How to create a Custom Escape sequence in c#? - microsoft-metro

I am developing a text editor for windows 8 so I need to create custom escape sequence for various functionality like newline ,Tab .


change '#' key in freemarker templates

In order to use if statements in Freemarker templates, the following syntax is used;
[#if ${numberCoupons} <= 1]
[#assign couponsText = 'coupon']
Is there a way to replace the '#' character with something else, because I am trying to integrate it with drools (a java based rule engine) and the '#' character is used to mark start of comments so the formatting breaks?
There isn't anything for that out of the box (it uses a JavaCC generated parser, which is static). But you can write a TemplateLoader that just delegates to another TemplateLoader, but replaces the Reader with a FilterReader that replaces [% and [/% and [%-- and --%] with [#, etc. Then then you can use % instead of # in the FreeMarker tags. (It's somewhat confusing though, as error messages will still use #, etc.)
As #ddekany wrote, you can write code that tranform the template without the pound sign, But notice it can clash with HTML or XML (and similar) tags, at least from an editor prespective.

How can I use keys to navigate between words separated by underscores?

In programming for Drupal, much of what I do is pass function names within strings.
I would like to use Ctrl+Right arrow and Ctrl+Left arrow to navigate through the string, but NetBeans does not recognize the underscores as separating words inside strings. Because of this, the Ctrl+arrow movements only take me to the beginning or ending of the string.
NetBeans supports navigation based on Camel notation. Is there any way to make it give similar support for underscores?

Trademark superscript in NSI

I want to add a Trade Mark superscript in the NSI script.
I tried using unicode character for trademark - U+2122 , but it doesn't display the trade mark character correctly when the installer exe is run?
I have following questions:
How do I add the trademark symbol in the NSI
I am using NSI compiler version 2.46 . Do I need to upgrade?
How to create (enable) unicode support in a NSI file?
Source files in NSIS 2 are just a bunch of bytes and these bytes are stored directly in the .exe. At run-time Windows will (on NT based systems) convert these bytes to Unicode strings by using the current codepage/system locale (Language for non-unicode programs). This means that you have to use the correct codepage/encoding in your text editor. If your installer supports multiple languages you need to use LangString and basically edit those strings with the correct encoding set in your editor. Using a .nsh for each language might help.
NSIS 3 uses Unicode internally in the compiler and if you are creating a Unicode installer (Unicode True) then you can use any Unicode code point. You can save the .nsi as UTF-8 or UTF-16 (with BOM) or you can use the ${U+hexnumber} syntax:
Unicode True
MessageBox mb_ok "Hello World${U+2122}"
NSIS 3 can also generate Ansi installers and it knows about the ${U+hexnumber} syntax but it cannot guarantee that the codepoint will display correctly on the end-users system, it is still limited to simple bytes and will convert from Unicode to Ansi using the current codepage from the system you are compiling on.
You can try to use the character 0x99, the Windows 1252 equivalent of U+2122.
With a western configured windows, you can enter it directly via the keyboard with Alt0153 (keep the Alt key pressed while entering the digits on the numeric keypad, and it is Alt and not Alt Gr).

CKEditor: Is there a method to do escape character job?

The content output by the editor is with html tag,
but I want store them into the Mongodb, so I think I need to do a escape character job,
Is the ckeditor own escape character method?
BTW, is it necessary to do escape character job? Or I better convert them to other data format?
Native JS methods will solve your problem:
escape( 'Foo' )
> %3Ca%20href%3D%22%23%22%3EFoo%3C/a%3E
unescape( '%3Ca%20href%3D%22%23%22%3EFoo%3C/a%3E' )
> Foo

Is there a way I can add unicode text to a MBCS MFC menu

I have a MFC application compiled with the MBCS character set. I have a submenu off of my main menu that I would like to add unicode characters to. Can that be done?
You can force the use of Unicode strings even in MBCS apps by explicitely calling the Unicode form of an API and passing it a Unicode string.
In your case, ModifyMenuW() is the API that sets the menu item text (assuming the menu item already exists):
ModifyMenuW(GetMenu()->m_hMenu,ID_APP_ABOUT, MF_BYCOMMAND , 0, L"\u573F");
This code displays a Chinese ideogram (I have no idea of its meaning) instead of the original text
The L in front of the string says it's a Unicode string. \u573F is the way you encode a Unicode char in your C++ ASCII source file. The W at the end of the API name: It stands for Wide and denotes the Unicode form of the API.
Note that if your goal is to translate the full UI of your app, this is a complete other story: The method I showed here is only suitable for one-shot calls. You can't create a full UI that way.
You can translate your MBCS app to Japanese, Russian, whatever,... without switching to Unicode (Although it would be a very good idea to do that switch. But that can be costly for legacy apps).
You have 2 friends to help you out there: appTranslator lets you very easily translate your app (and manage your translations (Disclaimer: This is my own ad ;-) and Microsoft AppLocale helps you test MBCS apps in different codepages without actually changing the codepage of your computer (which requires a reboot).