I am very new to programming and am trying to work my way through creating automated testing in Selenium IDE.
I have figured out how to save an attribute using the "storeAttribute" command..
Command: storeAttribute
Target: link=${projectlabel}#onclick
Value: objectID
It then stores the following variable: "parent.loadPod('time_pod','time/index.cfm?action=viewPTE&objectID=2010860')"
I need to extract only the objectID part (those 7 numbers) and store them under a new variable name.
Can anyone walk me through how that would be done? Or if it is even possible?
Command: storeEval
Target: storedVars['longname'].match(/objectID=(\d+)/)[1]
Value: objectID
Note: you can post an answer to your own question if you've already figured it out.
I am using powershell that is hooked up to jupyter redis rediscommander retwis
I am creating codes like hset snap:msg:4 to "che" from "Dax" text "Is this thing on?"
I made a mistake and msg:3 is meant to be msg:4. Is there any way to clear or edit this message?
I have tried lpop but I am new to this and do not understand all the words and what they do yet.
Welcome to StackOverflow!
I made a mistake and msg:3 is meant to be msg:4. Is there any way to clear or edit this message?
You want to rename that key using the RENAME command:
RENAME snap:msg:3 snap:msg:4
How do I just clear everything?
If you wish to remove all the keys in the selected Redis database (caution!) you can do that with the FLUSHDB command. Alternatively, the FLUSHALL command removes all the keys from all the Redis databases (even more caution!).
I use PlayerPrefs to save some user data. I know that on Windows the data is actually saved in the registry under the \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Unity\companyname key.
It used to be like this:
|--some other things that I don't remember, maybe the project name then some detailed values
I was intended to set all PlayerPrefs to default, so I deleted the whole key of companyname - stupidly without backup. Then in testing, I found that when calling
PlayerPrefs.SetString("testKey", "test");
it raised an exception
PlayerPrefsException: Could not store preference value
How can I repair the structure of the registry?
Can someone show me how the registry saved data with PlayerPrefs looks like under the "Unity" key with each keys and values please? Maybe I could fixed it manually.
Thank you!
I tried reinstall unity, and the registry is fixed. The origininal clean registry looks like this:
|--Project Name with Space
|--unity.cloud_userid_xxxxxx // value is quite complicated
|--UnityGraphicsQuality_xxxxxx // value is 5
The xxxxxx is something special for windows 10 that I'm not familiar with. Seems each key is followed by such a string that looks random to me. For anyone encountered similar issue, I think you can try creat the companyname and project name key. If the other keys are not created automatically after you run the project, then you could try reinstall unity.
I have been working on creating appointments from Powershell in Outlook. Everything seems to be working with the exception of being able to set the appointment.RTFBODY. It looks like it is stored as a byte array, but despite my best efforts and many attempts I have been unable to set it. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Edit: I was able to find what could be a similar issue. https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/sqlserver/en-US/5dba0d12-94e8-47a5-b082-93d3693e2a47/cant-set-the-rtfbody-of-an-appointmentitem
"I assume you add a wrong version reference. If you add Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook 12.0, I could reproduce your issue. I suggest you remove this reference, and add Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook 14.0."
Also found this: Outlook AppointmentItem - How do I programmatically add RTF to its Body?
from the link in your question - "it is just a known problem in OOM - setting the RtfBody property using early binding works. Setting through IDispatch::GetIDsIfNames / Invoke does not."
Powershell always uses late bindings (i.e. you cannot declare a variable as an instance of a particular object. e.g. AppointmentItem).
I'm trying to debug why any query string parameters aren't pre-filling the fields. My aim is to pass an email in the query string, so that the user doesn't need to type it again when registering.
I'm using a template "signUp" with {{> atForm state='signUp'}}
User-accounts Iron router package version 1.12.3 https://github.com/meteor-useraccounts/iron-routing
I've added a few debug statements to at_input.js template helper, but it doesn't seem to run at all. How can I debug why query string doesn't work?
I'm sorry it was a bug introduced with this commit and now fixed with this one.
I'm going to release a new version soon so that with useraccounts:iron-routing#1.12.4 everything should be fine!
I'm sorry for having caused this problem.
I have downloaded the SeleniumIDE.xpi but can't seem to locate the code for assertTextPresent. I am assuming it is a javascript. Any pointers will be appreciated.
Cant got ur question as per my understanding there are 2 commands available for verification of Text Present
verify text present
assert text present
and value should be given in this way
Command: Verifytextpresnt
Target: {Text that has been to be verified}
Value: {Blank}