Issue with Margin in iReport - jasper-reports

I have created PDF report using iReport. PDF output is looking fine, but when I click on print, In Hardcopy (paper) too much empty space at left, right and bottom places. The font size automatically decreased because of this.
How can I fix this issue?

Your page width is set to 800, but your column width is 535. If you only have one column, increase the column width to 760 (800 - 20 right margin - 20 left margin).
Your page height is set to 2,000 and is probably responsible for the extra space at the bottom. Decrease that as desired.

If you are using Jasper Report plugins in Eclipse IDE then
Just right click on the (Design) page of Jasper Report and select 'Page
Format' option.
You will see 'Page Format' window.
Now make changes as you want.


Grafana Panel Error about height and width

I am working on build grafana dashboards for my project.
I have facing the issue that some of my panels keep shows "Invalid dimensions for plot, width = 415, height = 0"
I am not sure how to fix it. I tried to increase the size of the graph, however the table always there.
I really appreciate your help.
The screenshot is below
enter image description here
enter image description here
Just increase height of your graph panels in the UI - make them higher (or disable legend, so there will be space for graph). See example of the same panels with different heights:
Click on the mark in the right bottom corner and change height of the panel.

Jasper HTML output width issue

This report is generated with jasper reporting tool with REST API. Report data is showing in an HTML page with an iframe. After loading data to the iframe, report HTML view showing a lot of white spaces in the right and left side. I have tried with increasing the iframe width in CSS. But this is not affecting the report. Is it possible to adjust white spaces from jasper report itself? I am using page size as A4 landscape.
I have attached the image:
I have attached the image once again, You can see the Blank spaces on left and right side. How to remove this?. i have attached the jrxml link also. please help.
I have attached the Jrxml code link once again, please check it.
Various settings affect the output width of HTML reports, including:
Size unit (POINT vs PIXEL)
Zoom ratio
Page margins
For example:
final SimpleHtmlReportConfiguration configuration = new SimpleHtmlReportConfiguration();
// Or try this instead of setSizeUnit(POINT)...
final HtmlExporter exporter = new HtmlExporter();
If there are images in the report, consider using SVG format to avoid pixelation.
Additional information about these settings is at:
From the JasperSoft community site, you can set the zoom ratio in a JRXML file, described as follows:
You should be able to set a default zoom value by setting this property at report level:
<property name="net.sf.jasperreports.viewer.zoom" value="FitWidth" />
Other possible values:
integers (e.g., 2 for 200%)
decimals (e.g., 0.5 for 50%)

Crystal Reports page footer not printing at the bottom of the page

Scenario - We are developing a report using crystal reports. The report has to be printed on pre-printed template. The report is designed as follows - (the colors used are just for helping identifying the problem when report is printed on paper). We are using Visual Studio version 2010 with Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010
Problem - When I am exporting the report to .pdf, or viewing it on screen the report looks perfectly alright, but when I print the report on paper, the page footer is not printing at the bottom of the page, it is printing about one and a half inches above the bottom of the page.
Fix attempts -
In CR designer page setup, the size of the page is given same as that of the pre-printed template (12 inches height)
Used page footer as it automatically prints at the bottom of the page
Also tried using "GroupFooter" and set the option "Print at the bottom of the page" to true
Page size set correctly in the printer preferences
Anticipating problem with the printer, used another printer, but for no help.
Extensive googling for the solution :)
Any help on fixing this up would be really invaluable. Thanks
It is the custom size paper that was causing the issue.
To reduce the gap, just decrease the top margin and shift the fields of page header and report header accordingly.

Detail band with borders in iReport

I have to encapsulate header column, detail and page footer bands (column footer is set to 0 height) with borders. Is there an easy way to do it?
I've read this StackOverflow question and I try to use a frame in the background band, but how can I know the exact height of the detail band?
UPDATE: I found myself a solution. The solution is to "trial and error", setting random frame height until I get the exact height.
In the report inspector on the left click on "Detail 1" and then on the right in properties it'll tell you the 'Band Height'...You can change it from there.

In landscape mode, can't add lines or boxes wider than 8"

In Crystal Reports 2008, to which I've recently upgraded, I have a new report in which I'm trying to place boxes and lines. The report is Letter, landscape, with .25" margins, so I have 10.5" of space to work with.
Unfortunately, Crystal will only let me place drawing objects in the first 8" of space. If they overlap that range, Crystal sizes them back to 8". If I place them entirely to the right, Crystal moves them back to the 8" mark.
I have the same problem if I try to change the width or position using the Size and Position box.
Sounds like a bug where it's mistaking the available length for the available width.
Any idea how to fix this or work around it?
Old thread i know but here is the correct answer/fix.
The issue with only being able to draw a line so far across the report is due the the ruler at the top not extending along the full length of the report page.
This in turn is down to the default printer that is selected and the restricted paper sizes that it allows.
Install a dummy printer that accepts larger paper sizes and either set it to default, or click on File > Page Setup and under printer options, select the dummy printer.
The ruler should now extend across the full length of the report page and you can extend your line to match it.
NB: This was in Crystal Reports 2013 R2 - The settings may differ slightly in older/newer versions.
i had same issue. could not scratch lines.
i tried to change page setup from landscape to portrait and then did required changes.
again changed page setup to landscape and it was working fine .