Xcode Analyze 69 potential memory leaks - iphone

I'm making my first app and it's really confusing.
I am using ARC, and probably ALL of my potential leaks say:
"Object leaked: object allocated and stored in 'point' is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain count of +1"
They are on almost any object I create using [[alloc] init].
Any suggestions about how to handle those? The app works fine, though.

Are you sure your project is actually set to ARC? Those types of analyzer warnings sound like it isn't. Is this a new project where ARC was automatically turned on for you or did you do the conversion for it yourself?
There isn't a way to actually tell the analyzer that you are ARC or aren't. It will just pick that up from the settings automatically.


How to exactly find where memory is leaking in project of iPhone

While developing apps in Xcode memory leaks are occurring. When I checked them in extended detail view they are showing different methods that are not related to implemented. How to exactly find out which object is leaking and where it is leaking memory.
When ARC is enabled we have to take care of memory leaks or not?
Even with ARC memory leaks can occur, it just inserts release and autorelease during compile time.
1. You must check for leaks using Build and analyze in XCode, shift+command+b you should be clearing those issues.
2. After that you can start using the instruments by using profile option command+i . This will point you to where the leak might be.
This link will help you too http://soulwithmobiletechnology.blogspot.in/2011/04/how-to-check-memory-leaks-in-xcode-4.html
Edit: Added some screenshots to hopefully make it clear.
During profiling after selecting leaks choose the call tree option and check the boxes hide system libraries , invert call tree and show obj-c only as shown in image below.
After double clicking the symbol name below you'll get the line where it is leaking.
You'll get something like this.
Yes, even with ARC there are memory leaks. ARC is not a garbage collector, it only inserts for you, at compile time, retains, releases and autoreleases in key positions. So although it does help the developer, you should be aware that memory leaks still exist (for instance circular referencing). You can start by using the Static Analyzer and correct any problem it shows you. You can then go to Instruments and choose Leaks.

Impact of Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) on Memory Leaks

I am new to iOS 5 and ARC, so pardon my silly question.
If we use ARC in our project, does it mean that there wont be any memory leaks at all.
Is there a need to use Instruments for detecting memory leaks and NSZombies if we use ARC?
ARC will help you eliminate certain types of leaks, because you won't forget to release or autorelease single objects. For example, this type of error becomes impossible:
myLabel.text = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:#"%d", 17];
// oops, just leaked that NSString!
However, ARC will not eliminate leaks caused by retain cycles. It's still up to you to eliminate retain cycles, either by using weak references or by manually breaking the cycles before they become leaked. For example, as we start to use blocks more, block/self retain cycles become much more common. The Transitioning to ARC Release Notes discuss how to avoid these cycles using weak references.
No, that does not prevent memory leaks from happening. What happens in runtimes with reference counting, is that sometimes your code leaves dangling references, and then objects are not freed. It's still up to you to write good code.
If we use ARC in our project, does it mean that there wont be any memory leaks at all.
There may still be leaks -- In your program, and in the libraries you use. As well, ARC only applies to ObjC objects - you can easily leak any heap allocation which is not an objc object (e.g. malloc/new).
Is there a need to use Instruments for detecting memory leaks and NSZombies if we use ARC?
Yes. The previous response should detail why your program is not guaranteed to be free of these problems. Also, the compiler can get it wrong if you do silly things, and you can certainly cause problems if don't protect your data properly (e.g. concurrent execution).

Is it possible to set up XCode to do the reference counting for me?

I'd like to know if is it possible to set up Xcode to do the reference counting and show warnings if number of "retain" and "release" are not matching?
Use the Build > Build and Analyze command, or cmd-shift-A. The static analyzer can catch a lot of mistakes in that area.
That's what the Instruments tools are for.
For more retains than releases:
Leaks will tell you when you no longer have a reference to an object, but it still has retains.
Object Alloc will show you all the objects still retained in the system at any point in time. Don't forget that many things should not be released, until your program ends... so it's impossible for the system to know when you have too many retains, except for the Leaks case. Object alloc can also show you, for any object, the complete history of retain and release calls.
If you have more releases than retains, you will know pretty much instantly because the application will crash. In that case, you turn on "NSZombieEnabled" by selecting your executable, "Get Info", and then in the General tab enter the environment variable "NSZombieEnabled" to "YES". Then when you try to access an object you have released you'll see an error message in the log. It can also help a lot to run Object Alloc, and tell it to pay attention to Zombies. Don't leave on the zombie detection though, as it works by never ever releasing memory.

What's the best way to fix memory leaks on the iPhone?

I'm trying to use XCode's Leaks utility to fix some memory leaks in my code. Is there a better and more understandable way to check for leaks with explanations that pinpoint the exact line and/or offer suggestions?
Another question, I'm using AVAudioRecorder in my code in one of my view controllers. Should I load the recorder in viewDidLoad or in viewWillAppear?
If you're using Snow Leopard, have you tried using the static analyzer?
As mentioned, use Static Analyzer as a first line of defense.
It will not find everything.
But here's the problem with what you are requesting of Leaks. Think about what a leak is - a leak is when you have memory, that should have been released, but it is not.
So that means you are MISSING a line of code, that could have been placed anywhere - doing the actual release at the right time. But how could the tool possibly know when something SHOULD have been released?
So instead, the tool does the next best thing. It tells you where the leaking memory was allocated, then from there it's up to you to figure out where the object travelled and when it should actually have been released.
Static Analyzer will find the cases where you should have released in a few lines of code from when you created the object. Anything else, you just need to use Leaks to get a starting point to track down when you need to release something elsewhere.

No leaks appearing in Instruments, even though I'm sure they exist

I'm checking for leaks in Instruments, and I've set to check every second, but no leaks are appearing.
I'm sure there must be some in my app, is there anything which could stop these from appearing? Is there a good way I can create a leak so that I can test if leaks do show up in Instruments?
Creating a leak is easy:
id someObject = [[NSObject alloc] init];
someObject = nil;
Drop some code like that into your app, and you should definitely see a leak show up in Instruments.
You're only going to find leaks with a tool if an object is allocated but no longer referenced. Another type of "leak" is to hold a reference to something that you didn't intend to. This typically happens with a collection like a hash table or a dictionary where key/value pairs get left in the collection that the programmer has forgotten about.
I'm pretty sure as clemahieu postulated, what you are really seeing are over-retained objects - you think you have freed them but they still are being retained.
One quick sanity check for this is to set breakpoints in dealloc and see if the classes you expect to be freed really are.
You can also use the memory tracking Instrument (not leaks) to see what memory is still around - just make sure to select the "created and still living" option to check out just what what objects are still around.