How does "for (i <- 1 to x; j <- 1 to y)" actually increment the variables in Scala? - scala

How is below loop being incremented ?
for(i <- 1 to 3; j <- 1 to 3) print((10 * i + j) + " ")
Is there an implicit counter using 'to' ?

for is actually shorthand for applying a bunch of collections methods. In particular, if you are not using yield, each statement in the for selector is translated to foreach. So
for (i <- 1 to 3; j <- 1 to 4) f(i,j)
turns into
(1 to 3).foreach{ i => (1 to 4).foreach{ j => f(i,j) } }
foreach is a method on all collections--Range included, which is what 1 to 3 turns into--which loops through each item in the collection, calling a provided function each time. A Range's items are the numbers listed (endpoints included, in this case)--in fact, Range doesn't actually store the numbers in a separate list, so it's main purpose is precisely to hold ranges of numbers for exactly this sort of iteration.

In scala, the for construct is like the "foreach" construct in Java. The following sets i to be each successive item in the given Iterable.
scala> for(i <- Seq(1, 2, 3)) println(i)
The to operator, as in 1 to 3 constructs a Range from 1 to 3:
scala> 1 to 3
res3: scala.collection.immutable.Range.Inclusive = Range(1, 2, 3)

There is an implicit conversion from Int to RichInt.
RichInt defines the function to() which returns a Range.
Range is a collection, and has foreach() hence it can be used in a for comprehension (which is just syntactic sugar for foreach()).


Scala for loop multiple counters

I'm new to Scala, and I'm trying to convert this for loop from Java:
for(int x=1, y=2; x<=5; x++, y+=2)
I'm trying to zip the values in Scala since I can't find a way to have multiple counters which are non-nested:
val a = Seq(1 to 5)
val b = Seq(2 to 10 by 2)
for((x,y) <-
But the above code is giving this error:
type mismatch; found: scala.collection.immutable.Range required: String
Does anyone know how to fix this? I would prefer to do with for loop only, not while loop.
Try this, no need to wrap the Range in a Seq:
val a = 1 to 5
val b = 2 to 10 by 2
(x,y) <-
You might try . . .
((1 to 5) zip (2 to 10 by 2)).foreach(x => println(x._1+x._2))
Because Scala for comprehensions are sufficiently different from for() loops in other languages, it's often a good idea for beginners to avoid them until they've gained a sufficient knowledge of map, flatMap, and foreach.
In your example you want x to range from 1 to 5 and y is always 2*x. Using for loops is easy for those coming from Java:
for(x <- 1 to 5; y = x*2) {
println(s"x = $x, y = $y, x+y = ${x+y}")
Here is solution to a more generic problem - iterating over elements in a collection using multiple counters (=indices or pointers), like if you want to compare each 2 pairs:
val c = List("a", "b", "c", "d") //or any collection
val end = c.length - 1
for(i <- 0 to end-1; j <- i+1 to end)
//compare or operate with each pair
... prints:

Haskell GHCi prints lazy sequence but Scala REPL doesn't

I would to print out a stream of numbers but the following code only prints out the first number in the sequence:
for ( n <- Stream.from(2) if n % 2 == 0 ) yield println(n)
res4: scala.collection.immutable.Stream[Unit] = Stream((), ?)
In Haskell the following keeps printing out numbers until interrupted and I would like similar behaviour in Scala:
naturals = [1..]
[n | n <- naturals, even n]
Instead of yielding just println (why would one want infinite sequence of Unit's?):
for ( n <- Stream.from(2) if n % 2 == 0 ) println(n)
If you really want that infinite sequence of Units, force result:
val infUnit = for ( n <- Stream.from(2) if n % 2 == 0 ) yield println(n)
infUnit.force // or convert to any other non-lazy collection
Though, eventually, it will crash program (due to large length of materialized sequence).
The result type of a for comprehension is a collection of the same type of the collection in the first clause. See the flatMap function signature
So the result of a
for ( n <- Stream.from(2) .....
is a collection of type Stream[_] which is lazy so you have to pull the element values or actions out.
Look at the result types:
scala> :type for( n <- Stream.from(2)) yield n
scala> :type for( n <- List(1,2,3)) yield n
scala> :type for( n <- Set(1,2,3)) yield n
To print out numbers until interrupted try this:
Stream.from(2).filter(_ % 2 == 0) foreach println
Its type grants us it will work:
scala> :type Stream.from(2).filter(_ % 2 == 0) foreach println
I think you meant:
for (n <- Stream.from(2) if n % 2 == 0) yield n
(because yield println(n) will always yield () with a side effect of printing n)
This gives you the collection you want. However, Scala, unlike Haskell, doesn't evaluate all members of a (lazy) list when you print the lazy list (a Stream). But you can convert it into a non-lazy list using .toList. However, you won't see the same infinite printing behaviour in Scala as it will try to build the entire (infinite) list first before printing anything at all.
Basically there is no way to get the exact same combination of semantics and behaviour in Scala compared to Haskell when printing infinite lists using the built-in toString infrastructure.
for (n <- Stream.from(2) if n % 2 == 0) yield n
is expressed more shortly as
Stream.from(2).filter(_ % 2 == 0)

