Questions About Perl Filename Wildcard - perl

I am using perl to address some text files. I want to use perl filename wild card to find all the useful files in a folder and address them one by one, but my there are spaces in the filename. Then I find the filename wildcard cannot address those filenames properly. Here is my code:
my $term = "Epley maneuver";
my #files = <rawdata/*$term*.csv>;
my $infiles;
foreach $infilename (#files) {
if($infilename =~ m/(\d+)_.*\.csv/)
$infiles{$infilename} = $1;
print $1."\n";
The filename are like:
34_Epley maneuver_2012_4_6.csv
33_Epley maneuver_2012_1_3.csv
32_Epley maneuver_2011_10_12.csv
They are in a folder named "rawdata".
When I used this for terms that don't contain spaces, like "dizzy", it works well. But when the term contains space, it just stop working. I searched this on Google, but find little useful information.
What happens and how can I do this correctly?
Any help will be good. Thanks a lot.

The glob operator works like the command-line processor. If you write <rawdata/*Epley maneuver*.csv> it will look for files that match rawdata/*Epley or maneuver*.csv
You must put your glob expression in double-quotes:
my #files = <"rawdata/*$term*.csv">


Using perl script find file count with multiple pattern

I want to search files count inside a directory.
If number of files in folder less than or equal to 5 list the file names with count,
else files not found in directory like "zero files found".
Ex: Files inside directory like
based on above file names, I given search pattern
$Filename = "testfile*d*".
But final result getting like below
testfiled_01012022.txt -its removed number after google d
below variables used in script.
my #files = grep!/^\.\.?$/, readdir DIR
$Filename =~ s/\*//g;
Let me know how to show available files with count.
You say that you are using this "search pattern".
$Filename = "testfile*d*"
What that looks like is a shell filename pattern, like if you were to say ls testfile*d* in the shell. That's not how regular expressions work.
If you want a pattern that matches "testfile" and then some arbitrary string and then "d" and then some other arbitrary string, you would write that as
Second, you're not using that pattern correctly. Your code shows:
my #files = grep!/^\.\.?$/, readdir DIR
$Filename =~ s/\*//g;
The first line does read a list of files, but the second line doesn't do anything useful. What you want your second line to be is:
my #matched_files = grep /testfile.*d.*/, #files;
When you do that, #matched_files will have all the files that match that regular expression.
HOWEVER, you don't have to use regular expressions at all to get a list of files. You can use the built-in glob function that DOES handle shell globbing like you want, and you don't need that readdir stuff.
my #files = glob( 'testfile*d*' ); # Note it uses shell glob syntax, not regex

Get the path for a similarly named file in perl, where only the extension differs?

I'm trying to write an Automator service, so I can chuck this into a right-click menu in the gui.
I have a filepath to a txt file, and there is a similarly named file that varies only in the file extension. This can be a pdf or a jpg, or potentially any other extension, no way to know beforehand. How can I get the filepath to this other file (there will only be one such)?
$other_name =~ s/txt$/!(txt)/;
$other_name =~ s/ /?/g;
my #test = glob "$other_name";
In Bash, I'd just turn on the extglob option, and change the "txt" at the end to "!(txt)" and the do glob expansion. But I'm not even sure if that's available in perl. And since the filepaths always have spaces (it's in one of the near-root directory names), that further complicates things. I've read through the glob() documentation at and tried every variation of quoting (the above example code shows my attempt after having given up, where I just remove all the spaces entirely).
It seems like I'm able to put modules inside the script, so this doesn't have to be bare perl (just ran a test).
Is there an elegant or at least simple way to accomplish this?
You can extract everything in the filename up to extension, then run a glob with that and filter out the unneeded .txt. This is one of those cases where you need to protect the pattern in the glob with a double set of quotes, for spaces.
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature qw(say);
my $file = "dir with space/file with spaces.txt";
# Pull the full name without extension
my ($basefname) = $file =~ m/(.*)\.txt$/;
# Get all files with that name and filter out unneeded (txt)
my #other_exts = grep { not /\.txt$/ } glob(qq{"$basefname.*"});
say for #other_exts;
With a toy structure like this
dir space/
file with spaces.pdf
file with spaces.txt
The output is
dir space/file with spaces.pdf
This recent post has more on related globs.
Perl doesn't allow the not substring construct in glob. You have to find all files with the same name and any extension, and remove the one ending with .txt
This program shows the idea. It splits the original file name into a stem part and a suffix part, and uses the stem to form a glob pattern. The grep removes any result that ends with the original suffix
It picks only the first matching file name if there is more than one candidate. $other_name will be set to undef if no matching file was found
The original file name is expected as a parameter on the command line
The result is printed to STDOUT; I don't know what you need for your right-click menu
The line use File::Glob ':bsd_glob' is necessary if you are working with file paths that contain spaces, as it seems you are
use strict;
use warnings 'all';
use File::Glob ':bsd_glob';
my ($stem, $suffix) = shift =~ /(.*)(\..*)/;
my ($other_name) = grep ! /$suffix$/i, glob "$stem.*";
$other_name =~ tr/ /?/;
print $other_name, "\n";
This is an example, based on File::Basename core module
use File::Basename;
my $fullname = "/path/to/my/filename.txt";
my ($name, $path, $suffix) = fileparse($fullname, qw/.txt/);
my $new_filename = $path . $name . ".pdf";
# $name --> filename
# $path --> /path/to/my/
# $suffix --> .txt
# $new_filename --> /path/to/my/filename.pdf

Perl script to rename files with spaces in name, pushd/popd equivalent?

My Linux system mounts some Samba shares, and some files are deposited by Windows users. The names of these files sometimes contain spaces and other undesirable characters. Changing these characters to hyphens - seems like a reasonable solution. Nothing else needs to be changed to handle these cleaned file names.
A couple of questions,
What other characters besides spaces, parenthesis should be translated?
What other file attributes (besides file type (file/dir) and permissions) should be checked?
Does Perl offer a pushd/popd equivalent, or is chdir a reasonable solution to traversing the directory tree?
This is my Perl program
#!/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Copy;
#rename files, map characters (not allowed) to allowed characters
#map [\s\(\)] to "-"
my $verbose = 2;
my $pat = "[\\s\\(\\)]";
sub clean {
my ($name) = #_;
my $name2 = $name;
$name2 =~ s/$pat/\-/g;
#skip when unchanged, collision
return $name if (($name eq $name2) || -e $name2); #skip collisions
print "r: $name\n" if ($verbose > 2);
rename($name, $name2);
sub pDir {
my ($obj) = #_;
return if (!-d $obj);
return if (!opendir(DIR, $obj));
print "p: $obj/\n" if ($verbose > 2);
foreach my $dir (readdir DIR) {
next if ($dir =~ /^\.\.?$/); #skip ./, ../
sub main {
foreach my $argv (#ARGV) {
print "$argv/\n" if ($verbose > 3);
$argv = clean($argv);
if (-d $argv) { pDir($argv); }
These posts are related, but don't really address my questions,
Use quotes: How to handle filenames with spaces? (using other scripts, prefer removing need for quotes)
File::Find perl script to recursively list all filename in directory (yes, but I have other reasons)
URL escaping: Modifying a Perl script which has an error handling spaces in files (not urls)
Quotemeta: How can I safely pass a filename with spaces to an external command in Perl? (not urls)
Here's a different way to think about the problem:
Perl has a built-in rename function. You should use it.
Create a data structure mapping old names to new names. Having this data will allow various sanity checks: for example, you don't want cleaned names stomping over existing files.
Since you aren't processing the directories recursively, you can use glob to good advantage. No need to go through the hassles of opening directories, reading them, filtering out dot-dirs, etc.
Don't invoke subroutines with a leading ampersand (search this issue for more details).
Many Unix-like systems include a Perl-based rename command for quick-and-dirty renaming jobs. It's good to know about even if you don't use it for your current project.
Here's a rough outline:
use strict;
use warnings;
sub main {
# Map the input arguments to oldname-newname pairs.
my #renamings =
map { [$_, cleaned($_)] }
map { -f $_ ? $_ : glob("$_/*") }
# Sanity checks first.
# - New names should be unique.
# - New should not already exist.
# - ...
# Then rename.
for my $rnm (#renamings){
my ($old, $new) = #$rnm;
rename($old, $new) unless $new eq $old;
sub cleaned {
# Allowed characters: word characters, hyphens, periods, slashes.
# Adjust as needed.
my $f = shift;
$f =~ s/[^\w\-\.\/]/-/g;
return $f;
Don't blame Windows for your problems. Linux is much more lax, and the only character it prohibits from its file names is NUL.
It isn't clear exactly what you are asking. Did you publish your code for a critique, or are you having problems with it?
As for the specific questions you asked,
What other characters besides spaces, parenthesis should be translated?
Windows allows any character in its filenames except for control characters from 0x00 to 0x1F and any of < > \ / * ? |
DEL at 0x7F is fine.
Within the ASCII set, that leaves ! # $ % & ' ( ) + , - . : ; = # [ ] ^ _ ` { } ~
The set of characters you need to translate depends on your reason for doing this. You may want to start by excluding non-ASCII characters, so your code should read something like
$name2 =~ tr/\x21-\x7E/-/c
which will change all non-ASCII characters, spaces and DEL to hyphens. Then you need to go ahead and fix all the ASCII characters that you consider undersirable.
What other file attributes (besides file type (file/dir) and permissions) should be checked?
The answer to this has to be according to your purpose. If you are referring only to whether renaming a file or directory as required is possible, then I suggest that you just let rename itself tell you whether it succeeded. It will return a false value if the operation failed, and the reason will be in $!.
Does Perl offer a pushd/popd equivalent, or is chdir a reasonable solution to traversing the directory tree?
If you want to work with that idiom, then you should take a look at File::pushd, which allows you to temporarily chdir to a new location. A popd is done implicitly at the end of the enclosing block.
I hope this helps. If you have any other specific questions then please make them known by editing your original post.

