I have created push notification development certificates successfully, but now I need to create production ones. How do I accomplish that?
The programming guide? http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/NetworkingInternet/Conceptual/RemoteNotificationsPG/ProvisioningDevelopment/ProvisioningDevelopment.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40008194-CH104-SW1
We have one push enabled app in app store and we would like to release an update. Would the same set of certificates (SSL) work or do we need to update them? Does apple have this in documentation?
Help would be appreciated
You don't need to update them. You just need to distinguish between sandbox and production certificates for an application. And I think you'd need to renew them after one year, but not sure about this.
I am developing an iOS App with Push Notifications. I am able to successfully test the push notifications using the Developer APN Certificate but it does not work with the Production APN Certificate.
I have ensured that the profiles in the iOS Developer Portal (adhoc / distribution) are generated after Push Notification is enabled for the APP ID and have taken care to use the correct UA_KEY and UA_SECRET in AppDelegate.m.
Can anybody please provide insights on as to what could be the possible reason(s) why Push notifications are failing using Production Certificate but working fine with Development Certificate.
I finally seemed to have sorted this out and posting back here in hope that it may help.
The key point which helped me to identify the problem was to turn on 'Debugging' in the UA Console to see the details errors. (This was actually the suggestion provided by their support team)
Most probably you have figured that out by now. Anyway, I think the problem caused by not including your Production UA_Key and UA_Secret in your UAConfig file. It's better to follow up with the sample they provide in their Resources page as you can't go wrong with their sample.
I'm using APNS-Sharp to send push notifications. Everything seems to be working fine for me, who has a developer provisioning profile.
I'm using a distribution profile for everyone else, and they are not getting push notifications.
My question is, does each provisioning profile have to be enabled for push notifications?
I think there are different push servers, one for development and one for production. Have you switched over to the appropriate server? gateway.push.apple.com:2195 and gateway.sandbox.push.apple.com:2195.
Do all profiles and your dev and prod build have the same bundle identifier? Make sure the bundle id is correct and not a general bundle id.
The iPhone i'm developing with (building the application to, not installed via ad-hoc) receives push notifications as it should. I've got an application that just sends dummy push notifications on command, and the dev iphone receives them consistently. However, I've distributed a beta build under the release configuration to several co-workers, and none of these builds of the app have received a single push notification. I've confirmed that the app prompts the user on first run for permission to receive push notifications, and I've also confirmed that everyone has answered "yes" to this prompt. Has anyone else experienced this problem? I feel like it has something to do with provisioning, but the apple developer portal is so vague about things, I very well could be missing something important.
Looks like I missed the part in apples push documentation where it states that apps distributed via ad-hoc use the apple production push gateway, not the apple dev push gateway. I was under the assumption that while developing the application, I always wanted to use the "development" push gateway...but that's what I get for using common sense.
I've recently started developing iphone applications for a project at school and I've been having some problems testing push notifications. I've read I need to get some SSL certificate from the program portal, but I cannot find the link AppID where I am supposed to get them. Is it really necesary even though I am just starting out making some tests in XCode? What else do I need to run push notifications?
I've started coding the client side, but I cannot register for remote notifications. (I run registerForRemoteNotificationTypes:..., but it cannot register) I think it is because I don´t have the certificates, but I really don´t know.
you need to be enrolled in developer programe.you can not test push notification for free.