Drupal 7: Sorting multiple content types in Views, with different date fields - date

I'm using Drupal 7, with the Views, Feeds and Views PHP modules (among others, but I think those are the only relevant ones).
My goal is a single view that combines (a) multiple RSS feeds brought in through the Feeds module, (b) two or three content types of my own, for contant created manually on my site. The result will be a block and a page that has a stream of all my latest work, wherever it is -- my own site or another site (as long as that other site has an RSS feed, of course).
The ideal result would show a single list, sorted by date, mingling the items without regard for content type.
My problem: The Feeds module and my custom content types have different date fields. My content types have a field called Original Date, which I set when I create content (eg, adding an article I wrote three years ago -- I clearly want it to be sorted by when it was published, not when I added it to the site). However, each feed_item has a date field, Published Date, that corresponds to the date in the RSS feed and is received with the rest of the item by RSS.
I have tried to use the Views PHP functionality to use if/then statements, in a variety of ways. For example, I check what the content_type is, and then set a variable to either the Original Date or by the Published Date, depending on the content type. Alternatively, I have tested whether the Original Date field is set; if so, I return that field, otherwise I return the Published Date field. They all fail in various ways. Most throw PHP errors that are visible even to anonymous users (obviously a problem).
I have tried these various approaches directly in the Sort Criterial section of Views; I've also tried to come up with the date in the Fields section, and then have a Sort criterion call that result. I've converted everything to a Unix timestamp, to make sure I have something simple to sort by; I've tried leaving dates as dates. No luck any which way.
Here's the really weird part: I have successfully used these approaches to display the correct date, so that (for example) the block shows • TITLE | Original Date for custom content types, and • TITLE | Published Date for feed items. But when I try the same approach(es) to sort by date, it fails.
Am I overlooking something simpler? Do I have to use PHP Views? Is there some other way to sort a View of multiple content types by a combination of two different (though similar) fields?

Have you tried using the relationship feature of views? You could use that to get access to all of the date fields of all of the content types, then add some conditional code to the field item and you should be golden. (That is, if I'm understanding the question correctly...)

I found many possible solutions and summarized them here: https://drupal.org/node/2133879
However, this is a simple solution that I'd recommend:
In a custom module use the hook_views_query_alter() function to alter the sort criteria to use CASE ... WHEN to add a conditional in the orderby condition. A good example is shown here:
* Implements hook_views_query_alter
* #param type $view
* #param type $query
function MODULE_views_query_alter(&$view, &$query) {
if ($view->name == 'views_name' && $view->current_display == 'display_name') {
$query->orderby = array(
'field' => 'CASE WHEN field_data_field_date_publication.field_date_publication_value
THEN field_data_field_date_publication.field_date_publication_value
ELSE node.created END',
'direction' => 'DESC',


Sulu CMS: how to search/filter for content of a specific type with specific values for specifc attributes?

