How to interact between classes - iphone

A very basic question on how to interact between classes here: how can I trigger an action called by clicking on a button linked to one class (the graphic user interface in my case - which does not contain any drawing code) inside another class (my drawing class - which is defined programmatically)?
Edited: I have tried to implement the solutions suggested below but I didn't manage to trigger the action from the other class. I have two classes: the main view controller and a class with the drawing code. Any advice would be highly appreciated. Thanks!
//This class has a xib and contains the graphic user interface
- (void)ImageHasChanged
//do something on the GUI
//This class has no associated xib and contains the drawing code
- (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
//I want to call ImageHasChanged from MainViewController.m here
//How can I do this?

Inter-class functionality is done simply by importing one class into the other, and calling an accessible method/instance variable on the import.
For the button IBAction example in your question:
ClassA.m (This will be imported via its header):
#import "ClassA.h"
#implementation ClassA
// This is a class-level function (indicated by the '+'). It can't contain
// any instance variables of ClassA though!
+(void)publicDrawingFunction:(NSString *)aVariable {
// Your method here...
// This is a instance-level function (indicated by the '-'). It can contain
// instance variables of ClassA, but it requires you to create an instance
// of ClassA in ClassB before you can use the function!
-(NSString *)privateDrawingFunction:(NSString *)aVariable {
// Your method here...
ClassB.m (This is your UI class that will call the other method):
#import "ClassA.h" // <---- THE IMPORTANT HEADER IMPORT!
#implementation ClassB
// The IBAction for handling a button click
-(IBAction)clickDrawButton:(id)sender {
// Calling the class method is simple:
[ClassA publicDrawingFunction:#"string to pass to function"];
// Calling the instance method requires a class instance to be created first:
ClassA *instanceOfClassA = [[ClassA alloc]init];
NSString *result = [instanceOfClassA privateDrawingFunction:#"stringToPassAlong"];
// If you no longer require the ClassA instance in this scope, release it (if not using ARC)!
[instanceOfClassA release];
Side note: If you're going to require ClassA a lot in ClassB, consider creating a class-wide instance of it in ClassB to re-use wherever it's required. Just don't forget to release it in dealloc (or maybe set it to nil in ARC) when you're finished with it!
Finally, please consider reading through the Apple Docs on Objective-C classes (and indeed all other sections of the documentation relevant to what you're trying to achieve). It is a bit time-consuming, but very well invested in the long run into building your confidence as an Objective-C programmer!

//As you said an instance of MainViewController has to be created first
MainViewController *instanceOfMainViewController = [[MainViewController alloc]init];
[instanceOfMainViewController ImageHasChanged];
//Thanks for your help Andeh!

Actually you can use #protocol(Delegate) to interact message between two classes this is standard way Or refer this document to learn more


What exactly is 'super' doing in my apps?

Ok, this is going to be a really embarrassing question, but I looked like mad in my beginner's books (especially those usually helpful indices) and behold, I did not find a down-to-earth explanation of what 'super' does in my applications.
I had a look at this here, but I'm afraid that's well beyond me. Can anyone offer a very simply explanation of what 'super' does in my apps and why I should become friends with it? E.g.:
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];}
super calls the superclass's implementation of the method. So if your class inherits UIViewController, then [super viewDidLoad]; will call the UITableViewController class's viewDidLoad method. You should usually do this because the super class may do important things that need to happen. In the case of viewDidLoad, I'm not sure it actually does anything currently, but it always could in a future version of the framework.
at the low level, self contains a pointer to the set methods it responds to. this is a basic mechanism for the implementation of dynamic dispatch. each class is given a unique set. if you're familiar with c++, this is similar in concept to a virtual table. you can think of an objc method as being like a C function with 2 hidden arguments (self,_cmd).
super is a dynamically created representation of self, with a pointer to the next-in-line methods implemented by the instance's superclasses. this representation is based on self, and just directs to another set of implemented methods.
#interface MONTypeA : NSObject
- (void)monMethod;
#interface MONTypeB : MONTypeA
- (void)monMethod;
#implementation MONTypeA
- (void)monMethod {
printf("i am MonTypeA\n");
#implementation MONTypeB
- (void)monMethod {
[super monMethod]; /* << will call -[MONTypeA monMethod], which will print "i am MonTypeA\n" */
printf("i am MonTypeB\n");
if you create an instance of MONTypeA, then it will respond to monMethod:
MONTypeA * a = [MONTypeA new];
[a monMethod];
[a release], a = 0;
// outputs: "i am MonTypeA\n"
MONTypeB * b = [MONTypeB new];
[b monMethod];
[b release], b = 0;
// outputs: "i am MonTypeA\n""i am MonTypeB\n" because -[MONTypeB monMethod] calls through super
therefore, calling super performs the implementation of the method of the superclass in this specific case.
it is important to remember: the set of methods super refers to is always those of the previous implementation of the method in the hierarchy, it is not the same set as the set of instance methods which an instance of the superclass would be given (unless your class were to override every method).

