Using deployment tool from command window - matlab

Currently I am developing a solution that requires interaction with external software. As a result I can only properly test it after I build the solution as a dll file.
Currently I take these steps
type 'deploytool' (to open the deployment tool)
click the button 'open project'
Find and select the project that I want to open (always in the same location with the same name but apparently matlab does not remember this)
Click the build button
Currently I do this several times per day and it is really simple, but simply annoying.
Therefore I hope that someone can give me a way to automate step 2-4, perhaps using a script?
If this is not possible I would also appreciate a way to change the default opening folder for the deployment tool.

help deploytool says you can specify the projectname and build option as a second argument:
deploytool -build projectname


Modify Workflow of Incident Management accelerator in K2 Studio

I am totally new to K2 and its very basic. I have installed the Incident Management accelerator. I am struggling hard to locate the workflow called “Incident Resolution” under the rules "when create button is clicked". I would like to modify this workflow to fit my purpose. Can anybody help to locate the workflow in K2 Studio? Any help on this is greatly appreciated.
First let me tell that it is not obvious, so new or not to K2, your question is legit :) It is very easy to do... once you know :)
If you already installed the accelerator, I suppose you already unzipped the package and used the K2 Package and Deploy to install it on your server.
Your first stop will be the K2 Workspace. For this, you must use Internet Explorer. The URL will usually be http://yourserver:81/Workspace
On your system, the port may differ dependending on your installation.
In the workspace, go to Management/Management console.
Expand your server then go to Workflow Server/Processes/Operations/Incident Resolution/Versions
By default, you should see a single version. Notice the download link next to the version. It allows you to download the process.
Download the process and save it somewhere. You will get a self-exctratible zip (.exe). Run that .exe and choose where the process should be extracted. It can be anywhere.
Browse to this location on your file system.
Double click the .k2proj project file. This will open the project containing the process using K2 Studio.
From here, you can now modify the process and deploy a new version on the server.
Please note, that at any time, if your new process ends up being 'not that good', you can go back to the versions screen in order to set another version of the process as the default one (the one that will be opened by the SmartForms). That gives you them time to fix your process and deploy a new version of the process that works better.
Let me know how it goes.

Issue running golang Hello World in eclipse

Alright, so just a disclaimer I suspect this question will be a duplicate of another question however I'm not even sure what to search for.
I have never used Eclipse or Golang before and am attempting to get a basic hello world application to work.
I have installed the goclipse plugin, created a new go package and go command source file. From what I have read to run a project in Eclipse you right click the package, select Run as then set the run configurations. The problem occurs when I attempt to select the go package as none shows up and if I leave it blank it throws a 'Go package not found' exception.
Thank you for any help you can provide.
EDIT: Upon the answers advice I have decided to go with the basic command line, however a friend did also recommend LiteIDE. I will "assume" tmichels answer is correct in regards to getting Go to work within eclipse.
If you don't use the GOPATH environment variable and you don't put your project folder under $GOPATH/src the compiler won't find it. As I see it goclipse lets you skip the GOPATH entirely but in this case you have to put your code under the src directory that you can see in the Project Explorer. See the related section of the goclipe documentation.
Although I think you make your life harder by using a full-fetched IDE for go development. Just use the command line tools. And it has the added benefit that you will actually understand what's going on (IDEs hide this from you).
So for building you can use go build or go install. The latter will copy the binary to your $GOPATH/bin directory. For running test just call go test or go test path/to/package. There is a hidden gem in the go tool: when you are working with multiple packages in the same directory you can use go test ./... to test all of them at once. This also works with other go commands.

Eclipse/PyDev/GAE: How do I add command line options to my Run As->PyDev Google App Run

