Listing all your Github gists on one page? - github

I have a few Github gists that I am showing off my coding style to potential employers. I do believe all of my github gists are public coz that's how I chose to make em. But upon visiting ...I get that I have no public gists. I can however view each of my individual gists independently without logging in on there public urls. meaning that they are indeed public gists.
How can I list them all on one page?

As #aleung mentioned, you should be able to view all your public gists with a link like:{username}
For example, all of my public ones are viewable here:
If it's not working correctly, you could contact Github Support. I've found them to be very responsive.


Are hidden GitHub Pages links findable?

If I have a private GitHub repo with two public pages
and it is hosted on a private repo. Obviously, anybody could find as it would be the default link, and could see any pages it links to.
Is there anyway someone could find the secret page without it being directly linked to on a sitemap, or as an tag on another accessible page?

How do I allow users to submit issues to my public repository?

I have a public repository on Azure DevOps.
When I enter in incognito I can see that users can only view work items, but cannot create them.
What is the proper way to allow issue submittion? Like the "Issues" section in GitHub repositories...
Thanks in advance.
Unfortunately,there is currently no submit issues to my public repository this function.
You can submit issue in this forum:。
When I enter in incognito I can see that users can only view work
items, but cannot create them.
For this issue ,this is a normal situation.The function is designed like this.

GitHub Pages with repos as links

I'm just a regular user on GitHub. I don't have an enterprise or anything like that. I was wondering can I still create a page like a blog or portfolio, and can that page contain links to individual repo github pages like That way this can act like a portfolio website.
Is this possible? I keep having issues with setting up the page but the repo-based url works fine and is easy to set up
A User GitHub page will contain markdown files which, in turn, can include any URL you want.
Incuding URLs referencing your other repositories.

GitHub public link format for accessing my website

I made a GitHub account. Ex:
I made a repository (for a website) Ex:
I'm new to GitHub, and initially, I thought the public access link to the website must, but that doesn't work! All I'm getting is 404 no matter what I try.
I've tried the following examples:
but nothing works.
Finally, after an hour's worth of stumbling around, I realized that I would have to change my website's name to so that will work as the public link, Which I, obviously, don't want. I want ideally or at least
So, how do I make it work? How do my visitors access my website? Is it even possible to have it my way? If not, then do I have to make a new account for every new project? Won't that just defeat the purpose of a GitHub account?
So, how do I make it work? works for me, where username is of course my user name and projectname is the name of the repository. HTTP would probably be fine, but I checked the box to require HTTPS.
I want ideally
There's a "custom domain name" setting that purports to let you use your own domain, so you could something like
or at least
If mywebsite1 is the name of your project, you should be good to go -- that's the same format that worked for me above, except you're allowing http instead of just https.
Am I missing something crucial due to my day-0 newness on github?
It's possible that you've missed a step, or that you've restricted access to the project. It might help to go back to basics: forget everything you think you know and just follow their guide.
To create a website using GitHub pages you need to create an index.html file into any repository (No matter what name your repository is).
Then you need to publish your repository to be able to have your website.
First, go to your repository
Then go to Settings tab
Scroll down until you reach GitHub Pages
Then in source, you need to select your branch, in your case master branch
Then click on save and you are ready to go!!
Your repository will be online at
If your repository name is your website will be live at
Also, you need to know that you can only public static websites.
Understand GitHub Pages reading this.

How can you view your private activity in github?

When I am logged in to github and visit my profile it shows my Public Activity. I do not see any way to view my private activity. I understand others should not be able to see it, but when I am logged in, is there any way for me to view my own?
click on your name, in the top right banner.
Let me revert that: you are right.. only public activity
Ok, found it... Login, then look at the page.
2nd top banner: News feed/Your actions/Pull request/...
You can use the GitHub API to get access to your own private activity feed.
I'm working on a set of Powershell cmdlets that I call Posh-GitHub -- they're in the early stages, but you can get this info using the Get-GitHubEvents cmdlet
You can on a per repository basis: