Any way to bypass php login page? Testing SQLi on my Damn Vulnerable Web App (DVWA) - sql-injection

I'm using Damn Vulnerable Web App (DVWA) and I'm following guides and tutorials on how to perform SQL injection. However, the problem is that I don't believe any of the tools I would prefer to use would work, considering the DVWA page requires a login first.
Without authenticating, every page redirects you back to /login.php to log in first. Is there any way possible to somehow modify this to work regardless of being logged in or out?

You could try to use your sql injection tactics on the login form itself and create your own working login, or try to first find a working login by other means and use that login to get to other pages for the sql injection attacks.
Since this app is deliberately built to be vulnerable, the login page itself is likely vulnerable.
Alternatively, as the app is open source, you might modify it yourself to remove the login requirement.


Any experience with cypress-social-login using Facebook provider?

I am trying to make an automated test of the Facebook login feature in our web application in Cypress. I would like to skip the visual input of credentials and rather provide them programatically.
I came across the cypress-social-login plugin -
Does anyone have the experience specifically with the implementation of this plugin for Facebook login? Or did anyone manage to automate Facebook login without any plugin?
Another question is: for the plugin to work, I have to provide a login url fom my application. But my application doesn´t have a specific login url. It uses a fullscreen modal that contains a Facebook login button. Is there a way to modify the plugin to deal with this?
Meanwhile I accepted this fact. But I was successful by using another much simpler approach: First I go to and log in there. Then I open my App and click the Facebook login button. In this way I can simulate the majority of users that are already signed in.
Unfortunately, when I run the tests on Lambdatest, Facebook won´t let me sign-in and tells me that I am misusing their services by going too fast :D
For now I am left by running tests locally.

How does OAuth2 access grant redirect flow work in in-app web view?

We have a Flutter app with Google login feature. In order it to work, we need to send the access grant code to the backend service. In SPA workflow, that could easily be done by setting redirect_uri. But in mobile, we cannot do that as it is the app itself (not a website) that user needs to return. Is there any way that we can set a redirect_uri that will redirect user to app itself? (from in-app web view) Of course, I should also be able to grab the grant code from the query parameters.
Also an example would be great if it is possible to create such a redirect_uri.
A workaround is to point the redirect_uri to a standard webpage hosted by you, and that webpage uses javascript to open the app.
How to open app from webpage: Lots of ways, such as How to open flutter application from url?
Of course, I should also be able to grab the grant code from the query parameters.
You can find plenty of tutorials about how to do that, since in the approach above, redirect_uri points to a very normal webpage.

Ionic App, silent Authentication or refresh token to allow user stay signed in

I just created a new Ionic app and using Auth0 for user login and registrations. I have .net core backend.
I am following the Ionic quick start guide and everything is working ok. I use new Universal login.
The issue I have is users get logged out after the access_token has expired. I previously used Silent Authentication and refresh tokens in two different apps, however I am unable to find a sample code like quick start guide for either. I have an angular website too. Hence my users can either use mobile app or Angular website to login. I would appreciate any help to keep my users loggedin, in both website and ionic mobile app please.
Many thanks
Last I checked, Auth0 doesn't have many samples for acquiring refresh tokens from application frontends, which is typically what I would consider ionic/angular to be used for. Obviously, you could be building a "native" style application with either of those, but frontend auth is sometimes a little messy and insecure because the client has your code and you usually need to implement some kind of middleware.
It looks like the ionic quickstart uses auth0-js which defaults to an implicit flow, which would confirm my hunch above.
I personally pass the refresh token logic off to my backend, and let the backend function as my "middleware". You can find some basic code samples for backends/native apps here. I use the code-grant flow typically, but you could use PKCS.
The long and short is, I don't think you're going to find sample code on that, but you could hack something together with something like axios if you wanted to go the middleware route, or you could go backend with your auth.

JavaScript SDK auto log me in

I am trying to see if something is possible.
If I am updating my website to act as a proxy for me and want to know if there is any way to access myself via Open Graph when someone comes to my site without having me needing to literally log myself in?
I was only hoping to leverage the JavaScript SDK; not looking to have a back-end if possible.
You could embed an access token in your javascript code but this is pretty unsafe because other users could look at your source code and use this token themselves. A much safer way would be to do this with server back-end code.

How to implement a login page in a GWT app?

My WebApp needs to authenticate user before allowing any sort of access. The scenario I'm trying to implement is a login page with username and password fields. Once user hits "send" button, a sign like "Verifing..." should be shown up while an RPC call verifies credentials. In case of success, load the main app screen.
What is the best way to implement that?
Have you looked at this page ?
It describes how to do the following:
Create a 'login' page that is based
on user/password authentication.
Store this data in a secure fashion
on your server.
Allow users to 'remain logged in' for
as long as you want so they don't
have to enter their user name and
password every time.
Make 'auto-complete' features of most
modern browsers work with your GWT's
login page. Discussion on adding more
security with either HTTPS or fancy
hashing algorithm.
I'm not sure how well secure your application has to be... but I would suggest leaving that piece of work to spring security.
You could make a regular login.html page which would, upon successful login, redirect user to the "real" gwt app.
Check out this article:
Not tailored directly for GWT (can still integrate with it), this is a great tutorial for implementing a secure login system.