I am using Eclipse/PyDev to develop a Google App Engine project called GAEServer. One of my common operations is to right click on the project and select Debug As->1 PyDev: Google App Run. Which kicks of a debug session for my application.
I would like to change the command line arguments executed when this command is invoked (to relocate where GAE local server looks for its database). This requires me to add arguments to the executed command.
If I select from the main menu: Run->Debug Configurations... there is an expandable item called PyDev Google App Run which contains a list of items:
PyDev Google App Run
GAEServer GAEServer
GAEServer GAEServer (1)
GAEServer GAEServer (2)
At the moment I have 19 of these which is a little surprising. If I select the first one then there is a tab where you appear to be able to add arguments (x)= Arguments but if I edit this and try to debug as again, it does not invoke GAE with the additional options, instead it creates another GAEServer GAEServer (n) with the default settings.
It may be that I have set up my project in some odd way, that I'm not understanding how this is supposed to work or that I have uncovered a bug. Can anyone help me figure out which?
Thanks in advance
The run as will really create a new run configuration... Just erase the bunch of configurations you have, run it once and edit that one.
Later ( if you followed the suggestion on ), you should be able to Ctrl+F11 to rerun the last launch done (or choose it from the menu: run > run history > previous launches: can be accessed through Alt+R, T, number of config).

Build and run Disabled in xcode

There are some applications which shows Build and run icon disabled which stops me from running the application.It does not happen to all applications but on a few . It mainly occurs to me in facebook applications and a few more applications.Can anybody have an idea what could be the problem ? I have tried everything from changing the build settings etc. but it does not work.
Need to fix the executable, it happens after renaming project.
Product > Scheme > Edit scheme..
Run > Info
Set Executable is your app name, if selected None.
Try this, It's work for me.
Follow below steps to unable Build and Run in xcode
1) Go to
Product => Scheme => Edit scheme.
2) Select Run option and select info
3) In Executable if option is selected to None then change it to your app name
Hope this is help for some one.
That project appears to be the Sparrow audio project. It's not a stand-alone project you can run; it's a library, you need to be using it in another project to have anything to actually run.
The sparrow project includes a sample app called Scaffold which demonstrates the use of Sparrow. More info:
Also see:
Note that you can still 'build'; it's just 'build and run' that can't be clicked.
I think those may be frameworks,static libraries. So the build and run option is disabled.
I think you might be creating plugin or frameworks or libraries (not an Application).
So the "Build & Run" icon is DISABLED.(as answered by Chandan Shetty SP)
In order to enable the icon you need to specify the Application which use this plugin or framework or library whatever you are building.
To specify such application:
Rt. Click on "Executables" (in Xcode's Groups and Files panel)
Select Add > New Custom Executable
Then specify the name of application (just for display purpose) and specify the path of the application.
Go to the Project menu in the menubar and change the Active Target to the target of the actual app.

What is the best way to integrate an external build tool into Eclipse?

I've just started using Eclipse for Python development since we can make use of a lovely plugin I've found to enable distributed pair-programming. Anyway, the next step to getting Eclipse to integrate properly with our existing environment, would be finding a way to drive our current build tool (Waf) from within the IDE.
So the question is, is there a way I can set up Eclipse to drive Waf in a Make-like fashion? I see for Make it has some quite advanced functionality, such as being able to work out what targets are available etc. Bonus points for telling me if there is a way I could go as far as this! (I suspect the answer is that this is all built in to the Make plugin for Ecplipse).
In eclipse CDT I run waf by simply changing the build program in
ProjectPreferences->C/C++ Build->BuilderSettings
Choose External builder and then put in the path to waf
for example I use
/Users/mark/bin/waf -v -k -j2
Note that waf and make do not agree on the -j setting and you have to give i explicitly and not use the eclipse dialog.
You can use the Make targets view add the targets to call waf e.g. configure, build etc.
One issue I had is that Eclipse is hard coded to see the output from Make say Make when i changes directory so I had to patch waf
see waf issue
You could try and define a Custom builder, calling Waf with the appropriate options for the python compilation step.
(From eclipsejdt alcatel-lucent manual)
That picture (not related to Waf at all) illustrates the fact a builder can be defined as an external tool (meaning any .bat or shell you may want to call)
In that "eclipsejdt" example, the custom builder was configured like so:
To set up the builder, bring up the property dialog for project "jex1p" by selecting the project in the Package Explorer and selecting Project > Properties > Builders. Then click New..., select Program, and click OK.
Configure the builder Main tab using values:
Name : nmbldr_pre
Location : ${system_path:ksh}
Working Directory: ${build_project}
Arguments : nmbldr -p 2 -t ${build_type} -s jpre
As VonC says, the elegant way is to use a Custom builder.
Alternatively it is less work (in the short term) to hack together an ant script to do the heavy lifting and define an external builder to configure it onto the project. You may find the drawbacks of an external builder (e.g. no incremental support) mean it is worth investing the effort to do it "properly".