Where did my last loop go? - perl

In the course of updating some legacy Perl code I came across a situation where a C-style for loop terminates prematurely.
The Problem
The situation can be recreated as follows (same result for me on Linux and Windows):
$ perl
for($i = 0.8; $i <= 2.5; $i+=0.1){
print $i, "\n";
The 2.5 is noticeably absent; it should've passed the $i <= 2.5 conditional.
The Fix
Realizing this may be due to floating-point representations, as outlined in perldoc perlfaq4, I updated the conditional:
$ perl
for($i = 0.8; sprintf( '%.1f', $i ) <= 2.5; $i += 0.1 ) {
print $i, "\n";
2.5 <--- Gotcha !
And service was resumed (or so I thought).
The Verification
I wanted to prove that the final $i was indeed greater than 2.5, so I wrapped the increment in a do loop:
$ perl
for($i = 0.8; $i <= 2.5; do { $i += 0.1; print $i, "\n"; } ) {}
2.5 <--- Surprise!
The test results seem to indicate that floating-point representation is not the issue here.
What is going on here?

You're suprised that a value greater than 2.5 printed as 2.5? Stop being surprised, that's normal floating point stuff. A plain print doesn't show all the digits. Try this:
printf "%.66g\n", $i
in place of your print statement. On my machine the final value printed is 2.5000000000000013. Yours will probably be similar.

Maybe it is because of float, it is not just as 2.5, you can use it as follows:
for ($i = 0.8; $i < 2.6; $i += 0.1) {
or you can see:
for ($i = 0.8; $i <= 2.5; $i += 0.1) {
print $i, "\n";
print $i, "\n";
print $i <= 2.5 ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE';

Computer use a binary storage, not a decimal! If you store the decimal number 0.1 as a binary floating point number, it will result in an infinte number ob binary digits:
dezimal 0.1 = binary 0.000110011001100110011001100110011...
So if you don't use integers, you will get rounding-errors. The dezimal value 0.1 might be stored as the digital number 0.0001100110011001101 and this is dezimal 0.100006104
Adding 25 times 0.100006104 gives 2.50015259 and this is more than 2.5, so this last value is out of range.

The value of i is being increased at different times. Notice your first value in the last run is 0.9, not 0.8.
The problem with the first one is floating point, try using 2.5001 in the condition. Try it using integers, 8 to 25 by 1, the <= works fine.
for($i = 8; $i <= 25; $i += 1 ) {
print $i/10, "\n";
print $_/10, "\n" for 8..25;
my $epsilon = .00000001;
for(my $i = 0.8; ($i - 2.5) <= $epsilon; $i += .1 ) {
print $i, $/;


