(matlab)implement "Evaluate or Open Code You Select" in everywhere? [duplicate] - matlab

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How do you retrieve the selected text in MATLAB?
I want to implement and add some features to the function "Evaluate Selections", where you can highlight code and then "Evaluate Selections" by right click your mouse (or F9).
In the editor environment, this is how it is done:
editorObject = matlab.desktop.editor.getActive;
eval([editorObject.SelectedText ';']);
How can I implement this from the command line window, or the help window?
Maybe I didn't express my question clearly.
Imagining that we already have this function called eva_select(), I can use function this way:
I wrap the function as the Shortcuts button.
Use mouse to select a variable at command line window, maybe I entered before, say var_a
Then I click that Shortcuts button, the text which I selected before will be executed. This is exactly as press F9 key or choose right mouse menu -- "Evaluate Selections".
But if we really have that function, we can do more! We can modified eva_select() to eva_select_size(), in this way, we can select a variable, say var_a at command line window or help window, click eva_select_size() shortcuts button, then, we will get size(var_a) at command line window!
Thanks, I can retrieve the text in the command window, but I can't do the same thing in the help window, is it possible to do that?

The command window, like other GUI components in the MATLAB desktop, is Java-based. Therefore it can be accessed programmatically, but it is completely undocumented and its use is not officially supported.
Exploring around, here is a solution that seems to work in both R2012a and R2012b. It involves obtaining a handle to the underlying JTextArea of the command window, which is used to get the selected text (to evaluate size of selected variable name)
Create a shortcut with the following code:
x = com.mathworks.mde.cmdwin.XCmdWndView.getInstance();
s = char(x.getSelectedText());
if isvarname(s) && exist(s,'var')
eval( sprintf('size(%s)',s) );
Next highlight a variable name in the command window and execute the shortcut. The size will be immediately printed as shown in the screenshot below:

It is not very nice as it is an external solution, but this is how it could work:
Assuming you are in the command window and want to evaluate size(var_a) by selecting it, you can probably do this with a keyboard macro. Defind the appropriate function of var_a
f(x) = eval('size(' x ')'
%This could be done in the macro, but nicer to do it here for easy editing.
Then make sure your macro does this:
Copy 'var_a'
Turn it into 'f(var_a)'
Paste the result
Hit enter
Like i said, it's not pretty, but it should do the trick.


How to make IntelliSense show the parameters of a function in VSCode?

How can I make Intellisense show up the function parameters once the parentheses are written down? It shows only if I just type them like in the tutorial example, but not once they are already written and I set the cursor with the mouse inside.
I think you want the Trigger Parameter Hints command. If you type it in the command palette it will show your current short-cut (mine is Ctrl+Shift+Space).

Automatic Code Identation

I have a huge code and now for testing purpose I have to add that whole script into an infinite while loop is there any short way (without pressing space for each row) to add a space for indentation so the whole code is consider part of the one while loop ? Such as for example when we press ctrl +r it comments out the line
Ctrl-I/Cmd-I will automatically indent the file. Other wse you just select multiple row and use Tab/Shift-Tab to move them backwards and forwards.
For indentation is a must, however Matlab as a language does not care so it is not really a must to indent it. Additionally, you can just execute the code from the command line, say that you script or function is called Umar, then from the command line you just type while 1, Umar; end.
You can copy the code into notepad++.
Activate Column mode selection holding alt+shift and use the mouse to select the column of all the text you want to insert a space/tabulation/etc. and just insert it.
Final step is to copy back the code to matlab.
Matlab does not currently support column selection.
MATLAB has the option to select all your code, then press the right click and select smart indent button.
If you like to use shortcuts, just type the combination of Ctrl+A (select all) followed by Ctrl+I (smart indent)

Stopping/pausing execution in Matlab to check the value of the variables while running [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Stop and continue execution from debugger possible?
(6 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I am trying to write a program in Matlab which is quite large and I want to stop or pause the execution to see what my variables values are.
I want to stop or pause the execution to see what my variables are.
One alternative is to use keyboard:
keyboard pauses execution of a running program and gives control to
the keyboard. Place the keyboard function in a program at the location
where you want MATLABĀ® to pause. When the program pauses, the prompt
in the Command Window changes to K>>, indicating that MATLAB is in
debug mode. You then can view or change the values of variables to see
if the new values produce expected results. The keyboard function is
useful for debugging your functions.
To continue executing your function, type dbcont, or type dbquit to quit the debug mode.
If you want to view the variables after a given number of iterations you can insert if ii = stop_point; keyboard; where ii is the iterator of the loop.
Another option is:
Use dbstop. This is shown with an example from the documentation:
Set a breakpoint to stop when n >= 4, and run the code.
dbstop in myprogram at 4 if n>=4
Yet another option is to manually insert breakpoints in the MATLAB editor. Click on the left side of the code to insert breakpoints (indicated by a red dot). Now you can view the variable by hovering the mouse over the variable names in the editor
Have a look at this very relevant link to get more information.
Note, the following paragraph is a direct copy of chappjc's answer here. Please upvote his/her answer if you like this approach!
With the release of R2016a, you can just hit the Pause button in the code editor and it will halt right away.
To pause the execution of a program while it is running, in the Editor
tab, click the Pause button. MATLAB pauses execution at the next
executable line*. When your code is running, the Start button will
turn into a pause:

