Open Graph actions not shown in news feed - facebook

I just established an app which is my personal blog on Facebook. I have had action "Publish" approved and it says this action type is now available to all users. But when I publish a new post from my blog, it only shows in my timeline, nothing gets displayed in the news feed, and I asked my friend to check their news feed, they got nothing. Can anyone help me with this? I have been stuck since yesterday. Many thanks!
My blog is built upon Wordpress, but I think it is something to do with the OG API. Please help!!

You have to activate explicit sharing for your action. Then it will be shown up as a normal posting of a user.

Facebook controls everything about what will be shown in the news feed. Check if the action is shown in the Ticker. If the actions is shown in the ticker, it's OK.
If your app gets more popular, the priority to be shown in the news feed may increase.

One of the ways to check if other users are seeing your actions is to go to Insights > Open Graph > Story CTR and see if your action is getting impressions.
You should also drop by Action Lifecycle and check how many actions are being created and compare that with your internal number just to make sure that all the actions are being picked up.
Based on what you are saying, you might be using the "Publish" action when a post is made on your blog. If you are the only person posting, chances of those stories appearing in your friends' feeds is very small. You might consider using Open Graph for something that multiple users/readers can do on your site.


If Facebook Feed dialog is deprecated, how are you to share posts on Facebook?

I have been working on a Facebook app for some time, and we are having trouble getting the app approved. I feel like Facebook's app approval process is a constantly moving target and their explanations are provide the least amount of detail possible, leaving the door open for further rejections.
We are using a Facebook app to provide sharing functionality for products that are behind a paywall. All of our share buttons are custom, so they fit in our designs (we don't want to use the out of the box buttons). We first built the app attempting to use the recommended share dialog with open graph actions and stories. The problem here is that you can only use the share dialog with a shared link. Facebook reads any open graph tags on the page to provide sharing information, but because there are many different "products" on a given page, we can't use open graph tags. Because of our environment, we couldn't use the actions or stories. Furthermore, we'd like to customize that share information, so using share dialog is not an option.
Unfortunately, we had left our open graph stories and actions in our app when we first attempted approval. In our first denial, Facebook told us that we had implemented our open graph actions and stories incorrectly. We were not using the share dialog, but the 'feed' method, which is deprecated in 2.0 but still works. Thinking that Facebook looked at our app and noticed we were not using those actions correctly, we figured if we removed those stories and actions from the app, Facebook would see our share method worked and approve us. Wrong.
We had built the share using the publish_actions permission, along with FB.login() and FB.ui(). Facebook denied us because our app did not need publish_actions. They recommended we use the share dialog which did not need login or permissions.
We removed the publish_actions permission and FB.login(). When we tested this, you could still login to Facebook and perform the share WITHOUT fb.login(). So we thought it was good to go. It was not; Facebook told us we needed to implement login(), even thought the docs say you don't need it.
Now we have reimplemented login() and are going to try to get it approved again, but I have a feeling it's going to get rejected due to the 'feed' method being deprecated.
So my questions are:
A) If you have a website providing a paid service, how do you allow your users to post to their feeds, using the newer share method, with data you'd like? Eg: "I just completed the Get Moving III workout at!" The post would contain no pics or links. If it had to, a link to would be ok.
B) How do paid sites provide open graph actions and stories? Do they have public links to their products? Do those products have their own individual pages, with their own open graph tags?
First of all, the feed dialog is not deprecated, at least not anymore. You do not need to get anything approved for it, and you certainly don´t need login:
But: Your example looks like an Open Graph story, you should consider taking a look at those:

Facebook Like Box - Posts by others not appearing

I am trying to implement the Facebook like box onto my website to show posts by others onto my Facebook page, however it is only showing a feed of the posts the page has made to its timeline and not the posts of other Facebook users.
I'm not sure how I can get this to happen? I'm not bothered about having the page's posts appear but I definitely want other's posts to appear in the feed.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Afaik the Plugin only shows posts "by the Page", so that is intentional. Think of it this way: If you get many User postings and only write a few Page postings, your Page postings would just not be very visible in the plugin.
You can only use the "force_checkin" parameter of the plugin to show checkins of friends, see Facebook docs:
If you want to get the posts of Users on a Page, you would have to use the Graph API:
The docs include some example code for most relevant languages and you will get User posts too. Of course you have to design it on your own, you just get data from the API.

Open Graph - how to make published action appear on timeline

I publish actions from by website using the app I created for it on facebook.
My actions have been approved by FB.
when they are published they appear on the activity log.
However they do not appear on the timeline and do not show on the main pages of that user's friends, only under activity log.
How can I make it so the actions are posted to the timeline itself and all the user's friends would see it on the main page?
Thank you
What you want is Explicit Sharing. Just Open Graph by itself doesn't guarantee your content will be pushed into News Feed and/or Timeline.
Explicitly_shared on its own does not always seem to be effective.
I have experienced this myself (and still do), where although the "explicitly_shared" attribute is set to "true", the post does not show up on timeline.
On checking the activilty log, is is marked as "allowed on timeline" but not "shown on timeline", which seems to need to be set manually and results in the correct post. I presume there is a way to force this, but I have not yet found it!
(the app is approved and live, with publish_actions enabled)

Publishing Updates to Facebook Users That Like'd a Link on My Website

I am trying to figure out how to get to a spot where I can interact with those that "LIKE" a link on my website. I have seen both of these articles on Stack, but they have not helped me.
Facebook Like Button + Open Graph + Website = Pushing Updates to Likes?
No "Admin Page" link on Facebook Like button on a web page
I have a feeling that the second link above is just not up to date anymore for the new Facebook.
My site is
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!! We have some heavily LIKE'd urls and it would be great to be able to get info to those who are interested.
Thanks in advance!
I must say, luckily this is not possible anymore. I don´t want to suddenly get stuff in my stream on facebook just because i liked one article/page on a website.
Here´s the info:
With this admin page deprecated, developers will no longer have the ability to publish updates to users who have clicked on a particular Like Button. The REST endpoint to publish updates for a Like Button will also be deprecated.

Facebook Timeline shared post not showing properly

when I try to share a message to Facebook wall using fb.ui, if I didn't enter any message, the post will not appear in timeline but it did appear at my friends' News Feed. I've check activity log, the post activity is there, but it just did not appear in my timeline unless I put a personal/customized message myself. Did anyone encounter this? Just wondering whether it is a bug or it is supposed to be working that way.
Yeah, Facebook filters the feed with their own algorithms. If it's the feed of the developer it will always be shown from what I've read. It will always be in the activity log, but not necessarily shown on a friend's feed (non-developer) based upon facebook's own algorithms.