Dispatch queues, concurrency and completion handling - iphone

I have an array of objects to be processed. The objects have a method like below
#interface CustomObject : NSObject
- (void)processWithCompletionBlock:(void (^)(BOOL success))completionBlock;
The processing of each object takes various time and can have different results. And it is known that the processing itself is executing concurrently. To say the truth it would be great to limit the number of concurrent operations because they are pretty intensive.
So I need to enumerate this array of objects and process them. If some object processing fails I need to skip all the rest objects. And of course I need to be notified after all objects will be enumerated and processed.
Should it be solved by the creation of NSOperationQueue and NSOperation subclass? How this class could look to fulfill these requirements? Are there some other elegant approaches?

This is exactly what NSOperation is designed for. Dispatch queues are much lower-level handlers, and you'd have to construct many of the pieces you need for this. You can of course do that (NSOperationQueue is built on top of GCD), but you'd be reinventing NSOperation.
You can handle NSOperation two ways for the most part. If it's simple, you can just create an NSBlockOperation. If it's a bit more complex, you can subclass NSOperation and override the main method to do what you want.
There are several ways to cancel all the other operations. You could have a separate operation queue per group. Then you can easily call cancelAllOperations to shut down everything. Or you could have a separate controller that knows the list of related operations and it could call cancel on them.
Remember that "cancel" just means "don't schedule if it hasn't stared, and set isCancelled if it has." It doesn't abort a running operation. If you want to abort a running operation, the operation needs to periodically check isCancelled.
You typically should limit the number of concurrent operations the queue will run. Use setMaximimumConcurrentOperationCount:.
There are two ways to determine that all the operations are finished. You can make an extra operation (usually a BlockOperation) and use addDependency: to make it depend on all the other operations. That's a nice asynchronous solution. If you can handle a synchronous solution, then you can use waitUntilAllOperationsAreFinished. I typically prefer the former.

Use NSOperationQueue and make your Class an NSOperation
Use this method to queue your work
- (void)addOperations:(NSArray *)ops waitUntilFinished:(BOOL)wait
Add a reference to the operation queue to the NSOperation subclass you create
If an error occurs call
- (void)setSuspended:(BOOL)suspend
on NSOperationQueue

Ok. To help others to understand how this approach can be handled I am sharing my own code.
To limit the number of concurrent threads we can call the -(void)setMaximimumConcurrentOperationCount: method of NSOperationQueue instance.
To iterate objects and provide the completion mechanism we can define the following method:
- (void)enumerateObjects:(NSArray *)objects
// define the completion block
NSBlockOperation *completionOperation = [NSBlockOperation blockOperationWithBlock:^{
NSLog(#"Update UI");
// register dependencies
for (CustomObject *obj in objects) {
CustomOperation *operation = [[CustomOperation alloc] initWithCustomObject:obj];
[completionOperation addDependency:operation]; // set dependencies for the completion block
[_operationQueue addOperation:operation];
// register completionOperation on main queue to avoid the cancellation
[[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] addOperation:completionOperation];
Overwrite the - (void)start method of the NSOperation subclass to start our custom operation:
- (void)start
// We need access to the operation queue for canceling other operations if the process fails
_operationQueue = [NSOperationQueue currentQueue];
if ([self isCancelled]) {
// Must move the operation to the finished state if it is canceled.
[self willChangeValueForKey:#"isFinished"];
_finished = YES;
[self didChangeValueForKey:#"isFinished"];
[self willChangeValueForKey:#"isExecuting"];
// We do not need thread detaching because our `-(void)processWithCompletionBlock:` method already uses dispatch_async
[self main]; // [NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:#selector(main) toTarget:self withObject:nil];
_executing = YES;
[self didChangeValueForKey:#"isExecuting"];
Overwrite the - (void)main method of the NSOperation subclass to process our custom object:
- (void)main
#try {
NSLog(#"Processing object %#", _customObject);
[_customObject processWithCompletionBlock:^(BOOL success) {
_processed = success;
if (!success) {
NSLog(#"Cancelling other operations");
[_operationQueue cancelAllOperations];
[self completeOperation];
#catch (NSException *exception) {
NSLog(#"Exception raised, %#", exception);
Thanx to #Rob for pointing me out to the missing part.


