add sound at the end of a wave file in matlab - matlab

I have a big wave file that I want to add some sounds at the end of it. and because i do this adding in a loop it is not wise to read it every time and add a short part and close it(in this way the algorithm is so SLOW).
is there any more optimized way to just add a sound file at the end of another in matlab(wave file)?

How about keeping it in memory while appending?
big = wavread('big.wav');
flist = dir('*.wav');
for i=1:length(flist)
short = wavread(flist(i).name);
big = [big, short];
wavwrite(big, 'bigger.wav');
If you know how many samples you want to add to big vector it's faster if you preallocate the space needed.


Read large number of .h5 datasets

I'm working with these h5 files that have tens of thousands of datasets that contains vectors of numerical values and all of the same size. My goal is to read the datasets and create one large matrix from these vectors. The datasets are named from "0" to "xxxxx" (some large number) I was able to read them and get the matrix but it takes forever to do so. I was wondering if you can take a look at my code and suggest a way to make it run faster
here is how I do it right now
t =[];
for i = 0:40400 % there are 40401 datasets in this particular file
j = int2str(i);
p = '/mesh/'; % The parent group
s = strcat(p,j); % to create the full path of a dataset e.g. '/mesh/0'
r = h5read('temp.h5',s); % the file name is temp and s has the dataset path
t = [t;r];
in this particular case, there are 40401 datasets, each has 80802x1 vector of numerical values. Therefore eventually I want to create 80802x40401 matrix. This code takes over a day to finish. I think one of the reason it is slow because in every iteration, matlab access the h5 file. I would appreciate it if some of you have some tips in speeding up the code
When I copied you code in an editor, I get the red tilde under the t with the warning:
The variable t appears to change size on every loop iteration. Consider preallocating for speed.
You should allocate the final memory of t before starting the loop, with the function zeros:
t = zeros(80804,40401);
You should also read this: Programming Patterns: Maximizing Code Performance by Optimizing Memory Access:
Preallocate arrays before accessing them within loops
Store and access data in columns
Avoid creating unnecessary variables
Maybe p = '/mesh/'; is useless inside the loop and can be done outside the loop, since it doesn't change. It could be even better to not have p and directly do s = strcat('/mesh/',j);

Faster way to load .csv files in folder and display them using imshow in MATLAB

I have a piece of MATLAB code that works fine, but I wanted to know is there any faster way of performing the same task, where each .csv file is a 768*768 dimension matrix
Current code:
for k = 1:143
matFileName = sprintf('ang_thresholded%d.csv', k);
matData = load(matFileName);
Any help in this regard will be very helpful. Thank You!
In general, its better to separate the loading, computational and graphical stuff.
If you have enough memory, you should try to change your code to:
% If you know the size of your images a priori:
matData=zeros( 768, 768,n_files); % prealocate for speed.
for k = 1:n_files
matFileName = sprintf('ang_thresholded%d.csv', k);
matData(:,:,k) = load(matFileName);
for k=1:n_Files
%clf; %Not needed in your case, but needed if you want to plot more than one thing (hold on)
pause(seconds); % control "framerate"
Note the use of pause().
Here is another option using Matlab's data stores which are designed to work with large datasets or lots of smaller sets. The TabularTextDatastore is specifically for this kind of text based data.
Something like the following. However, note that since I don't have any test files it is sort of notional example ...
ttds = tabularTextDatastore('.\yourDirPath\*.csv'); %Create the data store
while ttds.hasdata %This turns false after reading the last file.
temp = read(ttds); %Returns a Matlab table class
Since it looks like your filenames' numbering is not zero padded (e.g. 1 instead of 001) then the file order might get messed up so that may need addressed as well. Anyway I thought this might be a good alternative approach worth considering depending on what else you want to do with the data and how much of it there might be.

save variables: add new values to a new row in each iteration MATLAB

I have a loop as below
for chnum=1:300
save ('Result.mat' ,'chnum' ,'PI' ,'area',' -append') %-append
%% I like to have sth like below
% 1, 1.2,3.7
% 2, 1,8, 7.8
% .....
but it doesn't save. Do you have any idea why?
Analysis of the Problem
The matlab help page for save states that the -append option will append new variables to the saved file. It will not append new rows to the already saved matrices.
To achieve what you intended you have to store your data in matrices and save the whole matrice with a single call to save().
PI = zeros(300,1);
area = zeros(300,1);
for chnum=1:300
PI(chnum)=.... ;
area(chnum)=.... ;
save ('Result.mat' ,'chnum' ,'PI' ,'area');
For nicer memory management I have added a pre-allocation of the arrays.
Well, even if it's not part of the question, I don't think that you are using a good approach to save your calculations. Reading/writing operations performed on the disk (saving data on a file is falls in this case) are very expensive in terms of time. This is why I suggest you to proceed as follows:
res = NaN(300,2)
for chnum = 1:300
PI = ...
area = ...
res(chnum,:) = [PI area]; % saving chnum looks a bit like an overkill since you can retrieve it just using size(res,1) when you need it...
Basically, instead of processing a row and saving it into the file, then processing another row and saving it into the file, etc... you just save your whole data into a matrix and you just save your final result to file.

