Fancybox one-time popup - fancybox

I used your suggestions on Delay pop-up for 10 seconds, only pop up once, however it's not working. Do I need to do something like <body onload='$("#various1").trigger("click");'>


Do not close fancybox then parent site reloads

My website with a data table releaods every 30 seconds to receive new data from a database.
The problem now is, if a fancybox is open (a chart is shown) and the parent site reloads, my fancybox with the chart closes.
How can I prevent this behavior? Meaning parent site reloads and receives new data and the opened fancybox (chart) still stays in the foreground till I close it.
Proper solution would be not to reload the page, but use ajax to get fresh data. It is technically impossible to keep modal open while page refresh. You could open fancybox after each refresh, but it would not be smooth.
I solved this behavior by using the JavaScript method setTimeout
setTimeout(function() {location.reload();},30*1000);
instead of
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="30">
During reloading, the site is flashing, but the fancybox remains. It works for me.

Open more than one Modal on same page in Materialize

I have a page where I plan on having multiple modals that can be opened. The first one works fine, I link to it in several places on the page. When I added the second one though upon clicking it all I get it a darkened screen. The modal doesn't show up.
I read through everything I could find both here and on materialize website. Tried a few things like adding multiple triggers to init.js:
// the "href" attribute of .modal-trigger must specify the modal ID that wants to be triggered
// the "href" attribute of .modal-trigger must specify the modal ID that wants to be triggered
Nut that didn't do anything. Tried calling it as a js function under onclick instead of through the href tag and class, but its the same.
Any ideas?
Try to place the modals just below the calling button, it may work. I've gone through it a lot of times. So go through it once, if it still create a problem please let me know. And please post the modal code also.
When I added the second one though upon clicking it all I get it a darkened screen
It's mean that it could not get the id of second modal.

Facebox - Facebox popup not showing FB Like button

I'm trying to display FB like button into facebox popup, but it is not working consistently for me, after opening popup multiple times, fb like button appears.
I also tried it with FB Like button - Iframe code, it works perfectly but in that case not able to fire edge create event.
Please help.
Thanks in Advance.
Finally found solution, problem was with the parsing...
Instead of parse only div where I was added like button code,
I have just parse like below,
Now like button get display and

Facebook Like + Send (send not showing)

So I'm using Facebook Like combined with the send button using the following HTML5 code:
<div class="fb-like" data-send="true" data-layout="button_count" data-width="120" data-show-faces="false" data-colorscheme="dark" data-font="arial">
The problem is that the "Send" button flickers for a moment and then disappears. Note, this is only the case with data-layout=button_count. When data-layout is set to 'standard', it stays, although shows other undesirable text (in our case).
Nowhere in the documentation that I can find does it say that the data-send=true flag does not render the "send" button when data-layout is set to to "button_count".
This is the case even on the facebook example page:
The fact that the send button flickers and then disappears (EVEN ON THE FACEBOOK EXAMPLE PAGE), leads me to believe this as an error.
Can someone in the know shed some light about what is going on?
It seems like the Send Button is having some issues currently as you can see by searching in the bug reports system.
These two tell me that something is wrong: Send button opens new tab and Problem with Like/Send button with data-layout set to 'button_count'.
I'm not sure that what you're describing is related, but it's not far fetched.

form target="blank" takes forever to load the new page in Safari

In my code, I have this form tag:
<form target="_blank" method="POST">
Then afterwards I have my inputs then a submit button. When I press the submit button in Windows Safari, the computer will take about 8 seconds to START loading the page, then like 1 second or 2 seconds to load the page, taking around 9-10 seconds to load the page. While it is loading, the parent page which contained my form tag will be blank until the new page finished loading. Is there a way, via code or Safari settings, to minimise or even better, remove the 9-10 seconds? Thanks!