Sql Looking for Similar Names in a Table - tsql

I have a WinForms C# app which uses a SqlCommand to extract info from a back end SqlServer DB. When a user types in a name, I want to inspect my DB table to look for similar names (say having the same two initial characters). I've been trying the following sql command text:
FROM tblCases
Where #Name is a parameter in the SqlCommand generated by the application, the value of which is set by the user.
But this returns nil query results every time even when I know it should be returning some results.
What I am trying to achieve is that is the user types say name "Smith", I want the DB to return values like 'Smythe' or 'Smithson', but I cant see to get the SQL command text right.
Help most appreciated.

You can do it this way with the LIKE clause. It adds the wildcard % at the end of you name you are passing:
FROM tblCases
WHERE Name LIKE (SUBSTRING(#name,1,2) + '%')


SQL query to extract default (initial) value of a value property

I am trying to create a custom template fragment that builds a table of value properties. I started by creating a SQL query fragment that pulls all properties classified by a Value Type. Now I would like to pull in the default (initial) value assigned. I figured out that it's in the Description table of t_xref, with the property guid in the client field, but I don't know how to write a query that will reliably parse the default value out since the string length may be different depending on other values set. I tried using the template content selector first but I couldn't figure out how to filter to only value properties. I'm still using the default .qeax file but will be migrating to a windows based DBMS soon. Appreciate any help!
Tried using the content selector. Successfully built a query to get value properties but got stuck trying to join and query t_xref for default value.
Edited to add current query and image
Value Properties are block properties that are typed to Value Types. I'm using SysML.
This is my current query, I am no SQL expert! I don't pull anything from t_xref yet but am pulling out only the value properties with this query:
SELECT property.ea_guid AS CLASSGUID, property.Object_Type AS CLASSTYPE, property.Name, property.Note as [Notes], classifier.Name AS TYPE
FROM t_object property
LEFT JOIN t_object classifier ON property.PDATA1 = classifier.ea_guid
LEFT JOIN t_object block on property.ParentID = block.Object_ID
WHERE block.Object_ID = #OBJECTID# AND property.Object_Type = 'Part' AND classifier.Object_Type = 'DataType'
ORDER BY property.Name
I guess that Geert will come up with a more elaborate answer, but (assuming you are after the Run State) here are some details. The value for these Run States is stored in t_object.runstate as one of the crude Sparxian formats. You find something like
where v1 is the name and 4711 the default in this example. How you can marry that with your template? Not the faintest idea :-/
I can't give a full answer to the original question as I can't reproduce your data, but I can provide an answer for the generic problem of "how to extract data through SQL from the name-value pair in t_xref".
Note, this is heavily dependent on the database used. The example below extracts fully qualified stereotype names from t_xref in SQL Server for custom profiles.
t_xref.Description, charindex('FQName=',t_xref.Description)+7,
Description from t_xref where t_xref.Description like '%FQName%'
This works using:
substring(string, start, length)
The string is the xref description column, and the start and length are set using:
charindex(substring, string, [start position])
This finds the start and end tags within the xref description field, for the data you're trying to parse.
For your data, I imagine something like the below is the equivalent (I haven't tested this). It's then a case of combining it with the query you've already got.
t_xref.Description, #the string to search in
charindex('#VALU=',t_xref.Description,charindex('#NAME=default',t_xref.Description)+6, #the start position, find the position of the first #VALU= tag after name=default
-charindex('#VALU=',t_xref.Description,charindex('#NAME=default',t_xref.Description))-6 #the length, find the position of the first #ENDVALU tag after the start, and subtract it from the start position
Description from t_xref where t_xref.Description like '%#NAME=default%' #filter anything which doesn't contain this tag to avoid "out of range" index errors

format issue in scala, while having wildcards characters

I have a sql query suppose
sqlQuery="select * from %s_table where event like '%holi%'"
for (city<- listCity){
Expected output:
select * from Bangalore_table where event like '%holi%'
select * from Mumbai_table where event like '%holi%'
Actual output:
unknown format conversion exception: Conversion='%h'
Can anyone let me how to solve this, instead of holi it could be anything iam looking for a generic solution in scala.
If you want the character % in a formatting string you need to escape it by repeating it:
sqlQuery = "select * from %s_table where event like '%%holi%%'"
More generally I would not recommend using raw SQL. Instead, use a library to access the database. I use Slick but there are a number to choose from.
Also, having different tables named for different cities is really poor database design and will cause endless problems. Create a single table with an indexed city column and use WHERE to select one or more cities for inclusion in the query.

