I have created a IFacebookRestClient object in my JAVA web application and I have posted strings on my fanspage using stream.publish() method. But it seems to be "Recent Posts by Others on 'myFansPage'". The update message will not shown on my fans news feed.
So, I need to update status of my fanspage. How it is possible?
When I went through the Rest API, I could see the method "status.set()" and "users.setStatus()" but it posts only in users profile not on a fanspage.
How can I do that?
You need to use the token of your page.
See https://graph.facebook.com/me/accounts
Then use the token from your page and set a regular status update.
The following public post which is visible on the page it was posted (it is not "hidden") is a mystery to me: https://www.facebook.com/Orange.France/posts/833781953305851
i.e., it is not available in the page's /feed edge, and the graph API can't retrieve it either. The following command returns an "unsupported get request":
curl https://graph.facebook.com/170852259598827_833781953305851?access_token=XXX
I tried also the following without much success:
curl https://graph.facebook.com/833781953305851?access_token=XXX
In both cases, I tried the access_token of the page as well a random access_token generated from the graph explorer.
So, the question is: how can I retrieve this post through the FB API ?
You can't retrieve that post via the API - it was made by a user whose data cannot be accessed via the API by any app due to their privacy settings
You can see this by trying to load the poster's details (https://graph.facebook.com/<username>- it fails with the same exception)
Such posts will never be accessible via the API, because the person who made the post has explicitly disabled all apps from interacting with them or their posted content
If you want to prevent such users from posting on the page, there's an API-settable option called which will stop this - documentation for how to apply settings to the pages your app manages is here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/page/settings
The specific option you need to enable to prevent platform-opt-out users from posting is called PLATFORM_OPTOUTS_CAN_POST
The main reason is not because of page, but it's because of the author turn the platform off.
You can't query the author basic info via Graph API.
The author can turn the platform off, so any Graph API query including comments wouldn't include him.
I've studied Facebook API for several hours, and googled lots of pages. But I can not find the way get posts list just like my timeline on Facebook app.
I would like to make a Web app that show my timeline posts just like Flipboard. I found an API to get my "story" and "my friends list". But I can not even imagine how to retrieve my friend post that shown on my timeline.
Is it impossible to replicate my timeline on my web app? Only Flipboard can do that? Do you have any hint?
To access the current User's News Feed use the "User/Home" request as described in the API Documentation.
In order to gain access to the User's News Feed you will be required to gain the "read_stream" permission. For information on how to request the appropriate permission, read the Login, authorization and permissions section of the Getting Started guide.
The request to me/home will return an array of News Feed items, which are comprised of statuses, pictures, likes, etc. You can see an example of the result by using the Graph API Explorer.
Compare the results to your Timeline and they should be nearly identical (currently I believe Ads/Promoted Posts are excluded from the API)"
Play around with the Graph API Explorer:
I had to change the permissions within the App and specifically give myself 'read_stream' access, but once that was complete I was able to run a '/me/home' Graph API GET Request and return a representation of my timeline. Good luck!
You can get the timeline this way:
$fb = new Facebook('{config}');
$request = $fb->get('/me?fields=feed.limit(10000){link}');
$graphObject = $request->getGraphNode();
return $graphObject;
I try to fetch user's feeds via graph api from my Android application. It generally works but some feeds that I can see on the wall are missing in the json response.
I call the url http://graph.facebook.com/someUserId/feed, by using the Android Facebook SDK methods, so the access token should be provided automatically, but it's not really relevant I think in my case. Nevertheless fyi, the user of my app is authenticated via OAuth.
I already checked the following:
all the user's feeds are visible to everyone / public (set in privacy settings)
the json response is not cached by my browser
I am aware of paging, but this is not an issue. The problem is not that I am not getting the very oldest feeds but that some feeds are just missing in between.
I registered a new facebook user which is not connected to the user I want to retrieve the wall feeds from, and when I open the respective wall I see all the feeds there, as expected, since they're all public to everyone. Yet, when I open the same related json url unter http://graph.facebook.com/someUserId/feed, some feeds are missing.
This is an example of the problem - since all my posts are public, I can just call the json url directly in a browser to do a test.
I want to get wall feeds from user:
Screenshot1: note the 3 marked postings, all posted by myself
and here the json response, as you can see, the 1st and 3rd wall posts are included in the json, but the 2nd post is not. Why?
The related json url is:
I am getting the 'missing' feed when I add an access_token to the url - but why? The posted feed has a privacy setting for 'everyone'?!
This is the missing feed that I get when using the access_token:
{"id":"504063796_485195138796","from":{"name":"Mathias Lin","id":"504063796"},"message":"Photo test upload from Android","picture":"http:\/\/photos-e.ak.fbcdn.net\/hphotos-ak-snc6\/hs021.snc6\/165194_485195123796_504063796_6062399_1841907_s.jpg","link":"http:\/\/www.facebook.com\/photo.php?fbid=485195123796&set=a.485195118796.256450.504063796","name":"Torres Photos","icon":"http:\/\/static.ak.fbcdn.net\/rsrc.php\/yz\/r\/StEh3RhPvjk.gif","actions":[{"name":"Comment","link":"http:\/\/www.facebook.com\/504063796\/posts\/485195138796"},{"name":"Like","link":"http:\/\/www.facebook.com\/504063796\/posts\/485195138796"}],"privacy":{"description":"Everyone","value":"EVERYONE"},"type":"photo","created_time":"2011-01-06T05:10:43+0000","updated_time":"2011-01-06T09:00:23+0000","likes":6,"comments":{"data":[{"id":"504063796_485195138796_3607414","from":{"name":"Mathias Lin","id":"504063796"},"message":"Awesome, photo upload now works as well. Not so much fun working with the Facebook SDK for Android, would have expected more functionality beyond that just very very simple graph api wrapper. But need to be considered that the android sdk development was part of an internship - but since it's it's open source, it can luckily be modified. Which has to be done due to some bugs (mixing up the bundle parameters for a post, getString, getByteArray). Api documentation could be improved.","created_time":"2011-01-06T05:26:04+0000"},{"id":"504063796_485195138796_3608020","from":{"name":"Renate Hermanns","id":"628810487"},"message":"Wow
, how fast time passes by. Your daughter is nearly grown up ;-).","created_time":"2011-01-06T09:00:23+0000"}],"count":2},"attribution":"Torres"}
I've already posted the question to the FB dev forum, awaiting response.
