I want to create an exe for my C# desktop application.
Actually I don't know how to create.
So please give me some instruction.
Thank you.
In Visual Studio, Right click on Your project under Solution explorer, Build your project, See if any error is their,
Step 1
Right Clk solution explorer and new project -->> SetUp and Development -->> Setup Project
Step 2
Right project Setup -->> Add -->> Project Output
Step 3
In dialog Box select Primary Output and click ok.
Step 5
Now in solution explorer right click your Setup project ie(Setup1) and select Build, it will created exe, msi.
I followed this link to write my first gwt hello world program in eclipse. I created GWT Project in eclipse,then I want to create module for that,then I right clicked on package,new-->module
in gwt,then it is not going to next step, that is the problem..
1- Start eclipse
2- From eclipse marketplace seearch for gwt
3- install Eclipse GWT plugin 3.0.0
4- From eclipse menu select window -> preferences
5- open entry GWT -> GWT settings
6- Click Download button, this will take you the gwt sdk download page.
7- Donwolad and extract the latest sdk.
8- From eclipse GWT setttings preference window click on add
9- Select the extracted SDK folder.
10- Check the check box next to the new added SDK to make it default.
11- click Apply and close
Create and run a project
1- Locate the gwt plugin action button in the toolbar.
2- Select the button and select New GWT application project ... from the dropdown.
3- Enter the project name and package then click Finish
4- Select the newly created project and from the GWT action button select GWT compile project.
5- Once the compilation is completed, Right click the project then select Run as -> 2 GWT Development mode with jetty.
6- Once ready double click the url of the HTML to open it in the browser.
#Devi George: As in your case the suggested above by #Ahmad Bawanesh answer didn't help resolving the caption issue. There is nothing in the answer that actually mentions "module", let alone how to add one. I've had everything set up as explained, and still had a compiler error. What helped to address it described in this thread. Next, you should make sure the Java JRE setting in Eclipse preferences points to the installed JRE 1.8 location and is selected as the default. This thread got it covered.
As to the actual question on adding a module to a GWT project, you can always add a file and name it as needed with an xml file extension. Search the page for "Modules: Units of configuration" on how to configure the newly created xml file. Obviously, it must have a module tag inside, among other things.
I used to use eclipse for my java project till now. In that I used to give a server.xml corresponding to a tomcat server. But in IntelliJ I can't find where should I give that server.xml. Can anyone help me out?
You can find this file in Directories Used by IntelliJ IDEA to Store Settings, Caches, Plugins and Logs.
For my computer, I am using window 10, I found that in following path:
C:\Users\<USER ACCOUNT NAME>\.IntelliJIdea15\system\tomcat\<project name>\conf\server.xml
In intellij, you should click on Run > Edit configurations... > Add new configuration (clicking on "+" icon) > Tomcat (select local or remote) and complete the configuration using your settings.
I hope this can help you.
Goto File, then New Project.
Create from Scratch.
Click Next, give the Project a Name, and keep Clicking Next until the Desired Technologies window comes.
Click Web-Application, then Finish.
Click File, then Settings.
Click on Application Servers and Hit the + to add a new Tomcat Server.
Set the Home Directory of the application server you have just installed(ex: c:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation// and then Click ok.
Click on the run button, and then then Edit Defaults.
Click on the + in the top left hand corner and add a Tomcat Server, then Local configuration.
Select the Tomcat in the pulldown menu next to Application Server.
I hope this will help you.
I have eclipse mars installed with the egit plugin. It successfully downloads projects from github, but how do I convert the downloaded github projects into eclipse maven web projects that can successfully launch via Run As ... Run on server in eclipse?
Let's take this two step authentication project on github as an example. How do I get this project to launch from eclipse using Run As.. Run on server?
Here are the steps I took so far:
1.) Right click on white background of eclipse Project Explorer.
2.) Choose Import > Import ...
3.) Select Git > Projects from git from the resulting dialog box
Click Next
4.) Select Clone URI then click next again
5.) Enter the following in the URI field: https://github.com/kyleboon/two-step-authentication-example
6.) Click Next
7.) Click Next Again
8.) Click Next a Third time
9.) Select Import using the new project wizard. Then click next again.
