EffectQueue and chaining effects in IceFaces 1.8 - icefaces

I'm currently working with IceFaces 1.8, and have been trying to find an simple way to chain effects on UI Components. For example, I have a "Show Help" link at the top right of the page. When clicked, help text will appear below certain controls for users. I'd like this text to appear by sliding down, then highlighting.
I have a basic isRenderHelp() method on my bean that returns true or false, and use that to render effects using the fire attribute on the <ice:effect> tag, so it looks something like this:
<ice:effect effectType="slidedown" fire="#{myBean.renderHelp}">
<ice:effect effectType="slideup" fire="#{!myBean.renderHelp}">
This works causing the help section to slide in and out as the help link toggles the renderHelp flag in the bean. There is the small exception that renderHelp returns null before the link is clicked for the first time to prevent the slideup animation from firing on the first page render.
Now, I noticed looking through the showcase code for 1.8 that there is an EffectQueue class that extends Effect. This allows me to add mutliple Effects to the queue in my bean, and return the queue from a getEffect method that I can then assign to a panelGroup effect attribute. However, it does not execute the events in the queue, despite having their priorities set. I'm sure I'm not using it properly, and I'm wondering how it should be used.
Normally I'd use jQuery for this type of thing, but the UI uses many partial submits. Our page is displayed via a Liferay portlet, so on any partialSubmit the view is rerendered, undoing any modifications to the DOM by jQuery.
So is there any simple way to chain effects in IceFaces 1.8? Suggestions?

here is how I implemented the effectQueue to appear and fade the text.
private EffectQueue effectQueue;
public Effect getSaveSettingsEffect() {
return effectQueue;
public void fireEffect(ActionListener e) {
if(effectQueue == null) {
effectQueue = new EffectQueue("apperAndFade");
Appear appear = new Appear();
Fade fade = new Fade();
<ice:commandButton value="fireEffect" action="#{bean.fireEffect}"/>
<ice:outputText value="text" style="display: none;" effect="#{bean.effectQueue}"/>


GWT Detect DOM changes or modifications

What am I trying to do?
I have an existing page (generated by system automatically and I don't have any control on it) in which I am injecting GWT code to modify the behaviour of the page after it loads based on certain columns and augment the functionality of the page. For example after adding my GWT code, cells in one of the table columns become clickable and when the user clicks it, additional information is displayed to the user in a pop-up panel. All that is working fine.
What is the issue?
The generic page in which I am injecting my code has paginated table which shows 15 rows at a time. Now, when I load/refresh the page, my GWT code kicks in and sinks events in the specific column which adds functionality (described above) to the cells. However, when the user uses the left and right buttons to navigate the paginated result, the page does not refresh as it is an asynchronous call. The specific column in the new set of 15 rows is now without the sunk events as the GWT code does not know that the page changed.
I am trying to find a way to tell my GWT code that page has changed and it should sink events to the cells of specific column for the new 15 rows but unable to find any method or mechanism to help me capture a DOM/Document change event. I tried doing this but did not help:
new ChangeHandler(){
public void onChange(ChangeEvent event) {
Window.alert("Something Changed");
It is possible I am missing something very obvious. Posting this question to know if there is an easy way to figure out DOM changes in GWT. Have searched for DOM/Document change/mutation/ etc. without luck.
If anyone knows how to detect DOM changes in GWT would really appreciate otherwise would go ahead writing native code using native mutation observers.
You can try something like this:
First get the input elements with:
InputElement goOn = DOM.getElementById("IdOfGoOnButton").cast();
InputElement goBack = DOM.getElementById("IdOfGoBackButton").cast();
Next add a native EventHandler:
Event.addNativePreviewHandler(new Event.NativePreviewHandler() {
public void onPreviewNativeEvent(Event.NativePreviewEvent event) {
if (event.getTypeInt() == Event.ONCLICK) {
if (event.getNativeEvent()
.getEventTarget() != null) {
Element as = Element.as(event.getNativeEvent()
if (as.getTagName()
.equals("input")) {
InputElement clickedElement = as.cast();
if (clickedElement.getId().equals(goOn.getId()) ||
clickedElement.getId().equals(goBack.getId())) {
// one of the paging button is pressed
Hope that helps.