Short description of the situation:
We're running a forked version of Sulu 1.5.2, PHP 7.1, Windows server environment, db connection with PostgreSQL
We have a website structure/tree where we have house templates at the top level; each house has one house_rooms and one house_occupants template; each house_rooms template has N house_rooms_room templates, and each house_occupants template has N house_occupants_occupant templates. This represents an actual House that has N Rooms and N Occupants.
Now I'd like to know if there is a way to specifically get, for instance, all the house_occupants_occupant content that follows a certain pattern of attributes (for instance: their gender attribute having value 'female' and their date_of_birth parameter being >= 1990/01/01), without having to load each house, then find its house_occupantspage among the children, and then loop over that template's house_occupants_occupant children and filter the thus begotten content according to their gender and date of birth attributes.
I already found that there is a ContentRepository class that can ::findAll() and ::findByUuids(), but there doesn't seem to be a way to filter on specific attributes (like template type, template attributes, ...). So I took a roundabout way of creating my own "repository" that does direct PDO queries on the phpcr_nodes table in the database, to specifically scan the props attribute for the occurence of a certain template name:
$this->pdo->query("SELECT identifier, props FROM phpcr_nodes WHERE props LIKE '%>house_occupants_occupant<%'");
I can see that the propscontains a string value representing an XML document that somehow translates into the entire template with attribute-value pairs, however it is obscured regarding tag-levels and how certain attributes relate to certain values. So in theory I could use a specific XML parser to turn this into something human-readable, so that for my house_occupants_occupant data I could get something like:
// what I would get after putting the props through a certain XML parser:
$xmlHumanReadableData = [
'<the_uuid_of_occupant_1>' => [
'gender' => 'female',
'date_of_birth' => '1992-05-18T00:00:00.000+00:00',
... //etcetera etcetera
When I would have that, I could filter the readable data to ascertain which content I want to keep, add the node-uuid to some $theUuids variable, and then retrieve the actual content using Sulu's ContentRepository::findByUuids($theUuids) method. That would "only" require 2 queries and some PHP array filtering in between, which is a great deal better than looping over all the children content starting from a certain parent and doing this until you've traversed all the parents and all their children... (Certainly, the overhead would increase if you'd want to search for, for instance, all house nodes where at least one of its house_occupants_occupant nodes represents a child less than 10 years old, since you'd need extra queries to "set up" the filterdata used in the final query. But still: a great deal better than looping everything... ;-) )
So my question is sort-of twofold:
What is the Sulu-specific XML parser I can use to turn the XML string value in this props column into something human-readable, with proper attribute-value pairs?
And/or, hopefully: is there a way I can avoid all this nonsense and just use a less low-level way of retrieving content of a specific template type with specific values for specific attributes ?
The ContentRepository you've found is already an abstraction to some of our requirements for pages. Your requirements are already quite specific, so you should write your own query using SQL-2, the query language for PHPCR.
This should enable you to write a query which matches your requirements.

Prioritise which identifier to use

My crystal report pulls data about books, including an identifier (isbn, issn order number etc.), author, and publisher.
The ID field stores multiple ways to identify the book. The report displays any of the identifiers for that record. If one book has two identifiers; issn and order number, the report currently displays one apparently at random.
How can I make it prioritise which type to use based on a preset order? I figured some sort of filter on the field could work, but I haven't figured out how. I can't edit the table, but I can use SQL within the report.
If all the different types of ID are stored in a single field, your best bet is to use a SQL Command inside your report to separate them into multiple virtual fields.
Go to Database Fields / Database Expert, expand the connection you want to use, and pick Add Command. From here you can write a custom SQL statement to grab the information you're currently using, and at the same time separate the ID field into multiple different fields (as far as the report will be concerned, anyway. The table will stay unchanged.)
The trick is to figure out how to write your command to do the separation. We don't know what your data looks like, so you're on your own from here.
Based on the very little information that you have provided and if i was to make a guess.I suggest you make use of the formula field in your report and then use something like this to accomplish your goal.
IF ISNULL{first_priority_field_name} OR {first_priority_field_name} = '' THEN
Use nested IF statement in case there are more than 2 identifier fields.

n-n relationships for multiple content types

I'm working on a project based on Laravel 5.3 and Backpack CRUD. My project has about 8 different content types (news, page, portfolio, events, team, video, gallery, jobs).
I need to be able to add tags to every content type (n-n), and every content type has its own specific tags, so tags are NOT shared between the content types.
If I want to use the select_multiple or select2_multiple field type, I would need 8 tables for the content itself, 8 pivot tables, and 8 tables for the tags(!).
Obviously I would like to have just one table for the tags, but if I use the select_multiple or select2_multiple field type, I get all tags in the edit-form of every content type.
So, my question is: Is there an elegant way to filter the results of the select_multiple or select2_multiple field type?
I have created a simple schema with two content types:
In this example I want to be able to filter the tag list on content_type_id, when I'm editing the content of news or page. So I just want to see the news tags in the news-edit form, and just the page tags, in the page-edit form.
Or maybe I should just use the select_multiple field type as intended, and accept the 8 tag tables(?)
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
I think a clean way would be to:
create different models for each tag use, so NewsTag, PageTag, PortfolioTag etc. that would only extend the Tag model and use a global scope to filter the results after content_type_id;
use backpack select2_multiple fields with NewsTag, PageTag, PortfolioTag etc; anything you set on the Tag model will be used (including the table attribute, mutators, accessors, etc);