Perl: calculate jackknife error from of each column of a multi-column file

I am trying to calculate the jacknife average and error of each column in a multi-column file.
My example data file look like this:
$ cat data.HW2
1.1 2.1 3.1 4.1
1.2 2.2 3.2 4.2
1.3 2.3 3.3 4.3
1.4 2.4 3.4 4.4
My attempted solution is to define arrays that will eventually be the size same as the number of columns (in this case 4) and iterate over them line by line:
cat jackkinfe.pl
#! /usr/bin/perl
use warnings; use strict;
my #n=0;
my #x;
my $j;
my $i;
my $dg;
my #x_jack;
my #x_tot=0;
my $cols;
my $col_start=0;
# read in the data
my #column = split();
foreach my $j ($col_start .. $#column) {
$x[$n[$j]][$j] = $column[$j];
$x_tot[$j] += $x[$n[$j]][$j];
# Do the jackknife estimates
for ($j=$col_start; $j<$cols; $j++)
for ($i = 0; $i < $n[$j]; $i++)
$x_jack[$i][$j] = ($x_tot[$j] - $x[$i][$j]) / ($n[$j] - 1);
# Do the final jackknife estimate
my #g_jack_av=0;
my #g_jack_err=0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $n[$j]; $i++)
$dg = $x_jack[$i][$j];
$g_jack_av[$j] += $dg;
$g_jack_err[$j] += $dg**2;
$g_jack_av[$j] /= $n[$j];
$g_jack_err[$j] /= $n[$j];
$g_jack_err[$j] = sqrt(($n[$j] - 1) * abs($g_jack_err[$j] - $g_jack_av[$j]**2));
printf "%e %e ", $g_jack_av[$j], $g_jack_err[$j];
printf "\n";
It gives me the following two warnings:
$cat data.HW2 | perl jackknife.pl
Use of uninitialized value within #n in array element at cols_jacknife.pl line 19, <> line 1.
Use of uninitialized value within #n in array element at cols_jacknife.pl line 20, <> line 1.
It is complaining at the following two lines:
$x[$n[$j]][$j] = $column[$j];
$x_tot[$j] += $x[$n[$j]][$j];
But I want to set the size of #n dynamically depending on the size of the data file.
How do I remove this warning?
Any other suggestions on my Perl usage are also welcome and much appreciated since I am trying to learn best practices.
This part of your code
my #n=0;
foreach my $j ($col_start .. $#column) {
$x[$n[$j]][$j] = $column[$j];
$x_tot[$j] += $x[$n[$j]][$j];
Will trigger the warning once for every value of $j larger than 0, because only the first element in #n is defined: $n[0] = 0. Only at the end of the loop iteration is the array value finally defined, when it is set to 1 by the increment operator with $n[$j]++.
Technically, the code will still work as you expect, because undef will be cast to 0. So.... it should be safe to ignore the warning. You can do something like this inside your loop to avoid it:
$n[$j] //= 0; # $n[$j] is defined, or set to 0
This is equivalent to
if (not defined($n[$j])) {
$n[$j] = 0;

Perl - Unexpected outcome of while loop

This is a simple program but I am unable to understand logic/work being done by while loop behind the scene.
Problem: Write a program that prints every number from 0 to 1 that has a single digit after the decimal place (that is, 0.1, 0.2, and so on).
So here is my code:
$num = 0;
while ( $num < 1 ) {
print "$num \n";
$num = $num + 0.1;
If I write it in this way, it is going to print
$num = 0;
while ( $num < 1 ) {
$num = $num + 0.1;
print "$num \n";
Ideally speaking, 1 and 1.1 should not get printed in both code samples respectively. After printing 0.9 when 0.1 is added to it, it becomes 1.0 i.e. while (1.0 < 1). Hence condition in while loop is false, so it should not print 1 and 1.1. But that is what is happening.