10.) Select maven project and import
11.) Right click on root of resulting project in eclipse Project Explorer and choose Properties.
12.) Select Project Facets
13.) Enable Project Facets
14.) Select Dynamic Web Module to make it a dynamic web project. Click OK.
15.) Right click on project root in eclipse Project Explorer. Select Maven download sources, then Maven update project.
16.) Right click on project root in eclipse and choose Run As...Run on server
The result is that tomcat gives a 404 error when it launches the following url: http://localhost:8080/two-step-authentication-example/
So what steps do I do instead in order to successfully launch this specific github project in eclipse using Run As...Run on Server? This question is general for all github web projects, but we are using this specific project as a case study to test a method that will be repeatable for other github projects.
I am using the ZK Studio plugin to create a web based project based on the ZK framework. Now, in order to deploy this project, all I do is right click on the project and select "Export" then select "WAR file". However, I would like build files to be created so that someone else can just make a change and run the build file to re-compile and create the WAR file automatically. I have been told that Netbeans does this automatically, and it seems so does eclipse since it allows me to just say "Export as WAR". However, I need to commit build files to the svn as well. How can I get this option through eclipse?
P.S. I have seen this question:
Generating Ant build file for a project in eclipse
But I do not have that option when I right click for some reason.
Select build.properties file in project explorer view and from context menu (right click) select PDE Tools -> Create ant build file.
Same can be achieved through an ant task as well. See http://help.eclipse.org/helios/index.jsp?nav=/4_2_0
I'm just barely after 2 hours of trying to force it to work and looking for answers online.
How in the world do you import a sample gwt application into your eclipse and make it run?
by the way, I cannot find "projectCreator.cmd" anywhere in my files, where is it suppose to be assumming i've used eclipse plugin updater to d/l gwt 1.7.1?
Well, this is what I ended up doing though it ugly and probably not how it was meant to be:
I create a new application called it "bla" or whatever
then right on project > import... > general\file system... (as in import files into projects)
then I selected the top folder of one of the sample applications, for example ..gwt..samples/Mail
selected all folders and files.
selected option "override without warning\asking"
de-selected option "copy entire folder structure"
that's about it. I went to build.XML to rename the project name to "bla" and then I clicked run as a web application.
good luck.
For GWT 2.4: In every project's root you will find a README.txt. If you follow its directions (involving creation of Eclipse project configuration via Ant) you can import the project easily. To run it I additionally had to configure the project's GWT settings (project's context menu -> Google -> WebToolkit settings).
First, Create an Eclipse project for your source, if you haven't already done so, by selecting File > New > Java Project. Then choose Create project from existing source and set up your project. At this point, your source will be loaded in Eclipse, but the project's build path may not be set up properly, and you may see build errors.
Alternatively, if your application's source tree already contains a .project file, either because you had previously worked on it in Eclipse or because it was generated by a tool like GWT's webAppCreator, you can import the project by going to File > Import > General and selecting Existing Projects into Workspace
To enable Google Web Toolkit, right-click your project and select Google > Web Toolkit Settings. Check the Use Google Web Toolkit box and click OK to apply the change.
Enabling App Engine for your project is similar: right-click your project and select Google > App Engine Settings. Check the Use Google App Engine box and click OK.
Source : https://developers.google.com/eclipse/docs/existingprojects
What I did to start it:
My workspace is at: /Users/ievgennaloiko/Documents/helpdesk/
I have downloaded the gwt to Downloads folder. Extracted it. Navigated from terminal to samples and run
ant eclipse.generate
for each sample project I need to import to Eclipse. Even you can run this command on whole sample project.
Next I've copied the samples folder to /Users/ievgennaloiko/Documents/helpdesk
Started Eclipse.
File import -> Existing proj into ws -> /Users/ievgennaloiko/Documents/helpdesk/samples/DynaTable
Copy project into ws - Unchecked.
Next I had to go to properties of the project Google-WebToolkit->Use web toolkit.
Here are the arguments I run with, check for correspondence:
-remoteUI "${gwt_remote_ui_server_port}:${unique_id}" -logLevel INFO -port
auto - codeServerPort 9997 -war