Anymote Library Update: Storing paired connection / pairing information - google-tv

#Megha Joshi,
do you know when you'll be updating the anymote library to remember paired connections? Im working on it since the whole weekend, but still without any success.
Another question which is crucial for my diploma thesis I am working on is: What might occur, that the stored connection does not work anymore. What makes the connection invalid?


'Activate' Bluetooth LE Energy Data stream

For a student project, we're working on connecting a Bluetooth LE device (that both transmits and receives) to an iPhone or iPad in order to read data from it to display to the user in realtime. We have proof that this is doable by the company that made the device and we've actually managed to get a connection and get some data.. however it pings every 5-10 seconds and seems to be a random subset of numbers with minimal changes after changing something on the device which is making us none the wiser.
Now, of course, we went to the company that made the device and app first and we do have approval for us to use their hardware, but haven't been able to get a SDK / API from them to use with the application. So, our plan is to make our own way through it and find what we need.
This is where we're getting stuck. We have the following:
Connection based on Name or Bluetooth Device Address
Scan services (and cascading scan in case the services have services within them as specified in the CoreBluetooth documentation)
Read Characteristics from said services.
Decrypt value into 8bit UInt so we get some actual readable data.
This is an example of what we've got with the value still as it comes in.
Service: 0x1c0476440, is Primary = yes. UUID: 058d0001-ca72-4c8b-8084-25e049936b31
value <53636da1 7a616c74 73616c74 73616c74 73616c27>
Now, looking at this all, I presume the service here is some kind of 'staying alive' ping and it's giving some auxiliary info about the device's current state.
The question we have then boils down to this:
How can we further 'explore' the device? We don't seem to be getting any additional output aside from this however looking in the device manager from windows we get a couple of hits that look like this (Example):
Which have values in either a hexidecimal value, boolean or datetime without clear identifiers. Is there a way for us to send a message to the device to change the value in that uuid using Swift, or is this impossible?
While solved now, I'm not accepting this as the answer. My solution? Try things. Stupid 'Needle in a haybale' things.
I changed the uuid from 058d0001-ca72-4c8b-8084-25e049936b31 to 058d0002-ca72-4c8b-8084-25e049936b31
and voila. I could do more. I tried 3, and again, a new result and a working data stream...
#Paulw11's comment is also a good way to solve this issue we found out.

iOS encryption to use web data securely

I'm developing an app that's pretty simple, and the important part of it is the content, which consists of lots of info that has been gathered over many years. I want to format it in a nice way to show to the user.
When the user downloads the app and first loads it, it goes to the server to get the whole database into the phone. Then, he can see the important items, and sort/filter through them. To avoid somebody taking my database, I'll use a SSL connection. I know if they want they could use the app to see every piece of content one by one, but there's nothing to do about that.
The thing is: I have the data in the cloud (mine). I can securely download it using an SSL connection (any other ideas to secure the transfer?). When I get it here, I'll save it in a db (Core Data is the obvious choice).
How can I secure the data in the internal database, so if the app is hacked, someone cannot access the db? I would put it in the keychain but it's a rather large db for that and it's not that important. (It's not sensible info, just info I don't want anybody to get massively.)
The other thing I could do is to never store anything in the device and have the user always making calls to the cloud, but I think this would be too time consuming. And just give him the option to save their favorite picks to the device. But that's too time consuming and there is the sync issue.
This is a reference I looked up about a similar issue, without the part I'm asking answered:
How to encrypt iPhone upload and download of info?
Basically, the only choice is to use SqlCipher. Of course, you have to port it to iPhone yourself (unless someone else has posted a port since last I looked). But it's not an insurmountable task.
Of course, even with SqlCipher you have the challenge of storing the key somehow. There's no really secure way to do this -- you have to use some form of "security by obscurity".
Why not just have some private key info stored in the code, and then when you want to download the database just have it query the server with the key? That way you wan't need to worry about SSL or encryption in the downloading part. In regards to storing it I agree with Hot Licks, SqlCipher appears to be the best and only option. However watch out for encryption, as you will have to declare it to apple and get all kinds of export permits (
Hope this helps,

