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Closed 9 years ago.
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I wanted to know about a rule engine with dynamic rules. It's like I have multiple consumers whose products I need to sell at different rates based on rules set by those customers. I would like to allow the customers to set rules using a UI and store the rules in a database.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a app online and I want the users to subscribe for my new apps. The user were given a form to fill in their emails if they want to subscribe.
After collecting the emails, how do we send out updates? Is there any good service that can do this? The content should be dynamic (like at least putting the user's name in it)
My company uses mailchimp it's pretty simple to use, and supports mass emailing with dynamic content .If you have under 2000 subscribers it's free.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am looking out for a rule engine in perl.
Would like to know what are the features, that should be kept in mind related to the same.
Also the context is a travel domain and the business rule related to it.
Would appreciate your views on the same.
I believe your question is answered at and other places (google for Business Rule engine Perl). Some of the suggestions are:
Bricks (could not find anything beyond this one site)
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Closed 8 years ago.
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We know that using a Google's email account we can send text messages to mobile phones they have given that feature recently. i want to know whether there is an api or any other way of doing the same programmatically using Google's service or any other FREE servics.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am looking for a hosted service to call certain webpages at a certain time. I am looking for a company that offers this service, anyone know of such a thing?
You might want to try Web Based Cron
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I would like to improve my knowledge on SAAS, its design and implementation. Most of that I found on a quick search were case studies and articles promoting SAAS. Can anyone suggest me some books to start with.
I suggest you to start with reading the Multi-Tenant Data Architecture article.