Select/Insert from identical table on two different DB connections

I have to do a select from a table and insert into another identical(same structure) table on two different DB connections.
This is my code:
from("direct:" + getId)
.toD("sql:classpath:" +getSql1 + "?datasource= DataSourse1&usePlaceHolder=true"))
.setHeaders("Results", simple(${body})
toD("sql:classpath:" +getSql2 + "?datasource= DataSourse2&usePlaceHolder=true"))
getSQL1 : Select * FROM Product1
getSQL2 :Insert Into Product2 Values(${headers.results})
It does not work because of the data format I'm trying to insert, I suppose. What I get from the Select is something like this:
[{ID=130, DESCRIPTION=Product130}]
So, I need to clean my data and get only 130, 'Product130'
Any help? Thanks.
Assuming your actual code works and you're just transferring one record, change the getSql1 select option part to this:
"?datasource= DataSourse1&usePlaceHolder=true&outputType=SelectOne"
That puts a map into your message body as a result, instead of List of Map. No need to copy the result into a header. With Camel's SQL component, it will look for named query parameters in your message body if the body type is a Java Map.
Next change your insert to use the parameters within the Map:
insert into Product2 (ID, DESCRIPTION) values (:#ID, :#DESCRIPTION)
Notice I included the column names. This is for safety and good practice. If by chance the column order isn't the same as the origin table, this will still work.

How do I match variables from FreeRADIUS in PostgreSQL with the LIKE operator?

In a PostgreSQL query, executed by FreeRADIUS, I want to do something similar to (the table names and values are just examples):
FROM users
WHERE city LIKE '%blahblah%';
but there is a catch: the blahblah value is contained in a FreeRADIUS variable, represented with '%{variable-name}'. It expands to 'blahblah'.
Now my question is: How do I match the %{variable-name} variable to the value stored in the table using the LIKE operator?
I tried using
FROM users
WHERE city LIKE '%%{variable-name}%';
but it doesn't expand correctly like that and is obviously incorrect.
The final query I want to achieve is
WHERE city LIKE '%blahblah%';
so it matches the longer string containing 'blahblah' stored in the table, but I want the variable to expand dynamically into the correct query. Is there a way to do it?
Wild guess:
Assuming that FreeRADIUS is doing dumb substitution across the entire SQL string, with no attempt to parse literals, etc, before sending the SQL to PostgreSQL then you could use:
FROM users
WHERE city LIKE '%'||'%{variable-name}'||'%';
Edit: To avoid the warnings caused by FreeRADIUS not parsing cleverly enough, hide the %s as hex chars:
WHERE city LIKE E'\x25%{variable-name}\x25';
Note the leading E for the string marking it as a string subject to escape processing.
FROM users
WHERE city LIKE '%%'||'%{variable-name}'||'%%';
Is slightly cleaner. %% is FreeRADIUS' escape sequence for percents.

SELECT query in PostgreSQL

I am trying to retrieve values from a PostgreSQL database in a variable using a WHERE clause, but I am getting an error.
The query is:
select age into x from employee where name=name.GetValue()
name is the textcontrol in which I am entering a value from wxpython GUI.
I am getting an error as name schema doesn't exist.
What is the correct method for retrieving values?
"name.GetValue()" is a literal string, you are sending that to your db which knows nothing about wxpython and nothing about the variables in your program. You need to send the value of that data to your db, probably using bound parameters. Something like:
cur.execute("select age from employee where name=%s", [name.GetValue()])
x = cur.fetchone()[0] # returns a row containing [age] from the db
is probably what you're after. This will create a query with a placeholder in the database, then bind the value of name.GetValue() to that placeholder and execute the query. The next line fetches the first row of the result of the query and assigns x to the first item in that row.
I'm not positive what you are trying to do, but I think your issue might be syntax (misuse of INTO instead of AS):
SELECT age AS x FROM employee WHERE name = ....