Can someone please explain why while loop is working in this unexpected way i.e. printing 1 and 1.1 even when condition is false.
1/10 is a periodic number in binary just like 1/3 is periodic in decimal.
1/10 = 0.00011 base 2
As such, it can't be represented exactly by a floating-point number.
$ perl -e'printf "%$.20e\n", 0.1;'
This imprecision is the cause of your problem.
$ perl -e'my $i = 0; while ($i < 1) { printf "%1\$.3f %1\$.20e\n", $i; $i += 0.1; }'
0.000 0.00000000000000000000e+00
0.100 1.00000000000000005551e-01
0.200 2.00000000000000011102e-01
0.300 3.00000000000000044409e-01
0.400 4.00000000000000022204e-01
0.500 5.00000000000000000000e-01
0.600 5.99999999999999977796e-01
0.700 6.99999999999999955591e-01
0.800 7.99999999999999933387e-01
0.900 8.99999999999999911182e-01
1.000 9.99999999999999888978e-01
Generally speaking, one can solve this by checking if the number is equal to another within some tolerance. But in this case, there's a simpler solution.
$ perl -e'for my $j (0..9) { my $i = $j/10; printf "%1\$.3f %1\$.20e\n", $i; }'
0.000 0.00000000000000000000e+00
0.100 1.00000000000000005551e-01
0.200 2.00000000000000011102e-01
0.300 2.99999999999999988898e-01
0.400 4.00000000000000022204e-01
0.500 5.00000000000000000000e-01
0.600 5.99999999999999977796e-01
0.700 6.99999999999999955591e-01
0.800 8.00000000000000044409e-01
0.900 9.00000000000000022204e-01
The above solution not only performs the correct number of iterations, it doesn't accumulate error, so $i is always as correct as it can be.
In the second version, you print before the loop checks, i.e. it will even print the case which is already beyond the loop condition.
The fact that you get 1.0 as well as 1.1 is explained by 1.0 being slightly higher than the result of adding a lot of 0.1, because of floating point precision.
So what the loop actually sees is
0.9999 < 1.0 ? Yes, print and loop. Printing does some rounding, so what gets printed is 1.0.
1.0999 < 1.0 ? No, but print nevertheless (because loop checkign is done after printing.
So in order to solve, use the first version but start at 0.1 and check against 0.95.
$num = 0.1;
while ( $num < 0.95 ) {
print "$num \n";
$num = $num + 0.1;
Consider this:
use strict;
use warnings;
use v5.10;
my $num = 0;
while ($num < 1) {
say $num, " (", $num-1, ")";
$num += 0.1;
This outputs:
0 (-1)
0.1 (-0.9)
0.2 (-0.8)
0.3 (-0.7)
0.4 (-0.6)
0.5 (-0.5)
0.6 (-0.4)
0.7 (-0.3)
0.8 (-0.2)
0.9 (-0.1)
1 (-1.11022302462516e-16)
As you can see, due to floating point precision issues the number gained by repeated adding of 0.1 isn’t exactly one, but something slightly less than one, which is why the check succeeds one more time than expected.
Now add this to the imports at the top of the script:
use bignum;
And watch the output change:
0 (-1)
0.1 (-0.9)
0.2 (-0.8)
0.3 (-0.7)
0.4 (-0.6)
0.5 (-0.5)
0.6 (-0.4)
0.7 (-0.3)
0.8 (-0.2)
0.9 (-0.1)
This is because the computation is now done in a high-precision mode and the floating-point error no longer creeps in.
Usually, people get bitten a few times with floating point arithmetic and then learn to do the important part with integers or epsilons. Google, there’s plenty of resources on how to deal with floating point precision errors.