iPhone: Share a Single Function but Extend Different Classes

Hey is it possible for muliple objects to share a single function but extend different classes? Cause I would rather not have to rewrite my code over and over. Here is an example of what I would do without said method:
I want to have a single, method without having to call [MovieClip loadLandscape]; in the Timeline Implementation
#protocol RotatingProtocol
- (void)loadPortrait;
- (void)loadLandscape;
#import "RotatingProtocol.h"
#interface MovieClip : UIButton <RotatingProtocol> {
#import "MovieClip.h"
#implementation MovieClip
- (void)loadPortrait {
// UIButton -> setframe to fit portrait screen
- (void)loadLandscape {
// Popup and alert!
#import "RotatingProtocol.h"
#interface Timeline : UIScrollView <RotatingProtocol> {
#import "Timeline.h"
#implementation Timeline
- (void)loadPortrait {
// Do funny animation
- (void)loadLandscape {
// Do exactly the same thing as [MovieClip loadLandscape]
One possible solution, that I hesitate to recommend, is to provide a category on UIView (the highest level superclass both classes share) that adds the loadLandscape method implementation, then you could leave it out of the objects and just declare the class supports that protocol (and also import the category).
That's kind of extreme since every UIView instance gets the method that could be called, which might confuse something that checks for respondsToSelector instead of conformsToProtocol.
The technique I'd use is to put that implementation into something like a RotatingProtocolImplementation class as a class level method. Something has to know to call the loadLandscape method of your protocol, and that something could just as easily detect the class declared support for the protocol and call the shared class level method instead of a method on the class instance itself - so the protocol could become more of a marker protocol, without as many (or any) methods a class would have to define to support it.

Change classes instantiated with loadNibNamed

I am trying to change the class of objects created with a nib with the iPhone SDK.
The reason for this is; i dont know until runtime what the class is that i want the nib object to be (though they will have the same UIView based super class), and i dont want to create a different nib for every eventuality - as the .nib will be the same for each, apart from the class of one object.
I have been successful, with a couple of methods, but either have some knock on effects or am unsure of how safe the methods I have used are:
Method 1: Override alloc, on the super class and set a c variable to the class I require:
+ (id) alloc {
if (theClassIWant) {
id object = [theClassIWant allocWithZone:NSDefaultMallocZone()];
theClassIWant = nil;
return object;
return [BaseClass allocWithZone:NSDefaultMallocZone()];
this works well, and i assume is 'reasonably' safe, though if have a nib with the correct class as the class identity in the Nib, or I alloc a subclass myself (without setting 'theClassIWant') - an object of the base class is created. I also dont really like the idea of overriding alloc...
Method 2: use object_setClass(self,theClassIWant) in initWithCoder (before calling initWithCoder on the super class):
- (id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder {
if (theClassIWant) {
// the framework doesn't like this:
//[self release];
//self = [theClassIWant alloc];
// whoa now!
theClassIWant = nil;
return [self initWithCoder:aDecoder];
if (self = [super initWithCoder:aDecoder]) {
this also works well, but not all the subclasses are necessarily going to be the same size as the super class, so this could be very unsafe! To combat this i tried releasing and re-allocing to the correct type within initWithCoder, but i got the following error from the framework:
"This coder requires that replaced objects be returned from initWithCoder:"
dont quite get what this means! i am replacing an object in initWithCoder...
Any comments on the validity of these methods, or suggestions of improvements or alternatives welcome!
While I'm curious to see if you can pull this off using your approach, you may want to consider using custom placeholder objects.

