Selecting multiple checking boxes with FormHelper in CakePHP - forms

So in an Index view for a certain model, I'm including some checkboxes; I have an array of days of the week, and so have 7 checkboxes available, per record.
I can save data, no problem. What I can't figure out is how to pre-select the checkboxes, based on each record's saved data. Currently I'm having to do this:
<?php if ( isset($user['SurveyAssignment'][0]['active_days']['Monday']) && $user['SurveyAssignment'][0]['active_days']['Monday'] == 1 ) { $monChecked = true; } else { $monChecked = false; } ?>
<?php echo $this->Form->input('SurveyAssignment.' . $count .'.active_days.Monday', array('type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => false, 'div' => false, 'checked' => $monChecked));?>
And that's just for ONE day, for one record. Right now, I'm doing that 7 times, for each record. It's very bloated.
I would have thought I could just read in the array for each record, and select a group of checkboxes accordingly.
I'm sure I'm missing something very simple but I can't see past my nose at the moment.

If your associations are set up correctly, your field name is correct, and you're passing the correct data, they will be selected automatically for you.
The likely answer is you're not using the correct field or Model.field for your form input.


Move existing pages into newly created pages with TYPO3 DataHandler

I am using the DataHandler to create and move pages like in this snippet. While new pages are created fine, existing subpages are not moved into their newly created parents.
This creates the new page but does not move the existing page
$data = [
'pages' => [
'NEW_IT' => [
'pid' => 1,
'hidden' => false,
'title' => 'IT',
591 => [
// this is not set
'pid' => 'NEW_IT',
// but this is set
'title' => 'I am a child of IT',
I tried ['pages'][591]['move'] = 'NEW_IT' but also to no avail.
I also tried '591' instead of 591, dataHandler->reverseOrder = true and dataHandler->copyTree = true.
dataHandler->errorLog is empty.
In contrary, this works (new page into new page)
$data = [
'pages' => [
'NEW_IT' => [
'pid' => 1,
'hidden' => false,
'title' => 'IT',
'NEW_IT_SUB' => [
'pid' => 'NEW_IT',
Also I wonder which IDs (NEW<any string> vs. NEW<base64> etc.) are acceptable as I did not find anything in the documentation and the examples use different styles. The "must be unique" is obvious. But I don't get why some people generate UUIDs there.
EDIT: I opened a forge ticket:
I have checked the code / DataHandler in v8/v9 and master. The corresponding logic in the DataHandler has not changed for that.
I have created a test case and xdebugged through it, also i was pretty sure after looking into the code, what happens. But have done this to validate that "it is working the way i think the code tells" - although it is not the way you expected. And I'm too. Remembering that I had such an issue last year through a migration script, but did not digged deeper into it (because of time), i changed it and made this as loops.
Creating page => retrieving the replaced id => using it for the other data commands.
The datahandler loops through each record for a table in the provided dataset array.
foreach ($this->datamap[$table] as $id => $incomingFieldArray) { ... }
First it prepares some stuff, and calling registered processDatamap_preProcessFieldArray hooks, it checks the given $id
// Is it a new record? (Then Id is a string)
if (!MathUtility::canBeInterpretedAsInteger($id)) { ... } else { ... }
If the id is not an integer or an integer string, it executed the true-branch, otherwise the false-branch. So long, so good.
The TRUE-Branch handles creating a new record (page, tt_content, ...), adding the replacement for the provided NEWxxx as substituion and so on.
It also checks, if a 'pid' field is in the record, and if it contains with NEW. If it is so, it replaces NEWxxx with the uid of the previously created record.
On the otherhand, if $id is not a integer or a integer string, it assumes it is an existing record. (FALSE-Branch). On this branch there is no checking for 'pid', if it contains NEW and looking up for replacement.
But .. why is there no error ? If it did not replace it, it should crash or someting like that ? - Yes, that is what we would assume - at least for that.
'pid' is always ignored in appling to the record ( see method fillInFieldArray() )
switch ($field) {
case 'uid':
case 'pid':
// Nothing happens, already set
and so .. as long as you do not provide further fields/values in the second page array ( that with the integer id and the pid with NEW from the initial), it has nothing to do. Nothing to do is not an error - and so, it do nothing and even do not notify anything about it.
Is it a bug ? Don't know, personally I would say yes. But maybe this should be created as an issue, and eventually discussed with the core developer/other contributers.
Maybe there were/are reasons WHY it only do this one run.
Either the documentation should be changed to make clear, that 'pid' replacement only works, id $id => [] is also a new / playholder id .. or you have to do it in 2 rounds.
Or .. put as as feature/bug to the issue tracker, and let's discuss it. And maybe giv it a try to implement it in the FALSE/existing record branch too. But let's heare some other opionons about it.
If others thing this should be also be done for the existing records in the same round, I would take the time tommorrow/at the weekend to provide an patch for it / the issue. (Would be fun to fight with the datahandler ).

