JAX-RS Frameworks with Client Caching - rest

Do RESTEasy, Jersey or Restlet integrate client sided caching?
I read something about a CacheClient for Jersey
Is that an official implementation? If not, are they working on Client Caching for Jersey 2.0? Can someone confirm this?
For Resteasy I read here something about official client sided cache control.
Im not sure about Restlet. Are there some official good solutions?

Regarding Restlet, we are planning to add a caching service in version 2.2. That will benefit the JAX-RS extension as well.
See our detailled roadmap here.


REST Api documentation for Apache CXF application

We use Apache CXF in our application with jax-rs to build REST Api. As of now, there is no documentation about the various endpoints available and is deployed on Tomcat 8.5 server.
I have done some R&D on how to find a solution. I understand that Swagger can be used.
But, I did not find enough documentation to user swagger with Apache CXF.
I understand that these type of questions are prohibited in the site. At the same time, I am not sure which chat room to use for this purpose.
Any information on this would help me a lot.
Depending on the CXF version that you are using, I would suggest to use OpenApiFeature (OpenAPI is newer than Swagger) as described here: http://cxf.apache.org/docs/openapifeature.html
You can also find multiple sample projects with Swagger or OpenAPI here: https://github.com/apache/cxf/tree/master/distribution/src/main/release/samples/jax_rs

Does Dropwizard support Server Sent Event? [duplicate]

Does Dropwizard support Servlet 3 asynchronous servlets? If not, is it on the roadmap at any time in the near future?
It uses Jetty 8, which supports Servlet 3.0. Jersey (and JAX-RS) doesn't have any support for this, but it's forthcoming in JAX-RS 2.0 (and Jersey 2.0). Dropwizard doesn't add anything special, but when Jersey 2.0 ships, the next major Dropwizard release will very likely include it.
You can use https://github.com/jetty-project/jetty-eventsource-servlet. Read wiki for how to impl Servlet and EventSource
In your DW Service implementation you add your SSE servlet
environment.addServlet(new MySseEventSourceServlet(), "/sse");
Then add this to your DW config
connectorType: NONBLOCKING
now you can start listening for Server-sent Event's on
curl localhost:8080/sse -H"Accept: text/event-stream"
See working example # GitHub, https://github.com/andershedstrom/dropwizard-with-sse

Producing application/zip content using RESTeasy

This quesiton refers to the RESTeasy framework by jboss.
I'm using the client framework to call a third-party REST webservice. I was wondering if the RESTeasy framework has support to produce application/zip contents.
I've read the documentation, and I don't see any mention of that. Does RESTeasy provide the tools to handle a application/zip response (from a third-party Web service for example) ?
Can someone put me on the right direction ?
This annotation did the trick for me :
public File getSerieBaseInformation(#PathParam("language")String language);

Manage UDDI registry with CXF

I have an application using Apache CXF with a lots of SOAP services implemented. So, i would like to use the "service registry" concept and then, i´d hear about UDDI, but i dont know how to implemented that.
Is Apache CXF already composed by an API to deploy UDDI engine or should i fix another library to do that?
Take a look at JUDDI:
which is a UDDI service. The latest version is written to JAX-WS and is tested by default with CXF.
To add, jUDDI has a neat way to automate the registration of web services using annotations and a servlet startup listener.
Source: http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/juddi/trunk/juddi-examples/uddi-annotations/

Define WADL resources base in Jersey

I am using Jersey 1.9 and it is generating my WADL perfectly except I need to redefine the resources base URI.
I'm running Jetty 7 sitting behind Apache using mod_proxy as a reverse proxy to route REST requests back to Jetty / Jersey. So Jersey generates the resources base URI as
when I need something like
I found this from Google but it is not working: http://jersey.576304.n2.nabble.com/Changing-baseURI-when-generating-WADL-td6169703.html
unfortunately, you've found a bug in Jersey implementation. Please file a new issue as stated on mailing list - jira link: http://java.net/jira/browse/JERSEY
What you can do for now is downgrade to Jersey 1.8, which should not be affected by latest changes in this area. Thanks and sorry for inconvenience!
EDIT: issue link: http://java.net/jira/browse/JERSEY-773
it is already fixed, so you should be able to use this feature in Jersey 1.10-b02 and newer.