ClassNotFoundException: - eclipse

I try to start an Google appengine application in my eclipse.
I have the Google plugin and I set the sdk for my application.
But, when I start this one, I get the following error:
However, this class is present in the sdk which is present in my classpath.
Why Appengine doesn't find this class ?
Please try to follow the steps to add JPA and datastore JARs in the app's war/WEB-INF/lib/ directory.
All the jars in the appengine-java-sdk/lib/opt/user/datanucleus/v2/ directory.
I met the same problem and followed the steps on that webpage. Now my code works well.
I believe that problems happens because we are using JPA 2.0 instead of JPA 1.0 now.
Also, please make sure you are using org.datanucleus.api.jpa.PersistenceProviderImpl as the provider instead of At least I used the new provider because I am developing GAE projects using the newest GAE plug-in
Good luck.

Related after migration to liferay 7 from liferay 6.2

I get below error in console when deploying each portlet after migration to liferay 7 which was working fine with liferay 6.2
ClassNotFoundException: cannot be found by MAIPF_MyAccount-portlet_7.0.0.1
SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://IDPLaptop/MAIPF2012_dev_VR7
My guess is that you fell into a common issue I keep seeing on StackOverflow when people try to upgrade to Liferay 7: libraries within the server's lib are not visible for all portlets.
With the ability to code OSGi modules,if one moves their portlet to an OSGi bundle, they need to keep track of the dependencies that module require.
As the jar you are using is not a bundle, you will need to create a uber bundle or use compileInclude to create a fat jar for your module.
Liferay 7, out of the box, does only support open source databases. As you state that you're using Service Builder, you might need to install Antonio's SQLServer integration or move to the commercial offering, Liferay DXP.
Check Victor's answer as well. I commonly use open source databases and DXP anyways, so the nitty-gritty-details that are hidden here are only my theoretical knowledge, I rarely get to experience this in practice.

How to start a spring-mvc application with gradle on netbeans

Hi i am trying to find out how to initialize a spring mvc application on netebans.
When you create a new gradle project on netbeans is a java project, but how can i configure it to make it a spring mvc project.
Is there any tutorial out there?
You are pretty much on your own. You will need to configure Gradle to build your application. I assume it means using 'war' plugin and adding various Spring MVC dependencies. NetBeans with plugin will then be able to understand Java related part.
There is a work in progress to add support for web application development to this plugin but nothing publicly available as far as I know.

Spring installation with Eclipse

I have downloaded and installed Spring STS for Eclipse...
But when I've Created a Spring Project I can't to
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
So I tried to add library like spring.jar but I couldn't find this jar.(properties-->java build path-->libraries)
What's wrong with this setting? Or my installation is not ended?
Spring STS is only a Eclipse plugin which helps the developer managing spring beans. It is not mandatory for developing a spring-based application.
So your second approach was the right one to add the spring library. You can download spring here: Spring Downloads and then add it as a library to your project.
But serious... I would encourage you to do a tutorial first:
Plugins does not includes library of spring.
Plugin is only to manage the reference of configuration in your project build in eclipse.
Libraries are actual jar file which is required at compile as well as run time.
If you skip the plugin installation then your code will work if your configuration is correct
But if you skip spring library installation or download then your code will not compile of run.
Please go through step by step tutorial by following these tutorial
Spring Step By Step Tutorial

Cannot find OpenPortal Portlet Container 2.x when creating a new server runtime environment in eclipse

I just started learning portlet and got stuck in the first place. I have installed JavaEE 6 SDK, Eclipse Helios and GlassFish Server 3.0.1. I also successfully configured OpenPortal Portlet Container (OPC) for GlassFish by running command:
java -jar portlet-container-configurator.jar
The problem come up when I wanted to create a new server runtime environment of OPC, there was no "OpenPortal Portlet Container 2.x" node like the tutorial said. I googled and found that I needed to install Eclipse Portal Pack but the link was dead.
Any suggestion, please?
Best Regard.
If you want to develop portlets, I strongly recommend downloading Apache Pluto instead of using the open portlet container; you can download a version of Tomcat bundled with Pluto from their site:
Actually, Pluto has a few quirks that you need to get past (for example, it wants you to run an 'assembly' step to add some entries to your web.xml) but once you do it is probably the best way. You could also try Liferay or JBoss' GateIn for development, but if you are ultimately targeting a vendor supplied platform like WebSphere, you might find that these actually have features that aren't as portable, whereas Pluto is really just a simple implementation of the portlet spec.
I have found the .jar file on Internet. Thanks for watching.

Unable to publish web app: SpringSource Tool Suite problem?

I have an existing, fully functional Spring web application based on Spring 2.5.6 - developed using SpringSource Tool Suite 2.1.0.SR1.
Because I'd like to use REST I decided to upgrade to Spring 3.0.0.M4. After editing the dependencies in pom.xml and changing my code to reflect the API changes in Spring 3.0 I tried to publish my web app to a local server (SpringSource tc - a Tomcat derivate).
The result is an almost empty web app folder and therefore a non-functional app. The app's folder only contains WEB-INF/lib with all libraries required by the Maven dependencies.
After realising that something's broken, I created a new Spring MVC project (based on the default 2.5.6) and published it to the same server. No problems. I tried to adapt my project's files (.settings/*, .project, .classpath, .springBeans), but this didn't change anything.
I'm pretty lost right now. My guess is that STS doesn't handle 3.0 apps correctly. Any suggestions?
PS: I don't want to revert to 2.5 if it's not absolutely necessary. I don't need STS and tc so I don't have a problem using other tools, but it worked fine so far.
I run into this all the time using Eclipse Galileo and m2eclipse 0.9.8 and Tomcat with WTP. I think it is m2eclipse that is the culprit. The problem seems worse after switching from Ganymede. The work around is to run mvn to create the war and then copy the war contents from "target" to WTP's "wtpwebapps" directory. You can conveniently find this horribly long path by double clicking the server in the Servers view, and choosing "Open Launch Configuration" from there click on Arguments(?) tab I think and copy the catalina.home java property that is defined as an argument there.
The problem vanished with newer versions of STS. Additionally my development environment changed a bit since I posted this question, so I can't really tell what caused the problem.
For me, it looked like a weird hiccup inside STS.
Spring Tool Suite 2.1.0 claims partial support for Spring 3.0, though not for the REST features. According to the release, future releases will add full support. From the release statement:
Support for milestones of Spring 3.0 including XML editing and validation, support for #Configuration and #Bean annotations
Complete Spring 3.0 support including tools for developing RESTful web applications
Try deploying your app to embedded jetty. 'mvn jetty:run' with help you confirm if that there's nothing wrong with your build (that all the right manifests and deps are in place)