Webform form alter date hide day

I'm relatively new to Drupal 7 and I'm trying to create a custom webform. My goal is to add a date (provided by the date module) field with out the day option. So it displays on month and year hiding the day option.
I have managed to achieve this but only by recreating the wholedate field as a custom field but I wanted to know if it was possible to customize the date field provided by the date module.
Below is a screen shot of my form:
How I create my custom date field:
function my_webform_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
if (isset($form['#node']->webform) && $form['#node']->uuid == '00b20537-d5ce-45c2-af37-150c9e73b96d') {
//$form['submitted']['date']['#type'] = 'hidden';
$form['ggg'] = array(
'#type' => 'date_select',
'#title' => 'Date',
'#date_format' => 'm/Y',
'#default_value' => date('Y-m-d')
I have tried other methods on hiding the field components but nothing seem to work so far. I was wondering if I needed to implement a hook different from the alter hook (the one being used).
Any suggestions on how to achieve this?
A possible solution would be to transform the day field of the date component to a hidden field instead of the select field type. That can be achieved by adding a #process callback for that field and altering the data.
function YOURMODULE_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id)
// Your logic here depending which form to alter
// ...
// Add #process for the component with key name 'date'
$form['submitted']['date']['#process'][] = 'YOURMODULE_process_date';
function YOURMODULE_process_date(&$element)
// change type to hidden
$element['day']['#type'] = 'hidden';
// set value to first day of the month
$element['day']['#value'] = '1';
return $element;
Webform now allows hiding the day, month or year of a date. See this issue for details.

A set of fields for one property entity in Symfony 2

My Product entity has the following structure:
private $id;
private $title;
* #ManyToOne(targetEntity="Category")
* #JoinColumn(name="cat_id", referencedColumnName="id")
private $category;
Category have nested structure. And each level of nesting is shown in 5 separate fields:
In class form code, I solve it in this way:
->add('cat_1', 'entity', array(
'query_builder' => function() { return someSelectLogic1(); }
->add('cat_2', 'entity', array(
'query_builder' => function() { return someSelectLogic2(); }
->add('cat_3', 'entity', array(
'query_builder' => function() { return someSelectLogic3(); }
->add('cat_4', 'entity', array(
'query_builder' => function() { return someSelectLogic4(); }
->add('cat_5', 'entity', array(
'query_builder' => function() { return someSelectLogic5(); }
Now I need to know which field is filled in the last turn and pass the value of that field in the entity property.
In all that I do not like:
complex logic to determine which field with category was filled at the end
each of these fields is not tied to the entity 'mapped' => false
1) What the right way to organize code of my form?
2) And is there a way to bring these fields into a separate class which will deal with the logic of determining which category was chosen in the end?
I would suggest the following:
1) Create a new custom form field type and put all those entity in there.
This process is not much different from ordinary creation of form type. Just enclose those fields in it's own buildForm() and that should do the trick. Docs.
2) Mark all those entity fields with property "property_path => false".
Clearly you wont be storing these values inside your model.
3) Add two more fields: chosen and lastOne.
Now, this might be tricky: I would either set the chosen to text type (basically, generic type) or would use entity as well. If you go for entity you would need to include all possible answers from all entity fields. As for the lastOne set it to text as it will reflect which field (by name) was selected last.
Either way, those two fields will be invisible. Don't forget to set property_path to false for lastOne field.
4) Finally, add ValueTransformer (docs) which will contain logic to "see" which field was selected last.
Now, I dealt with it only once and don't understand it just quite yet, so your best bet would be trial and error with examples from official docs, unfortunately.
What basically you should do is to, within value-transformer, read the value of field lastOne. This will give you the name of field which was selected last. Then, using that value, read the actual last value selected. Last, set that value (object, if you've went for entity type, or it's ID otherwise) to chosen field.
That should basically do the thing.
As for the JS, I don't know if you're using any framework but I will assume jQuery. You will need to set lastOne field as your selecting items in your form.
$('#myform').find('select').on('change', function(){
var $this = $(this);
I'm sorry I cannot provide you with code samples for PHP right now. It's a bit late here and will do my best to further update this answer tomorrow.