What is preferred: implement method with GCD inside and then just simple call, or implement method and then call it later with GCD?

what's is more prefered way to write multi threaded apps. I see two ways.
Implement method with GCD inside and then just simple call (myMethodA), or just implement method and then call it with GCD? Thanks in advance.
My point:
ClassA / method implementation
- (void)myMethodA
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
// doSomething1
// doSomething2
- (void)myMethodB
// doSomething1
// doSomething2
ClassB / method call
[myClassA methodA];
// or
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
[myClassA methodB];
IMHO, neither.
The preferred way should be having an object which knowns where to execute its actions:
completion_block_t completionHandler = ^(id result) { ... };
AsyncOperation* op = [AsyncOperation alloc] initWithCompletion:completionHandler];
[op start]; // executes its actions on a private execution context
Then, one can wrap those AsyncOperation objects into a convenient method:
- (void) fetchUsersWithCompletion:(completion_block_t)completionHandler
NSDictionary* params = ...;
self.currentOperation = [[HTTPOperation alloc] initWithParams:params
[self.currentOperation start];
The client may only be interested in specifying where its completionHandler should be executed. The API may be enhanced as follows:
- (void) fetchUsersWithQueue:(NSOperationQueue*)handlerQueue
NSDictionary* params = ...;
self.currentOperation = [[HTTPOperation alloc] initWithParams:params
completion:^(id result){
// As per the documentation of HTTPOperation, the handler will be executed
// on an _unspecified_ execution context.
// Ensure to execute the client's handler on the specified operation queue:
[self.currentOperation start];
The latter API can be used as this:
[self fetchUsersWithQueue:[NSOperation mainQueue] completion:^(id result){
self.users = result;
[self.tableView reloadData];
Personal preference. Choose whichever makes the code more readable / understandable / obvious. Also, consideration of whether the code should be possible to run on the 'current' thread or whether it should always be run on a background thread. You need to design your threading configuration, describe it and then implement with that in mind. If you're calling methods between classes like in your example then I'd generally say that any threading should be handled inside that class, not inside the calling class. But that's about distribution of knowledge.
It doesn't make much of a difference - it just depends on what you want to do.
If you want to execute the method on different queues each time, then the myMethodB system is more appropriate. If, however, you always want to run the method on the same queue, then myMethodA will save you time writing code (you only have to write the GCD code once).

