mongodb Excessive Disk Space - mongodb

my mongodb take 114g which is 85%of my disk
trying to free some space using db.repairDatabase() will fail as i don't have enough free space
i know that my data shouldn't take so much space as i used to have a big collection that took 90% of the disk.
i then drop this collection and re-inserted only 20% of its data.
how can i free some space ?

The disk space for data storage is preallocated by MongoDB and can only be reclaimed by rebuilding the database with new preallocated files. Typically this is done through a db.repairDatabase() or a backup & restore. As you've noted, a repair requires enough space to create a new copy of the database so may not be an option.
Here are a few possible solutions, but all involve having some free space available elsewhere:
if there is enough free space to mongodump that database, you could mongodump, drop, and mongorestore it. db.dropDatabase() will remove the data files on disk.
if you are using a volume manager such as LVM or ZFS, you could add extra disk space to the logical volume in order to repair or dump & restore the database.
if you have another server, you could set up a replica set to sync the data without taking down your current server (which would be a "primary" in the replica set). Once the data is sync'd to a secondary server, you could then stepdown the original primary and resync the database.
Note that for a replica set you need a minimum of three nodes .. so either three data nodes, or two data nodes plus an arbiter. In a production environment the arbiter would normally run on a third server so it can allow either of the data nodes to become a primary if the current primary is unavailable. In your reclaiming disk space scenario it would be OK to run the arbiter on one of the servers instead (presumably the new server).
Replica sets are generally very helpful for administrative purposes, as they allow you to step down a server for maintenance (such as running a database compact or repair) while still having a server available for your application. They have other benefits as well, such as maintaining redundant copies of your data for automatic failover/recovery.


Completely deleting a database in sharded mongoDB cluster

I am planning to test a MongoDB cluster with some random data to test for performance. Then, I am planning to delete the data and use it for production.
My concern is that doing just the db.dropDatase() may not reclaim all the disk space in all the shards and config servers. This answer from stack overflow says that "MongoDB does not recover disk space when actually data size drops due to data deletion along with other causes."
This documentation kind of says that "You do not need to reclaim disk space for MongoDB to reuse freed space. See Empty records for information on reuse of freed space" but I want to know the proper steps to delete a sharded MongoDB database.
I am currently on MongoDB 3.6.2.
Note: To people who may say I need a different Mongodb database for testing and production I want to make it clear that the production is itself a test to replace another old database. So right now, I am not looking for another big cluster just to test for performance.
I think that you have here the best solution, i can explaint you but i would be wasting my time and you would be losing your time

What affects DB2 restored database size?

I have database TESTDB with following details:
Database size: 3.2GB
Database Capacity: 302 GB
One of its tablespaces has its HWM too high due to an SMP extent, so it is not letting me reduce the high water mark.
My backup size is around 3.2 GB (As backups contains only used pages)
If I restore this database backup image via a redirected restore, what will be the newly restored database's size?
Will it be around 3.2 GB or around 302 GB?
The short answer is that RESTORE DATABASE will produce a target database that occupies about as much disk space as the source database did when it was backed up.
On its own, the size of a DB2 backup image is not a reliable indicator of how big the target database will be. For one thing, DB2 provides the option to compress the data being backed up, which can make the backup image significantly smaller than the DB2 object data it contains.
As you correctly point out, the backup image only contains non-empty extents (blocks of contiguous pages), but the RESTORE DATABASE command will recreate each tablespace container to its original size (including empty pages) unless you specify different container locations and sizes via the REDIRECT parameter.
The 302GB of capacity you're seeing is from GET_DBSIZE_INFO and similar utilities, and is quite often larger than the total storage the database currently occupies. This is because DB2's capacity calculation includes not only unused pages in DMS tablespaces, but also any free space on volumes or drives that are used by an SMS tablespace (most DB2 LUW databases contain at least one SMS tablespace).