SugarCRM restriction on custom field

i'm totally new to SugarCRM module development, however i have very good knowledge of PHP, ajax and database programming.
Here is my task:I have been asked to create a restriction on a custom field from the clients module.
There is a custom field called identification number, what i need to do is avoid a new client to be saved into the database based on that field, in other words the client has to be unique. It has to display a pop up window saying "that client already exists"
Copy editviewdefs.php of Accounts to the custom folder and change the custom field definition for id_number to this
'name' => 'id_number',
'displayParams' =>
array (
'field' =>
array (
'onChange' => 'check_is_duplicate(this);',
Create a javascript function check_is_duplicate
function check_is_duplicate(obj) {
// Call a script via Ajax. Pass values for id and id_number with the request.
if (o.responseText > 0) {
document.getElementById('SAVE').disabled = true;
} else {
document.getElementById('SAVE').disabled = false;
You would have to create the script which would be called via ajax request.
In that script you would have to run a query like -
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM accounts
WHERE deleted = 0 AND id != {$record} AND id_number = {$id_number}
Execute the query and return the count.
Afterwards on saving check for duplicates from server side using the beforeSave logic hook.
You can create a custom duplicate check by the following code:
$dictionary['Account']['duplicate_check']['FilterDuplicateCheck']['filter_template'] = array(
'$and' => array(
array('identification_number' => array('$equals' => '$identification_number')),
Add this code in the file: /custom/Extension/modules/Accounts/Ext/Vardefs/duplicate_check.php.
Then, perform a quick repair/rebuild.
How it works:
When you enter the identification number and press save, SugarCRM will perform a duplicate check. If duplicates are found, SugarCRM will list the duplicates and you can choose to use the duplicate or ignore.

How to get the value of the form field in drupal 7?

I have added a field on the page_node_form with the following code.
case 'page_node_form':
$form['comment_popup'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Comments popup'),
'#options' => array('On' => 'On', 'Off' => 'Off'),
As the comment form appears on the node so I want when the comment_popup field has the value Off then the subject field should not be displayed in the comment form and when the comment_popup field has the value 'On' then the subject field should be displayed.
I have tried the following code but it did not work.
case 'comment_node_page_form':
if($form_state['comment_popup']['#value'] == 'Off') {
Any one who can help me?
What you're doing can't work I'm afraid, you're setting an element in one form and then trying to read it from another form which doesn't make sense.
What you need to do is add a submit handler to the page_node_form function which saves the comment_popup value for that node to a custom table. Then in the form alter for `comment_node_page_form' you need to read in the comment_popup data for that particular node, and make the access decisions to the form elements based on that.
Hope that helps