Upgrading Mercurial 1.5 to 2.2 - version-control

I am upgrading my server from an old version of Mercurial, 1.5 to the newest version. I am wondering if the 2.2 build of Mercurial is stable for use by multiple users at a time. Also are there any gotchas when upgrading like my custom hooks not working, or a buildslave object not working? I have not done a major upgrade on a source control server before so help would be appreciated.

Mercurial is famouse for being very strict regarding compatibility. Have you checked upgrade notes? It list all breaking changes between version. Biggest change for me is introduction of hgweb in 1.6.
Biggest exception from compatibility rules are hooks. Mercurial doesn't guarantee anything so only way is to try.
Also consider making update in two stages. For example first to 1.9 and than to 2.2.


Is there a "stable" version to use of the npm packages ui5/cli & sap-ux-tooling?

To my knowledge, the latest non-alpha version of the #ui5/cli and #sap/ux-ui5-tooling (as of 2nd March 2022 - version 2.14.6 and 1.5.0 respectively) are the ones to use.
However, I wanted to confirm as my organisation has multiple ui5 projects and so having a standardised version of the #ui5/cli and #sap/ux-ui5-tooling dependencies could prevent issues around bugs in tooling.
If the advice is just to use the latest non-alpha version, then I just need to update the dependencies regularly.
The versions you mentioned should be your choice to use in a productive environment.
The upcoming UI5 tooling 3.0 is not.
I don't think you will achieve the same version in every app because of the lifecycle.
The packages are fast paced and when u have a stable app deployed you will not update it every month I think.
I would not invest time to find the perfect tooling version.

How can I upgrade parse-server to a new version?

I have a few apps (already working) running parse-server on Heroku and using mLab mongoDB.
I need to upgrade parse-server to a new version.
What is the simplest (an best) way to do that?
Ensure compatibility by testing locally first, of course. To upgrade the version you change your project's package.json file. There should be a dependency "parse-server": "a.b.c"
"a.b.c" will use an explicit version.
"~a.b.c" will use the latest version matching "a.b."
"^a.b.c" will use the latest version matching "a..*"
a is a major version, which is not always backwards compatible.
b is a minor version, which generally includes new features but should be backwards compatible, so ^ is usually safe to use.
c is a patch version, which is generally bug fixes and security updates, though I think parse-server has included minor feature updates here as well.

Where can I download the latest beta of PlayFramework 2.6 so that I can use it with Scala 2.12?

Where can I download the latest beta of PlayFramework 2.6 so that I can use it with Scala 2.12? Is one available? All the links from documentation, e.g. https://www.playframework.com/documentation/2.6.x/Highlights26 seem to lead to dead-ends when I actually try to download. If it is not available, should the documentation not at least state that? Why no branches or tags corresponding to 2.6 in Github? Why is there a migration guide for 2.6 if it cant' yet be downloaded?
You can try building the framework from source.
The github master branch should contain the latest developments.
Be careful though, it may be unusable.

Upgrading EF7 to beta 6

I'm currently using EF7 - beta4 and would like to use beta6. I know I'm playing with fire by using nightlies, but has anyone else done this and have been able to build after upgrading?
I've added the nightly nuget repository: https://www.myget.org/F/aspnetvnext/api/v2/ but when ever I upgrade a package it totally trashes all of .net in both DNX 4.5.1 and DNX Core 5. Now I'm not crazy enough to do this in a working project, so I'm testing this out in new empty mvc project and when I attempt to build I get in excess of 2000 errors from everything.
Has anyone else attempted this and if so how does one get around all the errors?
The nightly builds are highly unstable. Here are some pointers for working on the bleeding edge of ASP.NET.
Reset all packages. Sometimes nightly builds break other packages. Delete project.lock.json and delete all packages (~/.dnx/packages/). Reinstalling may help you get a coherent set.
Upgrade DNX. dnvm upgrade -u. This installs the latest, unstable version of DNX.
Submit issues. If it's breaking for you, it may not just be you.
Pay attention to the ASP.NET on GitHub. Nightly builds are usually only a few days behind the latest changes to the dev branch. We are working fast, and breaking things.
If stability is important, stick to the Nuget.org betas. Beta5 was just released yesterday, and has been more thoroughly vetted for stability.
Watch the Announcements repository to receive a heads-up on breaking changes.

Vignette V8 Upgrade

Vignette upgrades are usually not straightforward. You basically have to do a new installation and migrate over all of your customizations etc. Does anyone know if the upcoming V8 version is easier to upgrade or if its easier to upgrade from a certain previous version compared to earlier version. So I can upgrade to an earlier version (say 7.6) and then hopefully its easier?
Vignette v8 is officially not out yet, its only been soft released to some selected clients. My guess is that the upgrade will not be very straightforward but I've no concrete information on that.
During the wait you might also be interested in an open source alternative of Vignette v8 freely available: Sense/Net 6.0 http://blog.sensenet.hu/post/2009/08/05/An-Open-Source-Alternative-for-Vignette-v8.aspx
I have finally found the answer. You do need to upgrade to 7.6 before upgrading to 8.0 from an earlier version.