DNS Redirecting into Another website - redirect

I own a website(A) and used blogger platform in web domain.Last month blog get deleted and i couldn't redirect it(A) into another new blog.As it is(A) domain only(No hosting), Can i redirect that domain(A) into my another website (B) which has Hosting in it(B) ??

You could change your DNS settings for your domain (of website A) to point to the IP address of your server for website B or also simply use a CNAME record which would point to your FQDN for website B, for example: www.websiteA.com CNAME www.websiteB.com.
There may be further configuration required for your host so they know to serve your website from requests to websiteA.com.
Note: This will continue to display as www.websiteA.com/page in your browser and not do a true redirect to www.websiteB.com/page.


Route 53 domain only works when prefixed with http(s)://

I have an application that runs fine in AWS App Runner and can be found here: https://iyarles.net
However, it's not accessible via the naked domain name iyarles.net.
Clarification comment: If I goto iyarles.net in my browser (edge), the request times out. If I goto iyarles.net, my website loads fine.
The App Runner service has a custom domain configured and my hosted zone has the 2 certificate validation records and the alias record pointing to my service.
A few weeks ago I transferred my domain from Google Domains to Route 53. It was originally a redirect from iyarles.net or any other subdomain (with or without https://) to the default domain for my service.
How can I replicate the previous behavior? What exactly are these alias records doing?
When you type the hostname into the browsers address bar, browsers will assume you want to make a plain HTTP request.
When you explicitly include the https: scheme, browsers will make a secure HTTP request.
Your server is running an encrypted service on port 433. It is not running a plain service on port 80.
It times out if you type http://iyarles.net too.
The issue is that the custom domain configured in AWS App Runner is not accessible via the naked domain name, iyarles.net. To replicate the previous behavior, you will need to create an Alias Record in your hosted zone in Route 53, which will point your domain name to the service URL.
The Alias Record is used to route traffic from a domain name to the service URL. It will ensure that any requests to the domain name will be routed to the service URL, thereby allowing your application to be accessible via the naked domain name.
It is important to note that you will also need to create two Certificate Validation Records in your hosted zone in Route 53. These records are used to validate the SSL Certificate for your domain name, which is necessary for HTTPS connections.

Redirecting sub-domain to specific URI

I want to redirect my subdomain to specific URI without making any changes to my code.
I found the domain forwarding services from Bigrock, they have a sub-domain forwarding service which specifies all subdomains will be redirected as "subdomain.mydomain.com to yourdestinationurl/subdomain/"
I replaced yourdestinationurl, with www.mydomain.com but it's not working.
Am I doing something wrong?Is there any alternative way to do this?
You may create the subdomain in the DNS Manager/Domain name zone file and point it to any URL using 'URL-Redirect' DNS record.
In other words, you need to login into the account of your domain name registrar (if the domain name is delegated to the default nameservers) or into your hosting cPanel (if you have a hosting plan). Then you need to find where to configure DNS records and configure URL-Redirect (also called URL-Forwarding) for your subdomain.
There is no need to have any plugins.

Plesk and domain hosted externally

I have two hosting accounts (Personal one and a work one). I am doing some testing and would like to create a subdomain of a work domain (manage.domain.com) and host it on my personal account. Currently, my personal host is through 1and1 and is dedicated while the work one is shared with GoDaddy.
I have gone into go daddy and created the subdomain. I have also added DNS records such as A, AAAA AND NS (i did not record a CNAME). I have noticed that if is type manage.domain.com it is redirecting to my personal server. However, it is directing to the blank admin page of the root of the server (which is maintained using Plesk).
Using Plesk I added the website (domain.com) and created the subdomain (manage.domain.com). I have also updated the websites hosting access using Plesk and assigned it the default values of my personal account. Using Plesk I also set the subdomain to the particular location of the files I want to test. However, I cannot get my server to recognize the address and redirect it to the proper location.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
You can just create:
in personal account domain(not subdomain) manage.domain.com
on domain.com add DNS record of type A, name "manage" and IP address of personal hosting:
After that "manage.domain.com" will resolving to hosting of your personal account and can be accessed because such domain exists.
I figured it out
What i did above was correct expect do not change the name servers on the work DNS(godaddy).
Add the website to plesk - it will give you an error about not being able to control the DNS settings which you have already adjusted on the original server (godaddy)
Add a subdomain of the website.
*** Ensure the subdomain is pointed to the correct folder within your server

Facebook scraper uses incorrect DNS data > my site is not gettng scraped

I recently moved one of my sites (gezondbenjij.nl) to a new hosting account. This resulted in a new IP address.
Unfortunately, since the move, the Facebook scraper cannot find my site on the new IP address. It still uses the old IP. All DNS settings are correct, and every browser/client/tool finds the correct site at (gezondbenjij.nl). Except for Facebook.. The facebook scraper lands in my old hosting account. So I guess their hostfile or DNS cache still holds the old data. Even after a couple of weeks.
I have set a domain alias at gezondbenjij.com --> gezondbenjij.nl, and redirected the old hosting account to this .com domain. In this way, facebook is redirected to the correct site via a bypass, but still is not able to scrape the site. So the URLs I try to share on facebook will not generate snippets at this moment.
Is there any way to force (or kindly ask) Facebook to update their DNS cache? I used the fb URL linter, but it will not solve the issue. It will only reset facebook's html cache, not the DNS cache..
Check your IPv4 and IPv6 IP addresses in your DNS configuration. I had similar issue and the problem was that I've updated only IPv4 DNS record, while keeping old IPv6 (Facebook uses IPv6 in it's Tools). My hosting provider corrected it and problem was solved.

Redirect non www requests without redirecting sub-domains

To replace a legacy web site, a client has pointed their DNS at my server where a new version of the website exists.
However they still serve http://support.example.com from their own server.
I have noticed that non-www requests, e.g. http://example.com still point to their own server, therefore show the old web site.
How can I point non-www requests, http://example.com at my server without breaking the functionality of their 'support' sub-domain?
The client's server is a Microsoft server, mine is Linux/Apache
Edit: Changing the DNS 'A' record will not break the existing sub-domain
I know I could add an index.html page to the front of the old site, but if it was ever deleted the page requests would cease to work
I can't use mod-rewrite because I don't have access to their web server files
On the client DNS, create an A
record for:
support.example.com – IP of the client's server
example.com – IP of my server
www.example.com - IP of my server
No need for any DNS changes on my server regarding this domain
Changing the A record for example.com won't affect the A record for support.example.com.