Return type of Scala for/yield

I'm reading through Scala for the Impatient and I've come across something that's got me scratching my head.
The following returns a String:
scala> for ( c<-"Hello"; i <- 0 to 1) yield (c+i).toChar
res68: String = HIeflmlmop
But this returns a Vector:
scala> for (i <- 0 to 1; c <- "Hello") yield (c + i).toChar
res72: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[Char] = Vector(H, e, l, l, o, I, f, m, m, p)
The text preceding these two examples reads...
"When the body of the for loop starts with yield, then the loop
constructs a collection of values, one for each iteration...This type of loop is called a for comprehension. The generated collection is compatible with the first generator.
If the generated collection is compatible with the first generator, then why isn't the second example returning a type of Range, as in the following:
scala> val range = 0 to 1
range: scala.collection.immutable.Range.Inclusive = Range(0, 1)
Or am I misinterpreting entirely what the text means by, "...the generated collection is compatible with the first generator."
for-comprehensions are desugared to a series of map, flatMap and filter operations.
When you use map on a Range, you get a Vector output:
scala> 0 to 2 map (x => x * x)
res12: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[Int] = Vector(0, 1, 4)
This is because a Range is a very simple sort of collection, that is essentially just two three numbers: a start value, an end value and a step. If you look at the result of the mapping above, you can see that the resulting values cannot be represented by something of the Range type.
in this for (i <- 0 to 1; c <- "Hello") yield (c + i).toChar comprehension,
the 1st generator is of Type scala.collection.immutable.Range.Inclusive
the yield result vector is of Type scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[Int]
and if you check the class Range:
it shows Range extends/mixin the IndexedSeq. the super type IndexedSeq is compatible with the sub type Range.
If the result can not be represented by a range(as the previous answer explained), it will 'search for' the super type to represent the result.

What does :+= method do defined for scala.collection.immutable.Vector?

given the following scala code:
var v1 = Vector("foo")
v1 :+= ""
What does :+= do, how is it different from += and where is it defined?
PS: Yes, i did search on this, but didn't found anything. Found trough this ( tutorial.
Scala sequences have three operators that produce new sequences by adding something to an old sequence: ++, +: and :+. The ++ operator simply concatenates a Scala sequence with another (or a traversable). The other two prepend and append elements, respectively.
The peculiar syntax of +: and :+ is due to the way they are used. Any operator ending with : applies to the object on the right, not on the left. That is:
1 +: Seq.empty == Seq.empty.+:(1)
By symmetry, the other operator is :+, though the colon is meaningless in that case. This let you write things like this:
scala> 1 +: 2 +: 3 +: Seq.empty :+ 4 :+ 5 :+ 6
res2: Seq[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
Note how the elements being added end up in the exact same position as they appear in the expression. This makes it easier to visualize what's happening.
Now, you have :+=, not any of the above. As it happens, Scala allows one to concatenate any operator with = to make up a get-and-set operation. So the common increment expression:
x += 1
Actually means
x = x + 1
v1 :+= ""
v1 = v1 :+ ""
which creates a new vector by appending the empty string to the old vector, and then assigns it to v1.

