Defining environment variables in Linux for Emacs access - emacs

On Macs, defining environment variables in the environment.plist will allow you to use environment variables in On Linux, is there such an equivalent?
I don't want to use the environment variables in one of the shell or terminal emulators but also for find-file (C-x C-f), shell-command (C-!), etc. and I have a lot of paths defined as environment variables that would be helpful here. For instance, finding a file with find-file can be $WORK/projectname and so on.
I suppose the most straightforward way is to use setenv within .emacs, but as I have a lot of such variables it would be better if I could define it once in an external file and have Emacs read it in.
Edit: Sorry for the confusion. This question is specifically addressing issue of Emacs access, as variables defined in ~/.bashrc is not available to Emacs until shell, eshell, or term is invoked.

here a script which defines several environment variables, read by Emacs in batch mode
from lisp getting $HOME for example use (getenv "HOME")

To be able to access the variables in your .bashrc you need to launch emacs from a bash shell. If you just click on an icon then the .bashrc is not read and you won't have access to your variables.
If you absolutely cannot launch emacs from a bash shell, find an init file that is loaded by your desktop environment. In my case it is .xsession. Any variable I export in it will be available to emacs.
To access environment variable use getenv.

If you define environment variables in ~/.bashrc they are available in the user shell for all commands.
The right syntax is:
export VARIABLE="value"

You can edit your .bashrc in your home directory, where you can add your own aliases, define environment variables and add paths for your custom scripts.


My .emacs.el file is not loading, how can I get it to load? [duplicate]