Perl rounding error again

The example to show the problem:
having a number 105;
divide with 1000 (result 0.105)
rouded to 2 decimal places should be: 0.11
Now, several scripts - based on answers to another questions:
This is mostly recommented and mostly upvoted solution is using printf.
use 5.014;
use warnings;
my $i = 105;
printf "%.2f\n", $i/1000; #prints 0.10
but prints a wrong result. In the comment to
https://stackoverflow.com/a/1838885 #Sinan Unur says (6 times upvoted comment):
Use sprintf("%.3f", $value) for mathematical purposes too.
but, it didn't works "sometimes"... like above.
The another recommented solution Math::BigFloat:
use 5.014;
use warnings;
use Math::BigFloat;
my $i = 105;
my $r = Math::BigFloat->new($i/1000);
say "$r"; #0.10 ;(
Wrong result too. Another recommened one bignum:
use 5.014;
use warnings;
use bignum ( p => -2 );
my $i = 105;
my $r = $i/1000;
say "$r"; #0.10 ;(
wrong again. ;(
Now the working ones:
use 5.014;
use warnings;
use Math::Round;
my $i = 105;
say nearest(0.01, $i/1000); #GREAT prints 0.11 :)
good result 0.11, however a comment here https://stackoverflow.com/a/571740
complains about it.
and finally another recommendation "by my own" function:
use 5.014;
use warnings;
my $i = 105;
my $f = $i/1000;
say myround($f,2); # 0.11
sub myround {
my($float, $prec) = #_;
my $f = $float * (10**$prec);
my $r = int($f + $f/abs($f*2));
return $r/(10**$prec);
prints 0.11 too, but can't prove it's correctness.
For the reference I was read:
How do you round a floating point number in Perl?
In Perl, how can I limit the number of places after the decimal point but have no trailing zeroes?
How do I set the floating point precision in Perl?
and many-many others...
and finally this too:
what gives a an really good overall view to the problem.
I understand than it is common problem to all languages, but please, after all
above reading - I still have this question:
What is the error-proof way in perl to round a floating point number to N
decimal places - with mathematically correct way, e.g. what will round results
like 105/1000 correctly to N decimal places without "surprises"...
You're expecting a specific behaviour when the number is exactly 0.105, but floating point errors mean you can't expect a number to be exactly what you think it is.
105/1000 is a periodic number in binary just like 1/3 is periodic in decimal.
= 0.00011010111000010100011 (bin)
~ 0.00011010111000010100011110101110000101000111101011100001 (bin)
= 0.10499999999999999611421941381195210851728916168212890625
0.1049999... is less than 0.105, so it rounds to 0.10.
But even if you had 0.105 exactly, that would still round to 0.10 since sprintf rounds half to even. A better test is 155/1000
= 0.00100111101011100001010 (bin)
~ 0.0010011110101110000101000111101011100001010001111010111 (bin)
= 0.1549999999999999988897769753748434595763683319091796875
0.155 should round to 0.16, but it rounds to 0.15 due to floating point error.
$ perl -E'$_ = 155; say sprintf("%.2f", $_/1000);'
$ perl -E'$_ = 155; say sprintf("%.0f", $_/10)/100;'
The second one works because 5/10 isn't periodic, and therein lies the solution. As Sinan Unur said, you can correct the error by using sprintf. But you have to round to an integer if you don't want to lose your work.
$ perl -E'
$_ = 155/1000;
$_ *= 1000; # Move decimal point past significant.
$_ = sprintf("%.0f", $_); # Fix floating-point error.
$_ /= 10; # 5/10 is not periodic
$_ = sprintf("%.0f", $_); # Do our rounding.
$_ /= 100; # Restore decimal point.
That will fix the rounding error, allowing sprintf to properly round half to even.
0.105 => 0.10
0.115 => 0.12
0.125 => 0.12
0.135 => 0.14
0.145 => 0.14
0.155 => 0.16
0.165 => 0.16
If you want to round half up instead, you'll need to using something other than sprintf to do the final rounding. Or you could add s/5\z/6/; before the division by 10.
But that's complicated.
The first sentence of the answer is key. You're expecting a specific behaviour when the number is exactly 0.105, but floating point errors mean you can't expect a number to be exactly what you think it is. The solution is to introduce a tolerance. That's what rounding using sprintf does, but it's a blunt tool.
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw( say );
use POSIX qw( ceil floor );
sub round_half_up {
my ($num, $places, $tol) = #_;
my $mul = 1; $mul *= 10 for 1..$places;
my $sign = $num >= 0 ? +1 : -1;
my $scaled = $num * $sign * $mul;
my $frac = $scaled - int($scaled);
if ($sign >= 0) {
if ($frac < 0.5-$tol) {
return floor($scaled) / $mul;
} else {
return ceil($scaled) / $mul;
} else {
if ($frac < 0.5+$tol) {
return -floor($scaled) / $mul;