get data from online once and then viewable offline

Okay, I want to have an app that takes phone numbers from an online database and displays them in a table view. When the user is not online, I want them to still be able to see the numbers they already got from the database in the table view. If the user manages to go back online, the database updates the view. My question is, is this possible to do and if so, what's the best way to approach it? (bit of a newbie, please help me out)
There are many ways to do what you are asking, depending on the complexity of what you are after.
Could I suggest the following steps (I'm not sure which ones you can do, and which ones you are having trouble with).
Connect to the server and retrieve the list of phone numbers
If the database has a web server front end this might be as simple as sending a get request to the server (see NSURLConnection) and parsing the result. Otherwise you will need to know/tell us what type database you are using.
Store the phone numbers on the device
Use SQLite to store the numbers on the device (See iPhone SQLite Resources)
Check for internet connectivity
Periodically check for internet connectivity, and if a specific time has elapsed since you last polled the server, retry. (See Checking iPhone internet connectivity)
Although you’re probably looking for a native app solution, you can also do this with a web app.
I am a new developer iPhone developer, "learning" to be precise. I came across the useful NSUserDefaults (a dictionary in which you can store/restore state even after your application relaunches). Problem with this dictionary will be memory in your case. NSUserDefaults is sort of global to all applications and yours may spoil the show for other innocent applications (like Weather :D ).
To work around this, you can have your application declare a property list file where you store a few numbers (best practise would be the most recent but you can use any selector of choice). Look for an appropriate time in your run loop to store these numbers into your property file and load them when the application starts.

Keeping iPhone application in sync with GWT application

I'm working on an iPhone application that should work in offline and online modes.
In it's online mode it's supposed to feed all the information the user enters to a webservice backed by GWT/GAE.
In it's offline mode it's supposed to store the information locally, and when connection is available sync it up to the web service.
Currently my plan is as follows:
Provide a connection between an app and a webservice using Protobuffers for efficient over-the-wire communication
Work with local DB using Core Data
Poll the network status, and when available sync the database and keep some sort of local-db-to-remote-db key synchronization.
The question is - am I in the right direction? Are the standard patterns for implementing this? Maybe someone can point me to an open-source application that works in a similar fashion?
I am really new to iPhone coding, and would be very glad to hear any suggestions.
I think you've blurring the questions together.
If you've got a question about making a GWT web interface, that's one question.
Questions about how to sync an iPhone to a web service are a different question. For that, you don't want to use GWT's RPCs for syncing, as you'd have to fake out the 'browser-side' of the serialization system in your iPhone code, which GWT normally provides for you.
about system design direction:
First if there is no REAL need do not create 2 different apps one GWT and other iPhone
create one but well written GWT app. It will work off line no problem and will manage your data using HTML feature -- offline application cache
If it a must to create 2 separate apps
than at least save yourself effort and do not write server twice as if you go with standard GWT aproach you will almost sertanly fail to talk to server from stand alone app (it is zipped JSON over HTTP with some tricky headers...) or will write things twise so look in to the RestLet library it well supported by the GAE.
About the way to keep sync with offline / online switching:
There are several aproaches to consider and all of them are not perfect. So when you conseder yours think of what youser expects... Do not be Microsoft Word do not try to outsmart the user.
If there at least one scenario in the use cases that demand user intervention to merge changes (And there will be - take it to the bank) - than you will have implement UI for this - than there is a good reason to use it often - user will get used to it. it better than it will see it in a while since he started to use the app because a need fro it is rare because you implemented a super duper merging logic that asks user only in very special cases... Don't do it.
balance the effort. Because the mess that a bug in such code will introduce to user is much more painful than the benefit all together.
so the HOW:
The one way is the Do-UnDo way.
While off line - keep the log of actions user did on data in timed order user did them
as soon as you connected - send to server and execute them. Same from server to client.
Will work fine in most cases as long as you are not writing a Photoshop kind of software with huge amounts of data per operation. Also referred as Action Pattern by the GangOfFour.
Another way is a source control way. - Versions and may be even locks. very application dependent. DBMS internally some times use it for transactions implementations.
And there is always an option to be Read Only when Ofline :-)
Wonder if you have considered using a Sync Framework to manage the synchronization. If that interests you can take a look at the open source project, OpenMobster's Sync service. You can do the following sync operations
one-way client
one-way device
Besides that, all modifications are automatically tracked and synced with the Cloud. You can have your app offline when network connection is down. It will track any changes and automatically in the background synchronize it with the cloud when the connection returns. It also provides synchronization like iCloud across multiple devices
Also, modifications in the Cloud are synched using Push notifications, so the data is always current even if it is stored locally.
Here is a link to the open source project:
Here is a link to iPhone App Sync:

.Net Apple Push Notification service Provider?

I started to write a provider for APNs in .Net today, and it seems I've hit a brick wall...
Everything I'm finding about securing sockets says that a System.Net.Sockets.Socket cannot implement SSL. I'm fairly new to raw sockets programming...does anyone know of a way to connect a raw socket to a server over SSL?
You might want to take a look at apns-sharp. I've done some experimenting with Push Notifications, and was able to get the server side of things up and running with that in very little time at all. (Even if you don't use it as-is, the source may help you.)
In my opinion, you don't need to use open source things for achieving that if you have serious or critical project instead you can use a professional push notification provider.
I like this guys, they are making realy different things then others. Check-out MonoPush project
Note : Don't forget that users very sensitive you don't have to make mistake.