Wait for URLConnection block to finish

I'm creating a REST client class for my iPad app. So I created a BOOL method which does the login using an NSURLConnection subclass I created earlier.
This JWURLConnection has block type properties for the finishLoading and failWithError operations.
The Problem is that the URL connection most likely finishes (or fails) AFTER this method is completely executed. A cannot use an extra method to use performSelector:waitUntilDone: too because I have to wait for the connection.
Now I tried using plain C semaphores and an extra thread (so that the semaphore blocks only the RESTClient thread, not the URLConnections one), but I had no success; the method started waiting but the whole connection stuff was frozen, thus there where no NSLogs from the connection.
The JWURLConnection starts it's own thread by itself within the -start method:
- (void)start { dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{ [super start]; }); }
Here is the code I tried it with (using semaphores):
- (BOOL)loginWithUsername:(NSString *)uName ansPassword:(NSString *)pWord {
__block BOOL loginSucceeded = NO;
dispatch_semaphore_t sema = dispatch_semaphore_create(0);
JWURLConnection *connection = [JWURLConnection connectionWithPOSTRequestToURL:POSTData:];
[connection setFinished^(NSData *data) {
// validate server response and set login variable
loginSucceeded = YES;
[connection setFailed:^(NSError *error) {
loginSucceeded = NO;
NSLog(#"Login failed: %#", [error description]);
[connection start];
dispatch_semaphore_wait(sema, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
// do some more stuff like error handling / reporting here
return loginSucceeded;
I hope you can lead my the right direction...
The JWURLConnection starts it's own thread by itself within the -start method:
- (void)start { dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{ [super start]; }); }
You need to ensure that a NSURLConnection's delegate methods will be scheduled on a NSRunLoop or a NSOperationQueue. While the start method could actually take care of this - the given code and your comment indicate it does not ;) In short, dispatch_async does not guarantee that the underlaying thread has a run loop and a dispatch queue does not even guarantee that the underlaying thread is always the same.
The docs show how to schedule a connection.
I would suggest to schedule the connection on the main thread, and change this to a NSOperationQueue when required.
Your loginWithUsername:andPassword: method will simply return immediately since you call/invoke an asynchronous function/method.
Employing asynchronous patterns is kinda "infectious". Once you started using asynchronous programming style, you cant get "rid of" it unless you use synchronization primitives that block the current thread. I would suggest to keep the async style:
- (void) loginWithUsername:(NSString *)uName
andPassword:(NSString *)pWord
completion:(void(^)(id result))onCompletion;
And later:
[self loginWithUsername:#"Me" andPassword:#"secret" completion:^(id result) {
if ([result != [isKindOfError class]]) {
[self fetchImagesWithURL:url completion: ^(id result) {

Using an application-lifetime-thread other than the main thread

I've a multi-threading application in which each thread has to do some job, but at a certain point some code needs to be executed serially (like writing into sqlite3 database), so I'm calling that code to be performed on main thread using:
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(serialJob:) withObject:object waitUntilDone:YES];
and every thing went just fine except that when that code needs some time the user interaction with the application gets disabled until that code has been finished, so is there any way to make another ONE thread that can be run on background and can be called whenever I need it just like the main one so I can replace the previous call with:
[self performSelector:#selector(serialJob:) onThread:REQUIRED_THREAD withObject:object waitUntilDone:YES];
this thread should be some class's static data member to be accessed from all over the code.
any help would be very appreciated, and many thanks in advance...
This is quite easy to do, just spawn your thread and let it run it's runloop using [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] run]. That's all that is required to be able to use performSelector:onThread: with a custom thread.
If you are on iOS 4 or newer you should consider using Grand Central Dispatch queues instead of threads though. The GCD APIs are much easier to use and can utilize the system resources much better.
Like Sven mentioned, look into Grand Central Dispatch.
You can create a queue like this:
dispatch_queue_t myQueue = dispatch_queue_create("com.yourcompany.myDataQueue", NULL);
Now you can call blocks on that queue:
dispatch_async(myQueue, ^{
// Your code to write to DB.
When you're done, don't forget to release the queue:
Due to the my question that I need the current thread to be blocked until the database job has been finished, I've tried these two solutions and they worked perfectly. You can either use critical sections or NSOperationQueue and I prefer the first one, here is the code for both of them:
define some class "DatabaseController" and add this code to its implementation:
static NSString * DatabaseLock = nil;
+ (void)initialize {
[super initialize];
DatabaseLock = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:#"Database-Lock"];
+ (NSString *)databaseLock {
return DatabaseLock;
- (void)writeToDatabase1 {
#synchronized ([DatabaseController databaseLock]) {
// Code that writes to an sqlite3 database goes here...
- (void)writeToDatabase2 {
#synchronized ([DatabaseController databaseLock]) {
// Code that writes to an sqlite3 database goes here...
OR to use the NSOperationQueue you can use:
static NSOperationQueue * DatabaseQueue = nil;
+ (void)initialize {
[super initialize];
DatabaseQueue = [[NSOperationQueue alloc] init];
[DatabaseQueue setMaxConcurrentOperationCount:1];
+ (NSOperationQueue *)databaseQueue {
return DatabaseQueue;
- (void)writeToDatabase {
NSInvocationOperation * operation = [[NSInvocationOperation alloc] initWithTarget:self selector:#selector(FUNCTION_THAT_WRITES_TO_DATABASE) object:nil];
[operation setQueuePriority:NSOperationQueuePriorityHigh];
[[DatabaseController databaseQueue] addOperations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:operation] waitUntilFinished:YES];
[operation release];
these two solutions block the current thread until the writing to database is finished which you may consider in most of the cases.