GWT: How to run code after sorting a datagrid column

I really need a possibility to run some code after the whole sorting of the DataGrid is finished. Especially after the little arrow which shows if the column is sorted ascending or descending is displayed, because i need to manipulate the CSS of this arrow after it is displayed. I couldn't find the place where the arrow is really set. I tried something like this:
ListHandler<String> columnSortHandler = new ListHandler<String>(list) {
public void onColumnSort( ColumnSortEvent event ) {
super.onColumnSort( event );
// My Code here
but the code runs also before sorting finishes.
Thanks for any suggestions how to solve this problem. I am searching for a long time now but cannot find anything that helps.
EDIT: I already override the original DataGrid.Resources to provide a custom arrow-picture. I also have a complex custom header of AbstractCell<String> which supports runtime-operations and is rendered with DIV's and Image.
As you're using a ListHandler, and thus probably a ListDataProvider that will update the CellTable live (setRowData); because both ListDataProvider and CellTable (via the inner HasDataPresenter) use Scheduler#scheduleFinally(), then using Scheduler#scheduleDeferred() should be enough to guarantee that you run after them, but then you'll risk some flicker.
You could, in your custom ListHandler flush() the ListDataProvider, which will bypass one scheduleFinally and then use scheduleFinally to execute after the one of the CellTable (because flush() will call setRowData on the CellTable which will schedule the command; your command wil be scheduled after, so will run after).
You can manipulate the css resource using CellTable.Resources.
public interface TableResources extends CellTable.Resources {
ImageResource cellTableSortAscending();
ImageResource cellTableSortDescending();
CellTable.Style cellTableStyle();
In MyCellTable.css use the stylename and change your icon

GWT Widget not properly set in the DOM

I would like to print a GWT widget which extends Composite. This widget is composed of a grid whose cells are built with a ListDataProvider. When the user clic on a button print, the widget to print is built. Once this is done, I launch the print:
Element element = widgetToPrint.getElement();
String content = element.getInnerHTML();
public static native boolean print(String content)
var mywindow = window.open('', 'Printing', '');
mywindow.document.write('<link rel="stylesheet" href="/public/stylesheets/ToPrintWidget.css" type="text/css" media="all"/></head><body>');
return true;
So, here is my problem:
The window which is opened by this method contains the core of the widget (built by the UI Binder), but some children are missing...
If I look inside the ListDataProvider and its related FlowPanel, the data are consistent, i.e. I've got several item in my list and in the flowPanel.
Consequently, it should be visible on the printing window...
I thought that maybe the problem was related to the method used to print the widget, so I also tried to add this widget into a dialogbox just before launching the print, to see if the widget was properly built... and it was.
So my widget displays well on a dialogbox, but if I try to give its innerHTML to the print method, by using getElement(), some widgets are missing... I've the feeling that the widgets which should have been built when the ListDataProvider changes are not properly set in the DOM... Somehow it works when I add the widget to a regular component, but it doesn't work when I have to give directly its innerHTML...
Do you have any idea ?
Thanks in advance.
Widgets are not just the sum of their elements, and DOM elements are not just the string that they are serialized to. Widgets are the element, and all events sunk to the dom to listen for any changes or interactions by the user. Elements then have callback functions or handlers they invoke when the user interacts with them.
By serializing the element (i.e. invoking getInnerHTML()), you are only reading out the structure of the dom, not the callbacks, and additionally not the styles set by CSS. This probably shouldn't be expected to work correctly, and as your experience is demonstrating, it doesn't.
As this is just a print window you are trying to create, event handling is probably not a concern. You just want the ability to see, but not interact with, the content that would be in that set of widgets. Styles are probably the main problem here then (though your question doesn't specify 'some children are missing' doesn't tell us what is missing, or give us any more clues as to why...) - you are adding one stylesheet in your JSNI code, but CellTable (which I assume you are using since you reference ListDataProvider) needs additional CssResource instances to appear correctly. I'm not sure how you can hijack those to draw in a new window.
Are you only using this to print content, not to let the user directly interact with the data? If so, consider another approach - use a SafeHtmlBuilder to create a giant, properly escaped string of content to draw in the new window.
String content = element.toString();
This will include all hierarchy elements in the node.
Just a reminder, all the GWT handlers will not work, and you have to sink all the events using DOM.
You might want to grab the outer HTML rather than the inner one.
GWT unfortunately has no getOuterHTML, but it's relatively easy to emulate.
If your widget is the only child within an element, then simply get the inner HTML of the parent element (w.getElement().getParentElement().getInnerHTML())
Otherwise, clone your widget's node add it to a newly created parent element, from which you'll be able to get the inner HTML:
DivElement temp = Document.get().createDivElement();
return temp.getInnerHTML();
First thank you for your answers, it helped me to work out this problem.
I've almost solve the problem:
First, I do not use ListDataProvider anymore, because it wasn't clear for me when and how the view was refreshed. Instead I add my widgets by hand, which makes sense since, they are not going to move anyway.
Then, I define the style of my widgets using a common CSS stylesheet. However, in order to do it, I can't rely on CssResource, which was the way I was used to do it with GWT. I think that this comes from the JS method which gets lost by this kind of styles... Instead, I have to specify everything in a static CSS stylesheet, and to give it to the JS.
It works perfectly well, ie, I have my widgets, with thei styles, and I can print it.
The color of some widgets depends on the color of the object that they represent. Consequently, I cannot write a generic CSS stylesheet... And as I said, I can't add a style using CssResource... Do you have any ideas on the way to handle that ?
To make sure I'm clear on the way I'm adding styles, here is an example:
Label l = new Label("Here is a cell in my grid to be printed");
With, in a public CSS stylesheet:
background-color: red;
I hope there is a better way than to write 300 styles to cover 300 different colors...