How can I increase the speed of this xlsread for loop?

I have made a script which contains a for loop selecting columns from 533 different excel files and places them into matrices so that they can be compared, however the process is taking too long (it ran for 3 hours yesterday and wasn't even halfway through!!).
I know xlsread is naturally slow, but does anyone know how I can make my script run faster? The script is below, thanks!!
%Split the data into g's and h's
CRNum = 533; %Number of Carrington Rotation files
A(:,1) = xlsread('CR1643.xlsx','A:A'); % Set harmonic coefficient columns
A(:,2) = xlsread('CR1643.xlsx','B:B');
B(:,1) = xlsread('CR1643.xlsx','A:A');
B(:,2) = xlsread('CR1643.xlsx','B:B');
for k = 1:CRNum
textFileName = ['CR' num2str(k+1642) '.xlsx'];
A(:,k+2) = xlsread(textFileName,'C:C'); %for g
B(:,k+2) = xlsread(textFileName,'D:D'); %for h
Don't use xlsread if you want to go through a loop. because it opens excel and then closes excel server each time you call it, which is time consuming. instead before the loop use actxserver to open excel, do what you want and finally close actxserver after your loop. For a good example of using actxserver, search for "Read Spreadsheet Data Using Excel as Automation Server" in MATLAB help.
And also take a look at readtable which works faster than xlsread, but generates a table instead.
The most obvious improvement seems to be to load the files only partially if possible. However, if that is not an option, try whether it helps to only open each file once (read everything you need, and then assign it).
M(:,k+2) = xlsread(textFileName,'C:D');
Also check how much you are reading in each time, if you read in many rows in the first file, you may make the first dimension of A big, and then you will fill it each time you read a file?
As an extra: a small but simple improvment can be found at the start. Don't use 4 load statements, but use 1 and then assign variables based on the result.
As mentioned in this post, the easiest thing to change would be to set 'Basic' to true. This disables things like formulas and macros in Excel and allows you to read a simple table more quickly. For example, you can use:
xlsread('CR1643.xlsx','A:A', 'Basic', true)
This resulted in a decrease in load time from about 22 seconds to about 1 second for me when I tested it on a 11,000 by 7 Excel sheet.

advice with pointers in matlab

I am running a very large meta-simulation where I go through two hyperparameters (lets say x and y) and for each set of hyperparameters (x_i & y_j) I run a modest sized subsimulation. Thus:
for x=1:I
for y=1:j
For each subsimulation however, about 50% of the data is common to every other subsimulation, or subsimulation(x_1,y_1).commondata=subsimulation(x_2,y_2).commondata.
This is very relevant since so far the total simulation results file size is ~10Gb! Obviously, I want to save the common subsimulation data 1 time to save space. However, the obvious solution, being to save it in one place would screw up my plotting function, since it directly calls subsimulation(x,y).commondata.
I was wondering whether I could do something like
subsimulation(x,y).commondata=% pointer to 1 location in memory %
If that cant work, what about this less elegant solution:
subsimulation(x,y).commondata='variable name' %string
and then adding
What solution do you guys think is best?
You could do this fairly easily by defining a handle class. See also the documentation.
An example:
classdef SimulationCommonData < handle
function this = SimulationCommonData(someData)
% Constructor
this.someData = someData;
Then use like this,
commonData = SimulationCommonData(something);
subsimulation(x, y).commondata = commonData;
subsimulation(x, y+1).commondata = commonData;
% These now point to the same reference (handle)
As per my comment, as long as you do not modify the common data, you can pass it as third input and still not copy the array in memory on each iteration (a very good read is Internal Matlab memory optimizations). This image will clarify:
As you can see, the first jump in memory is due to the creation of common and the second one to the allocation of the output c. If the data were copied on each iteration, you would have seen many more memory fluctuations. For instance, a third jump, then a decrease, then back up again and so on...
Follows the code (I added a pause in between each iteration to make it clearer that no big jumps occur during the loop):
function out = foo(a,b,common)
out = a+b+common;
for ii = 1:10; c = foo(ii,ii+1,common); pause(2); end