How to send selectors or blocks to an NSRunLoop to perform?

I need to guarantee that the same thread performs various actions at arbitrary times. First the thread needs to initialize a library, then I want the thread to sleep until work needs to be done and upon user input, I need to be able to pass selectors or blocks for execution.
How can I setup an NSRunLoop to sleep after initialization? After which, how do I signal the run loop to wake up and do something?
I've tried reading the Threading Programming Guide for iOS, but I'd like to avoid setting up classes as custom input classes and use something more lightweight like performSelector:onThread:
Can I set a timer to fire forever from now so the run loop doesn't end?
Here's essentially what I want in pseudo-code:
// Initialization Code...
do {
while (!done);
Where I send the work to do as a performSelector:onThread: message. It would be even better if I could send the run loop a block like: ^{[someObj message]; [otherObj otherMsg];} but I'd be happy with performSelector since I'm pretty sure that's possible without much extra coding.
You have all the necessary pieces together in your question. You start your thread and have it run it’s runloop. If you need the thread to do something you can use performSelector:onThread: on the main thread to do it.
There is one thing with the runloop you have to be aware though: It won’t run unless it has an input source or a timer attached to it. Just attach a timer to the run loop that fires some time in the distant future and you’re all set.
// Initialization code here
[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval: FLT_MAX
target: self selector: #selector(doNothing:)
userInfo: nil repeats:YES];
NSRunLoop *rl = [NSRunLoop currentRunLoop];
do {
[rl runMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode beforeDate:[NSDate distantFuture]];
} while (!done);
Using performSelector:onThread:withObject: you can also pass your block to the background thread. All you need to do is to write a method somewhere that takes an block as a parameter and runs it:
#interface NSThread (sendBlockToBackground)
- (void) performBlock: (void (^)())block;
#implementation NSThread (sendBlockToBackground)
- (void) performBlock: (void (^)())block;
[self performSelector: #selector(runBlock:)
onThread: self withObject: block waitUntilDone: NO];
- (void) runBlock: (void (^)())block;
But maybe you should use a dispatch queue instead of all this. This requires less code and probably has less overhead also:
dispatch_queue_t myQueue = dispatch_queue_create( "net.example.product.queue", NULL );
dispatch_async( myQueue, ^{
// Initialization code here
} );
// Submit block:
dispatch_async( myQueue, ^{
[someObject someMethod: someParameter];
} );
A dispatch queue created using dispatch_queue_create is a serial queue - all blocks sent to it will be performed in the same order they arrived, one after another.
Consider using NSConditionLock. It is designed for tasks like this. Imagine that you have a queue with data. First thread adds data to queue, second thread waits for data and processes it.
id condLock = [[NSConditionLock alloc] initWithCondition:NO_DATA];
//First thread
[condLock lock];
/* Add data to the queue. */
[condLock unlockWithCondition:HAS_DATA];
//Second thread
while (true)
[condLock lockWhenCondition:HAS_DATA];
/* Remove data from the queue. */
[condLock unlockWithCondition:(isEmpty ? NO_DATA : HAS_DATA)];
// Process the data locally.
I think you can use NSInvocationOperation with NSOperationQueue.

NSOperations or NSThread for bursts of smaller tasks that continuously cancel each other?