Mongodb data files become smaller after migration

On my first server I get:
root#prod ~ # du -hs /var/lib/mongodb/
909G /var/lib/mongodb/
After migration this database with mongodump/mongorestore
On my second server I get:
root#prod ~ # du -hs /var/lib/mongodb/
30G /var/lib/mongodb/
After I waited a few hours, mongo finished indexing I got:
root#prod ~ # du -hs /var/lib/mongodb/
54G /var/lib/mongodb/
I tested database and there's no corrupted or missed data.
Why there's so big difference in size before and after migration?
MongoDB does not recover disk space when actually data size drops due to data deletion along with other causes. There's a decent explanation in the online docs:
Why are the files in my data directory larger than the data in my database?
The data files in your data directory, which is the /data/db directory
in default configurations, might be larger than the data set inserted
into the database. Consider the following possible causes:
Preallocated data files.
In the data directory, MongoDB preallocates data files to a particular
size, in part to prevent file system fragmentation. MongoDB names the
first data file .0, the next .1, etc. The
first file mongod allocates is 64 megabytes, the next 128 megabytes,
and so on, up to 2 gigabytes, at which point all subsequent files are
2 gigabytes. The data files include files with allocated space but
that hold no data. mongod may allocate a 1 gigabyte data file that may
be 90% empty. For most larger databases, unused allocated space is
small compared to the database.
On Unix-like systems, mongod preallocates an additional data file and
initializes the disk space to 0. Preallocating data files in the
background prevents significant delays when a new database file is
next allocated.
You can disable preallocation by setting preallocDataFiles to false.
However do not disable preallocDataFiles for production environments:
only use preallocDataFiles for testing and with small data sets where
you frequently drop databases.
On Linux systems you can use hdparm to get an idea of how costly
allocation might be:
time hdparm --fallocate $((1024*1024)) testfile
The oplog.
If this mongod is a member of a replica set, the data directory
includes the file, which is a preallocated capped collection
in the local database. The default allocation is approximately 5% of
disk space on 64-bit installations, see Oplog Sizing for more
information. In most cases, you should not need to resize the oplog.
However, if you do, see Change the Size of the Oplog.
The journal.
The data directory contains the journal files, which store write
operations on disk prior to MongoDB applying them to databases. See
Journaling Mechanics.
Empty records.
MongoDB maintains lists of empty records in data files when deleting
documents and collections. MongoDB can reuse this space, but will
never return this space to the operating system.
To de-fragment allocated storage, use compact, which de-fragments
allocated space. By de-fragmenting storage, MongoDB can effectively
use the allocated space. compact requires up to 2 gigabytes of extra
disk space to run. Do not use compact if you are critically low on
disk space.
compact only removes fragmentation from MongoDB data files and does
not return any disk space to the operating system.
To reclaim deleted space, use repairDatabase, which rebuilds the
database which de-fragments the storage and may release space to the
operating system. repairDatabase requires up to 2 gigabytes of extra
disk space to run. Do not use repairDatabase if you are critically low
on disk space.
What they don't tell you are the two other ways to restore/recover disk space - mongodump/mongorestore as you did or adding a new member to the replica set with an empty disk so that it writes it's databsae files from scratch.
If you are interested in monitoring this, the db.stats() command returns a wealth of data on data, index, storage and file sizes:
Over time the MongoDB files develop fragmentation. When you do a "migration", or whack the data directory and force a re-sync, the files pack down. If your application does a lot of deletes or updates which grow the documents fragmentation develops fairly quickly. In our deployment it is updates that grow the documents that causes this. Somehow MongoDB moves the document when it sees that the updated document can't fit in the space of the original document. There is some way to add padding factors to the collection to avoid this.

Stop Mongo Db from creating backups

Can any one tell me how to stop mongo DB from creating backup restores ?
If my DB name is "Database"
It is creating backups like
I want to use only working copy
MongoDB allocates data files like this:
First, a namespace file (mydb.ns) and a data file with 64MB (mydb.0). If the required space grows larger, it will add a 128MB file (mydb.1) and continuing like this, doubling the file size every time until the files are 2GB each (mydb.5 and following).
This is a somewhat aggressive allocation pattern. If you perform a lot of in-place updates and deletes, your datafiles can fragment severely. Running the repair database command via db.runCommand({repairDatabase:1}) can help, but it requires even more disk space while it runs and it stalls writes to the DB. Make sure to carefully read the documentation first.
Before you do that, run db.stats(), then compare dataSize (the amount of data you actually stored), storageSize (the allocated size including padding, but w/o indexes), and fileSize (the disk space allocated). If the differences are huge (factors of > 3), repair will probably reclaim quite a bit of disk space. If not, it can't help you because it can't magically shrink your data.

How to reclaiming deleted space without `db.repairDatabase()`?

I want to shrink data files size by reclaiming deleted space, but I can't run db.repairDatabase(), because free disk space is not enough.
Update: With WiredTiger, compact does free space.
The original answer to this question is here:
Reducing MongoDB database file size
There really is nothing outside of repair that will reclaim space. The compact should allow you to go much longer on the existing space. Otherwise, you will have to migrate to a bigger drive.
One way to do this is to use an off-line secondary from your Replica Set. This should give you a whole maintenance window to migrate, repair, move back and bring back up.
If you are not running a Replica Set, it's time to look at doing just that.
You could run the compact command on a single collection, or one by one in all the collections you want to shrink.
db.runCommand( { compact : 'mycollectionname' } )
As noted in comments, I was mistaken, compact does not actually reclaim disk space, it only defragments and rebuilds collection indexes.
Instead though, you could use "--repairpath" option if you have another drive available which has available freespace.
For example:
mongod --dbpath /data/db --repair --repairpath /data/db0
Shown here:
You can as well do a manual mongodump and mongorestore. That's basically the same what repairDatabase does. That way you can dump and restore it to/from a different machine with sufficient disk space.
If you're running a replica-set, you will want to issue a resync on each of your secondaries, one at a time. Once this has been completed, step-down your primary and resync the newly assigned secondary.
To resync, stop your mongod instance, delete the locals and start the process back up. Watch the logs to ensure everything starts back up properly and the resync has initiated.
If you have a lot of data / indexes, ensure your oplog is large enough, otherwise it's likely to go stale.
There is one other option, if you are using a replica set, but with a lot of caveats. You can fail over to another set member, then delete the files on the now former primary and do a full resync. A full resync rewrites the files from scratch in a similar way to a repair, but you will also have to rebuild indexes. This is not to be done lightly.
If you go down this path, my recommendation would be to have a 3 member replica set before doing this for disk space reclamation, so that at any time when a member is syncing from scratch you have 2 set members fully functional.
If you do not have a replica set, I recommend creating one, with two secondaries. When you sync them initially you will be creating a nice unfragmented and unpadded versions of your data. More here: