Submit button not work while using ClientValidation of mvc 2.0 -

I have one form with text box, submit button, drop down list ..... I'm using <%Html.EnableClientValidation(); %> to validate all the elements in my form. But the probem is when I write <% using (Html.BeginForm()){ }%>, the validation works, But when I click on the submit button, it did nothing even though I complete all the condition of each elements. And the submit button is submitting while I use <form method="post"> instead of <% using (Html.BeginForm()){ }%>.
I use jquery tab in my view, so I have more than one submit button that do different task(I test the value of the submit button in my controller).
Could any one tell me, what did I wrong here?
Thanks in advanced.

I'd make sure that you wrap your entire form in the braces when using the <% using (Html.BeginForm()){ }%>. If your submit button is not contained within those braces, then it will not cause the form to post.
<% using(Html.BeginForm()) { %>
... form elements here ...
<% } %>
When you use this method, remove the other form tags on the page as this syntax is equivalent to writing:
... form elements here ...


Antd Form doesn't submit when there are more than one text input inside

I have a simple example where for some reason form stops calling onSubmit callback if I add more than one text inputs and push 'Enter' key while one of the inputs is focused.
Here is a link on CodePen:
This one works:
<Form onSubmit={(e)=>{e.preventDefault(); console.log(e)}}>
And this doesn't:
<Form onSubmit={(e)=>{e.preventDefault(); console.log(e)}}>
What am I doing wrong there?
This doesn't seem to be an antd issue, it is a known quirk that forms with only a single input fire onsubmit when pressing enter while if they have multiple inputs they do not.
This might be related

Submit button in bootstrap not submitting the values

<form name="form1" class="newsletter relative color_default button_in_input" action="process.php" method="post">
Hi trying to submit this form but its not doing anything at all. just stays there all the time.
You need to close the form and ensure that the submit button is within the <form></form> tags.

Blur for submitting form AngularJS

Hi I have a following html markup
<h2>First Name Last Name</h2>
<input name="fname">
<input name="lname">
You click on a header to show the form fields and to edit them (blur hides the fields and shows the header again).
I have a problem because the first and last name are in the same header, so you click on one item to edit two fields.
I am submitting the form on a blur event for the input fields but when I click the last name, because blur is being called in the first name, I cannot edit the second field.
I am using AngularJS which is also presenting a problem because I cannot figure out which element is focused because document.activeElement returns the entire body.
Any help is much appreciated!
Assuming you're using ngBlur directive on the input element, you can mix it with ngFocus to keep elements visible as wanted: <input name="fname" ng-focus="showFields=true;" ng-blur="blurField($event);" >
Using a function for ngBlur, you will have access to the $event object which in turn will expose the elements you need (like target or related). Afterwards, you can trigger form submit depending on your needs.
A demo plunker is HERE.

Button Onclick does not work inside form

Good Day
I am using an ASP.NET webform where I have wrapped the following button inside the form tags:
<form runat="server">
<button class="btn btn-primary" onclick="window.location='';">Login</button>
ISSUE: The problem is that when clicking on the button, it just directs to the current page...does not redirect. However, when I remove the form tags, the button works. If I leave the form tags and I use an anchor tag to relocate, it works as well...It is just the button that is giving me issues.
Why is that?
I am using Twitter bootstrap as well(extra info..)
Thank you
Add type="button" attribute to your button tag. Without it button works as submit.

mootools clone form element

I cannot get a form to submit additional fields that have been cloned. When a form like the one below is submitted, it does not include the cloned form elements. Does anybody know why and how I can alleviate this issue.
<tr><td><input type="text" value="50" name="myvar[]" /></td></tr>
<!-- This button will clone the previous set of form elements -->
<tr><input type="button" value="Add New Line" onclick="this.getParent('tr').getPrevious('tr').clone().inject(this.getParent('tr'), 'before')" /></tr>
Your HTML isn't well formed, so this.getParent('tr') is returning null at least for me in Firefox. Put the button inside a td that is inside the tr and it works.
JSFiddle: clicking the button throws an error
Thanks for the comment but the form was meant to be an example not actually what I had. I looked back at the form and the top form element was inside the table and the bottom form element was outside of the table. I moved the top form element outside of the table and everything works perfectly.