How to store a reference in perl that is itself not a reference - perl

I have a recursive function that uses ref to walk down a data structure recursively. If ref returns an empty string, then a callback is called. My problem is that I need to store a hash-ref in my data structure that will be treated as a scalar by my function.
In essence, what I need is to do something like this;
my %hash = fillHash();
$hash{'abc'}{'def'} = \%hash;
I was wondering if there was some way of storing \%hash in such a way that it would be treated as a scalar and not a reference. possibly like/
$hash{'abc'}{'def'} = scalar \%hash;
I am simply looking a way to add a link to the parent node of my data structure, yet still being able to recursively walk it.

You could use what I did to differentiate values from structure, I call them "indirect arrays" (in my case).
In your case it would look like this:
$hash{'abc'}{'def'} = scalar \\%hash;
ref( $hash{'abc'}{'def'} ) is 'REF', in case you're wondering. And you can then decide that you need to dereference it twice:
$hash_ref = ${ $hash{'abc'}{'def'} };

I think #MarkCanlas has the right solution in his suggestion to consider a different way to structure your data. Barring that, you could take a double reference.
my $scalar_ref = \%hash;
$other_hash{abc}{def} = \$scalar_ref;
Now, when you check the ref of that you'll get back "REF" and can do something different.

First of all, you should realize that all references are scalars by definition.
What you want is something that works as a reference everywhere but inside your walking function. That's not really achievable by any kind of magic reference. The walking function is where the logic is going to have to be added. You can make it keep track of things it has already seen:
my %h = (
foo => "bar",
inner => {
foo => 42
$h{inner}{parent} = \%h;
sub walk
my ($h, $cb, $path, $seen) = #_;
$path //= "";
$seen //= {};
while(my ($k, $v) = each %$h) {
if(ref($v)) {
walk($v, $cb, "$path/$k", $seen) if !$seen->{$v};
} else {
$cb->($k, $v, "$path/$k");
walk(\%h, sub {
my ($key, $value, $path) = #_;
print "walker found $key ($path) => $value\n";
Or you could just make it recognize certain keys like parent as special and skip them.


Folding Array of hashes to HoH

I have $maps as AoH which I wish to make a $new_map to be a HoH based on a member of the enclosing hashes.
I currently have:
map { $new_map->{$_->{TYPE}} = $_; delete $_->{TYPE} } #$maps;
This does the job..
I wonder if there's a better/simpler/cleaner way to get the intent. Perhaps, by getting the return value from map?
$new_map = map { ... } #$maps;
Your original solution is a misuse of map as it doesn't use the list that the operator returns. for is the correct tool here, and I think it reads much better that way too, especially if you use the fact that delete returns the value of the element it has removed
$new_map->{ delete $_->{TYPE} } = $_ for #$maps;
Or you could translate the array using map properly, as here
my %new_map = map { delete $_->{TYPE} => $_ } #$maps;
The choice is your own
Using map in void context obfuscates the intent, and altering original #$maps may not be a good idea (map with side effects?), thus
my $new_map = {
map { my %h = %$_; delete $h{TYPE} => \%h } #$maps

Perl nesting hash of hashes

I'm having some trouble figuring out how to create nested hashes in perl based on the text input.
i need something like this
my % hash = {
key1 => \%inner-hash,
key2 => \%inner-hash2
However my problem is I don't know apriori how many inner-hashes there would be. To that end I wrote the following piece of snippet to test if a str variable can be created in a loop and its reference stored in an array and later dereferenced.
if($line =~ m/^Limit\s+$mc_lim\s+$date_time_lim\s+$float_val\s+$mc\s+$middle_junk\s+$limit \s+$value/) {
my $str = $1 . ' ' . $2 . ' ' . $7;
push (#test_array_reference, \$str);
foreach (#test_array_reference) {
say $$_;
Perl dies with a not a scalar run-time error. I'm a bit lost here. Any help will be appreciated.
To answer your first (main?) question, you don't need to know how many hashes to create if you walk through the text and create them as you go. This example uses words of a string, delimited by spaces, as keys but you can use whatever input text for your purposes.
my $text = 'these are just a bunch of words';
my %hash;
my $hashRef = \%hash; # create reference to initial hash
foreach (split('\s', $text)){
$hashRef->{$_} = {}; # create anonymous hash for current word
$hashRef = $hashRef->{$_}; # walk through hash of hashes
You can also refer to any arbitrary inner hash and set the value by,
$hash{these}{are}{just}{a}{bunch}{of}{words} = 88;
$hash{these}{are}{just}{a}{bunch}{of}{things} = 42;
$hash{these}{things} = 33;
To visualize this, Data:Dumper may help,
print Dumper %hash;
Which generates,
$VAR1 = 'these';
$VAR2 = {
'things' => 33,
'are' => {
'just' => {
'a' => {
'bunch' => {
'of' => {
'things' => 42,
'words' => 88
my $hashref = { hash1 => { key => val,... },
hash2 => { key => val,..} };
also you may want to use the m//x modifier with your regex, its barely readable as it is.
Creating a hash of hashes is pretty simple:
my %outer_hash = {};
Not entirely necessary, but this basically means that each element of your hash is a reference to another hash.
Imagine an employee hash keyed by employee number:
$employee{$emp_num}{first} = "Bob";
$employee{$emp_num}{last} = "Smith";
$employee{$emp_num}{phones}{cell} = "212-555-1234";
$employee{$emp_num}{phones}{desk} = "3433";
The problem with this notation is that it gets rather hard to read after a while. Enter the arrow notation:
$employee{$emp_num}->{first} = "Bob";
$employee{$emp_num}->{last} = "Smith";
$employee{$emp_num}->{phones}->{cell} = "212-555-1234";
$employee{$emp_num}->{phones}->{desk} = "3433";
The big problem with complex structures like this is that you lose the use strict ability to find errors:
$employee{$emp_num}->{Phones}->{cell} = "212-555-1234";
Whoops! I used Phones instead of phones. When you start using this type of complex structure, you should use object oriented syntax. Fortunately, the perlobj tutorial is pretty easy to understand.
By the way, complex data structure handling and the ability to use object oriented Perl puts you into the big leagues. It's the first step into writing more powerful and complex Perl.