Related threads:
Facebook Graph API "/userid/feed" returning Blank
Your approach is correct, I've seen the JSON and yes it's missing the second one, I think it's upload app form adroid, try checking the application settings for this app. Or If your trying to retrieve the wall FQL is a much better way
SELECT post_id, actor_id, target_id, message FROM stream WHERE source_id in (SELECT target_id FROM connection WHERE source_id=<uid> AND is_following=1) AND is_hidden = 0
I've been through this, the way Facebook is categorizing their permissions is somehow misleading, for example Publicly available may sounds like Available to everyone on Facebook but apperantly it's not.
Now in your case, if you already authenticated the user, then try using:
I guess this is the only case where access_token is not needed in the URL.
I had a similar problem. But for me, the problem was related to not setting the scope properly on first login (to authorize the app). I posted a similar question and got an answer that worked for me here:
Facebook API how to get all wall items
I've got a open graph page with a like button, activity feed, etc. I want to be able to post programmatically. The open graph docs says it's possible via the old stream.publish api. I've got a meta tag pointing to my facebook application, but the stream publish api doesn't seem to be able to post.
This is what i'm posting via the api:
message='Hello facebook',
target_id='ID via curl 'https://graph.facebook.com/?ids',
I keep getting:
"error_code":101,"error_msg":"Invalid API key"
What am I missing?
I figured out my problem. Make sure you've got the app_id meta tag and the uid should be the social nodes id. So the id that's passed back from https://graph.facebook.com/?ids=http://website/
A meta tag with your application ID isn't going to do anything if you want to perform actions programmatically. You need to use the javascript libs and initialize them with your application ID.
I know that it was previously possible to display your most recent Facebook statuses on your website as an RSS feed, but it seems they've changed their setup and I can't figure out where to find the feed anymore....
I saw some people searching for this a while ago, but since Facebook just released their new layout, I didn't know if this might have changed again.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Try this for a feed in JSON-format.
Facebook appears to have killed all the public status feeds in the name of user privacy. The only way to fetch it is to build a facebook application that gets your status updates, and then associating your facebook account with that application to give it permission to access your status updates so it can put them somewhere else.
Thankfully, someone has already done that for us. Just go to http://apps.facebook.com/statusexport/ while logged in to facebook and grant the app permission. Then it will give you a public URL to an RSS feed of your status updates.
Just keep it simple... This is an easy way to load your latest status(es) using graph.facebook.com through curl / php. Includes a quick simple function.
Easiest way to load your latest facebook status
I found this site which you authenticate, and it will then give you a working rss feed.
I have found that it does have some limitations, but you can see it here:
If you wan't to display status updates only, you can use:
This URL will return a JSON string of user [uid]:s status updates.
To get your status feed, follow these instructions:
Log into Facebook
Go to http://www.facebook.com/notifications.php
Click the link titled "Your Notifications" at the bottom of the box to the right of the list of notifications
That will bring you to a feed of your notifications, which is not what you asked for. This url will be something like feed://www.facebook.com/feeds/notifications.php?id=XXXXXX&viewer= XXXXXX&key=YYYYYYYY&format=rss20
Change notifications.php to status.php in the URL (preserving all the URL parameters).
That should be a feed of your status updates.
Start at http://www.facebook.com/notes.php and click on the "My Friend's Notes" link. Change the friends_notes part of the url to friends_status, and you should be good to go.
Programmatically specifying user to query status updates for
(Note: This is a server-side solution)
It's possible the feed you're looking for has been deprecated for security purposes.
Alternatively facebook FQL on the Status table might provide an answer because it allows you to specify the user ID (for example, your own) for which to retrieve status updates, and a time frame can be specified to limit them as desired.
A raw fb FQL query example, for status updates:
select uid,status_id,message
from status
where uid in
(select uid2 from friend where uid1= uid)
AND time > {time in the last week}
The main FQL guide starts here.
Poking around the Internet you can pick up sample code of FQL code being called from PHP and other platforms.
PHP example:
$q = "SELECT name FROM user WHERE uid='$id'";
$query = $facebook->api_client->fql_query($q);
The facebook client API library for your platform of choice can be downloaded and used to issue FQL statements.
There is also a Test Console hosted online for facebook developers to test API statements against their own account.
You can also use a RSS feed generator for your Facebook Statuses (or Photos) like the RSS Feeds application on Facebook.
It will help you generate a RSS feed for all your statuses and photos while maintaining the privacy modes.
Although, I am not a fan of the user interface the application has, but the functionality is what is awesome :)
Theres also anther way to do it..Which is simple and easy...its not an rss feed but a plugin can be developed to output as an rss...Theres a tutorial of it on http://Fourgefeed.com