Adding a decorator to a class derived from NSManagedObject

I'd like to add additional behavior to a class derives from NSManagedObject and there are 4 distinct (for now) groups of behaviors. I don't need my decorator class to be persisted with CoreData -- it's purely for adding run-time behavior.
However, if I try to apply the standard Decorator pattern, I can't call '[super init]', which makes sense because you need to insert the new object into the ManageObjectContext. But I thought you'd want to invoke [super init] within WindowClassScrollDecorator's init and likewise, later 'dealloc' so everything gets initialized & cleaned up correctly.
I'm inheriting from 'MyWindowClass' class because I don't want my client classes to know the subtype but depending on the decorator used, the behavior will be different.
So what's a good way to approach this?
#interface MyWindowClass : NSManagedObject
#interface WindowClassScrollDecorator: MyWindowClass
MyWindowClass *decoratedClass;
- (id)initWithMyWindowClass:(MyWindowClass *)aWindowClass;
#implementation WindowClassScrollDecorator
- (id)initWithMyWindowClass:(MyWindowClass *)aWindowClass
// Calling [super init] elicits the following error:
// Failed to call designated initializer on NSManagedObject class 'ModelClassScrollDecorator'
if (self = [super init])
// do some initialization work here
self.decoratedClass = aWindowClass;
The lifecycle of NSManagedObjects is a bit different from that of other objects; specifically, the object may turn into a fault (essentially a shell object without any of its properties set) without being deallocated. You should be sure to be aware of these events, so you may want to look at the NSManagedObject Class Reference - Subclassing Notes document. Specifically, you may want to look into awakeFromInsert:, awakeFromFetch:, and (will|did)TurnIntoFault.
To address your immediate issue, an NSManagedObject cannot be created without an NSManagedObjectContext to live in. Thus, to initialize a managed object, you must call its designated initializer:
Your init method needs to call that method on the superclass or else your NSManagedObject won't work.
The question you have here seems to not be CoreData specific but OO design.
You shouldn't be inheriting NSManagedObject if it is not a NSManagedObject.
You should make MyWindowClass either be a protocol, or a class which has a NSManagedObject.

Should +initialize/+load always start with an: if (self == [MyClass class]) guard?

When implementing an +initialize or +load method in one of your Objective-C classes, should you always start with this kind of guard?:
#implementation MyClass
+ (void)initialize {
if (self == [MyClass class]) {
Seems like code in +load and +initialize usually only wants to be executed once. So this would help avoid dupe execution when subclasses load/initialize.
I guess I'm just wanting some reinforcement from some ObjC wizards that this is necessary/common practice...
What's the common wisdom on this? would you recommend always doing this?
Is your advice the same for both +load and +initialize, or is there a difference in they way they should be handled?
The quick answer is: No.
An in-depth discussion of this matter can be found on the Apple developer mailing list.
The gist of it is that:
The runtime will actually call +initialize on super classes before it is called on subclasses.
If you do include the guard, subclasses of your class that have their own +initialize method will not trigger dependent KVO notifications.
For an example of point #2, be sure to read this post in the thread mentioned above.
Yes, you should do this in your intialize and load methods if you are initializing globals that should only be initialized once.
That said, there are a number of cases where you may avoid it...
You shouldn't wrap with this conditional if the work needs to be performed on every inheritant of every class:
For example, adding all inherited class names for each class to a set.
edited addition: or you're establishing KVO dependencies (as mentioned by eJames)
There are also situations where you just needn't bother:
If the actions you perform are idempotent (don't change values if repeated)
The class is "sealed" (has no descendants by design)
The "idempotent" part is relevant. An initializer should just be setting the initial state (which should be the same each time). In a good initializer, repetition shouldn't matter. Although I suppose that if you forget to wrap the method in the conditional when it does matter, this might be annoying.
edited addition: A different approach, that properly reflects any initialize-only-once requirements would be to test if your properties to initialize are initialized already. i.e.
id myGlobalObject = nil;
if (myGlobalObject == nil)
myGlobalObject = [[MyGlobalClass alloc] init];
Because the initialize method of a class may be invoked many times. e.g. when you implement initialize in parent class, and don't implement in sub class, then you call sub class first, the initialize of parent will invoked twice.
#implementation BaseClass
+ (void)initialize
NSLog(#"BaseClass initialize self=%#, class=%#", self, [BaseClass class]);
#interface SubClass : BaseClass
#implementation SubClass
// don't implement the initialize method
now when you call SubClass first, just like
[SNSBaseSubLogic alloc]
look the debug console, output:
BaseClass initialize self=BaseClass, class=BaseClass
BaseClass initialize self=SubClass, class=BaseClass
so, you must use
+ (void)initialize
if (self == [BaseClass class]) {
NSLog(#"BaseClass initialize self=%#, class=%#", self, [BaseClass class]);
to ensure the method body execute once.