Pass value from HTML page form to a CGI program - perl

I'm trying to create a simple program that will get the content of the webpage for the sake of my assignment.
Right now I create a very simple HTML page that will let the user enter a URL.
<head><title>URL page</title>
<form action="cgi-bin/b1.cgi" method="GET">
Enter the URL you want to see <input type="text" name="passing" size=40>
<input type="submit" value="submit">
so I just want to pass the url to my CGI program that I have so far
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
use LWP::Simple;
use CGI;
use HTML::HeadParser;
#my $pass = $cgi->param('passing');
$URL = get ("$passing");
$head = HTML::HeadParser->new;
print "This is the Title of the page" . $head->header('Title') . "\n\n";
print $head->header('X-Meta-Description') . "\n\n";
print $head->header('X-Meta-Keywords') . "\n\n";
print $head->header('Content-Type') . "\n\n";
print $head->header('Content-Language') . "\n\n";
So from the above code as you can see if I can get the value that pass from the GET method to the line where it say URL = get(); then I can get the content.
I tried some approch like my $pass = $cgi->param('passing'); but it gives me an error about param
Any suggestion would be so much appreciated.


link is not showing in email body in php

I am trying to to use a link in my email body but failed to do that, Whenever i send an email, email is sent but it contain only the plain text but i also want to print a link so that that link will redirect me to another page.
here is my php code,
/// mail to customer
$subject="Thanks for Contacting with us";
// Message
$message = '
<title>Request to Change Password</title>
<p>You have requested to change password <br> Please follow the below link to change your password.<br><br></p>
<p>Change Password<br><br></p>
$from = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
$from.= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";
$from.= 'From: <>' . "\r\n";
$mail =mail($to,$subject,$message,$from);
if ($mail == true){
Please help me out, thanks in advance
The link is not "showing" because you wrapped it in a <p> tag which is for text (paragraph) only. Wrap the link in a <a> tag and set the href attribute accordingly :
<a href="your link">
A descriptive texte or your link again

Perl - How to validate Chinese character input from web form?

My web page uses Charset UTF-8 to allow Chinese character input in a textarea form field. I want to test if the input contains a certain character. I've writtena test script to see how Perl is going to handle the Chinese input. It's not finding the match when there is a known match.
Here is my test form:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<form method="post" action="">
<textarea name="user_input" rows="" cols=""></textarea>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit">
Here is my code:
#!/usr/bin/perl -T
use strict;
use warnings;
use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw(warningsToBrowser fatalsToBrowser);
use utf8;
print "Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\n\n";
print "<meta http-equiv='content-type' content='text/html;charset=UTF-8'>";
my $query = new CGI;
my $msg = $query->param('user_input');
chomp $msg;
my $msg_code = ord($msg);
print "<p> Message was: ".$msg."\n";
print "<p> Message Code is: ".$msg_code."\n";
my $char_from_code_point = "\N{U+89C6}";
my $char_from_code_point_reverse_code = ord($char_from_code_point);
print "<p> char_from_code_point= ".$char_from_code_point."\n";
print "<p> char_from_code_point_reverse_code = ".$char_from_code_point_reverse_code."\n";
if ($msg =~ m/$char_from_code_point/) {
print "<p>Matched!\n";
else {
print "<p> NOT matched\n";
And here is the output from submitting the correct character:
Message was: 视
Message Code is: 232
char_from_code_point= 视
char_from_code_point_reverse_code = 35270
NOT matched
Could someone please point out what I'm doing wrong?
Thank you.

html calling perl subroutine and return values from subroutine to display in the html

here is my html code
<body><h1> Here are your results</h1>
<p>Please click the Button to see your result run by Ravi's team.</p>
<form action='' method='post'>
<input type='submit' value='submit'>
and is my perl and my subroutine is as follows.
sub my_result{
my $run;
my $dir="/kbio/sraja/BenzoExposedDataSet/database/Output";
my $parsebphtml = "/";
my $olgacsvfile = "/database/Output/sample.csv";
my #bp=<$dir/*.bp>;
$run ="perl $parsebphtml > $olgacsvfile";
# print "$com\n";
system($run)==0 or my_err("Could not run $run\n");
#printing the table
open(F,"$olgacsvfile") or my_err("Could not open the csv ($olgacsvfile) file");
print "<h2> Average Results </h2>";
print "<table border=1>";
while(my $line=<F>){
print "<tr>";
my #cells= split ',',$line;
foreach my $cell (#cells)
print "<td colspan=1>$cell</td>";
print "</tr>";
print "</table>";
So as you see, table is what i need to return to results.html
Any help would be really appreciable.
thanks .
I don't know how much work you want to do but, if you want to keep it simple give a try at the HTML::Template module. Here is a simple usage example.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset=utf-8>
<title>A random page</title>
<TMPL_VAR NAME=page_content>
My perl code contained something like this. Better yet, check the documentation at .
use HTML::Template;
sub my_result {
return $html_string;
my $master_template = HTML::Template->new(filename => "Path to html template file");
$master_template->param('page_content' => my_result());
Depending on how far you plan on going with this, I would recommend that you a more advanced templating system such as the one used by the mojolicious framework (