} else {
return -ceil($scaled) / $mul;
say sprintf '%5.2f', round_half_up( 0.10510000, 2, 0.00001); # 0.11
say sprintf '%5.2f', round_half_up( 0.10500001, 2, 0.00001); # 0.11 Within tol
say sprintf '%5.2f', round_half_up( 0.10500000, 2, 0.00001); # 0.11 Within tol
say sprintf '%5.2f', round_half_up( 0.10499999, 2, 0.00001); # 0.11 Within tol
say sprintf '%5.2f', round_half_up( 0.10410000, 2, 0.00001); # 0.10
say sprintf '%5.2f', round_half_up(-0.10410000, 2, 0.00001); # -0.10
say sprintf '%5.2f', round_half_up(-0.10499999, 2, 0.00001); # -0.10 Within tol
say sprintf '%5.2f', round_half_up(-0.10500000, 2, 0.00001); # -0.10 Within tol
say sprintf '%5.2f', round_half_up(-0.10500001, 2, 0.00001); # -0.10 Within tol
say sprintf '%5.2f', round_half_up(-0.10510000, 2, 0.00001); # -0.11
There's probably existing solutions that work along the same lines.
In the old Integer math days of programming, we use to pretend to use decimal places:
N = 345
DISPLAY N # Displays 345
DISPLAY (1.2) N # Displays 3.45
We learned a valuable trick when attempting to round sales taxes correctly:
my $amount = 1.344;
my $amount_rounded = sprintf "%.2f", $amount + .005;
my $amount2 = 1.345;
my $amount_rounded2 = sprintf "%.2f", $amount2 + .005;
say "$amount_rounted $amount_rounded2"; # prints 1.34 and 1.35
By adding in 1/2 of the precision, I display the rounding correctly. When the number is 1.344, adding .005 made it 1.349, and chopping off the last digit displays dip lays 1.344. When I do the same thing with 1.345, adding in .005 makes it 1.350 and removing the last digit displays it as 1.35.
You could do this with a subroutine that will return the rounded amount.
There is a PerlFAQ on this subject. It recommends simply using printf to get the correct results:
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw(say);
my $number = .105;
say "$number";
printf "%.2f\n", $number; # Prints .10 which is incorrect
printf "%.2f\n", 3.1459; # Prins 3.15 which is correct
For Pi, this works, but not for .105. However:
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw(say);
my $number = .1051;
say "$number";
printf "%.2f\n", $number; # Prints .11 which is correct
printf "%.2f\n", 3.1459; # Prints 3.15 which is correct
This looks like an issue with the way Perl stores .105 internally. Probably something like .10499999999 which would be correctly rounded downwards. I also noticed that Perl warns me about using round and rounding as possible future reserved words.
Your custom function should mostly work as expected. Here's how it works and how you can verify it's correct:
sub myround {
my($float, $prec) = #_;
# Prevent div-by-zero later on
if ($float == 0) { return 0; }
# Moves the decimal $prec places to the right
# Example: $float = 1.234, $prec = 2
# $f = $float * 10^2;
# $f = $float * 100;
# $f = 123.4;
my $f = $float * (10**$prec);
# Round 0.5 away from zero using $f/abs($f*2)
# if $f is positive, "$f/abs($f*2)" becomes 0.5
# if $f is negative, "$f/abs($f*2)" becomes -0.5
# if $f is zero, we have a problem (hence the earlier if statement)
# In our example:
# $f = 123.4 + (123.4 / (123.4 * 2));
# $f = 123.4 + (0.5);
# $f = 123.9;
# Then we truncate to integer:
# $r = int(123.9);
# $f = 123;
my $r = int($f + $f/abs($f*2));
# Lastly, we shift the deciaml back to where it should be:
# $r / 10^2
# $r / 100
# 123 / 100
# return 1.23;
return $r/(10**$prec);
However, the following it will throw an error for $float = 0, so there's an additional if statement at the beginning.
The nice thing about the above function is that it's possible to round to negative decimal places, allowing you round to the left of the decimal. For example, myround(123, -2) will give 100.
I'd add use bignum to your original code example.
use 5.014;
use warnings;
use bignum;
my $i = 105; # Parsed as Math::BigInt
my $r = $i / 1000; # Overloaded division produces Math::BigFloat
say $r->ffround(-2, +inf); # Avoid using printf and the resulting downgrade to common float.
This solves the error you made in your use Math::BigFloat example by parsing your numbers into objects imediately and not waiting for you to pass the results of a round off error into Math::BigFloat->new
According to my experience, Perl printf/sprintf uses wrong algorithm. I made this conclusion considering at least the following simple example:
# The same floating part for both numbers (*.8830 or *.8829) is expected in the rounded value, but it is different for some reason:
printf("%.4f\n", "7.88295"); # gives 7.8830
printf("%.4f\n", "8.88295"); # gives 8.8829
The integer part should not have any influence in this example, but it has.
I got this result with Perl 5.8.8.