Matlab control+enter key on figure

I want to capture when the user holds down the control key and presses the enter key on a figure window. Note: This is the default keys for "Evaluate Current Section" in the editor.
See example code below:
function test
f = figure;
f.KeyPressFcn = #myKeyPressFcn;
function myKeyPressFcn ( hFig, event )
cm = hFig.CurrentModifier();
if ~isempty ( cm )
fprintf ( 'CurrentKey: %s:%s\n', cm{1}, hFig.CurrentKey );
fprintf ( 'CurrentKey: %s\n', hFig.CurrentKey );
To reproduce save the above in an active file in the editor and run the function - the editor needs to be open (this is important!!).
With the figure active press any key -> the selected key is written to the terminal window. However if you hold down Control and press the enter (return) key then this is not captured but instead Matlab attempts to "Evaluate Current Section" (or cell as it used to be called) in the editor (no matter that the figure has the focus). This of course throws as error...
I have contacted Matlab support and this is "expected behaviour!". I can (just about) see why it might be a good idea for demos - but for professional applications that run in Matlab I personally think this "feature" is a bug!!
When the editor is closed the control+enter is captured in the figure
In deployed applications the control+enter is captured.
If I manually change the Evaluate Current Section shortcut then control+enter is captured.
I have tried a number of things to resolve this but none have worked, for example hiding the editor or setting editor enable state to false (neither of these are acceptable solutions - I was trying to see what I could get to work on a small test case...):
function test
desktop = com.mathworks.mde.desk.MLDesktop.getInstance;
jEditor = desktop.getGroupContainer('Editor').getTopLevelAncestor;
f = figure
f.KeyPressFcn = #myKeyPressFcn;
The only way I can get it to work is to close all of the editor files on launching the GUI and then opening them again when the GUI closes (this is not an acceptable solution... - for fairly obvious reasons!!)
I did think about trying to temporarily modify the shortcut key (Preferences-Keyboard-Shortcuts) of the "Evaluate Current Section" -> but haven't worked out a way to do it from the commandline, and then set it back again when finished. If this is fast you could do it when the user presses and releases the control key.
So what am I asking:
If possible I need a solution that will work for anyone anywhere - as if I can get this to work it will be included in a new add-on feature in my Matlab GUI Toolbox. - which is used by people all over the world.
Do you know how to modify the keyboard shortcuts from the commandline - if so how!
Any other suggestions?
My other idea is to change my shortcut to a different key combination - but wheres the fun in that! :) (I will still have the issue if some user somewhere has altered the execute the current cell to my new combination...)
P.S. Thanks for reading this far down!! :)
Why don't you go to the home> Preferences > keyboard > Shortcutand change it there?
you only need to hit Ctrl + Enter in the black box at top of the page for searching the related command, which is here Evaluate Current Section and change it whatever you like.
Please bear in mind you will only need to split out your windows (Undock them). Then, when you click on Ctrl + Enter, it will do whatever you would like.
I hope you find this answer helpful.
You can try the solution from my FEX submission. The KbTimer is motivated by the need to capture keyboard stroke without the need of GUI that designed either by GUIDE or APP DESIGNER. Note that the implementation of function was inspired from the PsychToolbox which is MEX based.

Improved jumps to definition

When we're using ctags in vim and want to go to particular definition of variable or function we press ctrl + ], when we want to go back we press ctrl + T.
When we want to autocomplete a name of a variable we press ctrl + N and from a little violet window we can choose the right word.
Is it possible to improve go to definition so that we won't jump in the document, but only the little window with the function or variable definition will appear?
thank you
You want a way to see the function's signature without actually jumping to its definition?
I know about two plugins supposed to provide exactly this feature:
Tag Signature Balloons
The last time I tried echofunc it didn't work for JavaScript, at least for me, but it worked well for the few PHP files I've tested it with. I didn't try the other one because it's GVim-only and I use the CLI version almost as often as the GUI version.
But you can also use TagList and/or TagBar: two very useful plugins providing great code navigation based on ctags. Both will display the signature of the tag under your cursor if you hit <Space>.