HTML form action to execute cgi is not working

I have been trying to run a simple perl-cgi script on windows XP. This is a simple HTML form with an Submit button where clicking on Submit button displays some text(Username). But clicking the Submit button on the HTML page, nothing is happening. If I open up browser with url its working fine.
HTML Form:
<form id="form" name="form" method="post" action="C:/Server/Apache2/cgi-bin/hello.cgi" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<h1><center>User Login</center></h1>
<input type="text" name="username" id="username" /></p>
<input type="password" name="password" id="password" /></p>
<button type="submit">Sign-In</button><br><br>
#!C:\perl\bin\perl.exe -wT
local ($buffer, #pairs, $pair, $name, $value, %FORM);
# Read in text
$ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});
}else {
$buffer = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
# Split information into name/value pairs
#pairs = split(/&/, $buffer);
foreach $pair (#pairs)
($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair);
$value =~ tr/+/ /;
$value =~ s/%(..)/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
$FORM{$name} = $value;
$user_name = $FORM{username};
print "Content-type:text/html\r\n\r\n";
print "<html>";
print "<head>";
print "<title>Hello - Second CGI Program</title>";
print "</head>";
print "<body>";
print "<h2>Hello $user_name - Second CGI Program</h2>";
print "</body>";
print "</html>";
Opening CGI directly in browser:
You need proper URL in form action attribute, ie. action="/cgi-bin/hello.cgi"
Another suggestion just to add.
Since it looks like you are just starting to learn perl, I would read into the CGI module. CGI is a widely used perl module for programming CGI : Common Gateway Interface which is used to recieve user input and produce HTML output. It processes form submissions, query string manipulation, and processing and preparing HTTP headers.
There are two styles of programming with CGI, object-oriented and function-oriented.

Perl Form Validation using CGI scripting

I'm trying to achieve one last task for my assignment is to validate the form before submit it to the another CGI program.
What happen is that I have a simple CGI program that will ask user to input the data
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use CGI qw/:standard/;
# Standard HTTP header
print header();
# Write information to data file and produce a form
# Finish HTML page
print end_html();
# This sub will create a form to access the print_fortune.cgi script
sub printForm
print qq~
<head><title>My Search Engine</title>
<form action="b1.cgi" method="GET">
What is your e-msil address? <input type="text" name="passing" size=40>
<input type="submit" value="send address">
<input type="hidden" name="form" value="insert" />
<form method="get" action="b1.cgi" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
<input type="text" name="search" value="" size="30" /><br />
<label><input type="radio" name="option" value="name" checked="checked" />name</label>
<label><input type="radio" name="option" value="author" />author</label><label>
<input type="radio" name="option" value="url" />url</label>
<label><input type="radio" name="option" value="keyword" />keyword</label>
<input type="submit" name=".submit" value="Search" />
<input type="hidden" name="passing" value="" />
<div><input type="hidden" name="form" value="search" /></div></form>
So the above program contains two forms. One is to add new data to the database and the other one is to search from the database.
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
use LWP::Simple;
use CGI;
use HTML::HeadParser;
use DBI;
my $serverName = "";
my $serverPort = "";
my $serverUser = "";
my $serverPass = "";
my $serverDb = "";
my $serverTabl = "";
$cgi = CGI->new;
my $pass = $cgi->param('passing');
$URL = get ("$pass");
$head = HTML::HeadParser->new;
my $methods = $cgi->param('form');
if ($methods eq "insert"){
sub insert_entry {
my ($dbh, $success, $name, $author, $url,$temp);
$dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=$serverDb;host=$serverName;port=$serverPort",$serverUser,$serverPass);
$name = $head->header('X-Meta-Name');
$author = $head->header('X-Meta-Author');
$url = $cgi->param('passing');
$temp = $head->header('X-Meta-Keywords');
#keyword = split(/,/,$temp);
$success = $dbh->do("INSERT INTO $serverTabl(name,author,url,keyword1,keyword2,keyword3,keyword4,keyword5) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", undef,$name,$
if($success != 1) {
return "Sorry, the database was unable to add your entry.
Please try again later.";
} else {
sub show_entries {
my ($dbh, $sth, #row);
my $search = $cgi->param('search');
my $option = $cgi->param('option');
$dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=$serverDb;host=$serverName;port=$serverPort",$serverUser,$serverPass);
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT *
FROM $serverTabl
WHERE $option LIKE '%$search%'");
print "Existing Entries",HR;
while(#row = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
$row[5] = scalar(localtime($row[5]));
print "<table border='2'><tr>";
print "<td>" . $row[0] . "</td>";
print "<td>Name" . $row[1] . "</td>";
print "<td>Author" . $row[2] . "</td>";
print "<td>URL" . $row[3] . "</td>";
print "<td>Keyword1" . $row[4] . "</td>";
print "<td>Keyword2" . $row[5] . "</td>";
print "<td>Keyword3" . $row[6] . "</td>";
print "<td>Keyword4" . $row[7] . "</td>";
print "<td>Keyword5" . $row[8] . "</td>";
print "</tr></table>";
So now the question is how can I do a regular expression for the form submission before it goes to the second program?
I want to do validation for
name allows spaces but only alphabetical characters
author allows spaces but only alphabetical characters
keywords allows no spaces and only alphabetical characters
url only allows alphanumerical characters and the following :/.~?=+& No two periods can exist consecutively.
I'm really sorry but I'm really new to Perl. We are only been taught about PHP, but Perl almost nothing....
The perluniprops Perl document lists all the \p regular expression properties.
For a string that contains only letters, you want
For a string that contains only letters and spaces you want
To match a URL the documentation of the URI module gives this as an official pattern to match a URL
Be sure to cite the references in your work to get extra marks!