I tried looking for the .emacs file for my Windows installation for Emacs, but I could not find it. Does it have the same filename under Windows as in Unix?
Do I have to create it myself? If so, under what specific directory does it go?
Copy and pasted from the Emacs FAQ,
Where do I put my init file?
On Windows, the .emacs file may be called _emacs for backward compatibility with DOS and FAT filesystems where filenames could not start with a dot. Some users prefer to continue using such a name, because Windows Explorer cannot create a file with a name starting with a dot, even though the filesystem and most other programs can handle it. In Emacs 22 and later, the init file may also be called .emacs.d/init.el. Many of the other files that are created by Lisp packages are now stored in the .emacs.d directory too, so this keeps all your Emacs related files in one place.
All the files mentioned above should go in your HOME directory. The HOME directory is determined by following the steps below:
If the environment variable HOME is set, use the directory it indicates.
If the registry entry HKCU\SOFTWARE\GNU\Emacs\HOME is set, use the directory it indicates.
If the registry entry HKLM\SOFTWARE\GNU\Emacs\HOME is set, use the directory it indicates. Not recommended, as it results in users sharing the same HOME directory.
If C:\.emacs exists, then use C:/. This is for backward compatibility, as previous versions defaulted to C:/ if HOME was not set.
Use the user's AppData directory, usually a directory called Application Data under the user's profile directory, the location of which varies according to Windows version and whether the computer is part of a domain.
Within Emacs, ~ at the beginning of a file name is expanded to your HOME directory, so you can always find your .emacs file with C-x C-f ~/.emacs.
There's further information at HOME and Startup Directories on MS-Windows.
It should be stored in the variable user-init-file. Use C-H v user-init-file RET to check. You can also open it directly by using M-x eval-expression RET (find-file user-init-file) RET
Open the file like this in Emacs for Windows:
C-x C-f ~/.emacs
More information in the Emacs Wiki
On my Vista box it's in C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Roaming\
Note that it may NOT be enough to just type Ctrl-x Ctrl-f ~/.emacs and create the file.
It may be that your Emacs application uses a different place to store your init file, and if so, then creating the file ~/.emacs simply creates a useless file which your Emacs application ignores.
Also, you may want to do more than just access the .emacs init file, but you may want to know where it is, i.e., its pathname.
To get at this there are two methods:
Easy way: type Ctrl + H V user-init-file Return
Slightly trickier way:
You can find out where your system is storing its own .emacs file by:
Click options and scroll down to "Set Default Font..."
Change the font setting and click okay
On the options menu, go down to "Save Options"
When the options are saved, the system saves its .emacs file,
and you can read the file path in the minibuffer at the bottom of the Emacs screen
In Windows 7 put your init.el file in C:\Users\user-name\AppData\Roaming\.emacs.d\, where user-name is your user/login folder.
Take care so your init.el file won't be named init.el.txt. This is something Windows does if you create your file with some editor like Notepad.
On versions of Emacs on Windows above 22, it seems to have moved to
, ~ being the value of your environment variable HOME (see Control Panel → System → Advanced → Environment variables).
The file itself might not exist. In that case just create it.
You must create an emacs initialization file. One is not automatically created.
I had a similar issue and this answer tracks down what I did.
My issue was my ~/.emacs.el file was not loading. Strange because this has always worked for me.
This question/answer helped me but I had to put my init file in the %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\.emacs.d\init.el because this is apparently the default behavior on Windows.
To troubleshoot this, I ran the following in the emacs *scratch* buffer.
When I saw user-emacs-directory was ~/.emacs.d, I simply moved my .emacs.el file to %USERPROFILE%\.emacs.d\init.el. But this still didn't work.
I continued with expand-file-name as shown below:
(expand-file-name user-emacs-directory)
Got to love how Windows works. (not) So I moved my emacs.el file to the %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\.emacs.d\init.el and this worked. The file was now being read. But I got other errors because my initialization file loaded other (personal emacs) files (in ~/myenv/emacs/*.el.
Warning (initialization): An error occurred while loading ‘c:/Users/pats/AppData/Roaming/.emacs.d/init.el’:
Hum... Seems like all my files ~/myenv/emacs/*.el would need to be moved in order for this to work but I didn't want to do that. Then I realized that because the HOME environment variable was not set, emacs was performing its default behavior.
Once I set my windows HOME environment variable to %USERPROFILE% everything began to work like it has for the past 25 years. :-)
To set the HOME environment variable, I typed WindowsKey+"edit environment variables for your account" to open the Environment Variables dialog box, and entered HOME=%USERPROFILE%.
Now my emacs initialization file .emacs.el is is back to its rightful place $HOME/.emacs.el and not in %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\.emacs.d\init.el
To be fair, if Windows had just one place to put files for user installed packages the solution of making HOME=%USERPROFILE\AppData\Roaming might be acceptable, but because some applications use %USERPROFILE%, some use %USERPROFILE\AppData\Roaming and others use %USERPROFILE\AppData\Local it just makes it difficult to know where to find your configuration files.
I prefer having everything in my %USERPROFILE% or $HOME directory.
Another similar question was here:
Emacs init.el file doesn't load
As kanja answered, the path to this file is stored in the user-init-file variable (or if no init file exists, the variable contains the default value for where to create it).
So regardless of which of the possible init file names you are using, and which directory it is in, you should be able to visit your init file with:
M-: (find-file user-init-file) RET
Or display its full path in the echo area with:
M-: (expand-file-name user-init-file) RET
On Emacs 23 and Windows 7 it only works if you set:
After Emacs 27.1, emacs has started respecting the $XDG_CONFIG_HOME. The init file or the init directory can now be found in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/emacs/init.el.
In Windows $XDG_CONFIG_HOME could translate to %LOCALAPPDATA%.
In any case you can use the following emacs variables to find out the location of the your initialization file by M-x eval-expression
or the emacs configuration directory
I've found that Emacs 22 will occasionally open either "C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\.emacs", or just "C:\Documents and Settings\username\.emacs" on my XP machine. I haven't found an explanation for why it occasionally changes it's mind.
~ will always point to whatever the current instance of emacs thinks is HOME, but kanja's tip (C-h v user-init-file) will always tell you what ~/.emacs actually maps to.
On Windows 8.1, if Emacs is started from Windows Explorer, a shortcut or from cmd console it uses C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Roaming.emacs init file. When I start Emacs from PowerShell, Emacs looks for its init file in C:\Users\<USER> folder. The fix to this issue was to set the HOME user environment variable (Control Panel\System and Security\System->Advanced system settings->Advanced->Environment variables) to C:\Users\<USER>. After this change, no matter how I start Emacs, it uses the same init file (see the accepted answer of this question)
On Windows XP it's:
C:\Documents and Settings\yourusernamehere\Application Data\
There is a list of directories based on your Windows version and extra information:
For WIndows7& Emacs26.3:
if HOME environment is set, then the .emacs file should be in that folder.
otherwise, it should be in c:\.
In both cases, if .emacs is not there, _emacs should be used.
This is because we cannot create .emacs file according to the windows file naming rules.(but we can download or copy it from somewhere else).

