all events (Touched Up Inside).
Does the recognizer somehow block any 'tap' events to overlaying objects (such as the UIButton)?
I have a few thoughts,
1) Why do you have:
- (IBAction)backgroundTap;
//- (IBAction)verifyNumber;
- (IBAction)verifyNumber:(id)sender;
There is a difference between verifyNumber and verifyNumber:(id)sender and they can both exist at the same time, and both can be connected in the nib.
2) Are you using any UIGestureRecoginzers on the view at all?
3) Is this button a custom button or subclass of UIButton?
4) (I truly don't think this will help solve your problem it's just good practice, and I'm already typing :)) Using a view property to check if a method was called is inconclusive at best. Try putting a log statement in the IBAction method like So:
- (IBAction)verifyNumber:(id)sender; {
inputNumber.text = #"testing";

Change views in a UIViewController

I have an UIViewController with a UIToolBar at the top with 3 buttons and a UIView, when touch upInside those buttons I have to change the views that the controller has. What can I do to get my porpuse? Thanks in advance.
You probably want to use something like a UINavigationController to control the view stack and then have your button(s) call one of these methods for the Touch Up Inside action:
Here is a good uinavigationcontroller-tutorial to look into.
You need to do something like this for each of the actions you set up.
In the .h file of the current viewController:
#import "OtherViewController.h"
#interface MyViewController : UIViewController
OtherViewController *otherViewController;
#property(nonatomic, retain)IBOutlet OtherViewController *otherViewController;
Then in the .m file of the current viewController you need to add the following for each IBAction (touch up inside).
At the top of the .m file add:
#synthesize otherViewController;
Then make an IBAction and put the following line of code to display the other view:
[self presentModalViewController:otherViewController animated:NO];
In your otherViewController you can dismiss itself by using:
[self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:NO];
NOTE: The other thing you will need to do is create a UIViewController in Interface Builder for each of the views you plan to display. You need to then go into the identity inspector and set the Class as OtherViewController. You then need to link the IBOutlet to the OtherViewController as normal.
There is a YouTube video tutorial which covers all of what I have mentioned above. It's a nice simple way to get started.
UiViewController view property is the base view you are seeing. It could be set(replaced with another). SO replace the view object of ViewController with another view you created.
UIView * customView = [[[UIView alloc] initWIthFrame:viewFrame] autorelease];
[self setView:customView];
Here self represent the current viewController.

Parent view -> Subview -> button -> subview method

I have a parentview with a ui view on it. This loads a subviewcontroller on viewdidload. The subviewcontroller has a button on it that is linked up on touch up inside to a subviewcontroller method called clicked.
This causes a bad access error to fire and crashes the app. My question is, is this setup possible or do I have to have the method in the parent view? The subview will be loaded in 8 different parentviews so I would like to keep the method in the subview.
What would be the correct way of doing this?
The good approach for this kind of setup is to have a protocol including the click message, a delegate property of type id in the view containing the button and a method in the same view that fires the delegated message like so [self.delegate clicked]. The TouchUpInside event is linked to that method in IB and the parent view set itself as delegate of the subview and conform itself to the protocol. It can sounds a bit tricky but its definitely the proper way to do.
the Protocol
#protocol viewWithButtonDelegate
-(void)buttonClicked:(UIButton*)button inView:(UIView*)view;
in the subview interface
#interface viewWithButton {
id<viewWithButtonDelegate> delegate;
#property (nonatomic, retain) id<viewWithButtonDelegate> delegate
in the subview implementation
-(void)buttonClicked:(id)sender {
if([sender class] == [UIButton class]) {
[self.delegate buttonClicked:(UIButton*)sender inView:self]
the controller interface is declared like this
#interface myController<viewWithButtonDelegate>
and finally in the controller implementation :
-(void)buttonClicked:(UIButton*)button inView:(UIView*)view {
//do something in response to button clicked
hope this helps...