Change the order of event handling in GWT

I have a Suggest box which has 2 hadlers: SelectionHandler for selecting items in SuggestionList and keyDownHandler on TextBox of SuggestBox. I want to prevent default action on event(for example on Enter pressed) when the suggestion list is currently showing. The problem is that SelectionEvent is always fires before KeyDownEvent and suggestion list is closed after SuggestionEvent fired, so in KeyDownEventHandler suggestion list is already closed. And I can't use prevent default action on Enter with checking the suggestion list is showing like this:
if ((nativeCode == KeyCodes.KEY_TAB || nativeCode == KeyCodes.KEY_ENTER) && display.isSuggestionListShowing()) {
where display.isSuggestionListShowing() is the method which calls isShowing on SuggestBox .
So how can i change the order of event handling(Selection before KeyDown to the keyDown before Selection) in this case?
I'm assuming you mean SuggestBox instead of SuggestionList, as there is no class by that name in the gwt-user jar.
The SuggestBox uses the keydown event to provide the SelectEvent - if it can't see the keys change (from the browser, which actually picks up the user's action), it can't provide the logical selection event.
This means that reordering events doesn't really make sense - you can't have the effect before the cause. In many cases, the browser emits events in a certain order, and there is no way to change this, so you have to think differently about the problem.
(Also worth pointing out that preventDefault() only prevents the browser from doing its default behavior - other handlers will still fire as normal.)
One option would be to preview all events before they get to the SuggestBox, and cancel the event in certain cases - look into com.google.gwt.user.client.Event.addNativePreviewHandler(NativePreviewHandler) for how this can be done.
I'm not seeing any other option right away - all of the actual logic for handling the keydown is wrapped up in the inner class in the private method of com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.SuggestBox.addEventsToTextBox(), leaving no options for overriding it.

Redrawing control behind composite with SWT.NO_BACKGROUND

Original goal:
I have a TreeMenu that i use to display my Menu.
In this tree, a user can select different items.
I would like to disable the tree, so that a user cannot select a new item after choosing the first.
The catch is, we cannot use setEnabled, because we are not allowed to use the greyed out look. The look/colors may not change.
Our proposed solution
Our first idea was to use a Composite with SWT.NO_BACKGROUND on top of the menu, to prevent any user interaction with the TreeMenu.
final Composite cover = new Composite(getPage().shell, SWT.NO_BACKGROUND);
This has a problem with redrawing.
If the screen is covered by another screen and then brought back to front, the Cover Composite is filled with fragments of the previous overlapping window.
Our idea was to manually redraw the menu:
We placed the code inside the paintEventListener.
But this caused an infinite loop and did not solve the problem.
Does anyone have an idea how we can achive our orignial goal?
Does anyone know how we can make our proposed solution work?
Look at SWT-Snippet80. It shows how to prevent selections. A solution to your problem would be adding a listener like this to your tree:
tree.addListener(SWT.Selection, new Listener() {
TreeItem[] oldSelection = null;
public void handleEvent( Event e ) {
Tree tree = (Tree)(e.widget);
TreeItem[] selection = tree.getSelection();
if ( oldSelection != null )
oldSelection = selection;
I wouldn't recommend trying to implement your workaround. I believe that placing transparent controls on top of each other is unsupported in SWT - I think I read a comment from Steve Northover on this subject once. Even if you made it work for some OS, it probably won't work in another - it's too much of a hack.
A solution that is supported by SWT, is having transparent windows on top of each other. But that is also really hard to implement (resizing, moving, always on top, redraw artifacts) and probably as big a hack as the other workaround. Go for the listener.