Simple Perl For-Loop

I have a for loop and I want to increment the variable by 0.1 each time, however the value changes differently from the increment and I am unsure as to why.
I've simplified the for loop and it still gives a strange output:
for (my $t = 1000; $t < 1500 ;$t+=0.1) {
print "$t\n";
It prints:
[it then goes on like this to 1500]
I do not know where the decimal places are coming from. Is this a problem with my understanding of Perl?
Thanks in advance.
1/10 is a periodic number in binary like 1/3 is in decimal. It cannot be represented exactly as a floating point number.
$ perl -e'printf "%.20g\n", 0.1'
Never compare a floating pointer number to another without involving a tolerance, and be wary of accumulation of error.
The simple solution here to to do the arithmetic using integers, and generate the floating point numbers when needed
for (my $tx10 = 10000; $tx10 < 15000; ++$tx10) {
my $t = $tx10/10;
print "$t\n";
which simplifies to
for my $tx10 (10000..14999) {
my $t = $tx10/10;
print "$t\n";
____ ____ ____
0.1 = 0.00011 0.4 = 0.0110 0.7 = 0.10110
____ ____
0.2 = 0.0011 0.5 = 0.1 0.8 = 0.11001
____ ____ ____
0.3 = 0.01001 0.6 = 0.1001 0.9 = 0.11100
for (my $t = 1000; $t < 1500 ;$t+=.1) {
printf("%.1f\n", $t);
for (10000..14999) {
my $t = $_/10;
print "$t\n";
Since 0.1 cannot be exactly specified in binary, rounding errors will accumulate in your code. In this answer, the amount always stays close enough to exact so that perl's internal number to string rounding will display the correct number. Lesson: use integers whenever possible.
To test for the condition
perl -le 'for (my $t = 1000.0; $t < 1500.0 ;$t+=0.1) { print $t}'| perl -n -e '($a)=/(\d$)/; print "fail $a $b $_" if ($a eq $b); $b=$a'
yet another way to fix it
perl -le 'for (my $t = 1000.0; $t < 1500.0 ;$t+=0.1) { $t=sprintf("%.1f", $t); print $t}'| perl -n -e '($a)=/(\d$)/; print "fail $a $b $_" if ($a eq $b); $b=$a'

How do you round a floating point number in Perl?

