According to the requirement i only need minimum input in event store for adding event to calender.
So i want to hide/remove invitees and repeat from EKEventEditViewController.
Is there any way i can do it?
I presume your talking about the displaying of the invitees and repeat options
from EKEventEditViewController?
Having looked at the current API for EKEventEditViewController it doesn't look like there is a way.
However, you could create a custom view controller that replicated the look of the EKEventEditViewController minus the event options you are not interested. You'd need to construct the interface, code the view controller and a delegate interface. It's more effort than using EKEventEditViewController but I can't see you achieving what you want any other way.
I have a TabBar Application with 2 tabs saving/fetching data to and from CoreData. The problem that I am having is that when the form has been filled and the user has touched the save button the view is not re-loaded or re-initialised. All I want is for the view to be ready for the user to repeat the process with the next set of information. I am probably not thinking about this in the correct way so a pointer in the right direction would be very much appreciated...
Do I need to manually set everything including the managedObjectContext etc. to nil? Or is there something that I can do with methods like viewWillDisappear that will elegantly help me to "re-initialise" that specific tab?
I ave read up the Apple docs on view hierarchies, and life cycles but I just seem to have confused myself...
Thanks in advance for any suggestions, referrals to code or even recommendations on relevant reading material.
It sounds like what you want to do is reload any data to their default states when the user taps a button. Unfortunately, you'll have to do this manually, setting each IBOutlet's value to a meaningful default (probably the empty string).
There are two ways I can think of that would help make this more elegant:
Use an IBOutletCollection and fast enumeration to loop over all the IBOutlets and not have a bunch of code to do each one individually.
If you're switching tabs in between these events, you can something neat and use your app delegate as your UITabBarControllerDelegate for the tabBarController:didSelectViewController: to call the clearing-out method for you instead of relying on viewDidAppear.
I am fairly new to Objective-C, but haven't been able to find the answer I am looking for yet.
I am building a practice app which counts down days till specific events (christmas). It all works well, but I wanted to implement a simple way to change the background image (created from storyboards). The current setup of the app is a basic utility app, with the alternate view containing a UISegmentedControl that will set which background image will be displayed behind the countdown label.
I know I can just push separate views, but that seems quite inefficient. I am fairly sure I can use NSNotifications to update the background image, but am still unclear after reading the documentation how to implement it.
One way is to use delegates. A delegate is a callback. That avoids one view passing a reference to another view and having it poke (introduces coupling). Instead, one provides a callback via a formal protocol and delegate to the other.
Here's an SO question that covers it:
What exactly does delegate do in xcode ios project?
Another option is to have a shared model. Using a singleton pattern, multiple views can share a model (data and operations) and you can use NSNotificationCenter to send notifications. When the other view gets the notification that the background changed, it can query the model and update the background.
Related posts:
Giving notification to another class with NSNotificationCenter
How to share an object with the entire project?
As far as the pros and cons go, basically a notification is good when you want to broadcast a change to multiple views. Delegation is good when two items need to communicate directly with some abstraction.
NSNotificationCenter vs delegation( using protocols )?
I've been expanding my horizons recently and am trying to start utilizing KVO more in my programming.
I have a view controller in my iPhone application which acts as the datasource and delegate for a UITableView. I also have a singleton model controller which coordinates populating my model with data fetched from the web.
In my view controller, I request that the model's controller load new data from the web. Then I can observe the "dataset" property of the singleton and receive KVO notifications when items are added to or removed from the set.
Now, each cell in my table view has an indicator which specifies whether the content in that cell has been read or not (like the blue "unread" dot in mail). Like mail, when a row is selected, I'll display details about that row. In the viewDidLoad for the detail view, I set the object's "read" property to YES. I would like the original view controller to be able to observe this "read" property of each object in the dataset, so that [tableView reloadData] can automatically be called as necessary and redraw the cells without the blue dot.
In researching this, I found the following link:
According to this, it looks like I will do the following:
1) Be an observer of the array
2) Whenever I get a notification of a change to the array, I add (or remove) myself as an observer for the individual properties I am interested in.
3) When I get a notification of a change to the property I'm interested in, I can call [tableView reloadData]
I'm currently in the process of attempting to implement this approach. Can anyone with experience doing this offer some advice on this approach? If this the best way to handle this type of situation?
If this is the correct approach, would anyone be willing to share their implementation of adding/removing the observers for objects in the collection when the collection changes?
I think you can accomplish this task by using Core Data and the Fetched Results Controller.
I'm sure this can save you a lot of work.
Here's a good guide: Ray Wenderlich Core Data Tutorial, getting started
I'm new to Objective-C and not a full time programmer. I'm beginning to understand the Model-View-Controller design pattern for differentiating the UI from the model. So the user takes an action and the view controller sends a message to the delegate (model). But I'm not sure what the best way to send actions from the delegate back to the view controller.
For example, the user pushes a button, the VC messages the Delegate. That part I understand. Then the delegate takes action, and following that the delegate wants to update the VC (e.g., update a label).
So what I missed (or have forgotten) is how this gets done, while maintaining separation between the UI and the model. I suppose I can use the notification center. Or I think I can just have the view controller pass a callback to the delegate. Or maybe there's another choice I don't know of. Can someone give me a recommendation, please?
I think you're slightly misunderstanding the MVC paradigm. Models should never be delegates of views, since models should have no dependencies or knowledge of any view classes. Typically, a view sends a message to its delegate or target (if you're using target/action), which is usually a controller (often a subclass of UIViewController on iOS). The controller then accesses data from the model and can update any views that need updating. I'd recommend reading the MVC fundamentals guide for a more complete explanation.
Basically you're right, you could do all the notification-related things yourself (i.e. with NotificationCenter) but since we're talking about UI-Stuff here I would greatly recommend you to use IBAction-Methods and IBOutlet-Properties in your code which you can easily connect to UI-Elements respectively their Callbacks in Interface Builder.
A very basic introduction to this topic can be found here:
iPhone SDK Interface Builder basic training
i hope that it is not too basic tough, and that I could lead you on the right track.
First of all delegate is NOT a Model.
Model is something passive that only holds the data (DB, plist, array, dictionary etc.).
While delegate is some set of functions that exist in order to react to some events.
Delegate is more likely to be a view controller in your case.
The view controller should react to user's action.
If the button tap should display some data from your model in some label then view controller should do all the work (receive user's action, take the necessary data from the model and display it on the view...).
As I understand, Pickers have an Delegate class. Why's there an additional Datasource needed?
There is a difference between a delegate and a datasource.
A datasource is typically used to configure what is displayed by a control. "How many rows do you have?", "What should i display in this row", etc.
A delegate is usually used to let the controlling code know that something happened. "Hey someone selected this row.", "Hey someone started editing this row."
Because the picker view needs information on how to populate the table inside each segment.
Sometimes it may be useful to have one class handling where the data comes from and another handling what to do with it (MVC pattern)
Like most supervisors, the picker is stupid. It can't figure out what to work on, so it keeps being given data and tasks(by the provider); but it needs to have someone who knows what to do with it. That's the delegate.
The API used to combine datasource and delegate methods into one protocol (at least for UITableViews), but it's inflexible - the way it is now you can have a totally different object provide the data to be displayed from the code that is responsible for handling the mechanics of using a picker.
Generally though you do end up wiring both to the same object.