Crystal reports crosstabs column grouping - crystal-reports

I'm trying to build a cross tab report in Crystal XI that has dates, grouped by the month as column heading, and have 2 questions I'm trying to find answers to.
1: Is there any way to display a month even if there are no records to be summarized in that month? i.e. no orders for March, but want to display Jan, Feb, Mar.? I'm pretty sure I can create a dates table and use that spoof it, but don't want to go that route as the database is part of a Vendor's package and I don't want to get to crazy in there.
2: Is there a way of specifying or limiting how many columns go across? For example in a forecast cross tab I only owant current month and the next six months to show up. I suppose I can do a date range on the selection criteria, but that seems a bit kludgy to me.
Thanks for any answers

Short answer: No.
I've seen discussions about workarounds involving creation of temporary tables, but I've never tried any such solutions myself.
I would go with the date range on the selection criteria. You could make those dates parameters for more convenient useage. If you have sevral cross-tabs that should have different date ranges you could put the crosstabs in sub-reports.


Query/filter by 3 AND criteria + countif

I'm trying to create a dynamic dashboard for tracking student attendance patterns. When you choose the student from the drop-down in cell C4 in the Student Tracker, the data and charts all change dynamically. The way I've created dynamic charts is by "hiding" queries and other calculations behind the charts and making the text the same color as the background so that they aren't visible. Here's a shared copy of the dashboard with anonymized data:
I'm trying to create a chart that will show monthly patterns for the selected student, looking at the percentage of times they were marked "Present", "Excused absence (E)", etc each month (very similar to the days of the week chart).
This is the formula I tried:
=Countif(Query(ATTDATABASE!$A$2:$M,"select E,G,I,K,M where C='"&$C$4&"' and B >= date '"&TEXT(8/1/2019,"yyyy-MM-dd")&"' and B <= date '"&TEXT(8/31/2019,"yyyy-MM-dd")&"'"),"Present")
It keeps counting 0, even though I know the selected student was marked present in August. Even if I take out the other columns and just leave it as "select E...", it still counts as zero, even though I know the student was marked present on a Monday (column E) in August. I know there's got to be a way to do this, but my Google Sheets chops just aren't quite strong enough yet to figure out the magic combo/syntax.
"select E,G,I,K,M
where C='"&$C$4&"'
and year(D) = 2019
and month(D)+1 ="&MONTH(LEFT($G20, 3)&1))), "Present")

Have Max value of range of dates filter be todays date

I have a "Range of Dates" filter and what I want is for the max (or right most value) to always be the most recent date which should be today's date. What seems to be happening is that if I leave the dashboard open and come back the next day the max value is yesterday's date and I must manually move the slider over to be today's date. How can I accomplish this?
I find a calculated field is the best way to do this as I have run into the same issues using the out of the box max date filter.
Create a calculated field as follows:
[date] = {FIXED: max([date])}
This creates a True False field where only the records that have the max data and carried through.
Now drag this onto the filter pane and select 'TRUE'.
I've generally seen two basic approaches for this problem: Calculated fields and relative dates.
Use a calculated field or parameter or some combination of calculated fields and parameters with filters. This is similar to what smb suggests in their answer to this question. It also seems to be the most popular approach.
If you don't particularly care about being able to set the end-date with the slider, you could try using relative dates, using the approaches detailed in the accepted answer to this Tableau forum question and in this Tableau Knowledge Base article. Jennifer Vonhagel also gives a second answer to the Tableau forum question farther down that uses a parameter plus calculated field approach.
Additionally, this Tableau Knowledge Base article offers another option (Option 1, in the article) if you have Tableau 10.3+: You can use the "Latest Date Preset" (see here for details) check box in the date filter dialog box. I haven't used this, but it looks promising if you're using Tableau Desktop (seems like it wouldn't work for Tableau Web). The article's Options 2-4 are just riffs on calculated fields, in my opinion.
Two more approaches I've heard of – but never personally seen in the wild:
Push the max date down into the view you put Tableau on top of and let the view do the work.
Use a script to modify the Tableau workbook's XML.