Access an object within an object? (Perl)

I'm pretty new to perl. I have an SomeItem object that contains an array of InnerObjects, of which I want to call the "foo" method on.
foreach $obj (# { $self->{InnerObjects} }) {
This doesn't work. Here's the error I get:
Can't call method "foo" without a package or object reference
The InnerObject class is in the same file as SomeItem, and would prefer to keep it that way if possible, so how can I access the InnerObject class/package from the SomeItem class/package?
Here's how I declare the array in the constructor:
$self->{InnerObjects} = [];
and set it:
sub set {
my ($self, #items) = #_;
#{ $self->{InnerObjects} } = #items;
Your code so far looks legitimate. Therefore the error MAY be in the data passed to set().
Please add the following to set code:
sub set {
my ($self, #items) = #_;
#{ $self->{InnerObjects} } = #items;
print "OBJECT To work on: " . ref($self) . "\n";
print "TOTAL objects passed: " . scalar(#items) . "\n";
foreach my $obj (#items) { print "REF: " . ref($obj) . "\n" };
This will show how many objects you passed and whether they are indeed objects of correct class (ref should print class name)
Also, please be aware that #{ $self->{InnerObjects} } = #items; copies over the array of object references, instead of storing the reference to the original array #items - this is NOT the reason for your problem at all but causes you to basically allocate 2 arrays instead of one. Not a major problem memory-management wise unless the array is very large, but still wasteful (#items array would need to be garbage collected after set() is done).
I apologize for putting what was essentially comment-content as an answer but it's too big to be a comment.
My solution to the problem ended up creating a hash that contained the ID of the SomeItem which points to a reference of an array of InnerObjects. This hash is created by the manipulating classlike so,
%SomeItemInnerObjects; # Hash of SomeItem IDs=>InnerObject array references
$SomeItemInnerObjects{ $currentSomeItem->{ID} } = \#myInnerObjects;
and gets used as follows:
foreach $item (#{ $SomeItemInnerObjects{$currentSomeItem->{ID} } }) {
# item is an InnerObject
So SomeItem no longer contains InnerObjects. I know this doesn't answer the question per se, but presents an alternate solution.

Perl subroutine array and scalar variable parameters

How exactly can I pass both scalar variables and array variables to a subroutine in Perl?
my $currVal = 1;
my $currValTwo = 1;
my #currArray = ('one','two','three');
my #currArrayTwo =('one','two','three');
&mysub($currVal, $currValTwo,\#currArray, \#currArrayTwo);
sub mysub() {
# That doesn't work for the array as I only get the first element of the array
my($inVal, $inValTwo, #inArray, #inArrayTwo) = #_;
You need to fetch them as references because you've already passed them as references (by using the \ operator):
my($inVal, $inValTwo, $inArray, $inArrayTwo) = #_;
and then use the references as arrays:
You pass the arguments as references, so you need to dereference them to use the values. Be careful about whether you want to change the original array or not.
sub mysub {
my($inVal, $inValTwo, $inArray, $inArrayTwo) = #_;
#{$inArrayTwo} = ('five','six','seven');
This will change the original #currArrayTwo, which might not be what you want.
sub mysub {
my($inVal, $inValTwo, $inArray, $inArrayTwo) = #_;
my #ATwo = #{$inArrayTwo};
#ATwo = ('five','six','seven');
This will only copy the values and leave the original array intact.
Also, you do not need the ampersand in front of the sub name, from perldoc perlsub:
If a subroutine is called using the &
form, the argument list is optional,
and if omitted, no #_ array is set up
for the subroutine: the #_ array at
the time of the call is visible to
subroutine instead. This is an
efficiency mechanism that new users
may wish to avoid.
You do not need empty parens after your sub declaration. Those are used to set up prototypes, which is something you do not need to do, unless you really want to.
So, for example: This is a using statement to search something in an array:
use List::Util qw(first);
This is the sub declaration:
sub GetIndex($$$);
This is the call to the sub (last parameter is: Default index value to give back if not found)
$searchedIndex = GetIndex(\#theArr, "valuesearched", 1);
This is the routine:
sub GetIndex($$$)
my $inArray=shift;
my #theArray= #{$inArray};
my $searchedTag= shift;
my $defaultVal= shift;
my $retVal = first { $theArray[$_] eq $searchedTag} 0 .. $#theArray;
if ((! defined $retVal)|| ($retVal<0)||($retVal>#theArray))
$retVal = $defaultVal;
return $retVal;

Perl hash key determined by array

I have an array and I am making a hash instance from it.
For instance, if array is:
then i want to fill in hash:
But if the array is only:
then i want the path to be:
The problem is I dont know beforehand how long the array is gonna be, and I would really like to avoid making x if statements for that solution scales terribly.
How do I do this?
First, that's not how you define an array in Perl. You probably want to say
my #folders = ( 'temp', 'usr', 'bin' );
There's an old trick for making nested hash keys from a list:
my %the_path;
my $tmp = \%the_path;
foreach my $item( #folders ) {
$tmp->{$item} = { };
$tmp = $tmp->{$item};
This will result in a structure like the following:
$VAR1 = {
'temp' => {
'usr' => {
'bin' => {}
If you want to replace the empty hashref at the bottom-most level with a string, you can keep track of a count variable inside the loop.