I would like to see if I can make a "search as you type" implementation, against a web service, that is optimized enough for it to run on an iPhone.
The idea is that the user starts typing a word; "Foo", after each new letter I wait XXX ms. to see if they type another letter, if they don't, I call the web service using the word as a parameter.
The web service call and the subsequent parsing of the result I would like to move to a different thread.
I have written a simple SearchWebService class, it has only one public method:
- (void) searchFor:(NSString*) str;
This method tests if a search is already in progress (the user has had a XXX ms. delay in their typing) and subsequently stops that search and starts a new one. When a result is ready a delegate method is called:
- (NSArray*) resultsReady;
I can't figure out how to get this functionality 'threaded'.
If I keep spawning new threads each time a user has a XXX ms. delay in the typing I end up in a bad spot with many threads, especially because I don't need any other search, but the last one.
Instead of spawning threads continuously, I have tried keeping one thread running in the background all the time by:
- (void) keepRunning {
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
SearchWebService *searchObj = [[SearchWebService alloc] init];
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] run]; //keeps it alive
[searchObj release];
[pool release];
But I can't figure out how to access the "searchFor" method in the "searchObj" object, so the above code works and keeps running. I just can't message the searchObj or retrieve the resultReady objects?
Hope someone could point me in the right direction, threading is giving me grief:)
Thank you.
Ok, I spend the last 8 hours reading up on every example out there.
I came to realize that I would have to do some "Proof of Concept" code to see if there even would be a speed problem with building a new thread for "each" keystroke.
It turns out that using NSOperation and NSOperationQueue is more than adequate, both in terms of speed and especially in terms of simplicity and abstraction.
Is called after each keystroke:
- (void) searchFieldChanged:(UITextField*) textField {
[NSObject cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:self];
NSString *searchString = textField.text;
if ([searchString length] > 0) {
[self performSelector:#selector(doSearch:) withObject:textField.text afterDelay:0.8f];
This is mainly to stop the code form initiating a search for keystrokes that are less than 800 ms. apart.
(I would have that a lot lower if it where not for the small touch keyboard).
If it is allowed to time out, it is time to search.
- (void) doSearch:(NSString*) searchString {
[queue cancelAllOperations];
ISSearchOperation *searchOperation = [[ISSearchOperation alloc] initWithSearchTerm:searchString];
[queue addOperation:searchOperation];
[searchOperation release];
Cancel all operations that is currently in the queue. This is called every time a new search is
started, it makes sure that the search operation already in progress gets closed down in an orderly fashion, it also makes sure that only 1 thread is ever in a "not-cancelled" state.
The implementation for the ISSearchOperation is really simple:
#implementation ISSearchOperation
- (void) dealloc {
[searchTerm release];
[JSONresult release];
[parsedResult release];
[super dealloc];
- (id) initWithSearchTerm:(NSString*) searchString {
if (self = [super init]) {
[self setSearchTerm:searchString];
return self;
- (void) main {
if ([self isCancelled]) return;
[self setJSONresult:/*do webservice call synchronously*/];
if ([self isCancelled]) return;
[self setParsedResult:/*parse JSON result*/];
if ([self isCancelled]) return;
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(searchDataReady:) withObject:self.parsedResult waitUntilDone:YES];
There are two major steps, the downloading of the data from the web service and the parsing.
After each I check to see if the search has been canceled by [NSOperationQueue cancelAllOperations] if it has, then we return and the object is nicely cleaned up in the dealloc method.
I will probably have to build in some sort of time out for both the web service and the parsing, to prevent the queue from choking on a KIA object.
But for now this is actually lightning fast, in my test I am searching an 16.000 entries dictionary and having Xcode NSLog it to the screen (slows things down nicely), each 800 ms. I issue a new search string via a timer and thereby canceling the old before it has finished its NSLog results to screen loop.
NSOperationQueue handles this with no glitches and never more that a few ms. of two threads being executed. The UI is completely unaffected by the above tasks running in the background.