Facebook API: Can I access my page's user's content? - facebook

I'm trying to develop a management tool for my pages and to do that, I need access to the content my users post (as I repost a lot of their content - ex. photos)
It looks like I can get access to all the content that I post, but I can't seem to find any reference to features that'll allow me access to the user's content.
Is this not available in the API?

You can get all the posts for a page at:
However, you can't filter on this very well. An option that gives you more control is FQL. This query of the stream table should get you started with posts by others.
SELECT post_id, actor_id, message, attachment, permalink FROM stream
WHERE source_id = [PAGE_ID] AND filter_key = 'others'
If a user has set their post to private, it won't be returned by this call. You also need to be aware of the limits of the stream table: It only returns up to 50 posts in the last 30 days. If you want more, you have to use a LIMIT clause to page through your results.

I am developing Facebook application from last two years as per my experience you can't get any users information and using Page Signed request you can get userid,isowner,timezone and isLiked only..


Getting 'pic-square' from user posts on the news feed using Facebook Graph API

I'm trying to get the 50 x 50 profile picture for user posts on the news feed. It's easy to do this for likes and comments on posts but I can't figure out how to do it for the initial posts.I also want to limit the query so that I only get results from "people" not "pages" and I only want unique results. In other words if a user appears twice on the feed I only need their picture once. I've played with the Graph API Explorer extensively and have looked all over the forums, here, as well as the documentation on the Facebook developers site. I would think this would be a common request so I'm not sure why it's been so hard to find.My guess is that the syntax of the query would look something like this. Although this query doesn't work in the explorer.
Well after a lot of research and trial and error with FQL I figured it out. It's a series of nested queries and it returns an array with the urls of the pic-square images of the users whose posts appear in your news feed. The FQL query looks like this:
SELECT pic_square FROM user WHERE uid IN (SELECT actor_id FROM stream WHERE filter_key IN (SELECT filter_key FROM stream_filter WHERE uid=me()))
I was not able to differentiate between user and page profile pics.

How to get Page's Posts by Others

I need to pull the 'Posts by Others' from my Facebook Page and display them on my site. Spent the afternoon fiddling around with the API and was able to see posts made by the page, but not others. Any ideas?
Steve, I just found another solution, you can use the Graph API using FQL.
Just make a call to the following:
https://graph.facebook.com/fql?q=SELECT post_id, created_time , app_data, type, actor_id, target_id, message FROM stream WHERE source_id = YOUR_PAGE_ID AND actor_id != YOUR_PAGE_ID&access_token=YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN
If you need more variables, you just need to put them after SELECT, and you can check them out here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/fql/stream
On iOS, you don't need to put the access token in the query. To check how to do it with the latest iOS SDK, see my answer here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/14357179/675486
Got it, they are in the 'feed' field along with posts by the page. I was hoping for something that would just give posts by others, but I can filter out the ones posted by the page.

List of people who shared on facebook

I've been scouring the docs for a while now and can't seem to find a way to accomplish this. The information is available publicly (on a facebook page ... the link says "View all # shares") but I can't seem to find a way to access this info either via FQL or the graph API.
I know I can get a list of likes for a given post:
The goal is to get a list of people who've shared -- but there doesn't seem to be the same sort of thing for shares. Am I missing something?
You can do it via "graph.facebook.com/OBJECT_ID/sharedposts" connection:
I figure it out this connection via metadata=1 parameter:
Go to... http://www.facebook.com/ajax/shares/view/?target_fbid=10154612868272801&__a=1
10154612868272801 is Facebook story ID, __a stands for asynchronous.
You will see large amount of text/JSON, it is basically HTML & JS for little popup window. There is portion of text like hovercard.php?id=# where # is Facebook user ID, using preg_match_all you then get all of the user ID's who shared that post.
Eg: 100000541151971 (Eric) and 9204448 (Courtney)...
Unfortunately, you must be logged into Facebook to do first step, figure it out :)
I think you can get the share_count from stream table by FQL query just like
SELECT type, source_id, share_count, permalink, description, post_id, actor_id, target_id, message , share_count
FROM stream
WHERE filter_key = 'others' and post_id = '87236249496_134765166623967'
you can test it https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer/
Note: you have to take the read_stream permissions as explained here
Tye this link: https://graph.facebook.com/134765166623967/sharedposts (with a valid access_token)
The id in the link is the wallpost id (87236249496_134765166623967) minus the page id (87236249496) and minus the underscore.
You'll also need the read_stream permission
I know you're looking to get at shares through the post_id, but can you settle for finding shares by page_id instead of post_id?
If you can, then you can use the following FQL to get the data you're looking for.
SELECT via_id, created_time, owner_comment
FROM link
WHERE owner = me()
You can then compare via_id against the posts author (page ID) to determine if this share came from the post author in question.
Unfortunately, there seems to be a bug with the data return where some of the via_ids come back as 0. There is a ticket in with Facebook which, at the time of this post, has been open for three weeks at medium priority. I have no idea if this issue is specific to my app or affects everyone, but that query might get you what you want.

