Source Any Where VSS, Error at recv(): An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host - version-control

I am using Source anywhere for vss and while getting the update it gives me following error
Error at recv(): An existing connection was forcibly closed by the
remote host.

from your screenshot, the software is trying to retrieve the project/file tree structure. this error could happen if the internet connection between the client and the server is unstable. you may try refreshing to see whether the problem remains

It was some log files issue with Source any where . System Restart does the work. It's happens every few days and system restart does work. But I am still looking for proper solution


VSCode Remote Server stuck on initializing server

I'm currently trying to access a remote server using VS Code's Remote SSH extension. I haven't had a problem when using it before (that was around a month ago) but today when I tried to access the server I ran into some trouble.
I have the hostname and everything configured in a config file, and so I just click on that option and type in the password. However, VS Code seems to be stuck on "Opening Remote..." for the past hour or so. The dialogue I get in the terminal is as follows:
username#host's password:
Running remote connection script
Acquiring lock on /home/username/.vscode-server/bin/abcdefghijklmnop1234567989/
Installing to /home/username/.vscode-server/bin/abcdefghijklmnop1234567989...
Downloading with wget
Does anybody know what the problem might be? Is this normal?
As soon as I posted this the connection was successfully made. However, I would also like to still know what the problem was and if it normally takes around an hour, and what this process might be doing. I also believe it would be helpful to the community overall.
Thank you.
I've faced the same issue just now and realized that firewall protection has something to do with it.
As soon as I disabled it, the remote connection was established and I managed to see my code again.

Oracle 12c connection error:-Got minus one from a read call

My Sql developer was working fine from long time, suddenly from yesterday when i am trying to reconnect it is giving me following error:-
Status : Failure -Test failed: IO Error: Got minus one from a read call, connect lapse 62991 ms., Authentication lapse 0 ms.
Things I tried to solve the issue:-
Made corresponding changes in sqlnet.ora , listener.ora and tnsnames.ora files
Checked is there are too many open connections to the database service.
Restarted ORACLE service and listener
Firewall related changes
Reinstalled ORACLE
In my case the issue, it is due to a malware. Whenever i am trying to connect to DB port, it was automatically getting changed by malware.
You can also identify the problem by using lsnrctl status command, for further information. You can also see the log file of listener.
Run a full scan on your machine and restart listener, hope that helps.

Eclipse SVN connection timeout

I'm using Eclipse Kepler and connect to SVN via VPN. Sometimes VPN connection drops and when I try do do commit without connection I have to wait for 10 minutes until timeout.
The SVN console shows:
commit -m "...comment..." -N ...file_list...
org.apache.subversion.javahl.ClientException: Connection timed out
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Unable to connect to a repository at URL ''
svn: Connection timed out
Why it takes 10 minutes to get timeout? How can I change it?
Maybe it is related to network routing problem. With VPN is disconnected ping gets timeout instead of unreachable host.
(If you're connecting to your SVN using http protocol) Try setting the http-timeout property in ([global] or relevant server-group section of the) servers file in your subversion home (at %APPDATA%\Subversion\servers on Windows) to a low enough value (in seconds - say like 30), so that subversion realizes the connection is kaput sooner, and causes an error message pop-up!
(By default, bottom of) The file should looks something like this:
http-timeout = 30
I also had issues with work VPN every now and then, and google took me to this old question. #lhasadad commented that he posted an answer but I couldn't see one (I don't know if this method did not work for him, or why the post was deleted, but I could confirm that it still works! (that is, it makes the handling of connection issue better)). Unfortunately that forum link is also giving 404 atm. So I dived into wayback machine and found a copy from April 2016! Credits go to "stefan", a moderator of that forum. He also mentions (if you have Tortoise), this servers file can be opened by "Settings\Network[Edit]" in that GUI.

Unable to connect to update server when installing

I downloaded the installer and run it, but I get a message telling me to check my internet connection. My connection works fine, but I suspect there might be a proxy problem. Does anybody know how to remedy this?
I had this issue, but today when I started the installer (the same installer I downloaded two days ago) and there was no error message. I think the problem was caused by the server(s).
Thus, when you get this error message while installing smartface:
"Unable to connect to update server. Please check you internet connection and try again. #1"
Just wait for a day or two and start the installer again. The error message will disappear!
I have a code improvement suggestion for
I hope the error message never occurs in the future, but if it does you should correct the spelling: the word "you" in the error message is incorrect. It should be "your".

MySQL Workbench failed to connect

I can't figure this one out. I can't connect to a server using MySQL Workbench, I tried any kind of connection methods. The error message I get is
Failed to Connect to MySQL at AT with user root
Invalid for this platform protocol requested(MYSQL_PROTOCOL_SOCKET)
I ran into the same problem, in my case I originally created the connection with the "Local Socket/Pipe" option selected in the "Connection Method" drop down. Trying to switch back to "Standard (TCP/IP)" did not work and caused the error mentioned by OP. I had to delete the connection and start over by selection "Standard (TCP/IP)" from the start. The connection was successful after that.
To solve this problem you must check the "Others" field in Advanced tab
If you had the connection stored with a socket option you will find a "socket=." (or anything similar)
Delete it
This is a very unusal error message which I haven't seen before, especially on Windows. It has probably to do with how the server is installed. As a newbie it would definitely be the best choice to use the Windows Installer for all required parts. This will install the server properly too.
By using xampp you are on your own to check whether a server is installed and running as a service, as well as the proper configuration. For troubleshooting watch my video on Youtube where I tried to explain most common pitfalls for beginners.
Note: you can open the connection without actually being connected. In that case MySQL Workbench allows to do all those things that don't require a valid server connection, e.g. log file viewing, config file editing, service start/stop etc. Use this to check your server's configuration. Make sure it accepts TCP/IP connections (there's also a short section in the video about this).
Downvoter, please add a comment why you think my answer is bad.
Re-reading the error message I got another idea: could it be that you used local socket/named pipe for the connection? If so try with normal TCP/IP.