Customizing the Content Report Table Macro

I have been using the content report table macro, which has been working. Ideally, I only want to list content matching certain labels, and lock in an alphabetical sort order and not show the content author.
I have not been successful in figuring out a way to do this just yet.
Is there a way to just edit the source code for that macro and create a "new one"? I'm struggling to find any useful documentation out there.
Any suggestions are appreciated!
I was also interested on doing this some days ago. Unfortunately, the Content Report Table Macro only have very limited parameters which are very strict. However, the way I succeeded to display only certain properties from the pages and present them in a tabular way (in Confluence 5.8) was with the combination of the macros Page Properties and Page Properties Report, both of them linked by a unique label. I'll break it down below.
1. Set up of properties you want to track
Create a page.
Add the Page Properties macro (no need to specify an ID)
Within the macro just add a table with all the properties you need to keep track of, similar to this:
Important, this is what links the two macros together: Add a label to the recently created page.
2. Display properties in main page
Add Page Properties Report macro. Specify label used across all the already created pages. Also specify the space (I just love this part). In here you also add custom fields (some fields from Content Reports are here). In Options you can specify which properties to display (columns to show), also the sorting order (in my case I'm sorting by the property ID that I added to each page).
Note: if you just want to remove the content author this can even be done easier: no need to add any property, just specify the label of your pages and add the fields you need to show and sorting order.
Hope this helps.

APEX - Can a Tabular Form with its MRU functionality have filtering functionality like an Interactive Report?

What I really need is a Tabular form that allows me to update multiple rows at a time while being filterable like an Interactive report. Any chance this is even remotely possible?
I would also like to hijack the row checkboxes on a tabular form that appear when the 'delete' functionality is activated and use them to select which rows get assigned a to a group based on a common attribute. (i.e. My table contains parts in my inventory and I need to be able to assign parts with common attributes to a group for processing)
Perhaps a group-by function that creates a new row in a 'Group' table with the group as the PK and the parts assigned to that group as a list or something...?
Thoughts? I am kind of at a loss...
It's really not that hard :) You can easily transform an IR into a pseudo-tabular form. And even though there are always more stylish and elegant solutions, those usually involve lots of javascript and/or plugins. They're nice, but not always what you want or need of course.
So how to manipulate your output? Use the APEX_ITEM api!
Quick example. I have an ir built on emp. I added a checkbox and textbox.
select empno, ename, deptno,
apex_item.checkbox(1, empno) empno_selected,
apex_item.text(2, ename, 10, 10) ename_edit
from emp
Don't forget: in the column attributes, set Display text as to Standard Report Column. If you don't, the output will be in plain text. Since apex_item generates html code, you don't want the plain text of course :)
Now, to be able to perform DML based on the actions you do in those generated fields, you will need a process. Let me start off by pointing out though that the generated items are stored in application variables, namely in arrays in APEX_APPLICATION.
Take note of the behaviour of checkboxes: only ticked boxes will have their value stored in the array!
As an example, i've made this small On Submit process (also adding a SUBMIT button on the form to actually perform the submit...)
for i in 1..apex_application.g_f01.count
insert into empselected(empno, selectiondate, ename_changed)
values(apex_application.g_f01(i), sysdate, apex_application.g_f02(i));
end loop;
This will loop over the records with the checkboxes ticked, and insert them into some table. For example, i ticked the box with KING and edited the textfield. See record nr 2 (1 is from a previous action ;))
It's not all the way there yet though. You still miss out on the functionality of a tabular form and it's processes, and things like optimistic locking. If you want to stay with tabular forms, you can also, for example, check out this link. There have also been some questions here about writing your own mru processes etc, like this one ;)
It is possisble, using the same tabular form.
Create an item (text item) in the tabular form region.
Create a submit button (Create a button displayed among this region's items)
Modify the where clause in the tabular form region source
For Example, you need search by customer name:
If you need to search for other field only add other condition to the where clause
or lower(CUSTOMER_address) LIKE '%'||lower(nvl(:PXX_SEARCH,CUSOTOMER_NAME))||'%'
Simple and use the same tabular form.