Get wall posts made through my Facebook application using FB's API

I made a Facebook Application that people use to share links from my webpage to their walls, and now I need to get back a list of the posts made through it during a pediod of time (e.g. from Sep. 4th to Sep. 10th), incluiding their Post IDs.
I am aware that I could save that information at the moment of its publication, but I need some old data that I didn't save that way.
I have tried using FQL, but that requieres to indicate the source_id (Facebook ID of the user's wall where the post is on), which I am not able to know.
The Graph API object for my application doesn't seem to help either, since it doesn't have a connection for the posts made through it.
Any help would be really apreciated, even just a sign in the right direction.
As suggested, prompt the user for read_stream permissions, and then I'd suggest to take the fql route:
SELECT post_id, actor_id, target_id, message
FROM stream
WHERE attribution=[your app name]
AND created_time > [since]
AND created_time < [until]
AND filter_key in (SELECT filter_key
FROM stream_filter
WHERE uid=me() AND type='newsfeed')
It's not likely to be an issue, but be aware that there's a limit in the number of items returned, so if your time span is wide and your users posted a lot, you may have to play with the [until] and [since] a bit more and make several calls to retrieve everything.
Also take a look at the documentation for more information about fields you can query: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/fql/stream/
Prompt the user for read_stream permissions and then query /me/statuses and look for updates from your application.

Get Facebook Link Likes

Using the Facebook API with the FQL language, how can I get a list of the users that liked a given URL? I got the URL and want to query Facebook to see how many people and what users liked that URL.
Using PHP or ASP.Net... doesn't matter, just want to know how to write the FQL query.
Sadly this data isn't available. What's possible via the Link Graph API objects and the link FQL table is just retrieving a given instance in which a link was shared by a user. You can get the count of likes on a user's posting of a link, but this likely isn't what you want.
Discussed this 3-6 months ago with guys at Facebook, and the consensus then was also that getting this data via API is impossible. As far as I know things haven't changed, and there are some privacy arguments for keeping this data out of the API.
'SELECT user_id FROM like WHERE object_id IN (SELECT link_id from link WHERE url = 'YOUR URL HERE' AND owner = 'YOUR USER ID HERE' '
Like FQL Table
Link FQL table
In order to access user's likes, the application needs to have user_likes permission from the user. After that if you access http://graph.facebook.com/me/likes with appropriate access tokens, all the object IDs (including external websites), the current user has liked will be listed.
(this is in reply to bounty question, which seems a bit different from the original question asked on this page)
It's not using FQL but...you can see the most recent 500 users that have like your page by going to: https://www.facebook.com/browse/?type=page_fans&page_id={id} but you would have to scrape this to get the information and it won't work for more people besides the most recent 500. Here's the gotcha, you've gotta be an admin of the page_id to see it.
You can only get the fans of pages that you are an administrator for. So you have to provide an access token with your request associated with an admin account of the page you are trying to get the fans.
Facebook's FQL documentation here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/fql/page/ tells you how to do it. Run the example SELECT name, fan_count FROM page WHERE page_id = 19292868552 and replace the page_id number with your page's id number and it will return the page name and the fan count.