Incrementing the for loop (loop variable) in scala by power of 5

I had asked this question on Javaranch, but couldn't get a response there. So posting it here as well:
I have this particular requirement where the increment in the loop variable is to be done by multiplying it with 5 after each iteration. In Java we could implement it this way:
for(int i=1;i<100;i=i*5){}
In scala I was trying the following code-
var j=1
println(i+" "+j)
But its printing the following output:
1 1
6 2
11 3
16 4
21 5
26 6
31 7
36 8
Its incrementing by 5 always. So how do I got about actually multiplying the increment by 5 instead of adding it.
Let's first explain the problem. This code:
var j=1
println(i+" "+j)
is equivalent to this:
var j = 1
val range: Range = Predef.intWrapper(1).to(100)
val increment: Int = scala.math.pow(5, j).toInt
val byRange: Range =
byRange.foreach {
println(i+" "+j)
So, by the time you get to mutate j, increment and byRange have already been computed. And Range is an immutable object -- you can't change it. Even if you produced new ranges while you did the foreach, the object doing the foreach would still be the same.
Now, to the solution. Simply put, Range is not adequate for your needs. You want a geometric progression, not an arithmetic one. To me (and pretty much everyone else answering, it seems), the natural solution would be to use a Stream or Iterator created with iterate, which computes the next value based on the previous one.
for(i <- Iterator.iterate(1)(_ * 5) takeWhile (_ < 100)) {
EDIT: About Stream vs Iterator
Stream and Iterator are very different data structures, that share the property of being non-strict. This property is what enables iterate to even exist, since this method is creating an infinite collection1, from which takeWhile will create a new2 collection which is finite. Let's see here:
val s1 = Stream.iterate(1)(_ * 5) // s1 is infinite
val s2 = s1.takeWhile(_ < 100) // s2 is finite
val i1 = Iterator.iterate(1)(_ * 5) // i1 is infinite
val i2 = i1.takeWhile(_ < 100) // i2 is finite
These infinite collections are possible because the collection is not pre-computed. On a List, all elements inside the list are actually stored somewhere by the time the list has been created. On the above examples, however, only the first element of each collection is known in advance. All others will only be computed if and when required.
As I mentioned, though, these are very different collections in other respects. Stream is an immutable data structure. For instance, you can print the contents of s2 as many times as you wish, and it will show the same output every time. On the other hand, Iterator is a mutable data structure. Once you used a value, that value will be forever gone. Print the contents of i2 twice, and it will be empty the second time around:
scala> s2 foreach println
scala> s2 foreach println
scala> i2 foreach println
scala> i2 foreach println
Stream, on the other hand, is a lazy collection. Once a value has been computed, it will stay computed, instead of being discarded or recomputed every time. See below one example of that behavior in action:
scala> val s2 = s1.takeWhile(_ < 100) // s2 is finite
s2: scala.collection.immutable.Stream[Int] = Stream(1, ?)
scala> println(s2)
Stream(1, ?)
scala> s2 foreach println
scala> println(s2)
Stream(1, 5, 25)
So Stream can actually fill up the memory if one is not careful, whereas Iterator occupies constant space. On the other hand, one can be surprised by Iterator, because of its side effects.
(1) As a matter of fact, Iterator is not a collection at all, even though it shares a lot of the methods provided by collections. On the other hand, from the problem description you gave, you are not really interested in having a collection of numbers, just in iterating through them.
(2) Actually, though takeWhile will create a new Iterator on Scala 2.8.0, this new iterator will still be linked to the old one, and changes in one have side effects on the other. This is subject to discussion, and they might end up being truly independent in the future.
In a more functional style:
scala> Stream.iterate(1)(i => i * 5).takeWhile(i => i < 100).toList
res0: List[Int] = List(1, 5, 25)
And with more syntactic sugar:
scala> Stream.iterate(1)(_ * 5).takeWhile(_ < 100).toList
res1: List[Int] = List(1, 5, 25)
Maybe a simple while-loop would do?
var i=1;
while (i < 100)
or if you want to also print the number of iterations
var i=1;
var j=1;
while (i < 100)
println(j + " : " + i);
it seems you guys likes functional so how about a recursive solution?
#tailrec def quints(n:Int): Unit = {
if (n*5<100) quints(n*5);
Update: Thanks for spotting the error... it should of course be power, not multiply:
Annoyingly, there doesn't seem to be an integer pow function in the standard library!
Try this:
def pow5(i:Int) = math.pow(5,i).toInt
Iterator from 1 map pow5 takeWhile (100>=) toList
Or if you want to use it in-place:
Iterator from 1 map pow5 takeWhile (100>=) foreach {
j => println("number:" + j)
and with the indices:
val iter = Iterator from 1 map pow5 takeWhile (100>=)
iter.zipWithIndex foreach { case (j, i) => println(i + " = " + j) }
(0 to 2).map (math.pow (5, _).toInt).zipWithIndex
res25: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[(Int, Int)] = Vector((1,0), (5,1), (25,2))
produces a Vector, with i,j in reversed order.