Can NOT List directory including space using Perl in Windows Platform

In order to list pathes in Windows,I wrote below Perl function(executed under StrawBerry runtime environment).
sub listpath
my $path = shift;
my #list = glob "$path/*";
#my #list = <$path/*>;
my #pathes = grep { -d and $_ ne "." and $_ ne ".." } #list;
But it can't parse directory including space correctly, for example:
When I issued following code:
listpath("e:/test/test1/test11/test111/test1111/test11111 - Copy");
The function returned an array including two elements:
1: e:/test/test1/test11/test111/test1111/test11111
2: -
I am wondering if glob could parse above space directories. Thanks a lot.
Try bsd_glob instead:
use File::Glob ':glob';
my #list = bsd_glob "$path/*";
Even if the topic has been answered long time ago, I recently encounter the same problem, and a quick search gives me another solution, from perlmonks (last reply):
my $path = shift;
$path =~ s/ /\\ /g;
my #list = glob "$path/*";
But prefer bsd_glob, it supports also a couple of other neat features, such as [] for character class.
The question is about Windows platform, where Bentoy13's solution does not work because the backslash would be mistaken for a path separator.
Here's an option if for whatever reason you don't want to go with bsd_glob: wrap the offensive part of the path in double quotes. This can be one directory name (path\\"to my"\\file.txt) or several directory names ("path\\to my"\\file.txt). Slash instead of backslash usually works, too. Of course, they don't have to include a space, so this here always works:
my #list = glob "\"$path\"/*";
remember, it's a Windows solution. Whether it works under Linux depends on context.

How to handle filenames with spaces?

I use Perl on windows(Active Perl). I have a perl program to glob the files in current folder, and concatenate them all using dos copy command called from within using system()...
When i execute, this gives a dos error saying "The system cannot find the file specified." It's related to the spaces in the filenames I have.
This is the perl code :-
#files = glob "*.mp3";
$outfile = 'final.mp3';
$firsttime = 1;
foreach (#files)
if($firsttime == 1)
#args = ('copy' ,"/b ","$_","+","$outfile", "$outfile");
system (#args);
#system("copy /b '$_'+$outfile $outfile");
$firsttime = 0;
#args = ('copy' ,"/b ","$outfile","+","$_", "$outfile");
system (#args);
#system("copy /b $outfile+'$_' $outfile");
glob returns a array of filenames in my current folder, Those file names have spaces in between them, so the array elements have spaces in between. When i use the system(...) to execute my copy command on those array elements using "$_" as shown above, it gives error as above.
I tried couple of ways in which I could call the system(...) but without any success.
I would like to know,
1] How can i get this working on files which have spaces in between them using the code above. How to 'escape' the white space in file names.
2] Any alternative solution in Perl to achieve the same thing. (Simple ones welcome..)
Stop using system() to make a call that can be done with a portable library. Perl has a the File::Copy module, use that instead and you don't have to worry about things like this plus you get much better OS portability.
Your code doesn't add any quotes around the filenames.
system is rarely the right answer, use File::Copy;
To concatenate all files:
use File::Copy;
my #in = glob "*.mp3";
my $out = "final.mp3";
open my $outh, ">", $out;
for my $file (#in) {
next if $file eq $out;
copy($file, $outh);
close $outh;
Issues may arise when you're trying to access the variable $_ inside an inner block. The safest way, change:
foreach (#files)
foreach $file (#files)
Then do the necessary changes on #args, and escape doublequotes to include them in the string..
#args = ('copy' ,"/b ","\"$file\"","+","$outfile", "$outfile");
#args = ('copy' ,"/b ","$outfile","+","\"$file\"", "$outfile");
In windows you can normally put double quotes around the filenames (and/or paths) allowing special chars i.e "long file names".
C:\"my long path\this is a file.mp3"
Does this not work?
system("copy /b \"$_\"+$outfile $outfile");
(NOTE THE DOUBLE quotes within the string not single quotes)
$filename =~ s/\ /\ /;
what ever the filename is just use slash to refrence spaces
The built in "rename" command also moves files:
rename $source, $destination; # ...and move
I use this on windows all the time.