How can I round a decimal number (floating point) to the nearest integer?
1.2 = 1
1.7 = 2
Output of perldoc -q round
Does Perl have a round() function? What about ceil() and floor()?
Trig functions?
Remember that int() merely truncates toward 0. For rounding to a certain number of digits, sprintf() or printf() is usually the easiest
printf("%.3f", 3.1415926535); # prints 3.142
The POSIX module (part of the standard Perl distribution) implements
ceil(), floor(), and a number of other mathematical and trigonometric
use POSIX;
$ceil = ceil(3.5); # 4
$floor = floor(3.5); # 3
In 5.000 to 5.003 perls, trigonometry was done in the Math::Complex
module. With 5.004, the Math::Trig module (part of the standard Perl
distribution) implements the trigonometric functions. Internally it
uses the Math::Complex module and some functions can break out from the
real axis into the complex plane, for example the inverse sine of 2.
Rounding in financial applications can have serious implications, and
the rounding method used should be specified precisely. In these
cases, it probably pays not to trust whichever system rounding is being
used by Perl, but to instead implement the rounding function you need
To see why, notice how you'll still have an issue on half-way-point
for ($i = 0; $i < 1.01; $i += 0.05) { printf "%.1f ",$i}
0.0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.7
0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.0
Don't blame Perl. It's the same as in C. IEEE says we have to do
this. Perl numbers whose absolute values are integers under 2**31 (on
32 bit machines) will work pretty much like mathematical integers.
Other numbers are not guaranteed.
Whilst not disagreeing with the complex answers about half-way marks and so on, for the more common (and possibly trivial) use-case:
my $rounded = int($float + 0.5);
If it's possible for your $float to be negative, the following variation will produce the correct result:
my $rounded = int($float + $float/abs($float*2 || 1));
With this calculation -1.4 is rounded to -1, and -1.6 to -2, and zero won't explode.
You can either use a module like Math::Round:
use Math::Round;
my $rounded = round( $float );
Or you can do it the crude way:
my $rounded = sprintf "%.0f", $float;
If you decide to use printf or sprintf, note that they use the Round half to even method.
foreach my $i ( 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5 ) {
printf "$i -> %.0f\n", $i;
0.5 -> 0
1.5 -> 2
2.5 -> 2
3.5 -> 4
See perldoc/perlfaq:
Remember that int() merely truncates toward 0. For rounding to a
certain number of digits, sprintf() or printf() is usually the
easiest route.
# prints 3.142
The POSIX module (part of the standard Perl distribution)
implements ceil(), floor(), and a number of other mathematical
and trigonometric functions.
use POSIX;
$ceil = ceil(3.5); # 4
$floor = floor(3.5); # 3
In 5.000 to 5.003 perls, trigonometry was done in the Math::Complex module.
With 5.004, the Math::Trig module (part of the standard Perl distribution) > implements the trigonometric functions.
Internally it uses the Math::Complex module and some functions can break
out from the real axis into the complex plane, for example the inverse sine of 2.
Rounding in financial applications can have serious implications, and the rounding
method used should be specified precisely. In these cases, it probably pays not to
trust whichever system rounding is being used by Perl, but to instead implement the
rounding function you need yourself.
To see why, notice how you'll still have an issue on half-way-point alternation:
for ($i = 0; $i < 1.01; $i += 0.05)
printf "%.1f ",$i
0.0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.0
Don't blame Perl. It's the same as in C. IEEE says we have to do
this. Perl numbers whose absolute values are integers under 2**31 (on
32 bit machines) will work pretty much like mathematical integers.
Other numbers are not guaranteed.
You don't need any external module.
$x[0] = 1.2;
$x[1] = 1.7;
foreach (#x){
print $_.' = '.( ( ($_-int($_))<0.5) ? int($_) : int($_)+1 );
print "\n";
I may be missing your point, but I thought this was much cleaner way to do the same job.
What this does is to walk through every positive number in the element, print the number and rounded integer in the format you mentioned. The code concatenates respective rounded positive integer only based on the decimals. int($_) basically round-down the number so ($-int($)) captures the decimals. If the decimals are (by definition) strictly less than 0.5, round-down the number. If not, round-up by adding 1.
The following will round positive or negative numbers to a given decimal position:
sub round ()
my ($x, $pow10) = #_;
my $a = 10 ** $pow10;
return (int($x / $a + (($x < 0) ? -0.5 : 0.5)) * $a);
Following is a sample of five different ways to summate values. The first is a naive way to perform the summation (and fails). The second attempts to use sprintf(), but it too fails. The third uses sprintf() successfully while the final two (4th & 5th) use floor($value + 0.5).
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX;
my #values = (26.67,62.51,62.51,62.51,68.82,79.39,79.39);
