Default button highlighting in Flash similar to iOS UIButton - iphone

iOS has a default UIButton highlighting mechanism that really cuts down the preliminary design work needed to come up with a prototype. Does Flash have something similar?
Note that I'm not asking this for use on iOS, the question is for Flash apps that are going to be run on the web

Is not possible in flash by default. If you want to create a highlighted effect SimpleButton or MovieClip, you must create effect. using a MotionScript or Actionscripts effects must be implemented.


How to replace the default font for the whole OS

Is there a way to make my app override the current font of the currently foreground application?
What I have in mind is no matter which app is on foreground my app to be able to attach a button to the keyboard which will switch the font to a custom one thus overriding the current font for all ui elements(labels, buttons, text fields etc.).
What you're looking for is not allowed by Apple.
It seems it can be done for jailbroken devices though. It's difficult to tell how exactly they're doing it but I guess they meddled around with the images/colors provided by Apple for the keyboard and replaced them with their custom ones leaving the default un-recoverable.
Here's a blog about it too.
You can create a category on UIFont and replace systemFontWithName:size: and boldSystemFontWithName:size: with your own font. But this may have some weird side effects, as even alertViews and actionSheets are customized with that method..
edit: of course this works only in your own app.. you cannot change anything outside of your app.

iPhone keyboard return key

I need to customize the iphone keyboard. How can I do it? Also it is needed to place the return key of the keyboard with my project logo. How is it possible?
You cannot customize the apple iOS's default keyboard.
As such you can create a custom control similar to apple iOS's keyboard and make it look and customize as you want but then there ar more chances than not that your app may be rejected when you try to submit your app on the Apple's app store.
So it is not preferable to create custom keyboard.
Hope this helps you.
What have we done in one of our apps and you can do is create custom uibutton that is same size as return key, then register for UIKeyboardWillShowNotification and UIKeyboardWillHideNotification.
when one of those fire you should add/remove that uibutton to window with animation that tracks keyboard showing/hiding animation...
Ugly way to do it, but it served its purpose...
Some of the tutorials are incomplete or are much older. This tutorial works from IOS 4.3 onwards and I checked it. Save the two image graphics, and paste in the code. There is very little to change. Here is the link.
ps. I am not affiliated in any way with this article, but found it to be complete.

iPhone option menus

What options do I have when creating menu with options (contextual menus). What is allowed and what does Apple provide?
I have a toolbar with buttons and a click of a button opens a menu with options:
UIPopoverControllers are only available on iPads, but it's ok to create similar looking things for iPhone
What you see in the picture, is entirely custom. a UIView subclass likely. There are pretty much no limits to what you do with your UI, within reason, so no ugly highly contrasting primary/secondary colours, and it's best to keep it at least similar to the native UI. If you say use a windows 7 phone ui style in an iPhone app it's more likely to get rejected by Apple, than keeping to the style of iOS.
So make it look as "professional" as possible, using gradients and shadows, edge arrows, like in the above picture.
Apple provides pretty much nothing that your looking for,
Similar built-in widgets would be UIPopoverController (iPad-only) or UIActionSheet. I like your menu better though.
I would also recommend looking at the guidelines for such custom UI elements. I can not say what is 'allowed', but Apple is not shy about how your app should look/feel/function.
Towards the top of this link talks about toolbars, status bars, etc.

How can we use CSS for developing native iPhone app?

I am not developing any web app.
I am trying to use CSS in developing iPhone native app.
I am confused about where to include it and use it .
Whether to use it in the viewDidLoad or applicationDidFinishLaunching .
I am really getting tired of using the same UI look.
Can any body help me?
Thank You All.
The question you seem to be asking is "How can I make my UI skinnable" which is completely independent of any kind of technology for representing those choices.
If you want to built an HTML based application, then you can either have a UIWebView or develop a web-based application, both of which can be skinned with CSS.
If you want to make a UIKit application customisable (by changing background colours etc. and the like) then you'll have to roll your own way of doing that. CSS would be overkill for this purpose, and in any case, there is no 'standard' support for themeing applications. You might as well just write into the user defaults (probably via a settings bundle) what the user would prefer as a background colour etc. and then write a method to traverse your UIKit hierarchy to change the background colour as appropriate.
What are you trying to apply the CSS to? CSS is only going to be applicable to a UIWebView in general. For that, you'll load it in the HTML as you would for a website.
If this is still something that interests you there is a very early beta stage of CSSApply on github
Extremely lightweight skinning system for iOS. It allows you to load a
CSS file and skin UIView elements. The system also allows you to do
simple searches for subviews like jQuery with CSS selectors.

Change text in GKPeerPickerController

Is it possible to change the default text (something like "looking for other iPhones and iPod touches") in the GameKit's GKPeerPickerController?
I've seen solutions that are completely custom but I was wondering if i can avoid that hassle and just change the default text.
You could mess with the GKPeerPickerController's view hierarchy which could break with future OS versions.
If you're looking to build your own controller to let the user connect to another device, just forget about using the picker controller and use a simple GKSession instance yourself. Have a look at Beam It!, it's open source (just scroll down a bit).