How to get itune link of our own application? - iphone

I am new to iphone development .I am in to project where application iTunes should be able to share on Facebook,twitter.I want to know how to obtain the iTunes link of the application.
Thanks in advance

No you can't. You should give the link manually to the app or you should program the app to get the link from your own web server using web service. Here also you should update the link in you web server

The iTunes link needs your app id from iTunes connect. There is no way for your application to actually know that number. However the app does not need to be released already to get the link, only to be created in iTunes Connect. That way you can still implement sharing functionality within your app using the link, and only then upload your binary.

As everyone suggested, you need to create your app within iTunes Connect to get the App ID.
Once you have this, you can hardcode it into your app. An alternate way is to query your own server and have this information ready at the time the app is launched.
I would really suggest going for the hardcode method since the App ID doesn't ever change once it is assigned to your app.
Here's an example of how I usually embed the URL for my apps with its App ID:


Itune Application sharing blocking

IOS paid application sharing we need to block.
Planning to submit paid application in Apple store. Suppose a user brought application and download to Itunes account, then i sync to my mobile device, able to use that.
1.From itunes can we share application ipa to any other user? there any way to identify which apple id used for downloading?
3.any option for blocking user without downloading from apple store?
Apps bought/downloaded from the app store are linked to the account that download the app. You can there for not just share the IPA.
On a jailbroke device you might be able to remove the security measures that restrict this. But what you are proposing is not possible with official App Store apps.
You cant code to UDID anymore since the update to the iTunes ToS. They are all account bound. In the cases I have tried to share the .ipa file the app data inside that app specific to me did not migrate to the new user

How to get iTunes app description?

How do I obtain the iTunes Store app description from within my iPhone app? I need it to make a "help" screen in my app.
I don't know if this is possible, but I know there are special link to make the user go to reviews of apps and so maybe it's also possibile to get the app description?
You should be able to use the iTunes search APIs:
Or you can load the description from a remote site and store it localy. This way you are able to update the information without updating the whole app. You could load an HTML file, store it to the Documents directory and show it within your app with a UIWebView.

How to link to iTunes page of my app from within the very same app even before I submit the app to the store?

I am having an app. I am going to submit it to the store. In that app I am having a button that should go to iTunes page of the very same app. I guess there should be a way to do that using app bundle or plist or something..
If I can do it, How I can do it?
Is it possible to get the link of an app in itunes store even before it is submitted to the store?
Thank you..
Where "myappname" is your app name minus spaces and all lowercase.
Working examples:
The iTunes store URL is something like this.
You can get the your_app_id after creating the app in iTunes. That means you just need to create the app to get the URL. No need to submit the app just to get the ID.
After getting the ID, open that URL from the button handler.
You could use the easy-to-read link feature as outlined in this Technical Q&A. Just be aware that this link takes a few minutes to become active after your application has changed state to "Available For Sale".
I answered this two years ago, here: How can I link to my app in the App Store (iTunes)?

Sharing application link via the same application, iphone

Possible duplicate:
How can i give app store link in my apps before approving another apps
linking to an app on the Itunes store
How to link to apps on the app store
Hi all,
I'm a littile bit confused. I need to provide the download link of my application (the iTunes link) inside my application. ie when the user would like to invite others via mail or some other means, have to provide the application link too with that.Is there any way to provide that before submitting the application to apple. Or i need to use the link as an update after getting my application approved by apple?
To be able to provide an iTunes URL, you should know the unique ID for your app and AFAIK, there's no way to get this ID before getting your app in the store first.
You can try and construct a search URL, but it doesn't always give the desired result. For example, I currently have only one app in the store, but there's another developer who uses the same developer name as me, so a search URL for my app produces two results. If this is your first app, and searching for your developer name produces no results, it could be safe for you to go with a search URL.
Even if you use a search URL, you will want to replace it with a proper iTunes URL in the first update.
Read this article by Bjango for more information on iTunes URLs and quirks of using search URLs: Dissecting iTunes links

iphone application id for facebook connect

In the advanced section of my facebook app that I use for posting feeds to a user's profile from an iphone app, theres a section to enter the "iPhone Application ID". And it says - "If you have an iPhone app using Connect, fill this in with your Apple-provided application ID."
I entered my app id. But when I post anything via the iphone fb connect, I don't see any sort of link to my app.
Am I missing something ?
Facebook developers connection gives an explanation. Basically when an app is placed on the app store, there is a unique number assigned to the app by Apple to identify it. This number is the ID they are requesting.
Got the same issue, just to check that you are using the correct ID, if I this is the link from iTunes:
then the bit that you use for the iPhone Application ID field in Facebook is:
Is that what you did? Did you solve this? I only did this a few hours ago so am hoping it is just the time it takes to replicate the changes on Facebook. Would be very interested to know how you got on and if your issue is solved.