Can .emacs read environment variables?

I wanted to load some files from a shell environment variable.
Can we check an environment variable in .emacs?
Yes, use the getenv function, e.g. (getenv "my-var").

Emacs, bash, bashrc, functions and paths

Usually I use my .bashrc file to load some functions for my bash environment. When I call these functions (that I created based on some frameworks I use). So, I play around with variables such as PATH and PYTHONPATH when I use the functions depending on the environment I'm working on.
So far so well with the terminal. The problem is that when I use emacs these functions and these environmental variables that I activate with my functions, they don't exist. .bashrc is not read by emacs, and therefore I don't have the functions loaded by .bashrc don't work. I would like them to work.
Any Ideas?
The issue might be that emacs, as many other programs you run, reads your login shell rc files, such as ~/.bash_login or ~/.profile, but not ~/.bashrc, where as your terminal also reads you user shell rc file: ~/.bashrc.

What's the configuration file name for Emacs ansi-term?

I tried to create a .emacs-bash file and that works for M-x shell. But if I use the ansi-term, it appears that the .emacs-bash file is not loaded... How can I solve this?
I used M-x ansi-term and then \bin\bash.
The ~/.emacs_SHELLNAME (or ~/.emacs.d/ behaviour is special to the shell function (which, naturally, knows that you're going to be running a shell).
ansi-term is a terminal emulator. It doesn't know what kind of process you're going to be running with it, so it doesn't attempt to apply any custom config files.
If you run a shell in the terminal, that shell should apply its normal rules for config files, so I would try .bashrc for starters.
Failing that, read the bash man page to see what the rules are. Environment variables would likely come into play (and you could test for environment variables in your .bashrc to provide Emacs-specific behaviour).

Setting up gdb's environment when running it through emacs

I have a program that I'd like to debug with gdb via emacs. In order to run development versions of this program, I have a shell script that I can source that sets up the calling environment to see the right libraries, etc. What I can't sort out is how to ask emacs/gud to source this file before executing gdb.
I've tried using a command like "source env.sourceme && gdb my_program", but emacs complains that it doesn't know what "source" means. I guess it's not really running gdb in a shell, so these kinds of tricks won't work.
So, how can I convince gud/emacs/whatever to run gdb in my custom environment? I've got a hacky solution in place, but I feel like I must be missing something.
gdb has its own syntax for setting environment variables:
set environment varname [=value]
Instead of a shell script, write your variable definitions in a file using the above syntax, then source the file from a running gdb session. Note that this is not bash's built-in source command, but gdb's own, so naturally bash-style environment variable definitions will not work.
What's your hacky solution?
Why wouldn't you just have a wrapper script that sources env.sourceme and then run gdb?
#!/usr/bin/env bash
source env.sourceme
gdb -i=mi $1
You can modify the Emacs environment using setenv, either interactively (M-x setenv) or programmatically:
(setenv "FOOBAR" "whatever")
When you run gud-gdb, whatever you set using setenv will be passed to the gdb process.