Can Facebook users on a facebook app be anonymous? - facebook

I'm trying to create an app for closeted and questioning youth on facebook, and an important feature would be the ability to be anonymous on the app. I've been trying to find out if people can be anonymous on facebook, but this sounds like it's not allowed. Could facebook users make a new user account within a facebook app to protect their identity?

No, they cannot create a new facebook account from facebook app. And facebook has nothing to do with making a user anonymous, if user has given your application required permissions then you can have all the information about user, its up to you either you want to make that user an "Anonymous user" or show his profile pic/information.

Some suggestions:
In App Settings > Auth Dialog there is the setting Default
Activity Privacy which you should set to Only Me.
When a user authorizes your app store as little information as is
necessary, and prominently display your privacy policy explaining
what type of information you store, why, and how you will never
share it with anyone.
(optional) Store userids in your database as md5 hashes so that even if someone gains access to that database, they won't know who
the users are.


When do I need to submit my app for Facebook review (when only reduced group of people will use it)?

I am creating an app that only a specific list of users will use, and I need Instagram Public Content Access permission (and some other permissions) for them (I have my Instagram Business Account all set up and connected with Facebook page).
On there is stated:
You do not need to submit your app if it will only be used by you or
by a reduced number of people. Any account listed in the Roles tab in
your App Dashboard, such as admins, developers and testers, can access
all permissions and generate a user or page access token.
So I just want to make sure, that it is completely fine in my case to keep my app in development mode and let my users use it like this (so I don't need to submit my app for review as long as all the users are going to have their role assigned in my app), and that these permissions are not intended just for a limited time period or only for testing/development purposes.
Thank you for any answer.
What you quoted there, is applicable to permissions your app is going to ask its users to grant to it.
Instagram Public Content Access is not a permission, it is a feature. You need to get it reviewed, if you want your app to be able to access content that the users of your app do not have admin access to.

What is needed to access another user's facebook posts ("App Not Setup")

I have a desktop app which uses a user access token to read the me/feed endpoint and I can see all the posts for the logged in user. If I wanted to simplify deployment to different users I would need to minimise the amount of setup/configuration they did.
Is there a way to access me/feed for a given userid rather than have to setup every user as a developer account and create an app for it?
I have looked at and it is not obvious to me how to do this.
What configuration / permissions does the user in question need to do to activate this. Which access token should I be using, and will it give access to all the posts in the same way the user access token does.
[EDIT] I have looked at this again and the problem I am having is that when a user (who has a facebook account but is NOT a developer) tries to login to my App (which is in development mode) I get the following error
"App Not Setup: The developers of this app have not set up this app properly for Facebook Login."
Thanks in advance

facebook register/login

I'm trying to implement facebook connect to my website, and i have couple questions.
1: Is it possible to register user in my website using his current facebook email/password.
Let's say user clicks on link Register via facebook and then he have to give me permisions to access his password, email, etc... and after that is done i put that info in my own database and he will be able to login with that account any time he wants without needing to give me permisions any time in the future.
2: If that kind of registration is not possible, what's other solution would be the best for me? Because i need to somehow keep track of that user who logged in with facebook, because he can upload photos, send messages etc.
Anyways, i'm quite new with facebook and similar things, so i'm really lost here, hope some one can help me :)
EDIT Thank you all for wonderful answers it helped me a lot, now all that's left is to read documentation :)
Yes it is, it is possible to get the information of the user. But it is rather complicated, when you have never dealt with it.
First you need to send the user to the following link:
Facebook will then return your client to the uri specified, if the user rejected it will give a reason. If it is not you will get an code in urlencoded format.
This code is needed for the following step, the request of the access token:
This will give back an access token, if the authorization didn't fail.
After that you can ask for the information you want:
This will include a facebook uid, which is unique for all users. Store it and you can discern between a register and login.
This is roughly the process for any oauth2 application.
Facebook will not ask repeatedly for permissions after the user granted them to you. So you can store the access token and reuse it for backend stuff and also use the same procedure you use for register for login.
You can never access the user's password from Facebook even with his/her permission, so the user will always have to authenticate via Facebook and have Facebook pass you the user id of the logged in user once authentication succeeds. You can store all kinds of other data locally, but not enough to authenticate the user yourself.
Once the user is authenticated, you'll have access to the user's Facebook user id via the API, which should be enough to connect all kinds of information to that specific user.
Facebook does not provide access to accounts when passwords are taken from your controls. It provides it own canvas for login information. Therefore you cannot use your first approach to store passwords in your databases. Check this out.
You can however store email addresses once user logins into his account using the facebook sdks. Check this out link for the example of C# SDK sample code.
You can use the Facebook APIs to fetch user email-id, photos, friendslist and other information and then play around accordingly.
You don't get access to the users password - only email if you ask for it.
Best way would be to have a table of users and their Facebook account id's.
If you want to allow users to sign up without Facebook then have a nullable field for their password and facebook id, and also have a field for username - which you could populate from Facebook if they register via that route.

Authorise more than one Facebook app at a time

I work for an organisation that is partnering with another group. Each of us will have a body of users logged into Facebook. What we want to do is to make it possible for a user who is signed in under my group's app id to see all his/her friends some of whom will also be logged in under that id, some of whom will be logged in under the partner org's app id.
The idea we had in mind was that it might be possible to grant permissions on auth to both app ids in one go. Is that possible? If not, does anyone have any idea how we could share this kind of presence data without also sharing all other user details?
No, that's not possible, though I don't see why you can't just use the same App to have multiple pieces of functionality

How to limit information requested by my facebook app

I'm using facebook connect to allow the visitors login to a website using their facebook account.
The only information needed is that the user id and name.
However the facebook connect dialog states that my app will access all the users friends, photos...
How can I configure my facebook application to not request those data?
The quick answer, you can't. The dialog states that you have the ability to access the user's information. Whether you access it or not is up to you, but the ability to is always there. There is a base level of access granted to all apps. You can prompt for extended permissions, but you can't customize the base level.
This may change going forward with OpenGraph. There are still features Facebook is adding, and some existing, undocumented features.