Tableau Aggregation of Groups over Fixed Level of Detail

For some reason when I try to group a field created by a fixed level of detail groups containing more then one item disappear from the view.
The basic set up is that there are 'unique event IDs' which are RCIPID which have one or two dates associated with them (some events have two separate dates that are non-linear). There is a 'follow up' date which is tied only to the event location and not the RCIPID, but each RCIPID has only one location.
I've joined the 'follow up' data to the main file based on the location. The below computations [NTC Submission Date] is the date of the event. [Live Date] is the date of the followup. The computations correctly give the number of days after the event that the follow up happened.
However when I try to do a unique count of NTC Date (Or RCIPID) and then group the computations any group with more then one day disappears.
FP - Straight Diff
DATEDIFF('day', [NTC Submission Date], [Livedate])
FP - Remove Negatives
IF [FP - Straight Diff]<0
Then DateDiff('day',[NTC Submission Date],TODAY())
[FP - Straight Diff]
FP - Days after NTC
{FIXED [Rcip Id], [NTC Submission Date]: MIN([FP - Remove Negatives])}
It works when it is not grouped together
But as soon as I group it all of the groups with more then one day disappear.
Any and all help is greatly appreciated. I think it has /something/ to do with being a dimension, but I honestly don't know what.
The goal is a bar chart similar to the second one, but with the groups "4-5 Days", "6-10 Days", "11-20 Days", and "Over 20 Days" visible. Those values do exist in the data and if I change the view to show the day instead of a count it shows the proper calculations:
EDIT: Using a calculated field instead of groups did not work. Trying a concatenated RCIPID and NTC Submission Date also did not have an effect.
I'm not a huge fan of the group by feature in Tableau as it has give me some unexpected behavior in the past.
There are a few approaches I would recommend trying. One is spelled out well here by using the bin functionality built into tableau.
It sounds like you have some irregular bin sizes you're looking for, in which case you could create a separate calculated field with a series if else statements based on the range of [FP - Days after NTC] and assign a string to each 'grouping'
Lastly, I've not done an LOD of this style with two dimensions "FP - Days after NTC". You only appear to have COUNTD(submission days) on the view shelf. I would verify that you are getting the results you are expecting. And if not, you could create a separate calculated field that is a concatenation of [Rcip Id] and [NTC Submission Date] on which to based your LOD calculation, and then you can use COUNTD on that new field.
EDIT: It was suggested to try using a computed field instead of a group and/or concatenate RCIPID and NTC Date. I tried both and neither affected the result.

Tableau comparison calculation between integer dates

I'm currently struggling with a calculation I'm trying to create in Tableau so any help you can provide would be great.
Basically I have a calculated field within Tableau called [ExampleCount] which is a count distinct based on a simple Yes/No condition.
I have this information displayed on two separate sheets in a dashboard, one filtered for the current activity month and one for the previous.
What I now need to do is have another sheet with the same calculation of [ExampleCount] but showing the difference between the current/previous months.
So: [ExampleCount (This Activity Month)] - [ExampleCount (Previous Activity Month)]
The Activity month is an integer value, currently ranging from 1 - 9.
I feel like this should be a simple calculation but I've tried several different methods and have been unable to come up with anything conclusive.
It would also be good if this could change periodically.
Kind Regards,

Crystal Reports 11 Dynamic Data Source Columns On Crystal Charts

I've been searching for a solution for this issue for a couple of days now, so I would REALLY appreciate it if someone could help...
I am using SAP Crystal Reports 11, I would like to plot products prices over a specific period of time (FROM & TO Dates) using Crystal Line Chart.
The thing is the products number is dynamic, as each set of products belong to a package, so the package can contain 3, 5, 10 or any number of products depending on the chosen period of time (The FROM & TO DATES). I want to display these prices on change of date.
So when using a crystal chart, it requests a fixed numbers of columns to display in the setup panel below the "On Change Of" Option.
I would like a way to determine the columns to display on the run-time or something.
If such an option isn't available, I would really appreciate any work around or any idea.
Thanks in advance :)