my $total1 = 0.00;
my $total2 = 0;
my $total3 = 0;
my $total4 = 0.00;
my $total5 = 0;
my $value1;
my $value2;
my $value3;
my $value4;
my $value5;
foreach $value1 (#values)
$value2 = $value1;
$value3 = $value1;
$value4 = $value1;
$value5 = $value1;
$total1 += $value1;
$total2 += sprintf('%d', $value2 * 100);
$value3 = sprintf('%1.2f', $value3);
$value3 =~ s/\.//;
$total3 += $value3;
$total4 += $value4;
$total5 += floor(($value5 * 100.0) + 0.5);
$total1 *= 100;
$total4 = floor(($total4 * 100.0) + 0.5);
print '$total1: '.sprintf('%011d', $total1)."\n";
print '$total2: '.sprintf('%011d', $total2)."\n";
print '$total3: '.sprintf('%011d', $total3)."\n";
print '$total4: '.sprintf('%011d', $total4)."\n";
print '$total5: '.sprintf('%011d', $total5)."\n";
#$total1: 00000044179
#$total2: 00000044179
#$total3: 00000044180
#$total4: 00000044180
#$total5: 00000044180
Note that floor($value + 0.5) can be replaced with int($value + 0.5) to remove the dependency on POSIX.
Negative numbers can add some quirks that people need to be aware of.
printf-style approaches give us correct numbers, but they can result in some odd displays. We have discovered that this method (in my opinion, stupidly) puts in a - sign whether or not it should or shouldn't. For example, -0.01 rounded to one decimal place returns a -0.0, rather than just 0. If you are going to do the printf style approach, and you know you want no decimal, use %d and not %f (when you need decimals, it's when the display gets wonky).
While it's correct and for math no big deal, for display it just looks weird showing something like "-0.0".
For the int method, negative numbers can change what you want as a result (though there are some arguments that can be made they are correct).
The int + 0.5 causes real issues with -negative numbers, unless you want it to work that way, but I imagine most people don't. -0.9 should probably round to -1, not 0. If you know that you want negative to be a ceiling rather than a floor then you can do it in one-liner, otherwise, you might want to use the int method with a minor modification (this obviously only works to get back whole numbers:
my $var = -9.1;
my $tmpRounded = int( abs($var) + 0.5));
my $finalRounded = $var >= 0 ? 0 + $tmpRounded : 0 - $tmpRounded;
If you are only concerned with getting an integer value out of a whole floating point number (i.e. 12347.9999 or 54321.0001), this approach (borrowed and modified from above) will do the trick:
my $rounded = floor($float + 0.1);
My solution for sprintf
if ($value =~ m/\d\..*5$/){
$format =~ /.*(\d)f$/;
if (defined $1){
my $coef = "0." . "0" x $1 . "05";
$value = $value + $coef;
$value = sprintf( "$format", $value );
loads of reading documentation on how to round numbers, many experts suggest writing your own rounding routines, as the 'canned' version provided with your language may not be precise enough, or contain errors. i imagine, however, they're talking many decimal places not just one, two, or three. with that in mind, here is my solution (although not EXACTLY as requested as my needs are to display dollars - the process is not much different, though).
sub asDollars($) {
my ($cost) = #_;
my $rv = 0;
my $negative = 0;
if ($cost =~ /^-/) {
$negative = 1;
$cost =~ s/^-//;
my #cost = split(/\./, $cost);
# let's get the first 3 digits of $cost[1]
my ($digit1, $digit2, $digit3) = split("", $cost[1]);
# now, is $digit3 >= 5?
# if yes, plus one to $digit2.
# is $digit2 > 9 now?
# if yes, $digit2 = 0, $digit1++
# is $digit1 > 9 now??
# if yes, $digit1 = 0, $cost[0]++
if ($digit3 >= 5) {
$digit3 = 0;
if ($digit2 > 9) {
$digit2 = 0;
if ($digit1 > 9) {
$digit1 = 0;
$cost[1] = $digit1 . $digit2;
if ($digit1 ne "0" and $cost[1] < 10) { $cost[1] .= "0"; }
# and pretty up the left of decimal
if ($cost[0] > 999) { $cost[0] = commafied($cost[0]); }
$rv = join(".", #cost);
if ($negative) { $rv = "-" . $rv; }
return $rv;
sub commafied($) {
# to insert commas before every 3rd number (from the right)
# positive or negative numbers
my ($num) = #_; # the number to insert commas into!
my $negative = 0;
if ($num =~ /^-/) {
$negative = 1;
$num =~ s/^-//;
$num =~ s/^(0)*//; # strip LEADING zeros from given number!
$num =~ s/0/-/g; # convert zeros to dashes because ... computers!
if ($num) {
my #digits = reverse split("", $num);
$num = "";
for (my $i = 0; $i < #digits; $i += 3) {
$num .= $digits[$i];
if ($digits[$i+1]) { $num .= $digits[$i+1]; }
if ($digits[$i+2]) { $num .= $digits[$i+2]; }
if ($i < (#digits - 3)) { $num .= ","; }
if ($i >= #digits) { last; }
#$num =~ s/,$//;
$num = join("", reverse split("", $num));
$num =~ s/-/0/g;
if ($negative) { $num = "-" . $num; }
return $num; # a number with commas added
#usage: my $prettyNum = commafied(1234567890);
Using Math::BigFloat you can do something like this:
use Math::BigFloat;
print Math::BigFloat->new(1.2)->bfround(1); ## 1
print Math::BigFloat->new(1.7)->bfround(1); ## 2
This can be wrapped in a subroutine
use Math::BigFloat;
sub round {
print round(1.2); ## 1
print round(1.7); ## 2
cat table |
perl -ne '/\d+\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)/ && print "".**int**(log($1)/log(2))."\t$2\n";'